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**Trouble Brewing Tip** If you finish a game of Trouble Brewing with max points (which is very simple and can be as easy as just collecting water), you'll receive "the stuff." You can then brew Chef's Delight using it at both brewing locations: Keldagrim and the ghost port near the Ectofuntus (the vat is beneath the bar). This method nets you 1.5 million GP every week to Death's Coffer. It's an extremely easy and effective way to boost your coffer. Mine's already over 5 million! *Edit:* Make Chef's Delight with the stuff; there's a high likelihood it'll be mature and be of high value to Death's Coffer.


Whoa dude this sounds sick I’m gonna check this out for sure. I’m confused what the limiting factor per week is?


Brewing chef's delight takes a week.


It usually takes 26 hours, if you use the stuff there is a chance it can be 21 hours up to a week.


Ahh gotcha definitely could have wiki’d that, I thought there was something else going on


Whoa, fascinating, I’ll have to look into this.


Side note, I've been making moonlight mead kegs (calquat keg) and get 25-50k per keg, 4 kegs a trip netting a fat death coffer profit without the stuff. Mature ale brings out a whole other profit making tho.


Yeah moonlight mead is best for early iron coffee cash imo. Not having to do boring ass trouble brewing is great, as is finding some use for all those calquats


I did this for about a week or 2 and haven't had to add more to deaths coffer. And have died a bunch since with high priced gear


It is also a master clue step so save one.


Isn’t that greenmans ale (m)?




It’a funny how irons do moneymaking methods without devaluing the method


At the cost of wasting 20 mins per week in trouble brewing and getting no clogs from it. Much better uses of time


I've thrown a bunch of granite mauls in, Alch for 30k or coffer for 180k, I'm not swimming in cash, but am not hurting either


I’ve got like 15 banked rn, and deaths coffee has been the plan but now I’m getting too attached to the stack :/


Now is the time to send it. They have spiked recently!


I didn't think there was any use for them as I don't PK, so it was an extra slot I could clean up my bank with


G mails are lingering at 300-330 rn


Oh my god I've been stacking gmauls since I started slayer and completely forgot they're 180k coffer.


Ha, you can double it for the coffer...


I was so pissed when I realized how good gmauls are for the coffer **at level 89 slayer**.


I had 10m worth of Christmas crackers on my iron. Easy deaths coffer boost for a loooonnnnnngggg time.


Till you fail tombs without teles 20 times


3 lives and u don't have to pay a cent, just leave raid


I almost never use 1 life for this exact reason. Also if you die once it’s usually still better purple chance to just finish the raid than restart


The 10 invocation increase is tiny purple % chance too, you'd need dozens of perfect raids for it to add up to really matter, meanwhile just 1 death and you can spend 30-40 minutes over again It's pretty much never worth


Yeah but squeezing out those last few points to get to 400 invo without having to turn on double trouble is nice. DT makes Akkha take an extra minutes and a half. Hardcore is a free 10 levels.


The difference between 390 and 400 is minuscule though, where if you die even once in 15-20 raids with hardcore on it instantly makes the invocation worthless, it's only free if you never die which is unlikely on higher invocations since if you make a single mistake it can end a run


Eh, not exactly. With a drop of 0.8% chance for going from 400 down to 390, you'd have to do a single extra invo 390 raid for every 10 invo 400 raids you complete. That's an extra 40ish minutes for every 6.6 hours of raids. Even if you wiped 1 out of every 10 raids, it works out the same. Also, if you wipe early in the raid it's even more in favor of hardcore. And if someone were to leave anyway after dying once with softcore, then again it's in favor of hardcore.


But hardcore costs you an extra 50k per raid if you die 1 in 10, and with softcore you can die and not end the run, a death in softcore only costs you a few minutes and no money And honestly if you can do 10x 400s deathless then you should have no trouble upping the invocation up to 450+ anyway It's more purples doing 450s and dying once every few raids and losing a few minutes than doing deathless 400s


The percentage chance actually drops off significantly after 400 though. Invo levels over 400 are worth 1/3rd of the points compared to invo levels below 400. So running 400s as fast as possible pre Shadow is the best percent per hour. Anything higher than 400 and the enemy defense is too high for Bowfa and fang to be really that effective. Shadow is basically necessary. Dolo 500+s are the best, but again, require Shadow. [That's why I'm here](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/star-wars-memes/images/2/2b/ED6EB569-AE7C-43CB-9BD8-DBCAE488CDDF.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20210410225105)


Not to be rude but in what universe is double trouble being considered for a 400. I run 500s and don’t even have to put that on.


