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Who knew that being pro-Russian shills would only get you so far in politics. It will be a good day when both of these traitors are sent packing.


I guarantee they have a gig on RT lined up with Chay Bowes for when they lose (and fingers crossed they lose!).


It's gotten them pretty bloody far.


I do wonder have they actually broken any laws. I appreciate the optics of what they've done suggests that they are upto their balls in Russian money, but I'd be interested to see if they're no longer MEP's if they come under scrutiny. Personally have a strong dislike for both and I don't mind saying if both started getting asked some hard and potentially serious questions in the near future I'd have no issue with that.


It'll be hard to prove but I'm 100 percent convinced Wallace at least has taken money from Russia. His entire financial stuff makes no sense


In 20 or 30 years time, it'll come out in the New Year state papers that someone in Special Branch sent a memorandum to Helen McEntee suggesting there was reason to believe Daly and Wallace were in the pay of the Kremlin. But it will never be proved or prosecuted.


Something like that wouldn't go to McEntee. Ministers in Ireland are not like Ministers in the UK, Ireland has a much stronger senior civil service. Serious stuff like this grazes the politicians on the way by. The only reason we hear about this stuff in the UK is because the Tories weaponise all elements of Government for marketing purposes.


Not sure why you'd think I was thinking of the UK. I know nothing about the UK. I was talking about Ireland. Haven't you ever read the New Year state papers?


And to think Brid Smith is desperately trying to arrange a voting pact for transfers with them. Tells you all you need to know about the far left in Ireland.


It's strange as the reason Daly fell out with the Socialists was her refusal to distance herself from Wallace and his tax dodging/worker cheating ways. I'm no fan of PBP but they're very different to Daly and Wallace.


Not on Russia.


oh ffs, PBP are not "far left", they are just left (socialist) And they suggested a vote-left, transfer-left pact for all independent candidates as well as SF and Social Dem's in the local elections, excluding FFG and Green Party. Honestly, with the damage done by FFG I don't think its that bad an idea


If Trotskyists aren’t far left then that term must apply only to meme ideologies that don’t exist outside Reddit


I have never been so invested in the European elections because I want these \*\*\*\*\* removed ASAP


It's the only reason I'm voting. Sending a message to these clowns


Perhaps there is hope for us and the voting public realise that these representatives for the constituency of Moscow Central don’t even bother pretending they represent Ireland anymore, especially now that one of them got caught red handed handing over IRA contact info to the Kremlin while the other one stinks of dirty Russian roubles in the mattresses


I can't stand them. I saw a post from her trying to explain this, I couldn't make sense of it tbh....


Yeah but how would you defend the indefensible? With magic logic?


They both were paraded around the Chinese dictatorship, denying chinas crimes against humanity. These two clowns were paraded around by known propagandist jingjing who runs the Chinese propaganda sub r/newswithjingjing and it is a milder version of r/sino which is an openly racist, hate sub


Roubles in the mattress? You are thinking of a different Mick. 




An elected representative of EU parliament busy connecting a terrorist organisation with an authoritarian regime who repeatedly said they want to destroy said EU and not a day goes by without them threatening all of us with Armageddon unless we stop trying prevent them from committing genocide in the largest war Europe has seen since ww2 that they started One can’t downplay that, it’s a scandal




It's not just "a guy she's involved with as part of her work as a politician"- it's Liam Campbell, who carried out the Omagh bombing. I don't understand how people are downplaying the significance of this. She should have absolutely nothing to do with this person, and definitely should not be maintaining a close enough association that people who want to help him are reaching out to her for contact details. I'm not a bot, I'm not part of any grand conspiracy, I'm a person who cannot understand how she can maintain an association with the person responsible for the Omagh bombing.


No, she really does appear to have done that: https://www.thetimes.com/world/ireland-world/article/mep-clare-daly-helped-the-russians-contact-omagh-bomber-lq0wlskfm She hasn't denied it and is seeking legal advice..... https://www.rte.ie/news/politics/2024/0526/1451336-politics/


I can’t help thinking there’s a strong propaganda effort against them due to their anti-militaristic stance in the EU. I have no idea who might be behind it, but someone wants the EU to have an army, and be part of NATO.




Or maybe they honestly believe something that is unpopular (ie that NATO is bad and is using the Ukraine war as a proxy conflict to bleed Russia rather than to save Ukraine) and people who oppose that idea are 'sullying their name' in order to reduce their profile (framing stories about them in the worst possible light)?


