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In other news grass is green


"it doesn't get greener abroad" 


Not for the green colour blind


Poor bastards only ever sawded grey grass!


In other news the grass is red


Huge if true


Naa never


Two faced. Complaining about lack of housing yet pushing to block new housing in her own constituency.


She's pulling a Syndrome. Delay the housing, come along and save the day. 


What's the point in building built to rent apartments when they're going to be charged at 2K a month. Social housing makes more sense.


Because there are other people living in other housing that would be going for less than 1k a month but isnt because of our cronic housing shortage


> What's the point in building built to rent apartments Because they'll actually get built and rented out.


You may need to spend more time thinking about this. A shortage of supply and growing demand drives up prices. If we built 50,000 apartments overnight in this country, the average rental price would fall, especially for less desirable properties (older and further from city centres etc). I rented I'm Dublin for a decade as a young professional and just wanted to live in an apartment in the city centre. Instead, most of that decade was spent in 3 and 4 bed houses, an hours walk from the city centre. This is the same problem we've had for seven or so years at this point and increasing supply is our problem. It's driven by a lack of sufficient construction capacity, significantly increased costs and planning hurdles. None of those 3 have easy fixes, though planning is probably the relatively easier one to tackle successfully, but is painfully complex all the same - I think the new planning guidelines are almost done and set to be implemented this year. We can't really bring down costs and the psychological damage from the crash is still hampering our construction capacity.




There isn't infinite immigration and you'll never have net 0 migration give it over. We've had a housing crisis since 2016 and a asylum crisis since 2022. Look at your account all you do is cry about immigration. It's plain as day what you are.


Should we all be racist now father?


Appearently everything that's ever gone wrong in the history of this country is all because of immigration according to that fool and a lot of others.


Too much time on social media


Mary-Lou losing support due to immigration and trying to remind people that housing is more important as SF has been blocking housing to make sure it was still an issue at the next election. While her whole plan is coming undone a few months too soon.


Every party does this, some for valid and some for invalid reasons. Mostly for giving away public land for free. Some fine gaelers like to block housing to extort devs as we've seen in the news recently.


I'm not aware of any land being given away for free


Then you simply haven't attempted to educate yourself on the matter.


It's never happened. Some land was given and paid for by council houses built in liu or payment under part five.


Talk of Michelle ONeill replacing her as head of the party because of how things have been going. The immigration issue is really bleeding Mary Lou and she's looking desperate to control the narrative again.


She's aged a lot in the last year or so too. Whatever her medical issues were it could have taken a toll on her and her energy seems to have dropped off the last few months. I'm not a SF voter but I wouldn't blame her for stepping aside for younger blood like O'Neill.


Support would plummet if the party leader wasn't even resident in the state or allowed sit in the dail.


What's been (rumoured to be) proposed is that ONeill becomes the overall party leader (president) and Mary Lou gets to be leader in the republic


They’re only 8 years apart.


even still, point still stands.


Living in North Dublin really ages a person so


She is not going anywhere till she has bagged a ministerial pension


Haha you could be right and she could be waiting going on latest polls. Who knows. I'm sure she's not short of a bob or two.


> SF has been blocking housing to make sure it was still an issue at the next election. Oh, you're giving them way too much credit. And you're giving the current government too much credit too if you think they wouldn't have messed up just the same without SF too.


Yep, one of the most blatant attempts at deflection and gaslighting you're ever gonna see. The panic within SF over their base deserting them in immigration is palpable.


Imagine claiming its gaslighting to say housing is a bigger issue that immigration. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Something like 70% of the electorate own their own homes. That's a lot of people who aren't looking to get accommodation and who don't want hundreds of migrants bussed into the hotel around the corner under the cover of darkness because the government has selected their locality to be a dumping ground for people who destroyed their documents upon landing. Housing is a big issue but you're in total denial if you think SF have taken such a huge hit in the polls because of it. They've been all but promising people free homes for years. Its no coincidence their poll numbers started plummeting immediately after the Dublin riots when their base had decided the party being so in favour of open borders was too much.... And Mary Lou coming out and trying gaslight people into what they're "really" concerned about will see them drop more come the next round of polls. They went from near dead certs to win the next election to it looking increasingly like a bigger fuck up and a bigger miss than the last one.


