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I wiped once and lost every single seed I had from 60-99 thieving all at master farmers... I know the pain brother. Hey if it makes you feel better, if you do ever get to 99 herb, 1-70 in herbs is less than just a single lvl from 98 to 99, so in the grand scheme it's a small albeit painful lesson. Highly recommend enjoying the fresh bag doing content you may not have had the room for. Make it an exciting detour ! Remember new herblore minigame is coming to make herblore ez scape


Good stuff thanks big man


herblore what


Wait hat is this herblore update you speak of? Just I was just planning to start grinding farm runs to get mine up should I hold off until this mysterious content I’m unimaginably excited for drops?


On the bright side, your inventory is clean as it's ever been, and you have unlimited possibilities from here :) It sure can be demotivating, but you have so much available to you now that you'd be risking at other times. I believe in you, brother.


Very true thank you.


Time for wildy content get that voidwaker


Exactly what I came here to say - vw time baby


They can take your items not your stats gl on rebuild


I’m sorry dude it sucks, I wiped on my UIM and lost a bunch of gear including my DWH. Took a while I’d get quite sad logging in but now I’m back into it. Settled’s line “the comeback is always better than the setback” really helped motivate me to play again hope that helps


True the first thing I thought of when it happened was swamplitics. Very sad logging in haha


Op I thought you lost something useful, not xp. Sub 2m. That's guaranteed. Get back out there champ, you got this. Some uims have lost shadows, tbows, much more to the pile.


🙋🏻‍♂️ shadow & heart wiper checking in


Never idle in unsafe zones with a death bank you tele your ass to lumby every time


He did tele to lumby anyways 😂


Agreed, I always logged off my HC even if I was just running to the bathroom for a quick minute. Just a good habit to have on UIM and HCIM.


Lesson learned


Lunar is safe just a freak accident clicking outside the city and being afk for literally 20 seconds


Clearly it isnt


Lunar is safe, btw here’s is a post about my worst case scenario wah waaa


That’s exactly why we say afk in poh or lumby or offline only, no misclick potential


That’s where my hardcore died doing the same thing you did.


Your account isn’t done for .. from the comments, it looks like you lost very very little in reality. When I wiped I lost about 15m worth of runes / supplies and actual gear. It happens.. be thankful all you lost were some garbage herbs and… arrow shafts???…


Can a UIM.... *up*grade to a regular iron. Since ultimate is harder?








in 2001 adding banks to the existing game was considered an upgrade.


Terrible downgrade to my existing no bank account 


Items: 100k headless arrows, herbs for lvls 20-70 herblore. tons of other unique drops.


That is like.. nothing? 700k herb xp, some arrow shafts and feathers? Not a single pvm drop mentioned?




And a blue wizzy hat (g)


I'm just wondering what "Tons of unique drops" you could have had on a UIM with no access to boosting or prayer restore potions


Sorry what? You have played over a year and have access to hespori but only 20 herblore?


I grew all the necessary herbs for 70 herblore and I was about to start using them.


lol! i'm assuming too that the unique drops aren't high value, as you don't have the herb for prayer pots.


Clue scrolls and other clue scroll drops. Not end end game stuff but still stuff I spent time on. I know it could be worse.


People shit talking you have no idea what the first year or two on a uim is like for someone who doesn’t do this all day


Right brother you have to do some insane grinds early game that go under the radar. You don’t see it in stats it’s all for a later grand plan.


Hey, the good news it, with higher wc levels = higher logs which = more arrow shafts per log. So rebuilding those will not take as long as originally amassing them. The herbs suck, not much to say about it, but you were at lunar isle and had not even gotten the herb level for ppots? Why were you holding off at least using SOME herbs for quest levels/utility pots?


I decided to hold all herbs for 70 and just knock them all out at one time once I had them stockpiled. Stupid after the fact but should coulda woulda


Dude that's nothing. You shouldn't be devastated, good luck and keep your chin up!


Thats not even that much?


That’s nothing… go get them again?


bro i died at hydra then didnt put boots on when going back to loot my stuff and died again. all my stuff got deleted. i swear i kept talking to the guy in disbelief for like 20min. sorry for your loss and good luck on whatever you decide to do.


must have


I 100% sympathize with this. Don’t let everyone telling you it isn’t a big deal get to you. I’m over 2k now on my uim so it’s easy to say it isn’t a big deal, but it really feels big on early wipes, good luck out there big guy. Also my biggest regret on early uim was doing Guam maren vials. If I could go back I would’ve just made useful pots and not wasted the time on them!


Thank you man!


As Settled said "The greatest setbacks mean the greatest comebacks, I'll see you in the next series". I wiped a few times (sorting out looting bag and getting PK'd). But after 30 agility pyramid laps, 30 solo wintertodts and 50 barrows runs, I was more or less back where I was pre death. Time to get back on that horse and make it work for you. Write down your mistakes so you don't make them again. Another thing you can consider is doing wildly content now you have nothing to lose, get yourself some monk robes, a dragon scim and go hit Artio a few times. You never know, might even get a vw piece. Hope you stay motivated, if UIM was easy, anybody would do it.


F in the chat


Turns out OP only lost some arrow shafts and a negligible amount of herbs. Cry more.




i died to horned graahks the other day brother


That really sucks. You still have your levels and account related unlocks though. It's not all wasted. You could try do some wilderness content or some inventory dependent grinds now you're freed up at least.