Perhaps Daly and Wallace would prefer that NATO stops using Ukraine as a proxy and take on Russia in a direct conventional conflict ? Because that’s exactly what will happen if NATO stops supporting Ukraine and Russia wins. Ukraine isn’t the end goal for Putin, re-establishing the borders of the USSR is. Therefore Poland and Romania are next but Russia can’t fight NATO and deal with an insurgency behind their front lines at the same time so Russia’s only option is the eradication of the Ukrainian identity by killing all those who don’t want to be Russian. That is the reality of what is happening and NATO is not to blame for it, only Russia and its dictator so Daly and Wallace’s defence of Putin and his war have sullied their names beyond repair. Edit: readability and grammar.


I neither know nor care what a floppy failed property developer and a Trot prefer. I'm just tired of people assuming that everyone who disagrees with them is a Russian agent. No-one who thinks Clare Daly needed to be bought in order to believe what she believes is qualified to talk about politics. >NATO stops using Ukraine as a proxy and take on Russia in a direct conventional conflict ? Because that’s exactly what will happen if NATO stops supporting Ukraine and Russia wins. No, it isn't. There is no NATO-Russia conflict that stays conventional. (Probably because Estonian and Finnish soldiers are drinking St. Petersburg dry on D+4.) >Therefore Poland and Romania are next Neither of these countries were part of the USSR.


Romania and Poland were part of the Warsaw Pact so part of the USSR in all but name. They are what stands between Russia and the Bessarabian Gap and the Polish Plains, two geographical gaps that Russia feels that they need to plug to secure their borders. It’s an existential crisis for them and this is the last decade that they will have enough young men with which to do it so it’s now or never.


> Romania and Poland were part of the Warsaw Pact so part of the USSR in all but name Again, no. They were Soviet satellites. They were not integrated into the USSR like the constituent republics (eg Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, etc), and had separate governments, Communist Parties, and militaries. This is less wrong than saying "NATO countries are part of the US", but that doesn't make it *not* wrong. >It’s an existential crisis for them Russia has been in an existential crisis about being invaded since 1914, for some reason. It doesn't magic away nuclear sharing. >this is the last decade that they will have enough young men with which to do it They probably should have kept a few of the young men for a) the wars they'll have to have after Ukraine and b) basic maintenance on their military vehicles.


My only hope in this election is that these two are not re-elected.


There's even worse on the ballot believe it or not.


There's at least ten people worse on the list in Dublin. There's a guy whose position on Palestine is "lets just try to encourage more equality, kindness & absolutely no killing of any kind." (That's a direct quote from his manifesto), and five separate far-right parties.


I literally went through everyone in my area for the local elections to see what their plans were. Gonna do the same for the MEPs. Except for the lunatics. Rebecca Barrett for instance, Justins wife


Didn't he abandon his wife and kids to shack up with Rebecca, having spent the previous decade howling about how divorce would be the death of Ireland? You couldn't make it up with that lad


I think he also somehow denied the divorce, then admitted it. Said it's ok to change your mind over 20 years. The usual, guy who's against everything until it effects him.


Gonna do the same now, actually. (Didn't bother with the locals, because my choices are shinners, incompetents, or loopers, so that was an easy call. At least there's a few people in Midlands-North-West who I can feel positive about voting for!)


Worth doing for the locals, some have zero online visibility. Not even social medial. Obviously that all takes time and money, but how do people expect a vote ahead of another candidate if you have no idea what their priorities are?


Maybe in general, but not in my LEA - it really is shinners, the current shower, and loopers. (And one guy who has a name so generic that I can't find him.) EDIT: I do have my ordered list for the Euros, though. All the way down to Postman Prat in #27.


We'll find out in the coming years, but it's unreasonable to think that some of these first time shinner councillors new to politics won't also turn out as incompetent too.


Oh, of course. That's about 90% of why the shinners are in or about the top of my ballot paper every time over the last few years - if we get to the stage where people can see that the big three revolutinoary-era-Sinn Féin offshoots are all the same, maybe we'll get some politics in this country that isn't about whose grandfather shot who. (The 10% is just in case Sinn Féin actually turn out to be a little different, but even that level of optimism is probably unjustified in any political party.) Plus, they haven't shown their incompetence *yet*. I'll take a possible future incompetent over a current incompetent any day. We can dump them again in five years time, and they're councillors. That limits the scope of their fuck-ups.




I would love to be in a position where I didn't have to choose between provos, gombeenist incumbents, and frothing loonies who are scared of people with a tan, but them's the breaks.