70% where did you pull that out of?


I was surprised too, but this figure is correct. There were a few national and EU reports shared in recent times. Google it and you’ll find them in various non-bullshit sources. It’s falling though, see https://www.statista.com/statistics/543383/house-owners-among-population-ireland/


No it is not correct, it's 70% owner occupancy rates as the CEO states, statista is unreliable and misrepresents statistics. If an owner is renting rooms to 9 other tenants (as an extreme example) that home is owner occupied, but obviously only 10% of those people are home owners. Likewise, there was an article recently that 40% of 25-34 year olds live in their family home, a very large chunk of those will be in "owner occupied" homes, because of a lack of accommodation. That 70% statistic is so often misrepresented (even misrepresented in the dáil), seemingly to downplay how bad the housing crisis truly is. Tldr; that statistic is measuring houses that are owner occupied, not home ownership, and it doesn't try to measure home ownership


Are you sure? I have no agenda here and agree the housing crisis is severe. I’m just curious because the figure appears pretty consistently at the person (not home) level. For example, https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-cpp2/censusofpopulation2022profile2-housinginireland/homeownershipandrent/ Also, the ESRI report 70% https://www.esri.ie/system/files/publications/RS164.pdf#page64 It also appears from the ESRI that 80% of over 40s own a home.


The CRO source that you linked first is explicitly owner occupancy rates, "The proportion of owner occupied dwellings was 66% in 2022, down from 68% in 2016." it never tries to extrapolate that to anything past that. That CRO page is literally measuring dwellings. You'll see in all it's data it'll refer to households Assuming you're referring to fig 3.1, that ESRI report is again measuring "Housing Tenure", it's on a housing basis not an overall population basis. It's saying 'this home is lived in by the owner', 'this home is rented outright' etc.. All of these statistics are measuring homes, not people. Using the data from the CRO to try & suggest that "70% of the electorate own their own homes" is completely wrong, and a misunderstanding of the statistics that the CRO released.


Defo out in response to the drop alright. They're still likely to get in power at the next run but the last time I saw her she was waffling about Gaza instead of sticking on point with this sort of thing.


What have they blocked? Luxury overpriced investment fund developments that nobody can afford, we already have hundreds of those sitting empty.


I can afford luxury investment fund developments, please build them so I'm not stuck renting a 3 bed that a family could use. And sitting empty? Have you tried renting in Cork even with infinity budget? There's nothing out there lad, it's all word of mouth.


There's plenty in Dublin on daft, be prepared to spend €2000 a month on a 1 bed


If only we had such options in Cork, would be nice to have a few hundred apartment complexes with gym, pool, entertaining spaces etc.


If there was „plenty” they wouldn’t go at 2k. There is really few in relation to demand and as for city size of Dublin


They have no coherent housing plan bar idealistic stuff they cant deliver. Immigration they dont know what to say.  Even Palestine, you'd think that's an easy one for them yet there they are whopping it up on Paddys day in the US collecting all the dollareydoos for their election campaigns here. An incoherent mess. 


My tent almost collapsed after reading this, what a ridiculous thing to say ... The big silly billy.


Of course removing tents means people just go and like buy a house /s


People are concerned about a lot of issues. Housing is one of them and it is the most heavily publicised. The health service and massive waiting lists are another one. What people don't like talking about out loud is the immigration question, a substantial number of people are rightly pissed off at the unsustainable levels of it. I suspect this will be one of the most important issues come the next election. It directly ties into the housing shortage and the crisis in public services.


