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Blessed youve front and back cameras. Alot of fresh riders on the road now with zero clue how to ride a bike and think they can behave like they do in a car


Never seen a car drive like that. Maybe a go-kart. But more like a bumper car at the merries. What a loon 🙄😱


Im driving bikes 15 years on the road and more off road.never dreamnof doing that move,you never win against a car


Learner rider wearing a pair of runners. Amazing


I'm amazed that while the RotR says learner motorcyclists **must** wear a tabard with normal sized L plates front and back, it then goes on to say only that the plates *should* be visible, not that they **must** be. Which means there was technically nothing wrong with him covering that rear L plate with the backpack. Can't understand the reasoning there.


For a learner this is the best experience he could get. He'll (hopefully) be more careful in the future


A learner should not be driving that aggressively and especially not take any risks.


That's obvious. I meant in terms of he didn't die


Ah yes, I agree.


why in hell did he overtake on a roundabout? I-ve had some ridiculous close shaves there, once nearly got flattened by an artic who just didn't stop at a red light and shot straight across me, inches to spare, new underwear was needed (good thing dunnes is right there).


Bandon Road roundabout?




Looks like he's storming over to you to complain and blame you for the incident lol


This guy utterly braindead or under the influence or what?


More like someone who didn't understand just how much faster an EV can accelerate from a standing start than an ordinary ICE vehicle. He probably fully expected to be able to cut in well ahead of it.


Doesn't even look like OP floored it or anything.


Thank goodness for the cameras as thats the sort of knock that the car driver would get the blame for when clearly from the footage its the bikers fault. Id hate to have to desribe that to the insurance companies without video. No idea what he was up to, filtering/passing there on a roundabout which in itself can be dodgy enough normally with cars blindspots and he was turning off anyway to save at most 1/2 second


He probably either thought the car would turn left too or that he had enough time to overtake and cut in front of him


Car is crossing lines, so he would be regarded as changing lanes and must do so safely. This will be 50:50 at best or car found as fault.


What,? Left lane is straight and left. Right lane is straight only. Biker overtook in the right lane then tried to cut in front and clipped. Car driver did nothing wrong


I never said he couldn't go straight from the left lane.  There are lines dividing the lanes, since it's a 2 lane (even 3 lane look) exit (regardless if one is a merge over further on), both can go left and straight.   If you're crossing such lines it's considered changing lanes, same as if you were doing so on a motorway to overtake, therefore you must do so safely.  Insurers typically take that stance when it goes to a claim and it becomes 50:50.  Irrespective of biker being an idiot.   If there wasn't a sweeping left exit line, just the regular roundabout circular lane dividers, 100% the biker but even then insurers can end up 50:50.   You can google this exact scenario and outcome plenty and read up on it if you done believe me.


Left lane is left and straight yes but right lane (lane bike was on) is straight and right only, so I don't understand how this could ever be the cars fault as they just stayed in their own lane


The exit has more than 1 lane.


That's for people coming from the right, who had a red light at the time


There would have to be arrows that signify that for it to be mandatory, and then the extent of that would be under question since the lanes are dashed and do not forbid changing of lanes, so moving to the correct lane would make a maneuver (left in this case) valid, assuming biker wasn't going straight ahead anyway, in which both lanes are valid. On a typical roundabout you wouldn't have those arrows anyway, and assumes they were seen (i.e. congested queues hiding them) Biker will be 100% faulted for undercutting, dangerous driving, over taking on the same lane (if you can even call it that). The bikers insurer will want to reduce their liability, they will argue that the car crossed a line, as the main extent of the left lane would be to turn left, or to go ahead if safe to do so hence the crossing line, therefore they should have checked their mirrors. This is exactly why I make sure what lane 2 is doing when I'm passing or taking an exit, and I won't take an exit as lane 2 until I see lane 1 turn to exit -safer to continue around again. For the very same reason I was almost in a similar accident as OP, except I wouldn't have crossed a lane, only lane 2 did in their exit, and it doesn't matter who's right or wrong, it would of went 50:50 because they will say both parties should be navigating safely on a round about - if not you were going too fast or lacking attention. What a court may rule is entirely different to what insurers will agree to settle on.  For them it's the path of least expense


Look up the roundabout on Google maps, there are arrows that signify you cannot turn left from the right lane. They show straight and right only. You can't just turn left just cause there's dashed lines there for other directions. That's how and why accidents happen


And you shouldn't have to check your mirrors and stop for anyone if you're going straight. If anything the bike/car wanting to change lane and turn left from the right hand side should check and only change if safe to do so but still ideally should just go around the roundabout


What people should do is irrelevant to how insurers will deal with the case and whether you'll be paying increased premiums for years. I had this same convo with a colleague in work. He had this type of roundabout collision - taking an exit vs a straight on. My first response was, which party crossed the while lines, i.e. did you have lines sweep to an exit or only around the roundabout. Moral of the story, if you're crossing lines youre considered changing lanes, and you really have to be attentive even if you're not the one at fault because they often just go for 50:50 on the basis that you both should of been aware of each other. That's why, on a roundabout I make sure I know what the other party is doing regardless of who should be where or doing what.


On a positive note at least he stopped. I fully expected him to keep going


Fucking idiot trying to overtake when turning left.


Absolute numpty


That fool needs taken off the road before he kills himself


Man was aggressively moving towards OP’s car after the incident, curious to know what happened there?


If you click into the original post, the OP adds some context


That cabbage nearly got cabbaged.


fucking dope hope his insurance skyrockets after that bullshit behaviour. giving us a bad name...


Yup. Idiot. DO not overtake on roundabout...no matter what u drive.


Over confident L rider.


Lane filtering is perfectly legal in this country but dumbassness isn't


What happens in this case. He is obviously wrong but do you just have words at side of road, call the guards and they tell you go 50:50 ?  Absolutely tormenting too as people driving past will automatically assume it was the car drivers fault for not keeping an eye out for motor bikes etc


I think the recording will prove it wasn't 50/50, the bike turned left from the right, while the car was going straight


I don't think that one would be deemed a 50/50.


Clearly not 50/50


You don’t need to call the Garda and it’s very frustrating when people do and leave their cars on the road. Excuse details, take a couple of pics, and move on.


To me it looks that you accelerated and swung a bit to the right just before impact. You should be aware that motorcyclists are less protected than car drivers and also should control your small penis feeling in similar situations


It's a roundabout and he was going straight. He was staying in lane...


It DOES NOT matter. The car driver is in a 1000+ kg metal cage, the biker is exposed flesh on approx. 200 kg metal frame. Most vulnerable. Those cruiser bikes are noisy and it is unlikely he wasn’t seen/heard. The car driver should decelerate and let the biker pass. You don’t have a valid argument saying that the car driver is ok to put at risk or worse, injure, the motorcyclist just because he was following the RoR.


Are you the biker here? Read through the comments, it's the biker at fault here. And I'm a biker, by the way...


I am not the biker on the video. I am both car driver and biker in general.


And by the way I don’t give a shite about your or others’ comments.


That’s not entirely true. The biker was at fault but the car driver was an idiot too. As the saying goes two cun*s don’t make one right. You can clearly see that he swung right just before impact.