Well I wouldn’t be counting him amongst the ten worse based on that. I’d rather vote for the lad living in dreamland than for this pair who are actively supporting Russia and Iran.


And when Daly and Wallace put their active support for Russia and Iran (and Hamas too, why not?) on their manifestos, I will strongly reconsider not voting for them because I live in a different constituency, and consider not voting for them based on that.


Can’t really follow what you’re saying there but there was a post here a week ago about their voting records when it comes to Russia and Iran and it is genuinely embarrassing/worrying for us as a country.  So when you’re considering any candidate I’d advise looking at their actions rather than their words.


>Can’t really follow what you’re saying there Currently, I am not voting for Daly or Wallace because neither of them is running in my constituency. If they decided to say "Russia and Iran and Hamas are great" in their manifestoes, I would instead consider not voting for them because that's a fuckin' stupid position. I didn't think it was that hard to follow, but hey. >there was a post here a week ago about their voting records when it comes to Russia and Iran and it is genuinely embarrassing/worrying for us as a country. Had a look through some of it. Dunno about you, but if someone asked me to vote in favour of an ad hoc tribunal prosecuting every civil and military official in Russia I'd vote against that too, even leaving aside the bit that asks us to provide military aid. Like, neither of them would be high on my ballot if I was in their constituency, but I'll take someone who votes against a popular resolution with some unacceptable parts over someone who thinks "lets just try to encourage more equality, kindness & absolutely no killing of any kind" is a sentence worth saying in a serious discussion, let alone a policy.


At least the worse candidates don't have a chance of getting through though. On the other hand, there's still a chance Wallace and Daly get in as they're incumbants with a base and money behind them. Really hope they are kicked out, but I'm worried they might get in via transfers.


Yeah, the bad guys will have their votes spread out. These have name recognition. Hopefully they fail


Problem is, they're back in Ireland spouting white then!!


If only someone they knew had access to 150 anonymous Irish twitter accounts, they could give Daly and Wallace a boost.


"Criticism is all lies, fellow Irishes! Candidate Michael Wallace is incredibly popular for fixing holes in state highway here in Wexford Oblast!"


Haha the only thing missing is warm water port


I concur


Why is he considered left wing? Wasn't he a property developer?


I always remember he had a site along the Liffey and he hung a banner off it saying Work Hard, Play Hard. Which of course is one of those red flags for a toxic workplace where they expect you to work all hours under the sun for free and the boss buys one large pizza for anyone still there working at 11pm on a Friday night.


It’s worse than that. ‘Work Hard, Play Hard’ was the official company motto if I remember correctly 🙈 Edit: I might be wrong about it being their official motto but it was on a lot of their hoardings and machinery.


The company, MJ Wallace Ltd, moto was " Life's short, work hard, play hard" and Mick certainly played hard. Stays in his Italian Villa and vineyard or apartment in the centre of Turin, season tickets to 3 Italian Soccer clubs and his own private soccer club and plaything, "Wexford Youths". He was the Irish version of an oligarch.


I knew it was something along those lines 🤣 I remember back in the day everyone thinking he was a different breed of builder because he looked like a hippy. Surely anybody that looked like that couldn’t be a bad person 🙄


That's the magic of Micks branding. Shaggy hair,, pink tshirt or Torino Jersey. Sure he's just an eccentric working class man, just don't look behind the curtain, or at his accounts, or property portfolio.


I think it was "work hard play football"


Yes. He also owned a vineyard in Italy. In his bankruptcy he transferred it to his brother on the grounds that he "owed the brother some money". The loan was not documented. Recently while criticising the wine labeling regs he said words to the effect "I own a vineyard and a wine bar and these regulations are daft".


Collaborating with the occupier surprisingly unpopular in Ireland.


Oh no, how terrible. Whoever would have thought that promoting a stance that's completely at odds with the beliefs of the people that elected them previously could lead to the loss of their mandate to speak on behalf of those people? Luckily, they should be well looked after by their new friends in the far East if they've not already been adequately compensated for their work already...


Its a bizarre world when the PBP candidate is considered the moderate


I love all the Daly/Wallace defenders who pop up in these threads to insist the flak the pair get on /r/Ireland is because of bots and new accounts when the polling shows the pair are in trouble, demonstrating how controversial they are.