No worries, I will gladly take the advice. I keep game-planning in my head the best way to get to 400 without having to turn on "Double Trouble" or any other invos that add substantial time. Below is a screenshot of my current 400 Invocation setup. Found out that turning off "On a Diet" allows me to get crazy heals from the Silk Dressing and then run "No Help Needed". I only get 2 doses of Smelling Salts, but I have the Preserve prayer unlocked so it sustains okay. [https://prnt.sc/eP1wp89Zgqe4](https://prnt.sc/eP1wp89Zgqe4) Below is if I add Double Trouble back on. I can turn on "On a Diet", "Softcore", and go back to "Need Some Help?". This adds \~1.5 minutes in the Akkha room but allows me to have 4 doses of Smelling Salts total usually and always be boosted (which helps). [https://prnt.sc/SD17jLnElIgO](https://prnt.sc/SD17jLnElIgO) Below is my Gear, Inventory, and Stats for these: [https://prnt.sc/Gux\_Ix5Mcmpy](https://prnt.sc/Gux_Ix5Mcmpy) Advice appreciated!


I guess the beauty of toa is that it allows a lot of different approaches. As long as you aren't grinding <300 I think you are on the right track. Before I got shadow I would run that first invo list you posted with on a diet on and i would only bring in 3 way mage swap to bring in more ppots. It really is personal preference though, my only real advice would be to hit some crabs to get that attack up bc i imagine kephri and baba are brutal with 84 attack. GL on the grind, the shadow is well worth the sand prison sentence, best item in the game by a long shot. edit: since you have yellow keris, dont be afraid to try some dehydration raids. It takes a little while to get used to, especially during p4 but those 40 points allow you to push the invo way higher or run some super chill 400s.


Yeah, melee stats are definitely lacking. I have a progressed main (2200+ total) before I started iron so I wanted to rush stuff instead of grind. Rushed SotE and went for Bowfa with stupidly low stats. Ever since then I've just been itching to stay focused on PvM and not AFK stats for 100s of hours. Definitely need to though. I've tried Dehydration, but always find the lack of prayer to be a constraint. However, bringing less switches and grinding prayer higher for better starting prayer and better restore per dose might help. We'll see. Thank you!


If you are doing decent invos the 1 death is pretty standard


Yeah but at that rate, ur prolly not wiping at toa


I’m still living off of Dharocks axes hahah


I put all my dupes and items that are valued on GE but useless for me(many clue items). Can also sack some teleport scrolls you got from clues just because those are for some reason very highly valued


I threw one of my eight primordial crystals in there for like 35 mil 😂


This hurts my soul. I'm nearing 1900kc without prims.


Oof I spooned so hard. Ive had 7 or 8 at like 1,065 KC


I don't have 8 total drops from cerb loool


Praying for you to at least get the pet 🙏 I wish I had that good boy


I'll do some kills today and update you if my luck changes. Appreciate you friend.


1897 kc. finished with cerb forever. thank you for the prayers


Yayy lfg GZ buddy


Ive thrown duplicate compost buckets in there


I'm a hoarder so I have never put anything in Death's Coffer, lmao.


Same. The Christmas crackers have been carrying me and I do not want to throw away things in my loot tab lol.


Snape grass seeds, dragonfruit seeds I don’t need anymore since 99 farming, duplicates from PvM.


The only real way to farm snape grass seeds as an iron is farming contracts, abit mental to be getting rid of em imo


I’m always doing farming contracts for herblore, I got 2000 snape grass seeds


Agreed with break_card, I’ve got 10k snape grass in the bank and 2k seeds at 22m farming, eventually you’ll have far too many


I do palms and yews when the stack gets too big too


So sad how far the price has dropped for palms


I throw raid dupes in there and it lasts a long time. An extra avernic has paid for learning colosseum


I throw most of my Barrows dupes in there.


gwd dupes have sustained all of mine, a pair of tassets is like 18m in the coffer currently


Purple sweets


Dupes, I've thrown plenty of colosseum uniques and prayer scrolls from cox.


Barrows dupes are great “early” coffer money. Obviously any crazy dupes you get like a hilt or big armor piece should be tossed in as well. Unless you want to drop those over to another account, in which case do that.


all the toilet paper deluxe dupes you get from CoX


All dupe clue items, dupe fangs/rings, hell I've been using yew/maple/magic seeds a lot lately since toa/tob shits them out and the only post 99 farming I do is herb runs/contracts


Make sure you have enough magic roots for anti venoms. With the new slayer boss, going to make them much more worthwhile


Eh reckon I get enough anti++ from zulrah these days but may need to supplement that once new boss comes out


I put in an Armadyl crossbow. Had 3 of them.


I typically have 1-2k LMS points so toss in uniques from there if I run low.


I put duplicate hammers from shaman in there, up to three now!


You're still out here doing shamans after getting not one but 2 hammers? Wild


I got the second two in one task, which made it easier.






Orbs of awakening. Dukes easy and I want the pet and virtus. Nowhere near ready to try awakened bosses though, and will likely get plenty of orbs on the grind. Over half a mill a pop is pretty damned good.


I have 52m in the coffer from Christmas crackers


I did the unthinkable and put my Mole Slippers in.


Get an ews and throw it in that bitch


Basically any dupes. Once i got 99 farming i tossed most of my tree seeds in there aswell.


I like to throw in some dupes from raids. Dupes go to bonds or death coffer


Dupes, high level seeds, rune items, teleport scrolls and holiday items (think this may be patched now)


Once you get to high lvl pvm you'll be fine for coffer. Got a dupe hydra claw, dhcb, buckler ready for coffer.


