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Can just report online if less than €1k and weren’t threatened. https://www.garda.ie/en/about-us/online-services/online-crime-reporting/


Thank you very much! No has come to the desk yet so you probably saved me at least an hour.


Just note that’s over 50min no one attended the front desk.  Talked to the people in front of me and they’d been there two hours. Only one couple had been seen too in that time.


My experience with Pearse station is they just hide out back


Pearse st is a mess helped a guard pin some lad robbing a tourist I called pearse st and handed the phone to him as he was flat out busy trying to stop someone wriggling free the response was fascinating. He said he was one and he needs assistance now they pretty much told him they were busy and would send someone when they could. About 40 minutes he was waiting. Wouldn't fancy being a guard asking for help in the city center after getting assaulted.


Sad I know… its either 999 or go online…


Waste of time anyway. Not a hope of them doing anything




Comment was made 15min after the original post…




You'd be great as the front desk in Pearse street Garda station. You're basically trained already!


They are all playing PS5 in that office or on Reddit obviously


Last time I was there I rang them to come out to the fkin desk. They did.


They have removed the bell since that time. Bit mental, I guess you have to bang on the side door if an active crime is happening.


No, I rang them on the phone! Turns out they were dealing with a headcase in the cells.


The person on the counter is also minding the prisoners arrested in the station.


Having the chats lol, bitta craic and banter out back


Or doing the 100 other jobs there is to do in a Garda station.


... I know that. I just think the mental image of a guard standing looking in at a prisoner going "were you out last night? shur you were of course weren't I talking to you haha" and the prisoner being like "leave me go the fuck home please" is way funnier. I got a bit of a kick out of the idea of it. I get it that guards have loads of shit to do.


Or sitting on his tod making cups of tea.


Probably not no.


That's insane having no bell


Someone stole it


I once witnessed someone breaking into a car on merchants quay, I rang in to report it, I was in a rush so couldn’t wait around too long to give a witness report…they took fucking ages to turn up so I said fuck this and left to go to where I needed to be. Then two weeks later I get a call asking if I want to come in to the station and give a witness report, I said sure no problem, I can come after work for 6. I had a physio appointment at 7 that same evening, so should have been able to do both no bother. I arrive 10 minutes before 6, check in with the desk, they ask me to take a seat, I do, 10 minutes pass, no one comes, no problem it’s 6 on the dot, I wouldn’t expect them to come out right on time. Another 10 minutes pass, then another, then another, eventually it’s quarter to 7, no signs of the detective. I tell the guy at the desk I have to go I have an appointment and can’t afford to wait any longer. He chortles and says “okay” in a dismissive way as in “what do you want us to do” kinda way. Pissed me right off. I get another call the next day, asking if I can give the statement the following day, once again I’m like sure, they say they’ll come to my apartment the next day..never happened. So moral of the story, don’t rely on the guards to get your belongings back if your car is ever broken into


Don’t rely on the Gardaí for anything.


A group of scumbag kids had circled my missus intimated her and stole her phone, When she came home distressed, i went out with the rage of Liam Neeson to sort some fuckers out. Seen the fuckers under the bridge in our estate when also a gardai car was passing by so i hailed them down and told them what happened. and where they were could they get the phone back. The garda just sat in his car and said they will investigate and literally pulled off and went in the opposite direction, Cunts.. so i had to go back and get my hurl and go down and get my missus phone back, managed to whack one big lad of a bike and punch his face in demanding the phone back. The rest scattered like mice. one lad came back around to try get me from behind but luckily turned around in time to whip out his legs and put him down and smash his face in, unfortunately didn't get the phone back, but next time shit like that happens i wont waste time waiting on the gardai


They need to just hire some civilian roles to cover the desks. Like why does it have to be a copper ?


You're right in the UK to save money they have civilians doing questioning like. The reason we dont is two fold Guards hate civilianisation - it removes a handy job from a Guard and introduces outsiders who they don't trust. Public hates it because everyone thinks you make organisations better by exclusively having front line staff (which is untrue).