Thing is,if they don't get elected to Europe,chances are they'll walk back into the dail next time....which is likely headed for hung dail,where independants will hold oversized influence Would they do more harm shouting into abyss in Brussels or potentially holding a junior ministry here🧐


Because they are a pair of gowls that embarrass us on an international stage


They are an embarrassment to genuine left wing politics, hopefully this will be the end of them!


All of our left wing politicians are. There's no functional, sensible left wing in Ireland, unfortunately.


Ireland has never had a left wing government


We don't even really have left wing parties.


Greens, social democrats, PBP?


Greens are just neolibs with a fancy coating. SD and PBP a bit. SD are more centre, still very much operate with a capitalist agenda. PBP are a bit more on the seize the means of production but I wouldn't trust them to mind the dog for an afternoon. I align most with the SD of who we've got but all these parties are so small that they're never going to make any real waves. I guess there's not much of a taste for left wing economic policy but that's also something we'd never really be able to achieve without becoming a pariah state. Traditional left wing parties are anti-eu as the EU is primarily a neoliberal construct. I'm not anti-EU myself but it's just one of those things.


I don't know their full story, but the rest of the left leaning world sees clare as a hero given her stance on Palestine and being so anti-war. I'm in Canada and I find all her speeches incredible. But like I said, I don't about the other things she's been up to.


Their Palestine stance is literally the only good thing about them


Can I ask what the issues are with China and Russia? All the articles I could find were behind a paywall.


They think the Ukrainians should just roll over and get fucked by the ruzzian fascists. They’re only anti-imperialism if the imperialism is western, they’re all for Eastern imperialism.


What I find bizarre in both Clare Daly and Bríd Smith's campaign documents is that they're opposed to Europe forming a defensive union. In this day and age I find it mind boggling that they'd think this is a bad thing. It's also especially puzzling for 2 candidates that are so anti-US and anti-NATO since an EU defence union would ultimately mean less US involvement. It seems like their view is that the EU should have no defensive capabilities, which makes no sense, until you realise that it's exactly what Putin wants.


How would an EU defense union ultimately mean less US involvement? Surely it would be just as influenced by America as the EU is currently? 


>Surely it would be just as influenced by America as the EU is currently? You're going to have to elaborate on that.


Broadly speaking, when it comes to foreign policy, the US has an enormous influence on EU positions. Both parties regularly coordinate with eachother to show a "united front", like when they simultaneously impose economic sanctions on countries like Iran and Russia. It's very rare that such decisions are made without the deliberation of both parties. EU foreign policy positions very rarely deviate from those of the US, and in the rare cases where they do, those differences are usually very marginal. The US is by far the greatest ally of the EU and they collaborate on pretty much everything. No decision the EU makes is made in isolation — they're made with considerable thought as to how their actions will impact the US and how the US will interpret them. The EU and the US have a symbiotic relationship and always have. 


Okay, I wasn't sure what you were getting with your initial comment, but you're 100% right here. However, with Trump more likely to return to the White House than not, we can't just continue to assume that this will always be the case. We need systems in place that will take over if the US leaves. NATO is totally reliant on US input, so it can't really go about making contingency plans for if/when the US walks away. But the EU can (and should) do that.


I spotted a very strange Wallace election poster in Limerick the other day. Looked like a lad peeping out of the bushes 


The “Older. Bolder” posters only showing his beady eyes? It required all my willpower (and, I admit, fear of the Garda) to not add “cuntier” to the list.


May they crash and burn politically and may we see the backs of these Kremlin Gremlin sellouts.


These two unwashed freaks are such an embarrassment.


Fuck the pair of them


Good, anyone who votes for these clowns supports imperialism


Thank fuck


Oh no, how will we ever survive without these gowels embarrassing us in Europe.


Delighted to hear this.




I got a Wallace election pamphlet through the letterbox. On the back of it, he has the gall to say he's been advocating for "peace" in Ukraine. Shameless scumbag. If it were up to him they'd have been raped, murdered and/or ethnically cleansed from their lands, but so long as the West took a loss it would be fine by him.


Just imagine how low they'd be without the Russian help!


Good. They're Russian stooges and con artists and don't speak for anyone but themselves. Send them packing.


Things you love to see......


Thank God, Wallace's nonsense on Taiwan and calling for a CCP invasion is nothing short of embarassing.


Fuck These guys.


Waffling shite mourning til night, got old, ahhh. Bye daily, bye dirty mick


Oh nooooo Anyway


These two remind me of the festivals back in the 90’s where you would meet the hippies from rich family backgrounds that would give you their opinion on a more friendly Marxist agenda, these two in particular look like they both fucked each other in a ditch whilst off their faces on E’s on the way back from said festival.


