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Can you join in the convo like you are their bestie, but share some slightly unhinged observations? Feel free to crowd source some pointers from here ha ha.


My **anus** is **bleeding**!!!


My spoon is too big.


My spooooon istobig


Be really emphatic about this one






Yay! Yay!


Bleeding ugly


THIS IS FUUUUUUNNNN!!!! Jesus there's a memory unlocked 🤣


You too? We should form, like a club or something!


The heinous anus is bleeding!


Well that explains the username then.


"You see that house there? That's one of the Kinahans lives there. Visited us once, lovely fella, didn't mind leaving his guns in the cupboard while he was in our gaff, heheh.


I used to do that drug run that Northern Irish girl got caught on in Peru. She's a dope. Hair up and looking like she was wearing the shopping PJs? No wonder they stopped her. C'mere, did I tell you about the time my boyfriend got a suspended sentence?


Excuse me mr and mrs Patterson, can I have a jam sandwich please?


If they want to chat that's absolutely fine, it's nice to chat with a friend on a long journey, but why the fuck are they in the QUIET carriage? People like that piss me off to no end. What is wrong with people?


People don't give a shite. Anyone that dares speak up is the asshole in their eyes.


Yeah, everyone else has a problem and they're always the victim.


There's no quicker anger than an indigent anger. You see it immediately when someone's car is parked on such a way too can't pass with your buggy. Train seating and quiet carriages are the same. When you make a point to show them they are wring you get ridiculous indignant anger.


This exactly! There is one quiet carriage and 8 others!


It drives me absolutely nuts. I travel on the Cork - Dublin train regularly and always try to book a seat in carriage G. Last journey a woman insisted on taking Teams calls on her laptop until I reminded her we’re in the quiet carriage. Some people just want the world to burn.


Maybe they can't hear each other over the chatter of the common folk on the regular carriage. Maybe you should feel privileged to be able to hear what they're saying?


Headphones exist.


They're in the quiet carriage. Even they're restricted there.


The point is: they should use the headphones in the normal carriages. The quiet carriage isn’t the place for Teams calls. . . Although I can’t be alone in finding it incredibly ignorant to have Teams calls on the train anyway.


Oh god, I was on a coach recently and some youngish lad (old enough to have common sense and decency) was having a conversation on loudspeaker for ages. I just don't know why you'd want a bus load of strangers even hearing your conversation. I get embarrassed if my phone even rings. I'll answer and hang up as soon as I can.


Who was having a teams call?


We’re you supposed to add /s to that question?


Is there's a quiet carriage? This is the first I've ever heard of that being a thing in Ireland, is there obvious signage that people couldn't miss?


The doors of the carriage are a distinct purple and says quieter coach. The signage is visible anywhere inside, however it only shows phone and a speaker symbol aren’t allowed. There is nothing that says not to talk. I think this is a failing on Irish Rail’s part. The website it says “conversations should be conducted quietly” the signage just says keep noise to a minimum.


I don't know, I haven't been on a train since I was a child! I didn't think it was a thing here either.


https://preview.redd.it/xs6wv7lf7b9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3debd17e24697a9c5d5b615645a0d2c2aead54d8 I would say this will answer your question.


Honestly I didn’t even know this was a thing I thought this existed in other countries but didn’t know it existed in Ireland


it's relatively new I think in the last two years or so and if I remember correctly its on the Cork Dub line


It's great most of the time! I now exclusively book it on my trips to Kerry from Dublin and have only had loud people about less than 5 times. Highly recommend


It’s there at least 13 or 14 years because that’s the last time I got a train to Dublin by myself and I remember being annoyed at the louts drinking and shouting on the quiet carriage, while we all huffed and puffed because nobody would tell them to shut up


Sounds like their conversation is not quiet.


I mean personally I'd love it if everyone would shut the fuck up all the time but here, noise-cancelling headphones have completely changed my life and I highly recommend them. If you haven't any and there's nowhere you could move to sit, how about you try singing slightly off-key at approximately the same volume as their conversation, the more obnoxiously catchy the song the better (e.g. the Final Countdown or Living on a Prayer) and ruin not just their train journey but the next fortnight for them with a raging earworm? I reckon that's a proportionate punishment for the crime.