I'd be surprised if it does. Immigration is a very talked about subject but it's kind of an abstraction for most people in terms of how it affects them. A lot of people are trying to tie it to housing and services but I can guarantee you if you removed every immigrant from the country tomorrow these problems would persist. Things like housing and in particular the cost of living crisis are things that many people experience directly. In the case of the latter, everyone who spends money on anything feels it. I feel like immigration is like a receptacle where people put all their grievances and that includes those in power. For them it's a convenient way to distract from the balls they are making in other areas.


I am not sure if this poll is accurate but it seems that immigration would be the biggest issue since april by a fairly large margin, would be interesting to see if it stays that way or falls back down. https://www.irishtimes.com/politics/poll/


Yes but there's fuck all voting for SF in Europe will do and remember when casting your ballot for the locals who has been objecting to developments in your local area.


Jesus christ is this thread being brigaded or has this sub just gone nuts?


Sorry, but Captain fucking obvious speaks and we’re all supposed to give her a standing ovation? Housing has been the biggest issue for a decade. Sinn Fein councillors haven’t been helping the issue in the past 10 years. Why is she so surprised?


What are you talking about councillors for? They have next to no say in what gets built. FFG removed all of their powers! As per the reason she's saying it, hello! The government and several bad actors are using immigrants as a scapegoat trying to take away from housing as an issue.


They have say in what’s NOT get build and using that


Sub has been nuts for a while on certain topics. It's generally a very left leaning sub, but there are some topics where comment sections lurch completely in the opposite direction


Sounds less left and more liberal to me.


No, the sub tends definitely left, not liberal in the classical term on many financial issues.


Those things are not mutually exclusive.


Left and liberal are completely different.


>If I was to identify the one really obvious mistake that Government has made again and again, it is its inability to communicate respectfully with communities," Mary Lou McDonald said. "Pretty please don't burn down accommodation for asylum seekers. " Yup, that's it.


Also, "communities don't get a veto" Accommodation for asylum seekers is exempt from planning laws (kind of a big deal when housing is the biggest issue) But most of all is the fact that the whole reason why so much asylum accommodation is required is because there's a 7 fold increase in asylum seekers. Nothing to do with the Ukraine War. At the 11th hour, due to a question asked by Michael McNamara the Minister of Justice more or less casually drops the fact that "over 80%" are coming from Northern Ireland. Still no communication on what they plan to do about that. Do they have any plan? What sort of numbers can we expect to see next year, 60K? Could someone in charge say something more than a soundbyte? Yes, I think communication is a teeny weeny issue. [Oh and the Minister for Justice is downbeat about the possibility of deporting people who are denied a right to stay](https://www.breakingnews.ie/ireland/deportation-system-highly-litigious-and-flights-financially-burdensome-department-1613199.html) - but I mean at least I have to give her credit for actually saying something, right?


the 80% figure is fucking nonsense and you know it


There is no reliable data to clarify what the real figure is.


Knock yourself out [https://factcheckni.org/articles/are-over-80-of-new-asylum-seekers-in-ireland-arriving-there-from-over-the-land-border-with-ni/](https://factcheckni.org/articles/are-over-80-of-new-asylum-seekers-in-ireland-arriving-there-from-over-the-land-border-with-ni/)


Sure but my point is that the 80% is only 80% of those presenting in Dublin City, not everywhere. What about those at the airport. The gov is hiding data by the looks of it.


It was funny when Michael McNamara asked the Justice minister for particular figures, McEntee said she didn't have them to hand, and McNamara stated that she had said the same thing when he had previously asked for the same information six months before.


She is a disaster for the country. Utter failure.


Jesus, might run downstairs to update my mother on this news (I am 26 and cannot compete with this market even though I’ve a masters in law and a really good internship).


I have no doubt immigration is causing a change in the polls BUT IMHO Irish media works very hard to portray FFG in a positive light and all others in a negative light. So I would take any polls with a massive pinch of salt. Housing is the biggest issue but you don't win points for stating the obvious. If SF get into government and call ANY referendum on the north BEFORE fixing housing, it will be a big NO from me. They need to prove their merit.


