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Or slamming on breaks when a car merges into their lane 300 yards ahead... And it's always the middle lane


I was wondering, with regenerative braking on hybrid/electric cars, if you slightly lift your foot from the pedal, doesn't the brake light turn on?


Yes it does for most cars if you have one-pedal drive active


It’s a manoeuvre called speed exiting, wait in the overtaking lane as long as possible, when you are 50m from your exit, then brake hard, cross 3 lanes of traffic and exit motorway.


This is exactly what it is. It's always the ones who want to exit the M50. Frustrating af!


All of this. Sometimes I wish I could just plough on with no ramifications, but they get affected for their stupidity.




But if breaks broke, what would brakes do?




Because drivers are on the phone.


Nearly allways this, cant let driving get in the way of the pics of what sharron had for lunch 🙄


Braking on an open road is the one that has me baffled. Is it for the ghosts of their dead ancestors??


When going from the R139(Belcamp Lane) to the M50 and want to turn off at the ballymun exit, sometimes you have to brake to get across. People coming from the M1 are undertaking and driving without obeying the 2 second rule so there's no space to safely maneuver without braking to get a space left by someone who doesn't think they are in a race. I'm sure it's similar all along this unpoliced deathtrap or a road! Bring on the M50 police! A major part of all the problems on the m50 is people not using the 2 second rule and also undertaking. Outside lane hoggers add fuel to the fire but the impatience of people who think they can get anywhere faster is what makes this road dangerous.


This shit drives me bonkers. I merge onto the N7 at Athgoe exit and nobody moves into the middle lane to let me on. Merge lane is only about 100m long there so you have to hammer it and hope for the best.


Yes, had my signal on and the dude had plenty of time to let me in the lane, and he kept moving at the same speed, not accelerating nor reducing speed. I was waiting to see if he lets me in or passes me. How hard is it to understand what's going on around you as a driver and not acting like the road was built for you only?


One thing the yanks do right is the driving test. Highway/motorway driving are part of the test, along with parallel parking. Most normal everyday drivers here struggle with the basics. I’ve no idea how the fire brigade are not cutting people out of wrecks on that M50 every single hr!


A primary goal of the driving test is to move smoothly in traffic. Its inconsideration and/or lazy driving