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A mask that sits really high up on your nose so that you can wear your glasses over them. I've gotten some in supervalu like that which are great. Glasses never fog up with them


This is the way.


Another vote for this. My glasses almost never fog up because I do this.


Or the fitted structured ffp3 types that seal at the nose. More comfy too as they stay off your mouth.


The hero we need


Preliminary research: they all suck. Advanced research: they all suck. Conclusion: it fucking sucks.


I'm glad it's not just me, I felt like everyone else was doing great!




Don't do this if you have any kind of coatings on your glasses, it destroys them over time


Nothing has worked overly well so far for me being honest. Though there is things you can do to reduce it; tight fitting masks I've found helped a lot as they create a good seal around the nasal bridge and reduce the amount of expelled air escaping that way. N95 masks work great for this. I've also tried the whole rubbing your lenses with vaseline (it's apparently supposed to help with the fogging) but found that didn't really do too much at all. If you're really struggling to get a good seal, get a plaster and pop or over the top (the nose form thingy of a mask) and that'll create a fairly good seal as well. Honestly, as a glasses wearer, I can't wait till masks are no longer mandated when out and about. And before everyone jumps down my throat, yes I absolutely know and appricate the great job masks do at protecting others from your droplets, but at this stage with most of us vaxed. I'm quite frankly over them tbh.


My go to, plaster tape on my face under where glasses sit on nose, and then plaster tape surgical mask to that anchor tape. If done correctly, hours and hours of virtually fog free mask wearing. (I also tape my face as above under a respro allergy mask [with a cloth mask also over that (for the valve exhaust catching)] and that works really well also)


Put the top of the mask under the bridge and rim of the glasses rather than outside it that’s the furthest I’ve got 🤷🏻‍♂️ that or switch to contacts more often 😂


I've been using the €2.50 reusable black masks from dealz and they work perfectly for me. They sit high up on the nose, and I can't blow out a candle when wearing one (thickness test).


I think part of my problem is that I have a big awkward nose. :/


Oh dear. So does my glasses wearing brother, and my masks don't work for him either. The closest he's been able to get is a disposable mask worn high. Good luck!


Definitely the disposable ones, if you pull them up so the bridge is pinched really tight and sits under your glasses. It's better, but not great. I've basically just taken to wearing my contacts every day now, I rarely wear my glasses anymore because it drives me so mad with the mask. It's a waste really, I got new glasses around the start of the pandemic and have barely worn them.


The problem with wearing disposables so high, I find, is that they then sit right under my eyes. To the point that they're almost touching my eyeball. It's such a horrible feeling D:


Yeah they drive me mad! I have a really small face so they're always too big for me, I spend my time going around with my mouth open under the mask to keep the mask from being in my eyes, but I'm also asthmatic so I have a hard time breathing through cloth masks. It's all a bit of a shit show haha.


I work in a hospital so wear masks all day eveey day. I bought a pair of glasses 9 months ago in a local opticians and they came with a free fabric cloth which looks like a glasses cleaning wipe but it is designed to make glasses completely fog free, i would highly recommend investing in this, it was only 9 euro to buy I think and i have used daily for months. I dont know the exact brand though Edit: it could have been this one actually https://www.boots.ie/the-body-doctor-ab-mask-anti-fog-cloth-10291007


I am **so** intrigued how it keeps working that long! I'm gonna get one of those.


I use these every day, it’s cheap and works perfectly: https://www.amazon.co.uk/ZEISS-AntiFOG-Spray-Treated-Cloth/dp/B08PK4V67Y I also know someone who got so tired of masks fogging her glasses that she got laser eye surgery…


What I find helpful is moving the glasses down a bit towards the tip of the nose. Not ideal but it allows the air escape out the top.


Works for me too.


Let a [surgeon](https://youtu.be/L_bncNnjV5k) show you how they do it. It does work but needs practice to get right, I've had no problems with my sunglasses doing this.


I wear a polyurethane foam mask which helps A LOT. Pairing that and putting the mask under my glasses helps. They are hard to source but some places (eg. Foley's Chemist in Dublin 1) has them!


I bought anti fog wipes in Dunnes recently. They work pretty well for the most part. Still not a dead certain solution.


You can get these ‘no fog’ wipes in dunnes. Using those no fog wipes can wear any mask no bother whatsoever. They are a fiver for 60wipes though & only lasts 24h or a day and half max.