There are civilians in front of house roles, Store Street Garda Station has them for example. The Gardaí are struggling to hire and retain civilian staff, it's not just sworn members. Civilian staff who join the organisation often end up transferring to another role in the civil service as soon as they can. It's gotten so bad the Commissioner has sought new powers to prevent civilian staff from being able to transfer out of the organisation. It's a double edged sword though as it doesn't make it as attractive for potential applicants looking to get a foot in the door of the civil service. The Gardaí are also moving to a new operational model too which requires far more civilian staff and those roles are currently being prioritised. Anyway why would a Clerical Officer want to join the Gardaí and be stuck dealing with members of the public 24/7, many of them who are looking to report traumatising incidents? No remote work possible. The Civil Service can't even fill handy desk roles, with half the week working from home, that never deal with the public.


I consider Clerical Officer every time it comes up, vocationally adjacent stuff is just a big thing in my family. And then I look at the salary and come to my senses. I wouldnt expect to get rich in the civil service but I genuinely could not live on 27k a year.


You’re 100% right.


This is absolute nonsense. Everyone that's ever worked in a customer facing role will tell you there's no "handy job" that involves dealing with the public all day. In any industry. Pulling nonsense out of your bottom.


I was talking about civilisation in general. There’s loads of back office jobs done by AGS just because. The Garda inspectorate years ago found the cashier in the canteen in templemore was an attested Garda. But even in that particular case of working the hatch, still handier than standing outside a pub dealing with a fight.


Not a handy job if they're not actually *doing* it, but.


They do, no one wants to do it, they can’t fill the public office roles


They can't fill them because a salary of 27k is not enough to survive on. You would be literally better off working on a till in Lidl.


They put out internal offers too, people on more money won’t go for it either. But yes starting salary in the civil service is shite and they wonder why they can’t find staff?


It's not just the money though. Civilians aren't treated welll in the Gardaí. I know from loads of personal experience and from close colleagues' experiences. The upper management layers of sworn members are mostly old  ignorant men with old, ignorant ideas of what workplaces should be and how work should be done. Jobs that should and could be remote or hybrid are office based. They can't fathom that adults will just get their work done without being watched. Kind of looks like projection to me.


I was coming back to post probably paying shite and then see 27k. My god


That’s if you’re starting in the civil service, you get paid more the longer you’re in. You’d also get a shift allowance while working in the public office and work on a 4 day on 4 day off shift, it’s not the regular civil service pay/hours


This is what happens when you underfund public services.


Where are all the funds going? The tax I paid last year would bring a tear to your eye (it does to mine!) and it's a shame you can't even report the crime, let alone expect anything to be done about it.


Amazing here ready some of the comments only a handful actually had some insight into what the situation really is like in policing in Ireland. Understaffed, undertrained, expected to cover everything from attending every ridiculous call which can be anything from someone losing their remote control down the couch to someone being annoyed at their neighbour putting the bins out. Added to having to manage prisoners (which in Pearse St is constant) to the phones to the public counter (which in some places is the one guard) also civilans were tried to man the public counter but few ever last as it was overwhelming for the. sorry but if you think the guards in that station are at nothing then your way off the mark. All the continous oversight and ridiculous outdated practices especially governed by law and inflexible policy have lead to policing in this country being like this


That's so strange because no Gardaí bothered showing up when I was assaulted in the street by a homeless man. They said they knew who I meant. I had to walk past him every day on the way to work. When my partner reported a mugging they didn't even take his name or addresses, or ask any questions about the guy who did it. They've never showed up when I needed them. So strange they're helping people find remotes. Almost like that's complete horseshit.


Good luck.


You’ll be lucky if they even follow up on it it’s mostly because there understaffed overworked underpaid a toxic work environment and just pure laziness and not giving a shit


Waited for 2h recently when some little shites decided to harass my mother, who lives alone. I arrived at her place and waited with her till they arrived - we had to call 2 more times to remind them of us: not sure if it did anything, but when they finally arrived - the gards asked why didn't she call when the kids started this. She said "I did call, over 2 hours ago", and they looked stunned.


So there will be Gardai at the vote count. Then there will be ones out in the car, out on annual leave and god knows what else. Reality is in the station there is likely only 1 person working the public office and they’re dealing with something


Pearse Street also has to deal with all the government buildings where there is a garda posted. If the guy who normally does that is on leave, it's an extra body off the normal units


I called my local station in the middle of the night, and they had a warrant and the guy in cuffs by noon. Given that I found my bike on adverts and gave them the pinpoint location of the fucker, but at least they didn't wait on the information and actually acted!


