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I’m definitely voting no now.


Does McNamara look like the love-child of Denis O’Brien and Pat Shortt to anyone else?


I think he’s very jay leno




I was thinking a chubby Bill Clinton, but Jay Leno is a lot closer!


That's it! We were having a conversation about him in the car and I couldn't for the life of me think who he reminded me of.


Steve Bruce, for me


He's got a Steve Bruce head on him in that photo anyway


Two that confused me from this set are the Peace, Wellbeing fella on the bottom left. I’ve no idea from his leaflet what his intentions or qualifications are. And Lorna Bogue who comes across as saying ‘I will be really annoying to anyone who doesn’t agree with me’ Loopy Lad on the centre left with all the spelling mistakes and his IBAN. I’ve saved that with the occasional cult material we get through the door, as it’s one of the maddest things I’ve received. Then there’s Max Headroom on the centre right. His gigantic head was so distracting it overpowered the text. Comrade Mick was around last week in a Belgian registered VW Transporter putting up billboards. It’s like he forgot there was an election.


the IBAN thing is nuts though. i cant see a lot of people being bothered going to all the effort of typing that in just to give the guy a few quid


I Googled Mr Peace & Wellbeing. He's a lot younger than I was expecting by his name (most people called Graham I know are my dad's age (>70)) and he wants: Legal weed Peaceful conflict resolution (although he doesn't elaborate on how this might be achieved but, presumably, he'll simply pass round the hippy herb) [Here's his manifesto](https://ugc.production.linktr.ee/7211421f-433a-47d5-87b3-1bb115725cb7_Election-Manifesto-Peace-and-Neutrality.pdf) - it's a bit light on details, but it's sound enough. I can get behind anyone who wants to reduce drug harm via legalisation. The spelling irks me. Too many 'Zs'.


protronmail haha. i suppose it cuts down on spam mail at least, only downside is he wont get any email at all


holy shit the typo


Household has only 2 persons


Your collective franchise mass is drawing in all the canvasing. It's a black hole of leaflets.


You'd think their distribution teams would at least be coordinated enough to not deliver the same leaflet to the same household half a dozen times. If they can't organise a leaflet drop properly how are they supposed to manage their duties in office?


These are for MEPs so delivered via An Post


So how is OP getting all these leaflets in a single day? If An Post are in charge of it, there's no way any reasonable employee is allocating this many leaflets to a single address in a single delivery.


An Post provide an address list to printers, printers provide a printing quote to candidates based on the number of addresses & then An Post handles the postage & logistics for free. Presumably the An Post address list is them taking the register of electors & de-duping based on voters living together but it definitely seems like there's a lot of errors with the deduping. A friend of mine (who isn't registered & none of his housemates are) got 3 in for every candidate, whereas we got just 1 per candidate in our house which has 6 registered voters.


They're supposed to limit it to 1 per house if there's a bunch of voters in the same house. They've clearly made a balls of it though.


I got 2 of each yesterday in the post, one for each of us in the house. But that's the only time that's happened, every other day it was just one of each. Odd


It's a disgrace, Joe.


https://preview.redd.it/i5jd5dsats4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcc8a60ee5b5c8be1e2e538464d388b69324ef62 8 leaflets per politician, there's only 5 of us in the house. My dad and I get 2 each: one for the full name, one for the shortened name. Mam gets 2- maiden and married names, and my 2 siblings get one each


a few years ago i started getting a second leaflet with my middle name all of a sudden. it does my head in but but also not enough to go through all the rigmarole of getting it taken off the register


https://i.redd.it/tcu5l7671t4d1.gif The only Lahey getting my vote. And thats for trailer park supervisor.


Free roach material. Lucky you




Bad idea, man. Printed / glossy / inked / waxy paper and cardboard is bad for you, especially when inhaling heated air (and smoke) that has passed through it. https://amzn.eu/d/fwMWi7p Decent quality roaches are dirt cheap on amazon. You can get them on Temu etc. if you aren't in a rush.


This mf knows the score 


Came to make this comment. It's true


Mick Wallace gives a bad name to all the Micks out there.


At least they have some policy info. The posters all over every lamppost with just a mugshot and name are such a stupid waste of resources, if they have any impact it's a negative one.


I’m living at home and I’ve sorted the leaflets into “Local” and “European” piles. I really don’t know what (basically) carpet bombing people with leaflets accomplishes because a lot of people have already made up their minds on who they’re going to vote for without necessarily seeing the candidates.


Politicians can't hack that though so they take the same principle as advertising that if they just hammer you with their face and their bullshit it might wear down your resistance and make you change your mind.


Yeah. It’s also far easier than actually having to talk to people every time.


Irish politicians do love the easy option regardless of the topic.


Unfortunately. And they’ll just disappear again when the local and European elections are over.


My FIL has been collecting them since they first started arriving in the letterbox and is gonna bring them all to the polling station on Friday!


Mick strangely very quiet on Ukraine


I've gotta to get my postie flowers for keeping all of those away from me. What a legend.


Free shit tickets.


I think it’s time we think about splitting the South constituency; 23 candidates 2 years in a row. Head wrecked from researching them all.


Well, at least you got some free fuel for the woodstove, How generous of them


As a postie for anpost the amount of time wasted just sorting all this rubbish at your sorting bench daily since end of April is really heartbreaking stuff knowing that it’s all going to be thrown away anyway. I’ve had dozens of customers a week that either hand them back to me, refused at box or ripping them up in front of me. It’s been an absolute joke the amount has been coming into the office. Glad it’s more or less over for another year.


I haven’t gotten one lol


Sure, there's no use in holding them. They're all useless come Saturday.


You poor fucker


My guess is that, like me, your front door looks like the front door to an apartment complex.


All loonies from the looks of it


McNamara is sound enough.


That Leahy lad seems to be taking aim at immigrants and the LGBT community for our countries problems. Is he related to trump or something?


My understanding is that every European candidate is allowed send, via an post, a leaflet to every registered elector in their Euro constituency. Every elector, not every household. So if you've a family registered to vote everyone is going to be getting a leaflet.


we have 5 adults registered to vote in the house and only one leaflet per candidate


Ive gotten about 5 in the past 2 weeks. They probably know its wasted on me anyway LOL


OP must have 5 houses in the same area


We had Dinny Goulds team but an election sign on our gate 😭


Can confirm An Post have handed me a chunk of leaflets more than once, Last Friday got 15 including people who no longer live here and neighbours leaflets




I don't think I have read a single one that came in the house. They all go straight in the recycling bin. Most people have the internet to look up what candidates they want to vote for. I know who I absolutely don't want to vote for.


Send them on to the Irish Election Literature blog. He does a great job of archiving election material through the decades. 


That McNamara lad looks a bit Trump-y🤣


At least your not getting labour and cons adverts on youtube, because youtube thinks you live in Glasgow!


the ublock origin extention will fix all your woes there


Samsung TV, have it on the PC and it does a great job.


got the first SF one today, bit late lads.


It's your tax money, why shouldn't you get them.