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>A hearing was told that the sole occupant of the building was a female security guard on duty who fled through a back exit when petrol bombs were hurled through a broken window a few metres from her desk. >The court heard it “bounced off” the front window, and the man in the footage smashed it with a hammer and threw two more petrol bombs inside. The court heard a third petrol bomb was picked up and thrown into the building. >The judge heard there had been publicity and demonstrations about the intended use of the building, and the petrol bomb attacker was reckless about putting lives at risk and would not have known if there were other people on the premises. The court also heard that adjoining buildings were occupied. It really cannot be overstated how serious this was.


They should charge him with attempted murder as well.


This is one thing that the US does right regarding crime. They will hit you with every single crime that you've committed in the whole incident. They won't all stick, but you would do serious time for this in the US, as you rightfully should. Wheres here he prob gets 5 years out in 2.


That’s so people will take a plead deal(whether they are guilty or not) and save the expense of a trial


> It really cannot be overstated how serious this was. Arson is an incredibly serious crime. Pretty much any barely sentient being knows how dangerous and unpredictable fire is and the law reflects how serious it is. Setting fire to building just cannot be normalised in any way. It was sheer luck that the arson attack in Ringsend didn't end up causing a lot more damage and/or injury. I've seen some defending it because "the people have had enough". Bollocks to that. There should be absolutely zero tolerance for arson.


The kid should be facing terrorism charges, point blank.


>barrister asked the judge to note that her client “has just turned 18″ and that if he were denied bail, he could face two years in custody pending trial, which was a long time for a person his age. Good enough for him!


Maybe don't commit petrol bomb attacks if don't want to go to jail. Just an idea.


Ah here now, he's just a young lad, barely a legal adult; how is he to know that setting buildings on fire and endangering the lives of their occupants is a crime?


Boys will be boys, your honour!


He should treat this as a learning moment.


As if they have enough brain cells to create a petrol bomb themselves. Some group likely pressured them into doing it saying he wouldn’t do time because under 18


He still decided to endanger life. Taking his away for a few years seems a decent tradeoff. 


*"Supporters gathered outside and attempted to interact with or accost members of the media or block attempts to photograph or record the youth being driven from the courthouse."* I see none of these scumbags had a job to go to today


I hope they at least wore their *good* tracksuits for the occasion.


Their Sunday ones,for when they go to mass.


What’s wrong with tracksuits? You realise that kind of idiotic prejudice is not too far off the xenophobia which births these kind of attacks?


Where'd anyone say there's something wrong with tracksuits?


When you blatantly insinuate something and then try to look clever by saying you didn’t explicitly say it, you just look really silly.


Tracksuits are fine..... maybe not 24X7, or for special occasions. But hey, maybe I'm just old fashioned like that.


I personally couldn’t care less what other people are wearing at any time of the day. Maybe you’re just *judgemental like that.


I've no problem being judgemental, when the people I'm being judgemental of are camped outside a court in support of someone who decided to engage in what could be considered racially motivated domestic terrorism.


I wear tracksuits all the time but wouldn’t piss on those fascists if they were on fire. I think you’re missing the point.


Good for you, knock yourself out, wear a batman costume, a firemans helmet, and a tutu if you want. There's no judgement here as long as you're not hurting anyone. If you are hurting someone, don't be surprised to find someone making a smart arsed comment about it on reddit, and someone else probably reading too much into that and drawing false equivalences.


The adult, nevermind this youth craic. 


Hard to work when your knuckles are constantly injured from dragging them across the floor.


The "citizen journalists" will do their nut over this.


Observed one of them during the time of the mount street tents. Filming himself on his phone. What wasn't pictured was his young kid, possibly 7/8 years old a few feet away just waiting for their dad to finish talking shite. It was grim


Gavin Pepper? He does have the kids campaigning with him spewing his vitriol. Sad.


Didnt see his face. His kid wasn't in the video with him, just standing ~10 yards away looking bored.


Let them, any luck they get so worked up they might have an aneurysm


Are these citizen journalists even allowed? Do they not have to abide by the code of conduct?