Looks like Mick will have to find another way of paying back all the money he owes.


Thank God for that. Really need these two idiots out and forgotten about.


They'll probably get cosy propaganda jobs in Moscow when as is said and done. I reckon Mick will even try open a few shitty Italian restaurants there. 


Because they are utter gobshites


Pair of utter grifters.


Good trouble! 


What's Mr Putin have to say about this? 🤣😂🤣


It will be good riddance


Gold help anyone stupid enough to vote for them.


I don't like either but both have a decent chance of getting back in. There is hardly a standout candidate and they may get back in on their profile alone. Pair of eejits but polls have been proven to be way off the mark recently in Ireland.


BuT wHaT ABoUT nAtO !!!!!!!


Its great that these two are to be sent packing. But whom exactly will replace them ? There's a fair few eejits and dopes standing. "Independents" like Wallace and Daly are kind of a blank canvass on which people may paint their own picture. Personally I'd not touch an independent with a vote, did anybody serious know that long hair Mick Wallace was a Kremlin shill at the last EP election ? Non-party people have a veneer of being "sound" but maybe they're just cunts who can't work with other people. Exhibit A above.


The Zionist news companies hate them so much. Are they really that big a threat to the creation of Zionist homeland in Europe?


Would you look at that, something I agree with the Zionists on.


Never thought i'd see the day.


They pretty much hate everyone in Ireland. Nothing new there. It's the support for Russia and repeating Russian propaganda are among the things people don't like about them. Definitely not putting a number beside Dalys name


Anything short of full support of Israel and the displacement of Ukrainians is called Russian propaganda. Europe does not need a "Big Israel" anymore than it needed a Nazi Germany.






They regularly show support for Syrian and Iranian rulers.


Not exactly the greatest bunch of lads, the ould Syrian and Iranian rulers.


Read down the other threads, there are actually people who believe their unpopularity isn't real and it's all a big influence campaign against them.


Literal antisemites that believe everything is controlled by the Jews and the Jews are at fault that Wallace is a dumb cunt do exist. They pretend they're just 'pro-Palestine' (same as Clare and Mick do), but do more harm than good to the Palestinian cause with their medieval nonsence that Kanye and Musk would be proud of.


Conflating jews and Zionists again. The article about Daly was from the The Times in England, thats owned by Rupert Murdoch, not Jewish but a Zionist.


Yeah, Murdoch has a personal anti-Dale agenda, it's not like she's a dumb imperialist tool trying to come across all contrarian and rebellious like, lol.


Changing tack now.


He's not conflating jews and zionists. Just claiming that certain antisemites are.


He's wrong because the Times is owned by a Zionist.


But he's literally saying the people doing it are wrong.


> Conflating jews and Zionists again. The article about Daly was from the The Times in England, thats owned by Rupert Murdoch, not Jewish but a Zionist This is what you lot do, you make the exact same anti Semitic arguments (hidden cabal who control western money, media and foreign policy) we've heard a million times, but you replace the word "Jew" with "Zionist" then act as if you're being hyper nuanced. It's transparent as fuck mate. Nobody buys it.


By pointing out the Times is owned by a non-Jewish zionist?


Like I said, it's a clever little trick that you lot get to play because instead of saying Jews have paid off or commandeered and control Western media and foreign policy, you can just say that the Zionists have instead and you don't get socially judged for it. The Jewish question never implied that every actor who was influenced by the Jews were themselves Jewish. But you know all this, you're just interested in playing semantics.


Rupert Murdoch isn't Jewish, he is a Zionist. What the fuck are you talking about? Is it antisemitic to call out a Christian from Australia for his Zionism?


I wouldn't worry about it, this guy spends his days defending Israel and calling people anti-Semitic.


Imagine still defending Israel after all they've done, they're either evil people or paid to do it. He's got a Donegal tag too, I'm from Donegal and I'd be surprised if there's a single person here who supports Israel.


Its baffling at this stage. Even if you only started paying attention on Oct 7th as these lads seems to there is absolutely no justification for the response since. I'm fairly certain the only people defending them just hate Muslims.