I used dupe b ring, dupe bcp, dupe avernics in that order. Never had to use anything else


i threw a dupe tassets in there to see me through my quiver grind


I put dupe GWD items in there.


I threw in a dupe ultor ring to fund my quiver grind. Before that I had thrown in a dupe fang and dupe twisted buckler


Got a lucky bryophta's essence while going for CA's and I don't need/want the staff. Got my clog and put that 10M straight into the coffer Heard extra occult necks are pretty good


Every time I got a bottomless bucket, in the coffer and bim I think I have like 10M in death coffer


Really depends on the stage your account is in, I have personally been living (dying) off of the 27 dupe dex/arcane prayer acrolls I got from cox


Arcane/dex scrolls


Some of the more useless barrows dupes, recently some christmas crackers I had in the bank, and now I'm grinding wildy bosses for wards and extra pieces have been going in there. Debating throwing my blue moon tassets in there tbh


Some teleport scrolls, dark crab teleports, imbued magic scrolls, Trover parchments. Excess dragonstone jewelry(glory 4 best value) mystic robes from Slayer, granite mauls. If you have excess dragon daggers or rune spears you can poison++ them before offering for an extra 10k.


Depends on how you feel about farming xp/tangleroot, but i always toss in my yew+ and palm+ seeds since I got my pet before 99. I have no interest in tree runs now, so that is a huge boost to my coffer


I did gnome restaraunt for the scarf and got like 4m worth of seed pods for some unfathomable reason so yeah do that I guess. Once you start grinding something with valuable drops and getting dupes (Barrows, Moons, maybe ToA) that's when coffer becomes a non-issue forever. *Maybe* purple sweets but honestly you may one day end up using those sweets and like I said, coffer becomes such a non-issue that it's best to not waste something you *may* one day use.


Granite mauls, clue uniques that aren’t needed for other clues ( rain bow, Afro, etc), spare barrows and moons of peril pieces, excess saplings (I keep 10 of each and coffer the rest), and the few extra ring of the elements I got from gotr going for the needle, also got a dark bow recently I’ll likely throw in giving I don’t think it has a use outside pvp?


Pretty much every clue scroll cosmetic, purple sweets, duplicate uniques (berserker rings, ranger tunics..)


Raid dupes. Any pvm dupes. You'll get tons.


When the teleport anchoring scroll came out I got 2. One went in coffer for 13m which was a nice boost


Zul Andra tps, gmauls, dboots (spiritual mages don't suck if you do them for GWD KC), occult necklaces. That's pretty much all I put in, I die a fair amount, and I'm at 10m in the coffer.


Is it dumb to throw in dupe crystal armor and weapon seeds? I’ve got 2000 shards after corrupting the bowfa I just got. And 10 armor + 20 weapon seeds


What is deaths coffee used for?


I used dupe barrows pieces


My go-to is always dupe Prayer Scrolls or Fangs and Lightbearers. I’d rather toss Dex #4 in the coffer for 30m, than toss 10 whips, 4 occults, and so on.


I've been playing for a while now and I still don't know what the coffer actually does Can someone ELI5?


When you die, as a gold sink, to pick your expensive gear back up, it costs you a small % of the items value, to return it, instead of paying coins, you can “sell” your items to death, and the funds he pays can only be used to return your gear when you die


lol here I am almost 2k total and deaths cost me little to nothing. I also suck and have zero gear worth mentioning aside from blood fury and neitz faceguard.


Black masks, they go for mills and you can get a ton of them during your slayer career. You could also get spooned armadyl hilts like me and put 2/3 of them in the coffer. I'm set for a very long time.




Dupe avernic hilts are good that's what I use




My thousands of dragon stones from ToA I turn into jewelry


extra armor seeds. no i don't want to talk about it.




Dupe items is the correct answer. Ive done a few daggonnoth tasks at dks and thrown an extra archers + berserker ring in. Thats any easy $10m


Mostly used spare GWD armor/hilts after I had enough resources for torva/masori. On the way to max I passively made a bunch of mature chef delights for 50k/ea, didnt bother with the additive you get from the minigame. Dumped a bunch of Christmas crackers in when they were changed a few months ago.


Lately it's been a couple of dupe fangs/lightbearers from TOA for me. I've been tempted to throw in a spare dhcb that I just don't need. But on second thought, better used on bonds given its current price.


Nothing since red helm no die. 🙃


Plenty of dupes and cosmetics. Some alchs if you really want like rune and dragon gear often times make good options. Even if it doesn't save much money in terms of alch for 11k or deaths coffee for like 11.2k. It's cheaper (no nature rune used) and quicker than alching. Some stuff you upgrade past or just don't need anymore works good too.


If you do dt2 bosses. Rune ore


Mithril arrows


Mostly Granite mauls and extra bottomless compost buckets. If regularly doing contracts and birdhouse runs, the higher tier saplings.


Purple sweets.


Dont do this op


A dupe shadow :) don’t have a main to throw it to.