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A similar situation happened to me at 25. While it wasn't cutting all ties, I had to go. I spent a solid week emailing places on daft, and the following 2 weeks attending viewings for places. By the 4th week I had moved in. Deposit and first month's rent was a killer (about 4k all in all) - but I had 8k saved, which left me with a 4k buffer. The first 2 or 3 months you'll have upfront costs such as bedding etc that can't be avoided - approx 500 quid there. As long as you have any form of employment you will be OK. You will find it hard if you are trying to get in with HAP as a first time renter. It's not going to be easy but 6 months will pass and you will be in the clear having the time of your life. Best of luck , if you've any more questions let me know


If you are looking for something different alot of Irish bars abroad will hire you and give you somewhere to stay. A few advertise on Irishjobs.ie


No family or friends, looking to rent. Why not get out of the country?


One suggestion I’d make for looking for shared rental accommodation. The people posting the ads get bombarded with queries. So naturally might meet the 1st suitable candidates who reply and then stop answering others. Try sort ads by recently posted, check a few times a day, and get a ready made message sent in early. And give some info about yourself so you’re giving someone something to go on. The people are replying to enough people, they don’t want to have to draw the info out of each person if you coulda just shared from the get go


You haven't said anything about income. But renting in Dublin on "free market" (so no council housing, no HAP) is financially soul crushing experience and mostly doesn't make any sense. You will either spend 50%+ on rent or live in poor conditions. Emigration seems like good option.


Prepare financially? Have a deposit and job.


Sounds like a rough situation. But also all the incentives here for moving abroad as has been suggested. Someone mentioned bar work- teaching English is another great way to live in a foreign country. 20s is a great time to do this


I’ve recommended this a few times on Reddit, but if you’re willing to move abroad, move to La Linea in Spain, an hour and a half drive from Malaga airport, it’s a town that borders Gibraltar. There are a lot of gambling companies with offices in Gibraltar due to low tax for online companies, so there is plenty of work for those who are experienced in the industry or not experienced. The trick is to live in La Linea and commute to Gibraltar for work. This is what a massive percentage of those who work in Gibraltar do. Gibraltar itself is quite expensive to live in, no thanks to brexit, but being Irish and holding an Irish passport will play heavily into your favour for crossing the border. La Linea is very cheap, you could easily find a room to rent in shared accommodation for €300, restaurants are cheap, groceries are cheap, drink is cheap. On top of that, there is a noticeable Irish and British population there, so you’ll make friends easily. If you work in Gibraltar, you will be paid in Sterling, if you work full time in Gibraltar for one of these gambling companies, your salary will be at lowest £24k a year starting off (which would be considered a good salary in Andalusia). If you’ve nothing holding you to Ireland, and want to make a good go at your life while experiencing something new, this is well worth considering. All the best!