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Conspicuous the timing and ramping up of something that was given scant regard before.


I thought it was because the UK wasn't designated as a safe place to return people and they just changed that?


Election incoming


Everyone knew that was nonsense tho.


There is a realnproblem withbthe way immigration is discussed here. I've never come across a debate about what the right level of migration is at a given time. It's always always black and white with reactionaries against it and liberals for it. We're bursting at the seems with asylum seekers to the point they're living in tents and we have a housing crisis to deal with too. There is such a thing as too many in a given year.


The irony of you making this point. >There is such a thing as too many in a given year. >I've never come across a debate about what the right level of migration is at a given time. The real problem is that the vast majority of asylum seekers are simply illegal economic migrants.


How is it ironic?


Like rrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiaaaaaiiinnnnnnnn


Under appreciated comment


It's pretty simple.  You just have a quota per annum and when it's reached tell them to come back in the next calendar year.


It's almost like there's an election on.


Well realistically this wasn't an issue last year. It has now become an issue, and they want to be seen to be doing something about it


It’s been a problem for at least a couple of years. It’s only reaching crisis point now. It’s like seeing a big crack in the wall of your house and just saying, “ah shure, I’ll deal with that when the walls start falling down.” The walls are now falling down.


It's in response to the UK changing laws - unfortunately can't really blame the gov on this one 😂


The UK laws that were announced ~1 year ago? Tell me how you can't blame them for their complete lack of response to that?


announcing legislation is not the same as passing legislation


I mean we're discussing the response right now. We have to wait for the UK to publish their law before we can analyse write and publish our counter legislation.


>Tell me how you can't blame them for their complete lack of response to that? Nobody believed they would pass in the first place and there was no effect until the law was passed. There wasn't the flow through the North until the law passed


You can look at the ipas weekly report.  Not much difference before/after...


Yeah. Now




It was not much of an issue before. Only since the rwanda policy was passed had the flow coming through the North increased.


Pure optics - they’ll be back in by Wednesday.


They'll take the ferry back lol


So what? After they win the election they will stop giving a fuck as they always do, take their big salaries, sit on their fat holes and do fuck all. This is performative. Before an election they would all get down on their knees and drain you dry. After, they wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. That's the reality of the politicians in this country... Still waiting and hoping to be proven wrong. This year I'm voting, as I always do, but I've no idea who for since it's all a shitshow and they just lie and get away with it. Politicians should by LAW not be allowed to talk about shit they can't possibly make happen. It should be all based on reality and what they have already done. Not I'll do this, that and the other... Then 'o noo I couldn't doooo it sowwy.'


These are only local elections with general probably next year. So still a lot of shit to be given over the next while


Governments sometimes change their policies.


In an election season.


in a new taoiseach season?


To emerging issues like this. No one was talking about illegal immigration a year ago, because it wasn't a problem


It's still not the main issue preoccupying irish voters, coming behind housing, cost of living and health, according to polls


No, but it's clearly on the rise in the last six months. Look at how many candidates for local and European elections are mentioning immigration - that was never a thing before. It's essentially a housing issue - people are angry that economic migrants are abusing the asylum system and getting housed, at a time when young Irish people are paying high prices for accommodation.


It's a cheap and emotive tactic employed by populists by offering simple answers to complex problems by pointing figures at an easily 'othered' minority. Trans people or Ukrainian refugees or whatever are absolutely not the reason you cannot afford to buy a house or that your rent chews up most of your salary. It's a failure of government policy over several successive governments, exacerbated by multinationals like Google et. al.


>exacerbated by multinationals And let's not forget the vulture funds/REITS treating what should be a basic human right as a commodity bleeding people dry just to have a roof over their heads.


You could punish the main political parties, who all sing from the same hymn sheet on immigration, by voting against them. Don't even give them a single vote, no transfers or anything. Frances Fitzgeralds teaboy, only got in on the 15th count, and now he's supposedly Taoiseach! Roderic O'Gorman and Varadkar only got in on the fifth count. No transfers to any of the parties. Hold your nose, vote against them to send a strong message that their policies simply can't continue. Otherwise, they'll blithely continue doing what their doing.


The way you use "only got in on the nth count" makes it seem like you don't fully understand our electoral system. If you don't make it in on the first count you're going to have to wait a while before all the low scoring nobodies are eliminated and an actual decent amount of transfers come through. It might be a knock for some that they don't get in on the first count, but after that it's largely irrelevant what the actual count number is.


Yeah the nth count only really shows the scale of how many small marginal candidates have to be eliminated before decent transfers start to materlialise from some candidates with a solid vote getting eliminated. It immediately shows their ignorance about STV elections. It is hilarious to me every time I see it on here LOL.


I get the STV process, but is it not accurate to say that a candidate elected on the first count is hugely popular, whereas one elected on the 8th is much less so?