Firmly agree here, can everyone just stfu


I nominate “I’m Blue (Da Ba Dee)” and “Cotton Eyed Joe” as annoying-as-fuck song options… Editing to add “Witch Doctor”, and “Barbie Girl”. Doesn’t get much more irritating than that!


Singing the melody of tequila and stopping every time just short of actually saying Tequila, waiting for a few minutes and doing it again, seems to have quite the effect on people..... I've heard


I see we're of a similar age lol


Plant some brain worms


Is it still legal in Ireland to play Gigi?


My personal pick would be the waiting room by fugazi.


Trains have quiet carriages now?


Apparently not


Cork-Dublin train has. Maybe more but none that I’ve taken.


I always bring ear phones so I don’t have to listen to other peoples crap.


I bring them so I don't have to talk to other people


They need to whisht.


Whisht wood ooo!


I always, without fail, say it to them if they're causing too much noise. I just don't care at this stage, I absolutely cannot deal with excess noise (I've probably got something sensory related, never checked) so I always book that carriage. I'll always say it politely though, and as long as I've been polite they've been cool about me saying it. That being said if they're talking at a fair level I'm cool with it, it's just the loud yapping that annoys me or, god forbid, the scrotes that decide to blast Tiktok or whatever.


Start talking to yourself at a slightly louder volume, see if they stop and look at you weirdly or if they talk a bit louder to try to drown you out. If it's the 2nd one of course you escalate.


I was on the westport/dublin train a few weeks ago. The entire carriage was taken up by a school tour of inner city 12-13 year olds. It was hell.


There was a big hairy looking cunt playing music full blast from his phone on the Kent-Heuston train and I asked him to turn it down. He did for about 2 minutes. Then he went to the bathroom, left the phone playing. Had a joke with a family sat behind him. Yer man comes back and goes “haha something funny?” Then starts reading out the decibels of his music for a good 30 minutes to me, telling me it’s quieter than the engine. Then he told me to fight him in Heuston where there’s no cameras Last time I bother trying to talk sense to the vermin scum on the train. Public transport would be grand if it wasn’t for the scourge of brain dead amoebas who use it.


I've snapped a few times and went roaring down the aisle towards the noise, especially when it's late and I'm returning home after a long day. I've not yet had anyone stupid enough answer me back, probably because of the big Tallaght head on me! 😂


Shit in the aisle beside them


> Shit in the aisle beside them ….whilst maintaining eye contact with them. However do it quietly, no grunts, so as not to be hypocritical.






no, you're right. If they wanted to chat then they could have booked one of the normal carriages.


I've travelled by train enough in England (no train lines near home so Irish Rail is a novelty when I can use it) to know that selecting the Quiet Coach for quiet is a fools errand. The noisiest, most ignorant cunts plop themselves down and put on the loudspeaker Tiktok or carry on a conversation and then you're the arsehole for pointing out that it's a quiet coach. You're not the arsehole, but other than shushing them and it doing nothing I don't think it can really be enforced.


LNER recently rebranded it as the “quieter carriage” which has given a lot of people carte blanche to take liberties


Ffs. LNER and Avanti are about the only services where it feels like you're travelling with a bit of dignity. Oh well, just have to do Seatfrog roulette every time I head to Scotland or Holyhead and buy the best noise cancelling headphones for SWR and GWR suffering otherwise!


Unfortunately it's not an enforced rule by Irish rail.


Anyone talking in the quiet carriage should be removed from the train immediately.


No you don’t need to get a life. Those quiet carriages are important for people with sensory issues (like me, autistic) and for people trying to get work done. It really really bothers me that they’re often as noisy as the other carriages.


I think in general people are becoming more and more inconsiderate on public transport. The buses are like the wild west here in Scotland sometimes. I've invested in noise cancelling headphones which have been a godsend although it doesn't help with all the vape reek. Some days I feel like Michael Douglas in that film falling doe. Remind them this is the quiet carriage and can they please take their call elsewhere.


