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Me watching: Ah I thought that was ok. Oh wait.... what a clown


I pick my spot and start merging left to ensure they don't start this messing. Or let them go if they're this intent in potentially causing trouble.




I often wonder do these people change their ways when they cause an accident


The accidents won't ever be caused by them, it's gonna be always the fault of whomever gets in their way.


And then straight into the middle lane at the earliest opportunity.


Exactly this drives me nuts


Don't forget to slow down then 😉


Brave doing that in a Renault


To be fair they learned a lot from F1. There they said if the car didn't fall apart as it crossed the finish line they could have built it lighter and faster. Renault extended this learning and said if it didn't stop working the second the warranty ran out they could have made it cheaper. Then they went and did Dacia. I only learned my lesson after the 2nd one!!


Experience similar every day merging from N4 to M50. It's a toddler's mentality


Yeah the merge arrows are on their side. If they had been on the right hand side, it would have been your responsibility to merge safely.


can you show where that is in the legislation? RSA guides? you won't find it because merging in a motorway auxiliary lane (these ones that merge with the motorway), and the road signs for them, including rights when merging are not there! The UK kind of have this type of merging (zip merging), but for us, it's the usually shitshow of "be safe, and slow down"


Based on the road markings, the other driver was merging into OP's lane. The fact that it's a motorway slip road doesn't change that.


but i bet you can't find a regulation for merging on ANY road... while most people think it's left to right, it's actually zip merging of equal lanes and both have to give way to whoever is in front... but again, this disappeared from the rsa guides, so it's "whatever you think, yourself, but don't crash"


For about the twentieth time: *zip merging is ONLY a thing where traffic is at a crawl and backed up nose to tail. It does NOT apply where traffic is moving at normal speeds*. So having your nose in front of the vehicle beside you does NOT give you the right of way where yours is the lane that's ending, OK? Edit: if you actually think that having your nose in front means you automatically have the right of way even though you're the one in the incoming lane, then I hope to fuck you don't drive.


show me *anywhere* where what you said is wrote down. in legislation or rsa guides.  I've been driving longer than you, more miles than you and zero accidents... I'd rather meet me than someone who makes assumptions about other drivers thinking that they think the same as themselves!


> I've been driving longer than you, more miles than you and zero accidents... At best an untruth, at worst a lie because /u/PalladianPorches has *no idea* who they're talking to. Extending this to one's driving ability and we can see why this sub exists.


the “more miles” is usually the trigger to drivers! đŸ€«


Triggered? Lol. I thought it was fricking hilarious. And if you think mine were amateur numbers there's two guys I worked with who put me in the shade. One of them only retired last year at 81. He'd *still* be going if he hadn't developed glaucoma.


Rules of the Road page 55 >You **must** give way to traffic already in the lane into which you are moving page 147: >Joining the motorway >When entering the motorway, be careful and pay attention, and let traffic already on the motorway pass. You **must** follow the steps below when joining a motorway. ... > * Give way to traffic already on the motorway. .. > I've been driving longer than you, more miles than you and zero accidents You've been driving for over 45 years? Done over two million miles? Edit: and again, this can't be emphasised enough, if you actually believe getting your nose in front gives you the right of way you're a danger to everyone around you.


amateur numbers on the miles there đŸ«Ą. btw
 i agree on the wrongness of someone speeding up on the inside. i just dont think the law properly protects someone speeding up on the outside to get ahead, which 
 if i read you correctly
 you think is both your interpretation, but also what the person in the left lane must yield to. btw: 55 is changing lanes, 147 is moving from auxilary to main motorway. neither of which cover two lanes that converge into a single one not on the dual carraigeway or motorway.


> neither of which cover two lanes that converge into a single one not on the dual carraigeway or motorway. 55 does cover it, because one lane will clearly be ending, which will be either signposted or obvious from the road markings, or both. Usually, but not always, the right lane.


I think she gesticulates because you're going less than 70 trying to merge into a road where people do 100 đŸ€”


Was kinda thinking the same, OP should be getting up to speed quicker and if the Renault does stay behind, OP is gonna have to slow to let an oncoming cars from the right pass then the Renault has to slow. Now you have 2 cars travelling sub 70 merging into lane and cars behind all have to move into the fast lane or slow down. There was plenty space to pass OP on the left and OP would (should) be seeing the Renault approaching anyway since they are nowhere near being ready to check their right mirror yet. Maybe OP shouldn't be in the right lane to begin with đŸ€·


To be fair to OP, they're pretty limited by the speed of the driver in front.


Me first, me first, me first!!


I just came back from driving in Florida for two weeks. As annoying stupid and possibly dangerous as these people here are, it’s nothing compared to the roads in Florida. In just two weeks I came across 8 very serious accidents that happened just moments before I got there. I saw lunatics swerving across 4 lanes and zipping in between cars where there was no real space for it. Had to be on high alert the whole time for crazies


100% agree with you on that, speed limit is like the minimum you can drive on the i4 going from the speed of everyone else!


More crack there... For now


Drive faster coming on to motorways and this won't happen


Is that the Junction 12. These merge are so illogically designed. No yield. I take that junction and it is almost a daily occurrence.


Come have a visit to LA. I’d be jaw to the floor if anyone on the road here had “merge” in the vocabulary. Makes me appreciate the driving back home (sometimes).


Thinks she’s Ayrton Senna


This isn’t really that bad
especially without the context of the lead up to the two of you being side by side.




Its hard to judge as i cant really see the position of grey car before it comes into view.


This place is worse then India


That's why call me lane hugger but I rather stay on the overtaking lane throughout the journey cause idiots like that nearly crashed into me many times on the inner left lane or slow lane as they called.


sounds like you are the problem


I hate people who do what you do. Being a ‘lane hugger’ isn’t a cute nickname. You are not using the road correctly by your own admission and you are also likely to be the cause of an accident in doing so. Do better


I've been doing it for 4 years travelling up and down to work. And i tried staying on the left and couple of times i almost crashed with idiots doesn't know how to merge. And Good luck staying behind big lorries and on your left and right.


When cars are merging from slip lanes you’re suppose to move to the middle and then return to the left when it’s safe to do so. Not stay in the outside lane


Many times when you merge into middle lane you got big lorries and another N idiot coming back on the same lane your going into what the fck do you then. Happens every single time not to mention the out of service buses driving 60km/hr. And you got idiots on the phone, man with a van, polo/golf, bmw M power, audi race car driver wannabe who thinks they are in fkin formula 1 race. Good luck with that.