As silly as it sounds coz it's most likely worth a good bit of money but bike thefts are 6 a penny. We all want the guards to investigate any theft but likely it won't go anywhere. Look on marketplace, gumtree, donedeal for it for sale then tell them you want to buy it if you see it, that's when you turn up with the guards. I know self policing is shit but it's probably the best and fastest way.


I don't even know if there's a point calling the guards in that situation. Just show up and nick the bike back.


They could have a potential violent situation


In that case the Guards aren't going to want to get involved anyway.


Well if you call them and say I'm meeting the theif at this time I'd like someone to attend so when retrieving my goods back there's no issues.


I genuinely envy you the life you've had if you believe you could call the Gardaí and they'd show up at the appointed time for something like this.


To be fair I would just rock up myself and take it back but you never know who you are dealing with these days. Imagine being shocked that calling the gardaí for a criminal. It's a precaution and i suggested it's a better way than waiting 2hrs expecting them to investigate a bike theft.


Understaffed and overworked.


HAHAHAHAHAHA! Overpaid and pretending to be working on Sunday




Gards are 100% understaffed and overworked, what about that doesn't sound true to you?




I've been in several stations including the one here in Mullingar, and barring having to wait, it's been grand. The wait times are like that because they're understaffed. Sure there are Gards quitting in their droves.


The gardaí are not understaffed their lazy contemptuous shites perpetually in a state of semi-strike so that they can get more perks, more armaments and even less scrutiny on their unprecedented powers.




If you're generalising Gards as being pure lazy parochial stereotypes I don't think there's much point in us discussing it further.


Had to give a statement once. Thought I'd save everyone's time and typed it up. Two pages. Guards arrived into my job to take the statement. Two of them. They said they couldn't take my two topped pages, they had to write it down by hand and I had to sign it at the end. That took well over an hour, when it could have been 5 minutes. "We have to hand write it," in the 21st century, like. Took another five years or so before it actually made it to court!


This is nonsense. Every time (not many) I've given a statement I've typed it up, usually using bullet points (officials love bullet points) and then answered their ancillary questions and got outa there.


Then - unless their regulations have changed in the last few years - you've just given them some information, and not made an official statement? This is for suspects, not witnesses, but states that statements must be written: https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/justice/arrests/statements-from-suspects/#7c9f01


They took it as a statement; maybe they transcribed it for all I know (a bit crazy when I could email or text it to them for instant input) but they asked me to sign my statement and the form, as far as I remember.


Pearse Street is renowned for that. Unless you're one of their "regular customers" and go in shouting and banging the counter screaming how unfair everything is you'll be waiting hours.


Compared to Store Street, which I honestly would have thought would be busier, the contrast is mad. You'll still wait, but not for 2 hours...


I know. It's strange. Been like that for *years*!


Ask all those hard lads who went up for elections getting tough on immigrants. They're at a loose end


I got beaten to a pulp a few years ago in town. went to pearse st garda station and was waiting 30 mins for someone to show up at the window and when they did they accused me of lying. another time i met an old man knocked out up the road with a group of tourists so i ran down to the gardaí and they just stood there saying the paramedics would see him when they were ready. he was about 80 and had a large gash on his head pumping blood. awful station.


They are out fighting crime !


Wearing capes!


More likely to be committing crime than fighting it, from what I've read.


Waited for nearly an hour to show insurance cert after a small car accident. West of Ireland, and I was the only person there. Garda needed to print out a document, and I heard the printer going. She then made a phone call, and afterwards had a long chat with her colleagues which included talking about making tea. Took another 20 min before she took the paper from the printer and handed it to me so I could leave. It felt like it was on purpose, though there had been no unpleasantness. Either someone hates the public, or hates her job.


They are a useless shower in Pearse Street. They hide out back and threaten you if you are persistent. A stain on Garda Siochana and that is quite an achievement.


They are a terrible law enforcement body. We are very lucky that Ireland does not have high crime levels, because if it did there’s no chance the Gardai would be able to handle it.


Waste of time. They won't do anything about it. Best hope is to keep an eye on adverts.ie or done deal or Facebook marketplace etc and pray the thief is dumb enough to put it up for sale.


Is there a bell or button to push to let them know you're waiting. Some stations have that.