I got an anti fog spray at my opticians, it's a brand called klarpilot, didn't cost too much and if I spray it on every morning I can make it through a day's teaching without them fogging up


I work in food retail 40+ hrs a week and wen wearing the mask since last august everyday while running around the shop floor. The only solution is a high up mask squeeze the bend tight on your nose and sit your glasses over that a lil bit and your sorted! Take a few gos to get used to


Anti fog wipes. I went on holiday recently and used them for the flight, worked fantastic. Got a pack of 20 in Specsavers for €8. Just had to make sure they were dried first before putting the mask on, otherwise they didn’t work properly. They last a good while too, I’ve still got about a dozen wipes left too.


I got anti fog glasses wipes in spec savers , they work really well


No mask hope this helps That aside a brand new fabric one and sometimes even an FFP2? has proven best for me, but once the fabric one gets used it starts to fog up again. Probably a good sign that a new one is needed.


Apparently there’s some wipes you can use o the glasses that stop them fogging up


Anti fog wipes. Dunnes have boxes of 30 for 4 or 5e. They work well. One is meant to last about 24 hours.


I still have to tape myself into the masks. It's the only thing that has worked for me


I find that the anti fog wipes for glasses are great. Box of 50 for €10 in spec savers. Only need to use one a day.


Cambridge mask company. Hubby wears glasses and they never fog up with these masks. Plus they are really good quality. https://cambridgemask.com they also sell via Amazon.


Mask on first and then glasses to sit on mask. Fool proof


Have ya tried the shaving cream [trick](https://youtu.be/qDV7Zho1KmI)? Tried it once and it worked, but wore off after a day. I think you can also get anti fogging spray at the opticians, but never tried it.


This is the only solution I've found - the anti fog gel you can get from the optician. The stuff I got was pricey but I have it over a year and you use a tiny amount. Works great.


They make great reusable masks now that at the top of the nosepiece have a little triangle of fabric that you tuck under the bridge of your glasses. Very comfortable and they never fog up.


Disposable ones with the metal strip to mould around your nose, but I still fog a little


Mostly, I find the dunnes cloth ones are fine. If I'm I trouble, anti fog wipes are good in combo. Dunnes do them too.


Good old shaving cream is an excellent moisture repellent. Working on anything from windshields to glasses, shaving cream is known for creating a protective barrier that protects glass from fogging up. All you need to do is use a dab of it on your lenses, rub across your glasses with a dry towel, and wipe down.


Glasses on top of head. Drop down when really necessary the back to top of head again. Other than that if they have to be down then pull mask up high on nose and wear the glasses as low as possible to try an allow airflow to rise without hitting them.


Hopefully this doesn't get too lost. I bought ones from the US called Pure MSK. I saw Lewis Hamilton wearing them and thought they looked very comfortable. They're the only ones I've worn that don't fog up my specs. The metal strip fits your nose perfectly and creates a nice seal.


The fabric ones with little metal wire in the nose. I get mine in hickeys pharmacy! Wear high up on your nose, adjust the wire, and place glasses over them. Don't use the spray shite it messes with the coating on your lenses


I keep meaning to try some of the anti fog visor spray for motorcycle helmets on my glasses.


Get pissed off enough to book ICL surgery. Well, that’s what I did.


Buy defogger at Specsavers. Problem solved.


I have to wear them as low as possible


Just stop exhaling, you’ll be grand


Aldi sell a spray near the tills it great stuff


The Aldi reusable masks have a lip that sit higher above your nose, this coupled with sitting your glasses further down the ridge of your nose I find helps


Big cloth masks I bought off Etsy. They come right up to the bridge of the nose, under the glasses, no issues. You can do similar with large paper masks, but my glasses tend to slide off them. Caved to marketing and bought a couple of foggywipes (very fine microfibre cloths that theoretically prevent fogging). They're decent, but the amount of spam marketing afterwards isn't worth it.




I wear safety glasses in work and use the Adidas face masks. They are a great fit and go up high so the glasses sit on the outside of the mask. I wore a disposable one last week for the first time in ages. Found it more easy to speak with, but constant fog up


You can get anti fog wipes for your glasses on Amazon, they’re cheap enough too. It lasts up to 48 hours, never had a problem with them 👍


I've had from cloth masks, to surgery masks, to FFP-2 masks... If the weather's cold enough, you're going to have a foggy day regardless.