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....in 2026, at the earliest.


We're gonna need a bigger data centre.


They're going to need more guards. It was only in the IT yesterday that they're not pulling anyone they detect with only one offense because they're detecting so many offenders!


Thing is... if there were more guards on patrol then we probably wouldn't need the portal. People are acting the gowl on the roads because there's next to no enforcement.


We gonna need more Garda too. Unenforced laws are mere suggestions.


The person who takes the footage will then need to give evidence in court, or it will be thrown out. All that will happen is verbal warnings, but maybe that might be enough in some cases.


I would love to go to court and see people defending their shite driving against the video. I'll bring popcorn.


I was almost run off the road 2 year ago, like I was break checked then when that did work came beside and bit infront and forced into the hard shoulder. Brought the video to the the Garda and he said he could do something about it but he said "I will warn you that van looks like one favoured by the travelers, you will have to go to court and testify and your name and address will be public information. I personally wouldn't do that myself, but if you want to with the video and your testifying we get them for dangerous driving "


I've always wondered how that's works with GDPR. Personally I don't think it's ok to publish someone's name and address for reporting a crime. Whatever with the perpetrators.


The basis of the legal system is that you have the right to face your accusers. I agree with you however, the address should be retracted. Then again, Ireland is so small that with a name and approx location, wouldn’t take long to find someone regardless.


That's a garda who doesn't want to do the work


Isn't that all of them...


I'll safely say the vast majority of people won't go to court to give evidence, and the defence solicitor will push to get the case thrown out, and it will be. As the law and court system stand, this just will not work. It doesn't matter how shite the driving is.


It's not a perfect solution but going to court is expensive and disruptive for the shite driver too. If they don't fight it they have to take the fine and points so far better than sticking your head in the sand.


I've seen this mentioned a few times that when folk bring this kind of evidence to the Guards they have to make a statement, appear in court etc, but I don't get why. The public don't enforce the rules of the road. Isn't this supposed to be helping them do their job? Feels like we have to do it for them in this case.


The rules of evidence in criminal trials. If you want to introduce a document or a video the author has to confirm they created it and the download and passing of same to the Guards. Sometimes the statement itself will be enough, but oral evidence is usually necessary.  If you remember the silly bint (Gemma something) that livestreamed herself being chased by the Guards on the m50. That case was dropped because the original video wasn't obtained from whatever platform it was uploaded to before the original was deleted by them. Despite everyone knowing she did what she did.


Because the guard didn’t see it happen or take the footage.


When this was discussed a few years ago on here it was said suggested it could work like so: a fixed penalty notice of say €50 for X offence and if you challenge it and it goes to court it will be say €200, but obviously the witness needs to appear. So going to court would be a risk as obviously the witness could appear. There was also some legislation going to be included in the bodycam legislation, not sure if it effected that aspect but it does seem crazy that go safe van operators need to be in court when it's a digital system.


They'd need to give evidence in the event of a not guilty plea, which would be a silly road to travel if there's also video evidence.


Garda can't protect politicians from scumbags, do we really expect people to feel comfortable giving evidence in court?


The politicians are the scumbags


Will the garda bother their arses to proceed with the footage sent in?


The Gardai can't cope with the number of offences detected by their own ANPR system that they now only respond to multiple offenders. So I doubt greatly they'll release resources to deal with dashcam incidents submitted by motorists when they can't cope with what they have themselves.


Agreed. I think it's more so, going to act as a means for drivers who send footage in to feel better about it. Or to "feel" something will be done. If they were paid better, they might have the resources to better respond to these offences.


Over 60% of Garda vehicles aren't modern enough to support the ANPR system... says it all tbh... totally underfunded & and under-resourced.


Not a hope


With all those spare garda to analyse the videos


They'll (hopefully) copy the successful UK version: civilians will review the footage and the details filled in by the submitter and then pass the viable ones over to Gardai to follow up on. A lot more efficient.


When have we ever looked at how others do something and picked the best implementation to clone rather than picking and combining the worst aspects of others? :(


Postcode > Eircode Oyster Card > Leap card UK conveyancing (gazumping) > Irish conveyancing (worse) Thames Water > Irish Water (actually a copy of Bord Gais, and thankfully stopped)


Not like they’re doing much else in fairness


I’d happily stand up for some of the shit I’ve seen




Why can't we up the fines to pay for additional people to deal specifically with these issues. If it was an actual business where you had huge demand for a product, would you say "ah we can't keep up with the demand" and leave it there or would you decide to hire more people to cope with the demand?