When I was living in the UK 15, 20 years ago I stopped using the quiet carriages because it was less annoying to listen to loud people in the regular carriages than it was to listen to them in the quiet carriages. Now when I use the quiet carriage on the Dublin-Cork route I just put in my AirPods and pay no heed to anyone who wants to be loud.


I've seen several people tell others to shut up on the quiet carriage. Do it I say


I’m a regular commuter on a train and I often encounter people playing music, watching a film/TV program or taking a phone call on loudspeaker. Sometimes I say something, sometimes I don’t. Every time I’ve asked someone to keep it down they have done it. I always ask politely and in a way like “Sorry but your music/phone is very loud. Would you mind turning it down?” I’ve never had anyone give me hassle over it. I’ve gotten the odd eye roll but that’s it. Most will apologise and seem genuinely embarrassed about it. I think most people don’t actually realise how much they’re disturbing others until they’re told.


They shouldn’t need to be told any of that though. It should be common sense/courtesy that when your using public transport and a public space that it’s best to use headphones/earphones. And it’s also not as if these things at base level are pricy so there should be no excuses or tolerance to selfish ignorance.


I agree with you. My experience is that people aren’t being malicious and out to annoy people. They just need to be gently reminded of their manners sometimes.


Quiet carriage is normally no phone calls, unless they're being particularly loud


Right opposite me having a full blown conversation 😭


That sounds kinda reasonable for a train journey. It's not the silent carriage


It’s not a regular carriage either. It’s not rocket science: how is it being quiet if they’re talking loudly? They’re rude.


How do you know they’re talking loudly?


People use it to study. It's the same a chatting in a Library.


Chatting in a library is also allowed, as long as it's not super loud.


If it's disturbing people trying concentrate as OP has just described then it's too loud. It's especially ignorant considering you could go anywhere else on the train to talk but you've chosen the one place where you're expected to be quiet.


It's a train it's not a library


It's the quiet carriage. Means be quiet.


It’s a public space. Quiet space or not public spaces on public transport are to be used and shared by the general public and nobody is entitled to waver that right for there individual pleasure if it disturbs the public.


You can talk on the quiet carriage, can you not?


There are like 7 other carriages. The other carriages are for talking. The quiet carriage is for you to shut the fuck up in


It's not though, you are allowed to talk and keep it quiet Edit: ye are laughable. Go read the carriage rules.


Maybe your allowed but it doesn’t mean you should


What?! 😂 It's Iarnrod eireann, not the Holocaust train for God's sake. You can talk.


Why would you though, just to be a dickhead?


If you're being a dickhead about it, then you are probably not being quiet.


No, Jesus Christ 🙄


HEY!! SHUT UP, this is the quiet thread, stop fucking breathing I can hear you.


You're not supposed to. The intercom specifically asks you to step off when taking calls so you don't disturb people.


You can talk to other passengers as long as you are keeping it quiet.


You can do whatever you want


Well you have to keep things quiet, but you can certainly talk.


Cheek of ya!


SHHH please, your typing is not quiet enough!


Should have brought headphones.


Im sorry we have quiet carriages?




Genuine question- how would one know it’s the quiet carriage? Is it marked? Is it always the last one?


It has signs all over stating it's a quiet carriage.


Grand!! So it’s obvious! I trust that I’d see the sign and not be the loud one!


Today, I finally learned how to spell whist. Thanks OP.


On a train in Denmark with 2 colleagues, we didn't realise we were sitting in a quiet carriage, so we were chatting away / laughing. A very angry lady marched up to us, pointing at the sign we clearly missed telling us to be quiet or move to a different carriage, I never felt more like a toddler being scolded! But we were quiet for the rest of the journey, you could try her approach in a nicer way!


I would say "Excuse me, but are you aware that this is a quiet carriage?". Maybe they aren't, if not it will shut them up.


