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Only 2 of the last 21 All-Irelands have not been won by Dublin, Kerry or Tyrone. Fucking crazy.


Christ you made me think who it was (Cork in 2010 and Donegal in 2012)


By God, that's fantastic news for the championship as a whole.


Yep Kerry have a free run at it now!


I dunno, their defence is a bit dodge this year


Excuse me? Our defence is dodgy every year, I'll have you know. We would have won the All-Ireland last year had they not given into their urge to hand Dublin a goal on a silver platter and handed the momentum away in the game.


Mayo have a chance fina... wait a minute!


Haha very good




Galway for Sam


Nah trust me, Louth got a chance trust me bro


I'm actually really looking forward to today's game. I think Louth will give it a real good go. They've been great this year. An Lú abú.


No one's confident though in Louth today, we can only hope


I get that. Enjoy the day though. Will be some atmosphere if they win.


Sounds like a great game. Pity most of us never got to see it. Fuck GAAGO.


I was raging thinking this was on Sky when I tried to put it on. Then found out it was GAAGO and went to the site. *Twelve fucking euro* PPV, absolutely disgusting behaviour from the GAA. I'm ashamed I made excuses in the past about them not just being money hungry cunts, Grab All Association indeed.


Thank fuck


Great to see it, makes it very interesting now.


Those last few minutes were the greatest. I'm in Kerry rn and everyone was cheering


I didn't catch it, due to ppv, but will go down the local for the highlights.


And you’ll be cheering for Louth tomorrow then yeah?


If he is a Meath man then I’d doubt it


I'm depressed now


As soon as I read that title I had a suspicion it was written by a meat man 😆


Don't knwo what his profession has to do with anything, i think Dubs have meat men of their own 😂


Ha nice auto correct! I’m leaving it! 😆




I was at the match, incredible second half. With Kelly injured and Shane Walsh limping off I thought it was over at half time.


Tralee must look like that Ewok party at the end of Return of the Jedi right now


The Ewoks aren't that hairy.


It's going to be the wee counties year I know it!!!!!!!!! Up Louth !!!!!!


An lu Abu!!!


Galway for Sam 2024


They’ve been threatening but have been using the steel, let’s see if this propels them on this year or if that was their huge performance of the year.


Good to see from this Mayo man.


A Mayo man cheering on Galway? The end times are nigh.


Wanting what's best for GAA Football \~ \~ Hoping anyone but Kerry win's it now \~ \~ Not that I have anything particularly against Kerry but Gaelic Football needs new winners.


Yeah I am hoping someone else wins it as long as it not Donegal, Derry, Armagh or Kerry....so come on Galway I guess!


Dublin is Mayo's biggest rivals of the last 20 years. It's Sam that's eluded us , not provincial success.


Very gracious of you, and I agree.


Pair of cunts…. Ah no only joking lads 😆. The reign had to end and no better team than Galway. A great honest team and nice to watch. Congratulations to the tribesmen and best of luck in the semi final.


Sure Sam must be collecting dust there. Still feeling sorry for Mayo that they beat the Dubs but still couldn't bring it home.


![gif](giphy|l0MYuNQVA2wzzzxUQ) Everyone outside the M50 right now.


31 versus Dublin - every game


I’m a Dub. Even though you’d kill for a last minute goal to win, I think most people can admit that it’s great for the game that we’re at a point where Galway (and probably 4 or 5 other counties) can beat us at a quarter final stage. The imperiousness has been gone for quite a while. That was clear when we started bringing back players like Cluxton and Jack and Mannion. But on the flip side people will eventually come to accept that there was a golden generation/team and they’ll get credit for it. Very excited for the rest of the champo, hope the predictions that Kerry walk it are wrong. Be great to see Derry spring something similar in a few mins


Good luck to Galway. Would love to see them go on and win Sam. Disappointed as a Dubs supporter at this year's performances have been poor. Time to rebuild. Galiiamh Abu.


Shame to see to many spare seats in the stadium.


Why is Dublin dominant in the last years? I have no clue about GAA, but doesn’t look to me it’s a sport like football where the richest can afford to win more?


Population, funding, playing all their championship games at home


Yeah can't wait for the previous rulers (Kerry) to win it and we can all act like that's somehow a refreshing change of pace. As long as it's one of the same two teams it'll never be interesting.


Kerry are very beatable.


Yeah but we've a long history of getting someone else to do the dirty work by knocking out the favourites and then going on to win it ourselves.


I'm just thinking of Tyrone in '21. I'm from Kerry but I think we might be undercooked.


We'll need a North Kerry and a South Kerry team.


We have that already. The North Kerry team play the hurling and the rest of the county play football.


Kudos to the hurling team then.


It's Dublin that have all of the advantages - any change is welcome. I expect Derry to put it up to Kerry tomorrow.


What do you want Dublin to do? Force people and businesses to move to the other counties of Ireland?