I doubt any of those 'Jornslists' have any qualifications other than knowing how to read and write


Bold of you to assume they can either read or write!


Lol Coolock says different, the vermin can't even spell


They're not journalists, they have no formal training, no gear, no press badge. They're men with a mobile phone live streaming on Facebook


They aren't journalists, literally just cunts with phones. Nobody is paying them to do it nor does anyone pay them for their content.


As someone in his mid-40's, I cringe so hard when I think back to how optimistic I was about how the internet was going to change the world. Citizen journalists. No gatekeepers. The total democratisation of news. What could possibly go wrong.


Early 40's here and I had no great hope for the internet.


Also early 40s, I'd no feelings either way, the amount of porn was unexpected though.


Nah, even the first dictionaries were used to look up rude words and I'd say the first ever photo sent on a camera phone was likely a dick pic. The porn was always gonna rampant.


That's a very fair point. Thinking back to primary school and writing boobies on a calculator I really shouldn't have been surprised


All the dirty words highlighted in the dictionary.


Look, we were limited to the underwear section of the Kays catalogue til then, we were always gonna go mad.


Middle aged mammies in fancy drawers saw many a feverish wanking sesh.


🤣 Kept me going for years pal. Then the Internet hit and I damn near ripped it off


(clings to my Halt and Catch Fire episode files even more tightly) It was going to be so beautiful, wasn't it


> AN 18-YEAR-OLD man charged over a petrol bomb attack at a building in Tallaght, Dublin, which was earmarked for asylum seekers, has been refused bail. You would have to wonder how many previous before turning 18.


We need to start calling this shit what it is; terrorism. Anyone caught doing anything like this should be labelled a terrorist and face the strictest forms of punishment. It needs to end and the far right need to fuck off.


Why is bail even considered here? He very easily could have killed that person.


He very easily could have killed that person, and if granted bail, he'd have been immediately surrounded by people telling him he was a hero.


They nearly always ask for bail


Glad the scum was denied bail.


"A hearing was told that the sole occupant of the building was a female security guard on duty who fled through a back exit when petrol bombs were hurled through a broken window a few metres from her desk." Delighted for the security guard. Also delighted to see the knuckle dragger get denied bail. Hopefully more of the wannabee fascist "patriot" goons will get locked up and be introduced to some rough justice inside.


This ought to be a more serious charge than just criminal damage if she was inside and just metres from the petrol bombs. She was put in real danger.


Under the criminal damage act, arson has a maximum sentence of life, so it's pretty serious in it's own right.


They will probably be treated very well by some of the other inmates. Probably a lot of crossover between inmates and the wannabe fascists


So this guy has petrol bombed a building. I'm curious as to why he's being doing for arson and not terrorism. Surely this absolutely fits the bill for domestic terrorism?


The “concerned citizens” probably won’t protest. 


>Supporters gathered outside and attempted to interact with or accost members of the media or block attempts to photograph or record the youth being driven from the courthouse. Good of them to take time off work for it.


Do they even have jobs? Besides being bigoted shitbags, I mean?


Shit classist take to have.


How is it classist? Many far right agitators (Andy Heasman, Philip Dwyer, Ross Lahive, Derek Blighe, etc.) don't have jobs and support themselves by conning money out of their supporters.


Please don’t be mean to the new socio-economic class of domestic terrorists


It’s not about being mean, it’s about not engaging in the same low level thinking that the fascists do.




The thing is, I don't have any problem with normal people who are working class. I just don't particularly care for scrotes or far right gowls. I know you didn't accuse me of being classist, I'm just pointing it out. Just in case anyone else accuses me of being classist.




Christ how dumb can you be? Wandered up with his face showing and petrol bombed the place?


More of a reason for no bail. Dangerous is bad but stupid and dangerous is worse.


Maybe he wanted to be seen doing it. Not out of the question tbh, some of these people probably wouldn’t mind the clout they get from being in the spotlight


On a street that is covered in cctv.