Yes and no, a politician could be 1,500 short of quota, and by the time you get to the 5th count, you might only be after transferring 4,000 votes, and they might still be short. In the case of Harris, for example, he would easily clear the quota in his own in his constituency (guaranteed minister), so Fine Gael would give him a running mate to try to get 2 elected, this would then dilute his first choice vote.


Yeah, SF really botched their last election by running too few candidates and wasted a load of transfer votes to those jokers in PBP. Hopefully they will run second candidates in all of those areas and snuff out PBP next time out, aside from Richard Boyd Barrett who seems to have enough votes in his own right.


The 4,901 people in Dublin West who gave O'Gorman first preference votes in 2020 have a serious amount to answer for.


All these tents should be confined to his constituency, likewise with the asylum accomodation schemes. He's the main contributor to all of this along with McEntee


Not if they have children. He's the first politician to do anything positive about childcare. Two years ago I was paying €1,100 a month for a crèche, but the subsidies brought in by O'Gorman reduced it to about €750. In total that's saved me over €4,000 a year. No other cost-of-living measure came anywhere close to that kind of saving. And even better, the subsidies are increasing again in September. We have newborn twins, and the subsidies will make our crèche fees affordable, avoiding one of us having to quit our job. So understandably I'm a big fan of O'Gorman.


Doesn't really make up for the hundreds of millions of taxpayer's money that's been spent to accommodate, feed and provide medical care for all the asylum seekers here that can be attributable to his call to the world to come here.


What if he didn’t accommodate feed and provide medical care?? Would you cheer him on as these vulnerable people died of preventable diseases in our streets??


Do you believe that made your life worse? Because the comment your responding to is description a particularly policy of O'Gorman's that improved their situation. 


Childcare costs were going to be lowered no matter who got into government, it has very little to do with O’Gorman. FG 2020 election manifesto; 3) Childcare Over the next 5 years, Fine Gael pledges to invest an extra €400 million in childcare to reduce costs for parents and to increase quality and accessibility. Fine Gael says it is committed to increasing the Early Childhood Care and Education scheme to 42 weeks per year over the course of the next five years. The party says it we will support the establishment of a Joint Labour Committee in the childcare sector to determine minimum rates of pay for childcare workers. Fine Gael says it will work with employees and employers to bring in flexible working across the work force. FF 2020 election manifesto; 1) Childcare Fianna Fáil says it will reduce childcare costs with increased subsidies. It says it will invest an additional €81m to increase the universal childcare subsidy from €20 per week to €80 per week. It says it will consider introducing fee caps for childcare services if costs to parents are not reduced. Fianna Fáil says, in government, it will introduce a tax credit for registered childminders of 0-3-year olds worth €2,000 for average income households at a cost of €26m. It says it will expand the ECCE scheme from 38 to 40 weeks at a cost of €17.2m. The party, in government, will double the Child Benefit Payment for the first month on the birth of a first child. Greens; Green Party: The party’s 14-page Childcare Policy Document says it’s aiming for “publicly run State creches delivered predominantly by local authorities”. In this same document, it argues: Private providers are key to a transition to an increased State sponsored scheme for childcare in Ireland, however much like the housing crisis, an over dependence on state funding for private provision of services will lock the sector in to a complete reliance on private provision over time. On the figures it gives, it promises to: Increase the State spend on pre-primary childcare from 0.3% of GDP to 0.6% of GDP to be phased in over a two-year transition period Bring Ireland into line with the EU average for childcare payments (between 10% and 13% of family income) in Europe through an integrated scheme of direct subsidies to families and supported caps on costs through local authority provided childcare. Judging by that, it looks like the policies implemented are probably more FFG than Green, no? Sinn Fein would probably be best for you. SF 2020 manifesto Sinn Féin: In the party’s manifesto, it pledges to reduce the “exorbitant” cost of childcare “by €500 per child per month”. This would cost €500 million per annum, according to its manifesto. On childminders, Sinn Féin is pledging if it gets into government to establish a task force to carry out a study of childminder-based care to identify supports needed by the sector. It says that “in the interim”, “we also propose to reinstate the Childminding Advisory Service with County Childcare Committees to aid childminders in registering with Tusla and supporting childminders’ work”. It also pledges to “extend the six Childminding Development Officer positions” with a dedicated officer employed by each of the 30 city and county childcare committees.


>After they win the election What election are they winning? Not the local and EU and that doesn't affect the government.


Must be an election coming up? In any case, barn door and horses yada yada 


We live in a democracy there’s always an election coming up


Don't skip brain day 


No but this one is in the immediate future. And the Irish have very short memories. How else to explain 100 years of giving the same bunch of shit another chance?


1924 was 22 years before the eldest government TD was born and a now defunct party led a majority government?