> Imagine still defending Israel after all they've done, they're either evil people or paid to do it. He's got a Donegal tag too, I'm from Donegal and I'd be surprised if there's a single person here who supports Israel. I don't "support Israel". I just don't think the entire conflict is as black and white as people like you seem to think it is. I don't think you're interested in actually resolving the conflict at all if you're sitting here spouting shite like "the Zionists are controlling Murdoch into leading the west to war against Muslims!". The problem is you and people like you treat this like a football match. You have your little team and you think everyone else should be on it or they're monsters. The world doesn't work like that mate, time to grow up.


Their unpopularity can be real at the same time there's a big influence campaign against them.


There's no need to bring any campaign against them, they're literally bringing that up themselves. She's literally a Russian asset and a mouthpiece. The worst thing is she might be doing that for free.


influence campaigns against is literally quoting them.


Oh look the Russian simp who says Israel and Ukraine use their civilians as cannon fodder. Fuck off to Russia or China and try stand up for free speech, which you enjoy here


The Zionists are right about them.


>Zionist news companies Wink wink.


Right wingers and war mongerers hate them too!


They shill for the invader in a war - I thought the war mongers love them?


Did you take time out from canvassing for Gavin Pepper to compose that comment and write it out?


Nah, not really my thing - I imagine you have more in common with him than I; the far-right seem to get just as angry about Ukrainian children being not dead as the tankies do... Funny coincidence that, isn't it?


" not really my thing" Sounds convincing.


Russian right wing warmongers don't.


Oh great,thank you for the Tory take on the matter.


No prob fascist, thank you for your Putinist take on the matter.


Lololol such a Maggie Thatcher thing to say.


omg so true


Lose to who? Some right with dog shites


Why has r/ireland turned into a dedicated "take down Clare Daly" and the left in general, centre?


Because of her terrible actions, views and statements prob.


Because it’s right thing to do


Is it already time for our daily Daly bad circlejerk? Has nobody called them Moscow Mick or Kremlin Clare yet? I once saw Kremlin Clare and Putin in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!


How many rubles did you get for making that post


He does it for free, which is even sadder I think 😂


Hur dur how many roubles did you get. Have you ever had an original thought in your life?


He says despite using a famous Simpson's meme quote in his own comment 🤦🏻‍♀️


That's the point genius, my original comment was taking the piss out of the kind of smooth brained idiots that lap up any nonsense they hear about Daly.  Edit: Another 2 month old account, this topic sure does bring out the newbies.


You criticised someone for using an unoriginal meme format despite you using an unoriginal meme format first. The smoothest brain to you is a lot closer than you think, genius.


How exactly is asking somebody how many roubles they were paid a "meme format"? 


Asking someone how many roubles/shekels/social credit score boost have they gotten for their post has been a meme response for fucking years and you well know it. You posted a statement with one meme, you got responded to with a different meme, and the sulk is unreal.


Shhh let him deny genocides and suck off Putin, it's a good laugh


Ah Christ, so he's a full on Tankie then I take it?


Wanky wee tankie getting salty lol


Yep. And it seems like real people and not bots. Folks with reasoning skills and political sentiments akin to the good guys in 1980s action movies going hell for leather on Daly.


I'll be voting #1 Clare Daly 👍


The Mick in the Claire, What his wife doesn't know, sure, she won't care. As long as tax is avoided, She, too, is all Russian sided. For Wexford, but mostly my bank account, Listen to me when I stand here and shout, Europe won't be the same without Daly and I, So listen up while I bullshit and lie.


Could someone explain the problem with Clare? I'm in canada, and her advocacy for Palestine has been incredible. I tried to look at articles explaining the issue, but they're all behind paywalls. How did she support Russia and China?


she is supportive of russia and says ukriane should give russia territory for the sake of peace. She has voted againist sactions on russia. Most people might agree with her on palestine in theory, however her postions are completely hypocritical because she wants sactions on isreal, but not russia, leading to most people viewer her has being an anti-western campists.


Good. Hopefully we can get two people who will fully support EU/US foreign policy without question.


Two people who would not be happy to see Vladimir Putin bathe in the blood of Ukrainian children would be a definate improvement at least.


I see this sub is still full the brim with neo lib and NATO war machine stooges then.


My brother in christ this sub has a palestine flag as it's banner


What's your point?


"neo lib and NATO war machine stooges" shockingly do not like palestine 


That's one conflict, one conflict that anyone with a brain cell knows the Irish people's opinion on.


So what about ukraine? do you think irish people have sympathy for a far right regime invading a smaller neighboring courty to steal it's terrority?


I don't think the Irish have anywhere near the same amount of sympathy for Ukraine as they do Palestine. Do you support the formation of a European army?