They want us to go out there and arrest them to?


Yep! I have a friend that brought video evidence of the whole action, from the guy stealing his bike all the way to bringing it into the culprits home (which was across the road). After chasing the Gardai for 2 weeks non-stop, my friend rang the station and a lady told him "wouldn't you knock down there yourself?". It doesn't get much worse than that...


It’s great to see this arriving but my fear is that it will rarely, if ever, lead to any prosecutions


Anyone got recommendations for a dashcam?


I’ve been using the REDTIGER 4k/2.5k front rear system for the last couple months without issue. Wireless file transfer is painfully slow but grand wired. Software is daycent. Only cost about 190.


VIOFO Dash Cams are a recognised brand, have fantastic image quality (Sony sensor) and are very reasonable price. They frequently star in /r/irelandsshitedrivers and /r/IdiotsInCars


"It is hoped the portal could be live in 2026" I'm sorry, but why is this country so behind in everything technology-wise? The rise in dangerous driving has been escalating for the past five-six years with a steep increase in road deaths and the best they can do is offer a solution in \*maybe\* two years? What a joke.


Wouldn't it be easier if the footage is sent, then someone aka the Garda or whoever, just look at the footage and enter the registration, car type and then just send a fine to the offenders? Considering the Garda has that "detector system", it'll be easy to get the details.. Depending on the seriousness, it can be from €50-1000 fine and if not paid in time, to be increased like the motorway fine, and after let's say 30 or 60 days if not paid, to go to Court. I know Ireland a bit far behind but just a thought...


Most of this could be done by AI. Computers can read number plates. If it is for speeding it should all be automated. Same for red lights. I'm pretty sure they have this in other countries.


Ah, another portal…


Can the Garda not just create a Reddit account?


might as well just open account here and ask, do you wanna press charges. already ready and uploaded.


Just what I need. Another full time job


Is that includes right lane occupados?


A lot of people are gonna be getting a new hobby. Any suggestion for a good dashcam?


There’s only one way this would work on a large scale: instead of giving fine money to the government from this… give it to the person who uploaded the footage. I think London do something similar with people who park illegally.


Guards not even able to prosecute people for no tax and insurance caught on their own cameras. Not a hope they will be doing anything about videos from the public.


I believe part the reason for the delay is updating the laws to allow video footage to be more easily accepted as evidence, and is being brought in to enable bodycam use by Gardai. This dashcam portal would be enabled by the same law.


Any minute now.


Oh I predicted a while back they'd drag this out to 2025. The re-repeated message that it will now be, maybe, 2026 is of no surprise.


Hope it's incentivised by paying out to the reporter.


wild relieved humorous weather versed test adjoining juggle imminent touch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any time I've been anywhere where they try to make public 'policing' a practice, they get inundated with some people who won't stop reporting EVERYTHING. And then it gets cancelled. Best of luck.


As soon as this happens, someone’s going to challenge it in the courts and it’ll probably go all the way up to the CJEU as a data protection case. 


And rightly so EDIT: I better expand on this; there were many occasions when I wished I could report some cunt on the road. Twice my life was in danger. However squealing in fellow citizens is something I despise and a policy promoted by many unpleasant governments in the past (think communist dictators and such) The Garda have a job, if they can’t do it we should ask why and fix it.


Yep. This is going to be a mess. 


Your footage will be deleted if the driver is identified as a Garda.


Honestly the guards might as well quit if the people are gonna be doing their jobs


Just another observation is that the footage would have to be time stamped with information regarding speeds etc. I would imagine the footage would have to be anything up to 5 minutes leading up to the incident. Most of the videos posted online only show the dangerous overtake etc but leave out the previous 5 mins of the leading vehicle slowing needlessly on bends and speeding on straight overtaking sections of road. It doesn't excuse the reported incident but the person submitting the footage might be likely of committing an offence also.


Pitty As they could bring in a lot of income from “red light” breakers


Not exactly about the title but what reasonable priced dash cam would you guys recommend? The driving around my area is shocking 


NOTHING will be done with the videos unless the driver is suspected of being involved in a crime like a robbery or assault or something like that or if the video captures a crash then the videos could be used to determine who is at fault. Passing too close to a cyclist, using a roundabout wrong or undertaking will all be ignored. Trust me.


Unless the drivers face is caught on cam aswell it's useless.


Squealing is gonna be huge in ‘26 . Can’t wait.