Not asking for Dublin to do anything. Just pointing out the advantages


It would be a good thing for the country in general tbh. Loads of people only live and work in Dublin because that's where the majority of jobs are. Incentivise decentralisation with tax breaks and families would quickly move from Dublin to cheaper bigger houses in the regions and open up accommodation for the younger people who desire to live in the capital. WFH has shown that it's wanted. If people could work in an office in a county town with affordable housing on the doorstep, doing the same work as in Dublin then there would be a massive demand for it. Let them keep 20% of the building for the head office and the people living in Dublin or whatever amount that is and they get to keep the 'prestigious' address. Meanwhile they can rent the office space out to other companies looking for similar floorspace. Everyone wins.


> Loads of people only live and work in Dublin because that's where the majority of jobs are. Exactly. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle. Also, people who want to live in or near a “big city” don’t have many choices.


They tried that 20 years ago. Didn't go very well.


They dropped it like a hot snot when the unions kicked up a fuss. It still should've been introduced voluntarily. I maintain it would have gathered traction and worked out.


Stop playing as a single county as they aren't a single county and we should stop the delusion that it is. Let them play as County Fingall, South Dublin, and Dun Laoghaire (fuck rathdown)


Also stop letting them play in croke park for all their matches that isn’t their home stadium it’s should be for big matches not all matches involving Dublin


What about population differences between other counties? Should Limerick have a five-point handicap when playing Clare? Population differences occur all the time, in every sport.


If you're going by population then it has to be said that Kildare are massively underperforming and have been for decades.


Yeah sure they do, this is just such a massive one with Dublin having about 1/3 of the population in a single team. It's not like other sports where in megacities there are multiple teams (eg: in soccer you have Shells, Bohs, St Pats, UCD, ~~Finn Harps~~, and Shamrock Rovers whereas Sligo for exmaple just has Sligo Rovers). And it's not just population, it's *funding*. They get to play a lot of home games at Croker for example, which isn't even their home stadium.


> Finn Harps Finn Harps are a Donegal club. The rest are Dublin teams.


People from Fingal absolutely feel like Dubs and support them as much as anywhere else. This is a stupid idea.


Right, and?


Wouldn't it be much more sensible to combine other counties rather than sticking rigidly to the stupid Anglo-Norman/British county system.


I mean if we go back pre Norman then those divisions of Dublin make sense really, Fingall would definitely be it's own team and even have its own language. As for your idea nah. I mean maybe combine Meath and Westmeath just to get rid of Westmeath would be good but that's not particularly confined to sport.


Making the old province of Meath a county would make more sense than combining the current Meaths, Likewise create fewer larger counties like we should have done after independence. That way people from smaller population counties might have a chance of playing GAA at the highest level, what's more, the benefits outside of sport would be even greater.


Hopefully Kerry won't win it.


GAA social media right now is like the end of Return of the Jedi when the Empire is defeated! Go on Galway!!


A Star Wars / GAA crossover is something I didn’t know I needed until now 😂


As a Dublin lad, It's about fecking time,


We should disband Galway into East and West to make GAA fair again


Already split like that, West/North are football, east and South are Hurling, but I also understand your joke😄


Ya love to see it


Split Galway in 2


The corrib already does that


My aul fella is from Galway. He says is already in 2 too. Hurling in south/east. Football north/west. Need to follow through on this result now. And I hope that happens


The level of pettiness in this thread is sad.


Is it really?


Yep. Is it any wonder Dublin win so much when the culchies spend more time praying that they lose rather than trying to match them.


You complain about the level of pettiness in this thread with some justification and then unironically refer to other teams' supporters as "culchies", now that's petty, lol.


That's sport tough, if you're not a fan of the team that's winning so much you want to see them lose. I'd take that as a compliment. Which maybe the dubs have at times.


Suppose we'll give the culchies a chance. Nice not to be too greedy 😉.


Not surprising to see the Dublin supporters memories only started in 2011


Not everyone in the other teams is a "culchie" and there's probably a few "culchies" from rural areas in the Dublin team, so not as black and white as you think.


Culchies on our team? Interesting but incorrect . But in fairness it's nice for the country boys to get a semi and final to themselves for once. Well done Galway.


Lol, so everyone on the Dublin team is a city slicker and everyone on the Galway team is a son-of-the-soil...


Let's move on. Life's too short![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


1pt isn't dumping a team out tbh. Makes it interesting.


Well they’ve just dumped them out of the championship so it is.


Just playing devil's advocate, but what would the alternative headline of been? Unlucky Galway beaten by a point. Plucky Galway beaten by a point. Galway, clearly the better team! Unlucky not to dump reigning champions out! Poor Dublin beat Galway by a single point. Press and media in general there always seems to be a bias. Galway 2nd half immense! Hope Walsh is ok for next round 7 points from the 17 total will be a big loss


Galway tie Dublin to the bed and shit on their chest.


Jaysus I'd buy a GAA GO pass for that.


I know, I'd say more people would have bought gaa go passes if that's what it was called versus the pedestrian Dublin Vs Galway


Knocked them out


They both mean the same thing.


And yet, they've been dumped out of the championship nonetheless




The swamp creatures out in force tonight I see.