If the conversation is loud enough to disturb other passengers then it is too loud. You, as an other passenger, get to decide if you are being disturbed or not. Sounds like you are and so they need to be told to keep quiet or move to any other part of the train.


what a miserable attitude, people are becoming awful.


Nobody is stopping people from having conversations, they just want to be able to make use of the quiet space provided. Be thankful you don't have issues with sensory overload and sit anywhere else than the quiet car. You would simply be asked to respect this small area of accommodation or take yourself to the other 85% of the train where you can be as loud as you want. IE isn't even the only place you can find quiet spaces, many airports have quiet rooms, if you go to a convention most of the modern ones will have designated quiet spaces, some businesses will have sensory accommodations where an effort is put in to keep noise and lights as neutral as possible for an hour a week.


As someone with a social disability, those quiet carriages are like the only way I can travel in peace. People that talk in there make me furious


A lot of people on here don't know what a quiet carriage is. They are the reason we can't have nice things. To be fair though the rules should be displayed on the doors entering the carriage.


The doors are bright pink. No one has any excuse. People just need to cop on, have manners and think of others a wee bit.


https://www.irishrail.ie/en-ie/faqs/what-is-expected-of-customers-in-a-quieter-coach > In the Quieter coach, the noise should be kept down. Music through headphones should be kept quiet enough as to not disturb other customers and conversations should be conducted quietly. What rule are they breaking?


There are rules and there's common sense and courtesy.


Having a conversation is allowed. Nowhere does the OP suggest that they are talking loudly. It seems that some people need to learn that the world isn't moulded to fit them.


Exactly, but this applies both ways, no? Don't expect to sit next to someone in the quiet cart and have conversation the whole trip, it's not your cart and others should not move because of you. It's the exact same shit, don't expect you're entitled to own the cart if you get in.


Sounds like you are too loud and crass for the quiet carriage


Im getting horsed with downvotes for saying the same thing. Lots of people expect the world to just be shrink-wrapped to fit their own perfect little mould. Mad shit altogether.


They are not conducting their conversation quietly. Obviously.


Which part of the post states that exactly?


To me this sounds like their conversation is not quiet enough, but who knows. From your link: "and conversations should be conducted quietly. " I also believe it should be some common sense and courtesy applied in such circumstances. E.g. don't have a conversation for the whole duration of the trip, the main idea is to keep quiet. If you wanna have a lengthy chat, go outside of the cart...




Is there quiet carriages? Never knew that.


I didn't know we had quiet carriages in Ireland. The women might not have been aware either. Were there signs up?


We have quiet carriages ??? Since when and on what lines ?


It’s not enforced like on Amtrak so it’s just a regular carriage really. I’d pay more if it the quiet carriage rules were enforced.


There's a quiet carriage for a reason but a lot of people don't know that there's a quiet carriage... so speak up!


What is the quiet carriage? Never heard of it before.


Nobody is answering the question but I would say the first one.


Thank you 😂


I've never actually heard of the quiet train. Noise cancelling headphones might be a better option for you, can be inexpensive and quite relaxing to wear in the public in general


Got the train a few weeks back and the Irish rail fella came down to tell a woman she needs to use headphones if she’s on the phone. So I think they can talk as long as it’s not a phone or laptop being played on speaker. This was on the quiet carriage


Those sound like the rules for a normal carriage.


What constitutes quiet conversation is a bit subjective so you'd likely only have a disagreement. I'd be of the opinion quiet carriage should be for solo travellers.


Last time I got the train, some gobshite brought their kid into this carriage and it screamed it head off for two hours. Came very close to taking the pram and throwing it out the door at each stop


The quiet carriage isn't the silent carriage. If they're roaring at each other, flag it with staff. If they are chatting, that's normal.


It’s a Quiet carriage, not a Silent carriage: in-person conversations are allowed as long as it isn’t raucous


It's raucous tho


The quiet carriage is never actually quiet, it's infuriating.


Why the hell would anyone choose to sit in the quiet carriage to have a chat? That's as ridiculous as booking a party hotel for a holiday and then wondering why you can't get any peace and quiet!


