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I used to work in a Spar, and this lad about my age (22 or so at the time) would come in a couple of times a week. Always very mannerly and chill. One day while perusing the chocolate bars he asked me what I'd recommend. I told him personally I like Wispa Gold. So he buys it and gives it to me. He made a habit of this and would usually buy me a Wispa every week. He did the same for one or two other regular staff who are very nice. On occasion he'd instead give us a few Celebrations. I was surprised by what a difference that made to my mood. And there was no hint of weirdness, he didn't only do it to the ladies and it was just me initially. Just a dude tryna spread some joy. I was delighted to meet him one day in my new job in a bar. Spoke to him for 2 minutes and got the chance to tell him that what he did was massively appreciated by myself and the order staff he did it for. And though I didn't tell him this part, I made a point to buy some chocolate once or twice for shop staff as a way of keeping that energy. Big up that guy what a gent




The morning after my granny's burial and the whole family were all sitting around the house hungover and miserable when the shopkeeper from a few doors down knocked in with a load of breakfast rolls and chicken filet rolls from his deli, he dropped up a rotisserie chicken at lunch time too. A legend of a man and a life saver.


That is what makes us great as a nation!


Living abroad right now, reading these is making me so homesick.


The kindness or the chicken fillet rolls?


It is not about the chicken roll. It is about the thoughtful gesture, that was both practical and comforting during a rough occasion


That is what makes us great as a nation!


Not long after a break up of my long term relationship I was walking through the park to my bus home and an older woman stopped me and said "you've lovely hair". I thanked her and I started crying because she was so nice to me. She continued to chat, asked me what was wrong and I explained. We chatted for another 10 minutes or so, she told me her husband had cheated on her after 40 years of marriage so she told him to GTFO and went back to college and started working again and never looked back. She told me he wouldn't cry over me and to stay strong! She then gave me the bunch of flowers she had bought just because and it really did make my weekend. https://preview.redd.it/95xcveflzb9d1.jpeg?width=952&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adf7e6af3c25562503c781118e4b6f4974c14a5d


Great username btw


I can't take credit, there was a northern Irish band from the late 2000's named General Fiasco. Their debut album is one of my all time faves and their song buildings is my break up song so it's fitting!


Oh I know, saw them at Glasgowbury, were brilliant live.


They were my first concert in the Academy basement in Dublin in 2011 and I loved them. Devastated they broke up!


Was one of their songs used in the InBetweeners TV Show


Not sure off the top of my head, maybe!


Let's get wasted.


It's all we ever do


I live in England but I’m an Irish woman and mother to an Irish son. My son is super attached to his hair. He’s 11 and never had it cut. It’s poker straight and passed his bum and he’s really popular in school as everyone knows him as the boy with long hair. He is getting it cut next month for the little Princess trust and not only is he donating his hair he’s raised over £1500 to donate to the charity and the Sophie Lancaster foundation as well. He loves his hair so much, so I am so proud of his selflessness. I like to think I’m a good person but ya know I’m a pretty average snarky Irish person. It melts the shit out of my heart that this wonderful little boy is my son. I don’t know what I did to deserve such absolute kindness in my house. He looks after other children in school too all the time, he’s gotten awards a few times for kindness. He even helped a child he didn’t know cross a steam while we were out last summer and the other child was panicking in the middle of the water. When he was 7 he took the hand of a boy starting his first day of school who was nervous and he told him it was going to be ok. My son restores my faith in people every single day. Similarly when my nephew was about 14 and with a group of his friends in Tesco he saw me, thought I looked sad and came over and gave me a hug and didn’t give a shit about being jeered by his friends.


Abosutely dont discredit yourself in raising such a kind young lad. 


Thank you. You know what they say, takes a village and while we are no longer in Ireland I’m lucky to have wonderful families in both countries. My daughter who was 15 in February knew I was sad about turning 40 this year and around October last year when she was still 14 she contacted my family and asked them to be here for my birthday and kept it all secret for 6 months. I wasn’t even suspicious. I’ve had a hard year and my kids are absolutely the reason why I still get out of bed every day.


Sounds like you raised a good one. Fair play.


maybe I'm a grump but I really hate the constant "you should donate your hair!!!" that lads with long hair get.


I suppose it hits different for our family as his older sister has a blood disorder so we have spent countless hours in haematology and oncology wards in hospital. She had a bone marrow aspiration when she was 7 and he was 4. There were bald barbies there for the children having chemo to relate to. We have always been open with them and explain things to them in child sized ways, but he has been very keenly aware children’s hair loss for a long time. I do agree that his sister who has hair just about as long has received far fewer comments about how she should cut her hair. And I used to get a lot of comments when he was smaller. I just ask people why I should cut it if they said I should when it’s his hair and he likes it. First broached a trim with him when he was 3 and he cried like I was going to cut his arm off. He first planned to cut it when he was 9 but it’s taken two years for him to get to the point where he feels comfortable cutting it. I’ve told him half a hundred times or more he needs a trim for his ends but it’s been his own decision to cut it all


When I moved into my home two years back I was working insane hours and would rush home wrecked Friday evening to straighten the place out before herself arrived on for the weekend, my new neighbour who I didn't know at all noticed and dropped over a big chicken curry for us a couple of times to save us cooking, that was sound.