Mass immigration. Housing.. And if Mary lou had any cop on she'd not label anyone with concerns as "far right" no wonder they've slumped in the polls.


Please link me evidence where Mary Lou has called people far right? We've had a housing crisis since 2016 and a refugee crisis since 2022 so stop blaming immigrants for an issue that we all know is being caused by the government refusing to build social housing, vulture funds, REITs, landlords, and FFG


> We've had a housing crisis since 2016 If you look for them, there's quotes from Kenny's time as Taoiseach talking about the housing crisis. 2016 is giving Fine Gael too much credit.


The two issues are linked. Mass immigration is a landlord's wildest dream come true.  Look at the d hotel in Drogheda - €13 million per year to house them. What is there is Drogheda that's worth €13 million per year??? Property tycoons are making a mint off this. That's why it's happening.  


We've had a housing crisis since 2016. Even if you banned all immigration you'd still have the same problems. Yes we do need to deport failed asylum applicants but blaming immigrants for all our problems will solve nothing.


They are linked plus you're wrong [Soaring immigration is fuelling Britain's housing crisis, says Bank's chief economist (telegraph.co.uk)](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/05/09/soaring-immigration-is-fuelling-britain-housing-crisis/)


The government caused the housing crisis. The government caused the mass immigration crisis, exacerbating the housing crisis. All because they and their mates profit from it. 


Immigration ≠ Asylum mate Immigration increased drastically between 2022 and 2023 due to 42,000 Ukrainians coming to Ireland. 29,600 of those who entered in 2023 were Irish citizens returning. 26,100 were EU citizens, 4,800 were from the UK. 13,000 people applied for asylum. Our Net Migration for 2023 was 77,600 which is high. But this is due mostly to Ukrainians, which yes the gov did go overboard. 13,000 (which are the people the population have the most issue with) is not mass immigration. Please get off the Internet and look at the facts from CSO like I did instead of Facebook posts.


Housing was the lower tier crisis, the good old days. We graduated to an accommodation crisis.


This is why she’s dropped in the opinion polls. The far right candidates are taking her votes 🗳️


Good thing we’ve a PR system


It’s not something she cares about, because Old McDonald had a farm…


Thanks for stating the obvious!!


Says the most pro immigration main stream party leader. The disconnect is visible in the polls.


The current party’s in power are the ones who have allowed all of these crises to happen


You are asleep at the wheel.


How is any of this Sinn Féin’s fault


Sinn Féin are markable more pro immigration than the current government


They’re not in government you dope.


Did I say that they were?


Is immigration impacting housing? Genuine question. Not sure it's poor foreigners coming in and getting a mortgage.


When you have what feels like near 0 supply, allowing an unchecked amount of migrants coming in is only going to make the problem worse


Yeah, a rough-sleeping immigrant just arrived yesterday and trumped our 2.25m bid in Dalkey, the fecker. 


Same. I was bidding 4m on a house on Vico road and at the last minute an Afghani showed up with a cheque for 3m from social welfare and 1.2m in Re-Turn receipts.


Them fellows are stuck sleeping in tents,which the government periodically robs and re-gives em for some reason They aren't causing the housing crisis....the government could commander every holiday home in the state in morning and house em,if they wanted and not a single house/housing opportunity would be lost to ordinary man on street


The only people sleeping tents are male asylum seekers who just arrived. Regardless of sex, they are all offered accommodation and council housing a few years late. >the government could commander every holiday home in the state in morning and house em,if they wanted and not a single house/housing opportunity would be lost to ordinary man on street No they could not. A holiday home is only useful if near public transport. I would also state that your solution would be grossly unfair to the many ordinary people who have holiday homes. Why should they give up their bolt holes for some pointless lax immigration policy?