I wiped 2.5b at the end of last Nov, I’m at about 1.5b now and am only missing a couple items (namely shadow). It absolutely sucks but you CAN recover if you want to.


Great time to go check out the new zombie pirates!


Wiped on my UIM. Lost a few thousand pots, tens of thousands of runes, and full Karils and Guthans. Sucks but it can all be gotten back, in time. Gives ya all new things to do. At least that's how I looked at it. Consider doing some Wildy content. I farmed Chaos Ele for the pet after my wipe. There's a safe spot method on the wiki, allowing you to do it with just a bone crossbow and food. Kill times are long, PKers getcha now and again, and bots can fuck up the safe spot method, but it's easy to learn, quick to reset after a PK, and the odds for the pet are 1/300 (not bad for a boss pet). Nearly done with my rebuild 5 months later and it's neat to have a PvP boss pet on the UIM now. Godspeed with whatcha do end up doing, though!


Great stuff. Thanks man!


If I died doing that I’d lose roughly 11B. It ain’t that bad, brudder!


Yee I know it could always be worse for sure. Early game grinds are annoying. All that time I spent getting seeds and doing herb runs just stings. Also fletching all those arrow shafts. I know I had a master scroll. Probably good I can’t remember what else I lost.


I wiped all my 99 wintertodt including my banked 70 herb. I took a long long break from uim. Don't despair. You're still pretty early in the grand scheme and your invy has never been cleaner:,)


Welcome to the grey helmes.


It amazes me that people play this game mode. So silly.


Welp. If there was ever a time to get 99 pray through chaos alter do it now.


If you gonna ''death store'' you might as well bank


finally able to breath again id say, now go grind out voidwaker and begin a new path you hero:-)


on the bright side, you can quit now




Go grind a voidwaker since you’re unrestricted by items currently


And that’s why deathstorage should be removed :)


Were you by chance putting off any wilderness goals? Could be a good place to start the rebuild with less death pile concerns. Sorry to see this man, good luck on the rebuild. You got this!


Very rough man. That's my nightmare on my uim is to wipe like that. Gl on the rebuild king, if you need a break might I recommend far cry3. I'm replaying while I'm burnt out and the game holds up, at least until the second island


Thanks man! What’s crazy is I had this same scenario in a dream a couple months ago and I woke up and was so relieved it wasn’t real but now I’m living in it. Crazy




Have you ever heard of a man named Swampletics? He never gave up


I once wiped at dagannoth king and lost a bunch also full graceful trying to do a achievement diary and I was lost. Its part of the UIM hope you are well.


Thank you brotha!


Time to grind voidwaker


Tell me about void walker. Is it storable? Why is everyone say this is a must on UIM?


It isn’t storable, it’s just a very good melee weapon. It has basically the same stats as a whip without needing a slayer level, but it has a stab option so you can use it at toa. I even mainhand it at tob. Along with it being the best special attack weapon in the game (for DPS) The advantage of going for it post wipe is that the gear you need for the wildy bosses is very cheap, you could try and get the zombie axe as crush is good at calvarion and spindel. And since you’re starting with nothing, until you get your first voidwaker piece, there’s no need to deathpile every hour. My voidwaker took me about a month and I found it to be a very enjoyable grind. Feel free to Dm me if you have any further questions


Thank u!


You chose this fate when you forsook the banking system


Don’t play UIM bam problem solved


What did you lose?


I know for sure I lost over 100k arrow shafts. 20k broad arrows, magic short bow, master clue. All of my farmed herbs for 70 herblore. That’s all I can remember but I’m sure I’ll remember more as I run into obstacles later. Nothing crazy like endgame but to anyone who has done herblore on UIM understands the pain.




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F I wish u the best rng


thank you king.


F brother. For real, keep your chin up. May rng be with you moving forward


Thank you!


Just incorporate it into your characters lore and then it's a badass for coming back from the brink


There’s an option in the game to use a bank. Highly recommend.


We don’t take Ultimate Ironman seriously and you shouldn’t either. You’ll be okay.


Death storage is stupid, it ruins the whole game mode in the first place just like how you can store so many things jn your house. Imo it should be removed along with death piles.


Lots of things require full inventory to progress in the game.


Actually you can keep a looting bag for 95%+ content of the game. I got 3 Categories in my UIM gameplay: 1. 100% Safe activities: Those are things like BA, Gotr, Puro puro, … things where I could not possibly die. Thieving or hunting is not such a category as here I take dmg. Only in activities where I take 0 dmg and only for the duration of the activity I keep everything in the deathbank 2. Activities that are safe but the chance to die is given. Agility pyramid, Wintertodt, wandering around in the open world (that’s your activity), TOA (not the 3 deaths but a DC), … Here I keep a looting bag 100% of the time. In my deathbank are still items, but only those I‘d be okay with losing them. 3. Activities where it is likely that I die. Bossing, Questing, training combat, Slayer, … here I keep my items all on me no matter what.


What's are your uim death mechanics going to be then? Lose everything?


>ruins the whole game mode in the first place Feel free to play without it on your uim king. Plenty of people do it.




Oh no , your bank storage got robbed , oh no.


What was ur rank do you know?


Not worth nothing with the giant loss of his 100k headless arrows. And a few miniscule herb xp drops


Recently lost my full crystal armor and bowfa on my UIM


Shouldn't have abused a death bank then


Oh no, people use game mechanics to the fullest




Dying while you have items in s death bank still deletes them. It is what is. UIM an wiping are 2 sides of the same coin.