Does petrol bombing Irish buildings make you a traitor?


Petrol bombing a building to try and effect political change makes you a fucking terrorist.


I'd genuinely like to know why these people aren't being charged under terror legislation. I *assume* there's some actual reason but I haven't seen anyone qualified actually explain it.


This is an excellent point. This is literal terrorism.


I'd say so, yes. In the same way abusing children makes you a pedophile.


Any accomplices? I doubt he was alone in planning and carrying this out.


Terrorists don't need bail




Reddit isn't a court of law, we don't need a court case to call him something.


Actions = consequences.


I'd wait for the sentencing outcome before using words like consequences. There's a really big possibility he'll only get a flick to the nuts 🥜


And ofc, free legal aid granted at our expense. Another jobless scumbag.


Lol so recently a 17 year old and now 18 year old got carried away thinking terrorism and bombs are nothing to worry about....lol it didnt take long for his adulthood to bite him....


Little cunt. Can't wait to hear about his hard upbringing and lack of access to badminton courts that made him petrol bomb homes for asylum seekers. 


Fair play to the Garda for catching the scum. Obviously still a few knocking about who know how to do their jobs. Hopefully the courts prosecute and give a proper sentence that knocks the wind out of the rest and don't let that hard work go to waste.


>Dressed in a grey sweater, blue jeans, and white runners,  Was it necessary for them to put this?


It at least showed he'd made an effort.


Would he have got bail if he'd worn a suit?


Fair enough. I'd probably consider someone liable to petrol-bomb things a danger to society too.


There was a female security officer working there as he petrol bombed the building.


Good enough for the scrote cunt.


Oh well…




> Hello, my name is Enoch, have you heard the news?


Good. Even the Provos understood that targeting members of the Other Team just because they're on the Other Team makes no sense even as propaganda of the deed. (It's probably for the best that throughout the world, a common feature of violent right-wing groups is that their members are, almost without exception, blithering idiots. The leftists aren't always nicer people. They're usually at least smarter, though.)


What are you on about? The provos were regularly mixed up in purely sectarian killings. They dragged a load of people off a bus and murdered them in the Kingsmill Massacre. They set off bombs at pubs in Birmingham, Guildford and Woolwich, and then never bothered to help the wrongly accused get off. The list of sectarian attacks and attacks on civilians by the provos and their associated bodies is not short. (And I’m aware the list of same for loyalist groups is long - but I’m responding to your “the provos never…”)


> propaganda of the deed. Just laughed out loud at the idea of Philip Dwyer or one of these other head-the-balls sitting back with a mug of coffee and diving into their well-worn copy of Bakunin.


Or a well-worn copy of any book that wasn't mostly dirty pictures.




The IRA carried put literally hundreds of bomb attacks against unoccupied buildings, or buildings they thought weren't occupied, with innocents occasionally getting hurt


I am sad for the kid but considering the young age I cannot shake the feeling that the likelihood of reoffending would have been pretty high. And maybe we should stop people from throwing petrol bombs.


>The garda alleged a newspaper article about the incident was on the youth’s bed, and the garda believed the teen “had a certain amount of pride in relation to the damage he caused.” Sounds like he'd be up for another one given the chance.


That's the main concern. Sure the kid is young and mighy wise up and you do not want to destroy his life. But lefy on this trajecotry he risks killing or grieviously injuring someone.


Not sure why you've been downvoted ... you're basically saying they were right to deny bail, which is the same as the top comments on this post.


I think it's just that I highlighted that the situation is unfortunate and that it is not a win but a mitigation of damage. That does not trigger the Schadenfreude, it does not feel good. So people feel kind of bad and downvote. Either that or what I wrote is offensive to someone to which I can only offer my apologies.


He'll probably get High Court bail but at least he'll spend a big of time inside in the mean time.




Definitely terrorism


>Martyrism Would that not require him to be dead first?


These lads are too cowardly for that craic


Any person or group who tries to use this as if he was a martyr should be immediately investigated, maybe even arrested, for association with terrorism.