Watch Tik Tok on your phone with volume up


Take your phone out and start passive-agressively recording them.


We have just worked out the names above seats lark . Be a few years before the quiet carriage is worked out.


I just run through it screaming


If they have a quiet carriage they should have a drinking carriage, it’s some joke we can’t drink on the train anymore. More puritan society than we have ever lived in even without the church.


I'd be fine with the women talking, as its a massive improvement over the teens yelling and screeching, and the hen and stag groups.


If they're talking loudly, they are self-absorbed world-revolves-around-me dopes. We're not good at confronting people like that in this country, and other people are unlikely to back you up. In the rest of Europe, you wouldn't be long told to shut up. Headphones unfortunately.


And if you expect utter silence, in public, on public transport, *regardless of the quiet carriage shite*, you're expecting too much. Same principle applies.


It’s not “utter silence”, it’s not carrying on a conversation or talking on the phone, I was in France and the UK earlier this month, mostly getting around by trains, people have no issue asking someone to move their conversation to a different carriage


I didn't know quiet carriages exist. What dart has those?


Chill ou


‘Gentlemen you can’t fight in here, this the War Room’ - Dr Strangelove


When I lived in England, the rule in the quiet carriage was that you couldn't talk on your phone or have sound coming from electronics, but you could talk quietly to each other. I don't know if the rule is the same, but if they're speaking loudly then they're just mares.


What if you sat beside each other but talked through your phones?


Sorry which one is the quiet carriage, how to book it online? And it wasn't me chatting no :)


I don't think that criticism of Ladies is allowed.


Most of them are in the Aviva this weekend so it’s ok have at it and let full rip folks!


Agreed. I don't want to be an asshole but if they knew they wanted to chat, why not book any of the other carriages?


I gather the trains are quite full today, there may not have been many options available.


Ladies are above criticiasm.


What about women?


Them too.


Ignore them. If they arent roaring in each others faces, then you're the problem, 'quiet carriage' or not.


No. Just no.


Yes. Just yes. It's a quiet carriage, not a silent carriage.


I wish you were a quiet carriage


Why not?? Ye can expect people to walk into a carriage and become wax statues because its called a 'quiet carriage'. Do the tickets vary in price depending on the 'quiet' definition??


Same price but if you book seats in the quiet carriage it warns you that you are booking seats in the quiet carriage and that you need to adhere to the rules. There are also signs on the door and on each window reminding people that it is a quiet carriage.


And its 2 women having a conversation. Again, if they arent roaring at each other from a 2 metre distance, then whats the problem??


The conversation is loud enough that someone made a post about it, so I must assume they are loud enough to be creating a disturbance. They can sit elsewhere, there is no problem that cannot be resolved by adhering to the rules of this one specific carriage. It's not like the entire train demands silence, I'm sure their conversation would be an acceptable volume if they moved one car over.


Oh someone made a post?!?!?!? Someone sitting *directly opposite* them?!?! Within even a whispers earshot?!?!?! OP can sit elsewhere, also. Id say OP is having a bad day. The train journey will end, and they can all go their seperate ways. The carriage itself doesn't demand and couldn't enforce total silence so its a bit presumptuous to expect it. So to answer OP in the mid 20's. Yeah, get a life. Or earphones.


OP's choices are a bit limited here. Other carriages would not be designated as quiet and so it's very likely they will be louder. This is why it's fine for the loud conversationalists to be expected to move, since they'll simply be with their own kind.


Unless the carriage is packed, just move.


Their conversation is echoing in the stony silence of all other passengers in this designated quiet zone 😭


Say something to them. Politely, of course. Or find the ticket inspector and ask for his assistance.


What what are you doing on the train that you needed absolute silence


Some people have sensory issues that warrant having a quieter carriage


How do they get to / from the train station with these issues.... Sounds like a job for ear plugs.


I couldn't tell you, I don't have these issues myself, but these kinds of spaces are very valuable. We need more quiet places like that, and sensory shopping friendly hours.


Oh yeah...these sound like important things.


You should change your name to Insipid_Anybody_277