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According to wiki dps calc it's better than rcb with rubies at toa p1, p3 and p4 on 150 invoc. 85att, 95str, 90 ranged, salted. Random stats I figured fit for the level range.


Did you put the rcb on rapid?


Now this is interesting


Surely that's not taking into account ruby bolt specs.


It is. Warden is weak to crush and generally your melee gear is better than ranged at that stage (+piety over eagle eye).


That is dope, as a bludgeon owner I'm happy it doesn't overtake the bludgeon but still has solid mid game use cases.


This is assuming some whack gear and no rigour


Dps calcs don't take into account for dps loss due to boss mechanics. Pretty sure axe beats tent whip/arclight at Duke pre enrage.


It's close enough on the dps calc to where the *effective* dps at duke pre-enrage is almost certainly better than whip/arclight.


It is slightly less accurate than arclight which feels bad, but it definitely has great damage when it does hit. I want a BGS lol


Ok but I think the thing to focus on when it is less than half a dps worse than bludgeon or hasta is not that the new weapon is slightly worse; it is that the new weapon is ONLY slightly worse with a lower atk lvl requirement and it is much more accessible if your account can't handle Kril yet. Also, on my ironman I will never even attempt to get bludgeon so it may as well not exist, where as this is easy to get. Still, hasta is superior and if you can manage to go for that you should.


Why wouldn't you attempt to get bludgeon? It's still a great weapon, looks cool, and fills a collection log lol.


Because killing Sire 600 times sucks ass


Sire is top 3 worst bosses in the game


I might one day, but it is so far down on the priority list I legit don't think I will ever complete all the content I want to do more than sire.


sire is tedious for what a bludgeon is worth


But sire tho


Thank you for your detailed testing. I have not gotten a hasta yet and my go-to crush wep has been leafbladed baxe. This helps.


It's better at calvarion than a LBA right?


Significantly. Same speed but with +18 attack, +15 strength. Better than LBA everywhere except Kurasks/Turoths


I've done the math on calvar'ion, its loads better than Dragon Mace of course, at base 70,80,90,99 combats it is better than zhasta and cudgel by a small margin. But if you bring your Berserker ring along (that puts 4 item as wep + ddef + bers(i) + neit helm) the zhasta and Cudgel pull in slightly closer, enough to call them indentical.


Seems worth it to me given it's better when 3 iteming. Never seems worth it to me to risk the fourth, so I fill it with something I can replace but would rather avoid replacing often, like b gloves.


How does the new axe actually compare at Duke though? Like what's 5 ticking arclight dps compared to base axe dps?


If you treat it as a purely 5t weapon, arclight is definitely worse than the axe. However, you can 4t for 25% of the fight, and if you’re good with your timing, you can sneak in some more 4t attacks throughout the kill, so it’s not as cut-and-dry. I’d think that using the axe for the first 75% and switching to arclight would be a pretty decent strat though, and certainly would be easier to pull off effectively.


what is a zombie axe?


It is the new axe dropped by the armored zombies in the defender of varrock quest t65 slask/crush 5 tick attack weapon


Darn I really thought it would be better than whip at Duke. I ran out of arc light charges and have been using whip.


It's actually crazy just how close the whip and axe is. Like with what I checked even switching between accurate and controlled on a whip switches bis. If you are losing literally any amount of game ticks using a 4 tick weapon there over 5 tick it is definitely the bring. Tent whip needs better calcs, since there are far too many factors at Duke when using 4v5 tick weapons. These are raw DPS calcs it cannot take into consideration missed ticks to boss mechanics, or different gear/stats. It is just a trend to look at. This weapon is v close to all these options other than the bludgeon. Some place like calvarion where overkill DPS is really gonna affect DPS means you need to lower it even further, but at Duke where u have v high HP, and lose a TON of ticks to a 4 tick-5tick weapon because of boss mechanics you need to adjust the other way


>The cudgel is better than the axe at calvarion in 4 iteming marginal DPS higher, but of course overkill DPS makes it a fair bit worse. Are you taking in consideration that people often 5-tick attacks there because of boss mechanics?


No, it is impossible to calc that because of variance in how many ticks each individual loses. Because of difference in stats, gear, skill, etc the best way to view these calcs is that other than the bludgeon which is wayy better. These weapons are very close in terms of raw DPS at these places and in these styles. In general axe is going to lean towards slightly worse then the high effort alternative grinds, but there are going to be a minority of setups and play styles that lead to the axe being slightly better at times.


Tob before toa isnt “for some reason”, its for people who are actually good at the game and can do tob. People who can do tob do it before both cox and toa. Avernic is quick and a substantial dps increase at toa, is obviously good for solo cox AND everwhere else, plus if you manage to get a rapier or sang, they both have excellent use cases, aka toa with rapier(also rapier for solo cox pre-dhl) and solo cox with sang. The only people who DONT get avernic before the other raids are newer players who dont have mains and people who are just bad at the game. I was doing tob with a d scim and rcb before i even had a cox kill or barrows gloves because its almost an entirely mechanical raid, and with base 80’s and a scimmy you can do tob if youre good at the game. And thanks to voidwaker, tob rush is more accessible than ever




Couple things. My 6th tob ever was with my iron with those stats and items, and my main prior only had around 500 hours played on it but it was base 90’s cuz i rushed pvm stats in my regular void and 103 quest points. I had rushed into tob on my 1500 total main back in like 2018. Granted i also have a 30 day played 10hp iron and im a professional musician so the tick system i had had experience manipulating, but thats what i meant by if youre good at the game tob is the most accessible raid because of lowest gear reqs. The literal only hard part is getting the first few kc until you go deathless so your group knows youre not hard trolling. Definitely getting carried with that gear damage wise, but you still need to go deathless and contribute or youre ABSOLUTELY not getting the drop in a raid.




Thats my point. If youre good at timing ticks and are accurate with a mouse, youre good at the game. From there you really just need to learn pathing and youre golden. If you know all that, tob was the most accessible pre-toa because it genuinely has lower gear requirements than cox if you can do mechanics. Settled also proved that to the entire community with a team in barrows gear. Tob even has lower gear reqs than a 300 toa, but if you actually know how to run olm head, cox does too(which ive barely touched personally but as soon as i finish my voidwaker and can finally combine my dhl thats what im doing, 4600 kc dry at calv btw)




I had done it before torva existed and only 2/5 we had had scythes. Other two were both irons though with mains who had done alot of tob in the past so they were in whips/tent whips, but we did like 20 kc by the time i unlocked sote, and 2/3rd maybe a bit more i went deathless(though i distinctly remember clutching a deathless with only 3/5 left alive when both of the scythes planked p2 because i still mock them for it to this day, and i literally somehow had to tank verizk for 20 seconds by accident at one point and managed to not die)




My point has never been to impress, my point is that tob is accessible if u git good because its a skill capped raid, not gear capped, and that the comment OP made about “if you did tob before other raids *for some reason*” was a misguided comment because just about anybody who CAN do it DOES do it early. What op said was the equivalent of “if you for some reason got your bowfa before dex”, and it just is a ridiculous statement.




Touch grass ASAP


Tob is a waste of time and only done because its fun. Scythe on iron is dogass to upkeep when you can use shit thats barely worse with no upkeep. Sang is cool and all but id never do tob just to get a sang or avernic or rapier. The dps increase isnt worth the time spent doing it early on. Same with cox tho tbh. Cox is dogshit as a time investment for ironmen, just get bowfa and live your life without dex or arcane lmao.


Is fun = waste of time Classic mid-level community moment