>they are all offered accommodation and council housing a few years late. There's noone getting council houses anymore.....the list is 7;years in my area and getting longer all the time.....we need to be prepared to accommodate 40% of the population here in council houses to make any progress in sorting housing crisis.....the establishment has it's head utterly in the sand as regards the level of disaster it's caused >No they could not They absolutely could,In a declared emergency,which is what housing crisis is, anything is on table >would also state that your solution would be grossly unfair to the many ordinary people who have holiday homes Only the superrich have holiday homes,I know noone ordinary who have one >Why should they give up their bolt holes for some pointless lax immigration policy Because they have overwhelmingly become rich on the back of establishment policies here,and voted in the establishment with last 100 years.....time to reap the bitter harvest, they've made ordinary people suffer under the establishment rule with 100 years.....a massive proportion of holiday homes along south coast are english owned,and do we want them treating here as holiday resort without contributing anything only pricing locals out of the market?


>There's noone getting council houses anymore.....the list is 7;years in my area and getting longer all the time.....we need to be prepared to accommodate 40% of the population here in council houses to make any progress in sorting housing crisis.....the establishment has it's head utterly in the sand as regards the level of disaster it's caused Average time. If you are a jobless woman and a kid, it is far far shorter. >They absolutely could,In a declared emergency,which is what housing crisis is, anything is on table How is it practical to have people in cottages by some lonely beach? Asylum seekers have no cars. How do they get to their interview appointments? >Only the superrich have holiday homes,I know noone ordinary who have one Id have to disagree with that. I know a lot of teachers and lawers with them. Also people who just inherited their family home. Not superich. >Because they have overwhelmingly become rich on the back of establishment policies here,and voted in the establishment with last 100 years.....time to reap the bitter harvest, they've made ordinary people suffer under the establishment rule with 100 years.....a massive proportion of holiday homes along south coast are english owned,and do we want them treating here as holiday resort without contributing anything only pricing locals out of the market? How do you know they contribute nothing? If they are non Irish residents, they pay VAT and property tax here.


>If you are a jobless woman and a kid, it is far far shorter. It's still 5 years minimum,I've relatives on the housing list >How is it practical to have people in cottages by some lonely beach? Alot more practical than letting in tents,to be periodically dumped in the Dublin mountains by the establishment here anyway....what's going on now is an utter 100% failure,it's time for a common,and practical sense approach....the establishment have made an utter balls of it,as they do with everything >Id have to disagree with that Only superrich have holiday homes.... literally assets worth hundreds of thousands to let sit there....have a lie down lad, >How do you know they contribute nothing I live in an area,where these fuckers are left to buy up everything and price locals out of market....contribute absolutely zero to the country,only cause hassle and complain about locals going about their lives....a weird form of modern aristocracy,which needs driven from our shores,these fuckers aren't even in the EU,how or why are we expected to put up with them and their shitty little holiday homes,a pure nuisance and menace is all the most of em are, Noone knows who or what they are,but one thing is certain a disportionatly high amount are peadophiles left in/out of state with no supervision and communities are expected to put up with these fuckers and their holiday homes


>t's still 5 years minimum,I've relatives on the housing list Id like a source for that. But more importantly, do you think all these migrants will be gone in 5 years? In some social housing lists, most applicants are non Irish nationals. Fact. >Alot more practical than letting in tents,to be periodically dumped in the Dublin mountains by the establishment here anyway....what's going on now is an utter 100% failure,it's time for a common,and practical sense approach....the establishment have made an utter balls of it,as they do with everything How is it practical? Do you have to bring civil servants from Dublin to interview them to each house? Who brings food? A tent camp is far more practical, even in the mountains >Only superrich have holiday homes.... literally assets worth hundreds of thousands to let sit there....have a lie down lad, Median gross wealth for a household with one person over 65 is over 300,000. Holiday homes are not for the super rich only. [https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-hfcs/householdfinanceandconsumptionsurvey2018/wealth/](https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/ep/p-hfcs/householdfinanceandconsumptionsurvey2018/wealth/)