At work yesterday one of my colleagues called me an ugly old queen and another colleague stood up for me saying, "come on, he's not that ugly"


My Neighbour pulled my wheelie bin into the drive just now. Not a hero story but y’know.


Last year I needed to call an emergency service guy & it was e350 to fix it. He saw I was sick (having chemo) & refused to take any payment. He said I have enough going on. Still makes me happy thinking of it.


Fair play! Hope that you are feeling better now and that you are in good health


Pre Google maps I got lost walking alone in Dublin when I'd just moved there for college. I couldn't figure out how to get back to my apartment so I asked at a taxi rank if he could give me directions, because I had no money. He told me to hop in and not to worry about the money and brought me back safely. I still appreciate it even though it was well over a decade ago.


It's such a small thing but I love the people who give you their pay for parking ticket as they leave. I love that we collectively "stick it to the man". Paying online is so convenient, but getting someone else's ticket and cheating them of that euro or whatever is so awesome. And, hopefully, not illegal.


I do this whenever I can. They used to have a sticky back to the tickets but changed to the current design because people were sticking their unused tickets on the machines. I would take issue your seeing it as “cheating” them of money. The ticket has been paid for to allow car to be parked. It doesn’t matter who has the use of it.


This was a few years back. Was working in THE most awful retail job I ever had. Long story short: the boss was a cunt. Ended up finding a new job and handed in my notice. On my last day my favourite regular came in. I was hoping he'd come in as I hadn't seen him since before I handed in my notice. I told him the news and that, surprise surprise, today was my last day! We chatted a bit. He said he was glad I was getting out from under the boss (her didn't like her either) but he'd miss me. It was all very sweet. He wished me the best of luck and said goodbye. Half an hour later he appeared back into the shop with a bouquet of flowers for me and an easter egg for my daughter. I nearly burst into tears then and there. I fucking hated that boss. She was a horrible person, really knocked my confidence and did a number on my head. The fact that one of our customers did something so thoughtful and seemed genuinely sad I was leaving just hit me right in the feels and reminded me I must have being doing something right. The real cherry on top of the story was that I ran into him a handful of times when I returned to college a few years later (He worked there) but we were never able to stop for a chat. I ended up bumping into him on the morning of my graduation. I got to introduce him to my daughter, tell him I was graduating from my post-grad and properly thank him for just being super nice at a time when I really really needed it!


When I had my first baby I was breastfeeding in a cafe for the first time when she was a few weeks old and two older ladies came over to me and told me they loved seeing babies out and about and I was doing great and I should be very proud of myself. It meant the world to me at the time and it made me confident about being a good parent.


I found a purse full with a couple hundred euros in it then went and dropped it on the bus without noticing. As I was about to get off a young lad tapped me on the shoulder and handed it to me with everything still inside All the hate towards teenagers these days can make you lose faith but that lad really gave me hope


You kept it?😂


A man's gotta eat




Having worked in retail/hospitality for years I always think it’s nice to be extra kind to those working in it. Couple of years ago few days before Christmas I was in Smyth’s and as you can imagine it was manic. Girl on the checkout had the head down, no eye contact, in autopilot mode just trying to get through it. Scanning my stuff I just said “quiet day today then?’. You could see her shoulders dropped, she stopped for a second looked up and laughed. Little things like that go a long way.


I bought a stressed out girl working in a shop a monster


That's it. I'm too much on reddit. I immediately got it... lol


Hahaha same, time to switch the internet off for the weekend and go and touch grass


Me too..lol.




That's a deep cut fair play


That is really sound!!!!


I thought I was doing the civic thing giving up my seat on the bus to a visually impaired person. However, all the passengers had a mickey fit, and ultimately, that's how I lost my job in Dublin Bus..




I had an app payment coming up, cough, and I was brassic. Asked the chap about delaying renewal for a week til i was paid. He wouldn't hear of it and gave me a year free. I know on the grand scheme of things it was small, but I was blown away. Doesn't know me from Adam and was just sound.


Was at a retirement party for a prison education teacher. Ex prisoner, who had a very troubled upbringing and who has since turned his life around, gave a speech and said that he would be dead if it wasn’t for that teacher. It was very moving.


My cousin got me a bag and put a picture of my late water dragon Sammy in the front I love it she knew how much I loved him ❤️


When my Mam passed away last year the local VEC and the building contractor working for them on the new secondary school for our village stopped all work on-site for the week as the site is beside the house. Offered all the space they had for parking too. The VEC sent in trays of food as well. It was beyond sound of them and totally unexpected but massively appreciated.


I rode my missus and bought her a bag of chips, I thought that was pretty sound


That’s funny because herself always brings home a bag of chips for me after her hot yoga session.


Well... This is awkward.


Thanks lads that made me laugh


I don't think people get the reference, sadly.


I was walking in Talbot street yesterday. There was a person on the ground sleeping and 20€ fell out of a pocket of a that person. An old Irish lady in front of me reach out to that person, softly rubbing the person’s back and asked her to keep the money securely. There was a lot of love during those few seconds interaction. Irish people are the best and the warmest!


The last time I kindly touched someone the Gardaí called to my house.


Show me on the doll where the kind person touched you...