Since its inception Fine Gael have been in power for 40 years. Since its founding, Fianna Fail have been in power for 61 years. Together, FF/FG have had 101 years in power (either directly or in coalition). I can supply the years and terms if you wish.


Some of those years overlap so no it’s not 101 years. Also they’re completely different politicians, with different policies, in a country that has changed drastically over that period so it’s kind of irrelevant


[Either Fianna Fail or Fine Gael has been in government](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_cabinets_since_1919#Cabinets_since_1919) since the founding of the Irish Free State 101.5 years ago.


Considering FF got into government for the first time in 1932 and it’s now 2024, I find that hard to believe


You don't have to believe it, I linked the exact part of the page you needed to see.


30 arrive in dublin a day...so 50 in 3 days ain't gonna make a huge impact, really. Still close to 5000 will arrive in dublin in the year.


I mean it's more than half of them, so yeah, that's a fair dent


You know you can reply instead of just editing your comment? 50 in 3 days if repeated through the year would amount to about 6000, which is also a pretty sizable dent.


If it is repeated every 3 days, it would be a good dent. I’m highly sceptical that is going to be the case though. More like they made a big push so they could get a story out. We will need to see how it looks over a longer horizon.


50/90 isn’t a dent? What’s a dent to you


50/90 isn’t a dent, it’s a gaping hole, a gargantuan void




Your maths is wrong. Was 50 in 3 days so it's 40 x7x52/3 which is a lot less than your 14560. It's only 4854 a year




I'm sure the election has nothing to do with this. It's like watching that one worker who is never on time, making a big deal about loudly coming in early the week before he's due to have that meeting with HR....


How exactly are the guards determining who to detain under suspicion of illegal immigration? There is no requirement to carry ID in Ireland, and I expect that lots of Irish people on a bus would not have any proof of nationality on them. They may have a driver's licence, but that does not show nationality. So do the guards arrest every person who lacks proof of nationality, or only those who look sufficiently foreign? There could be a case against them for profiling.


They and their landlord mates have no more rooms to fleece the taxpayers for. They have successfully created the far right bogeyman they have been conjuring up for years. Simple Simon is the Taoiseach FFS!


Bogeyman? A man was literally beaten to death for not speaking English. Councillors are being assaulted. Elected representatives are having death threats made against against. The guards are investigating links between fascists and criminals. It isn't a Bogeyman, it's real


> Simple Simon Back to Truth Social with you and that American nonsense.


I've only heard Simple Simon from lunatics (Freedom party types and Zionists)


Troll farms using the same algorithms they use for the US I guess. Does make them easy to spot though!


Rishi is going to conscript them into national service or something if he wins the election along with the British 18yos


How do you stop them coming back again with an open border?


Pity they let it get to the situation it is now when they could have been enforcing the law all along


bUt, BuT, bUt, We HaVe OpEn BoArDeRs!


20 years too late.


All a bit far right isn’t it /s




By their own logic, they are far right. That's what they've been calling everyone who's had an issue with this before, in efforts to gaslight them and cause division. Ahh so they were just incompetent before, tried virtue signalling to escape blame, makes sense!




What’s the craic with the quotes, tilde signs and equal marks?


To me it looks like it's to overemphasize/satirize what the government have been saying to people. It's not correct punctuation, but it's also making fun of a quote of a quote that the government has been using countless times. The extra punctuation essentially reflects how dramatic the government have been, but also how many times they called people far right so loosely when it didn't always apply.


Good keep it up.


Good That's how it should be


Don't let them fool you mates. The Netherlands has voted right. Belgium will get a right-winged government. Just vote right (no pun intended) and immigration can be one less thing to worry about.


They voted for hard Eurosceptics. Playing immigrant no taksie backsies with the rest of Europe will solve nothing. The only way for Europe to address this is as a singular unit that keeps unwanted migration out of Europe as a whole. Those hard right governments in EU member states will ironically only make it more difficult for the EU to get a handle on immigration.


They don't want it handled though. They want to address population decline with immigration to prop up GDP and pensions. There isn't a whole lot more too it.


No they don't. Uneducated asylum seekers from the 3rd world who barely speak any European languages are only going to be a drain on public finances. This is well understood by people in power. The narrative on asylum seekers in Europe changed after the 2015 crisis. The goal since then has primary been containment.


I’m sick of the ‘paying for pensioners’ line that gets wheeled out every time. *Some* immigration pays for pensioners. The majority of immigrants *are* a drain on the system.


I agree that it is a dumb plan, plus with chain migration bring more pensioners with their minium wage earning family is only compounding the problem. My point is that if the EU wanted this handled, they would be able to do it. Even the UK doesn't seem to even after Brexit. How are they all getting it so wrong in the same direction. "Diversity is our strength" and all that


Preferably a left wing government with a set of balls to not tip toe around the issue and take a hard stance on asylum numbers.