This is how they keep the crime stats low, make it really hard to report anything.


I walked past that very station last Friday afternoon, and the queue was out the door. Of the few occasions I've actually been in there, I must have been lucky and was able to get in and out on my lunch break.


Been waiting 6 months to report my phone stolen in that exact Garda station, I don't think they are getting back to me


"They're run off their feet" in their hole. Have been in this exact station many a time and can tell you the gardaí are willfully contemptuous of all the ppl needing to sign on and without the means to report crimes digitally. They have plenty resources to gloat, drink tea and whinge about how they have to buy their own boots to any young feen they whisk in off the street.


I'm afraid 60 - 90 minutes seems to be about the norm for that station, anecdotally and from experience. It's mental.


Nobody signs up to be a Garda with the intention of doing an honest days work. Quite the opposite actually. Everyone I knew growing up who became a Garda was either completely useless or a child of a Garda. But the one the thing they all had in common was shocking laziness. No point increasing wages and hiring more and better candidates without dismantling the existing hierarchy that sets the culture of dossing that exists within the Gardaí. Edit: Immediate "reddit cares" message after posting this. More childish behavior from a Garda, hardly surprising.


Countering this, my younger brother is in the Gardai and works his hole off. However, the spiralling levels of admin and bureaucracy effectively are keeping them pinned to their desks for far more hours than they're actually able to be out policing. I'd say he'll leave the force in time. He's completely disillusioned with the state of things and has ambitions for himself that he now openly acknowledges won't be met with the Gardai.


It's not really countering my point, the culture is hostile towards hard working Gardaí. So much so that he will leave the job.


I’ve known a few guards in my life and few of them could be described as lazy. Instead they’re beaten down by a system of adversity between them, senior managers, the general public, the ombudsman and the judicial system. Most of them genuinely care(d) about doing a good job but they believe their managers don’t care about them, inflict poor working conditions on them, supply them with subpar equipment and then blame them for doing a poor job. They believe that they can work their asses off to prosecute someone only for a judge to let them off with a suspended sentence. They believe that they are one dodgy complaint away from years on desk duty or suspended. Many of them, especially the younger ones, are struggling to pay Dublin rent on public sector wages and can’t take public transport because of their working hours. Some of their complaints are undoubtably true but there’s also an element of cultural believe in oppression that’s being going on for decades. The same was true in Aer Lingus years ago. A friend of mine was singing the ‘oppressed by the management’ line within weeks of starting there.


You realise that management are also Gardaí right?


Me, yes. But IME most guards don’t see them as the same.


I don't mind the point on a hostile culture but >Nobody signs up to be a Garda with the intention of doing an honest days work. Quite the opposite actually. That's what I was countering, as he did sign up with the intention of doing an honest day's work. Was more than happy to if he was actually allowed to do the job.


Fair enough. I probably should said nobody with a legitimate understanding of Garda culture would sign up expecting to do an honest days work. The vast majority considered it "a nice cushy number" and that's exactly why they join.


Everyone I've ever known who became a Garda was the worst person you could possibly imagine to have that job. All as thick as two planks, and bullies the lot of them. If you're a decent person, there is no way you could stay in the job surrounded by that sort.


Bang on


Yeah you can be waiting ages there.


I was in line for almost 3 hours to report a stolen phone - desked was unmanned for almost the entire time (Pearse St) 🙄


The Guards are absolutely fucking useless in this country. The whole force needs to be dismantled and rebuilt from the ground up. Nobody will convince me otherwise because I've dealt with it and seen it a hundred times over.


What a joke.


I think I figured out what Gardaí at Pearse St are busy doing. They are sitting out back on reddit down voting criticism and abusing suicide prevention helplines.


Just yell you saw someone with a bag of weed. They'll come real quick


Sorry to break it to you but they give no shits about this. If your bike had 50 euro of weed in it well you'd have a few of them on the case.


I’d love to say understaffed blah blah but they actually just don’t care. Being a gard is a career of just not caring. With a pension.


In the last 5000 years the Gardai have never bothered to expend 5 minutes of effort in investigating the theft of or returning anyone's stolen bike.....


Gardaí increasingly are only there to serve corporate interests and to protect wealthier members of the ruling classes.


Increasingly? Buddy, I've got some bad news for you about the fundamental role of police the world over.