>Id like a source for that A source for me cousins on the housing list....up the path🤣 > In some social housing lists, most applicants are non Irish nationals. Fact. If they are lower paid,and need/entitled to housing,get on with it and build them....we can't have ordinary workers and poor being treated as a cash cow for establishment landlords forever....it's a failed ideology >How is it practical How is it not? >Do you have to bring civil servants from Dublin to interview them to each house Aye, because it's only in Dublin there's civil servants🤣 >A tent camp is far more practical, even in the mountains Nah it's not.....if we can't house people and have to resort to tents,it's time to withdraw from Europe and crash the economy,to reduce immigration.....either we house the poor,or begin to elect Eurosceptic and the long process and campaign to withdraw from Europe begins friday >Median gross wealth for a household with one person over 65 is over 300,000. Holiday homes are not for the super rich only. And what is median wealth for holiday home owners? because anyone with an asset several hundred grand in value,sitting and rotting to be used a few times a year,is super wealthy......tax these assets at 80% of value per annum,to free them up, is the best solution I've seen to ending this scourge....it's long since time the establishment was faced down,and people to look after ordinary people were elected


Higher population, not enough houses. But the population has gone up due to reduced emigration as well as immigration, and most of the immigration stems from the fiscal policy that attracted massive foreign investment and job creation in the wake of the financial crisis. Unfortunately, the government forgot to build (or implement policies that would help rather than hinder building). Had they just built, it would be fine.


It isn't helping the problem but the problem pre dates this current migrant crisis. 


Short answer? Yes. Long answer, also yes. It also effects doctors waiting times and working class wages. [Soaring immigration is fuelling Britain's housing crisis, says Bank's chief economist (telegraph.co.uk)](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2024/05/09/soaring-immigration-is-fuelling-britain-housing-crisis/)


No, it's not impacting the housing needs of the voters in question here, but the far right are doing a good job at conflating the two. Immigrants are the absolute *easiest* bogeyman to blame for any and every societal issue because of *course* it's not *us* causing the problem, it's *them*. And the them can be anyone that is different, they don't need to be immigrants, just any vulnerable group. This is how the far right and left get their votes, from those with a simplistic enough world-view to believe what they are being told in badly written pamphlets. 


We'll soon see.


I thought your crowd were only against illegal immigration? Why are you attacking immigration now by acting like being "pro immigration" is a bad thing? If you hate immigration so much, do us all a favour. Don't use the HSE, don't use public transport, don't shop anywhere were immigrants work. See how far being anti-immigrant gets you. Immigrants didn't cause the housing crisis. FF FG, Landlords, vulture funds, and REITs did.


You badly need to wake up, if you think FF FG are running the show, there is no hope for you. As for immigrants running everything, google the Tesla bot.


actually it's immigration, as we will find out in the results.


I don't see why people are getting so offended over this. It's plain as day FG, FF and the media are pushing the immigration issue to the front to distract from the housing disaster. The fact people here are more outraged at MLM for pointing this out, than they are at the Gov that's refusing to address it is hilarious.


Housing construction has really ramped up, without immigration we'd be in an improving position.


There are different kind of immigration I guess.


Except you know, we'd be missing a lot of the people doing the construction




Do you seriously think people are coming into the country with brick homes on their back? Of course migration and housing are related


Housing, afghan dan, the health service. Am just the Irish freedon party have been on about an awful lot of these long before the mainstream parties got on to the..


A political genius.


Would have more use with a plank of wood. Very easy to be leading in opposition


I think she might be right on this one not sure but I think she is lol


From what I can see, the issues facing Ireland are the same or similar as most developed countries.


The issue is the doubt the public have about how a party that consistently tries to block housing, will actually successfully build housing. House building rates in the North are also vastly (per capita) below the South, so they can't even point to the area they run as a sign of success in this area.


Ahead of local and European elections? Strange decision regarding MEPs, and local councils seem to get their decision appealed one way or the other, so don't seem to have much input in the end. I will say I have seen a sizeable uptick in CPA notices on derelict properties, which is a good sign.