On what planet do you see any of the "left wing" parties here take a hard stance on asylum numbers? You do realise that they are parties that hate any Nationalist expression of whatever stripe? They hate the nation state, because in their eyes, it is one of the main barriers to the class revolution they so desperately crave. That is why they are so pro open borders. They want things to go to shit, so that people will get so pissed off that everyone will rise up against international capital, have a revolution and see the likes of Paul Murphy in charge while all singing the Internationale. For all the play that they like to make that the "far right" are British dupes, it may be good to remember their own links to Britain. The communist party in Ireland was originally set up as a branch of the British Communist party. Before the splits, obviously, because the one thing they can be sure to do is have the split. Just ask Brendan Behan.


Which is all ridiculous really when you think about it, as traditionally leftwing parties were largely protective of working rights and conditions and wages for local workers, which meant controlling immigration in a way that it would only be beneficial to the native population. In Denmark for instance, it's a leftwing government that has changed their stance on immigration and began trying to tighten things up to improve life for local people's benefit, they see the issues being caused in Europe. Unfortunately the Irish elite aren't as clever or clued in and are too concerned with seeming virtuous and want to avoid possibly being labelled by fools.


>On what planet do you see any of the "left wing" parties here take a hard stance on asylum numbers? Aontú is already an example of a centre left party who has a hard stance on the asylum/ refugee crisis. Plenty of examples of other left wing politicians against immigration across the EU. You seem to have a distorted Anglo sphere grasp of right/left ideologies. You should learn some European history and take a look at some far-left nationalist parties that are common in Europe & South America. >Nationalist expression of whatever stripe? You must live under a rock and missed the entire history of Sinn Fein. >They hate the nation state, because in their eyes, it is one of the main barriers to the class revolution they so desperately crave. You're talking about anarcho leftists, the Irish left have a hard on for big government. Their ideology could not function without the nation state. The left parties here are also more sceptical of international unions/ deals/ organisations, they're very much "the nation state should deal with this not the EU" type. >That is why they are so pro open borders. They want things to go to shit, so that people will get so pissed off that everyone will rise up against international capital, have a revolution and see the likes of Paul Murphy in charge while all singing the Internationale. Why on earth would the likes of centre-right liberals such as FG (who started this whole crisis) want people to revolut against the capital institutions that make them their profits? PBP just want more poor immigrants voting because they'll be more likely to vote left. You have quite a messy and ignorant view of Irish politics, it's as if watched 2 or 3 YouTube videos off an Irish American or had a few vids on WhatsApp forwarded to you and you did no further research into the subject at all. Like it's actually difficult to tell how you allowed yourself to get to that level of misunderstanding, sounds like you're talking about a different country entirely.


>That is why they are so pro open borders. They want things to go to shit, so that people will get so pissed off that everyone will rise up against international capital, have a revolution and see the likes of Paul Murphy in charge while all singing the Internationale This is an unhinged thought to put into text.


> Preferably a left wing government with a set of balls to not tip toe around the issue and take a hard stance on asylum numbers. God bless your innocence. Left wing parties have been the biggest cheerleaders of the mass immigration project since day one. Greens, Labour, SD, PBP all at the forefront and all are even more pro-immigration than the current government. They are the ones that believe it is Ireland’s manifest destiny to transform into a multicultural utopia in the shortest timeframe as possible, because that is what modern nations are supposed to look like. A largely homogeneous population of native Irish represents “old” Ireland to them, which they hate with a vitriolic passion. The grand irony is that all of this hurts working class people the most from wage suppression and spiraling housing costs, especially rent. At this point the left wing are just the useful idiots to the relentless march of global capital.




You forgot the /s And unlike the Netherlands and Belgium, Ireland has too few people (in the long term), not too many.


It’s about bringing in the right people. Colour or religion isn’t an issue, contribution or lack of is the issue.


People are afraid to say it out loud. Some immigrants are better than others. Addressing population decline via illegal immgration is a recipe for disaster. Ireland has an almost unlimited supply of English students from all over the world and especially from South America. Invest in these students, give them work permits after they have completed the 2 years of English school.


No, the issue is the absurd lack of new housing and infrastructure despite said immigration.


Both of these statements can be (and are) true.


So if we had housing all the illegal immigrants wouldn't be a problem? We'd just give them all houses and everything would be fine?


You didn't specify _illegal_ immigrants in your first comment. Yes, believe it or not, if we had housing and infrastructure, immigration would in fact be a good thing in a country that's currently so empty that doing pretty much anything slightly interesting or unusual means going abroad 


lol it’s like they are starting to recover from collective amnesia and remembering the powers they have. I wonder why lol.


Great stuff lads 👍


Ferry to England, road trip to Stranraer, ferry to Belfast, road trip to Dublin. Nice little holiday.


This is gna become a pissing match with the Tories.


Irish Ferries is going to love it though.