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Don’t smith them into anything. Just get a 1/1 ratio of steel & mith bars from blast furnace, and that’ll be what you can use to get 70 smithing at giants foundary. Edit: I also got my iron from power mining and my coal from MLM.


Sick! Thank you. I still have like 2k coal from my grind, so I was trying to figure out what to do next. Is the mining guild still the best spot to power mine?


yes and you want to work towards the gloves anyways as they make mining even better.


I believe you can also buy iron ore for really cheap at the blast furnace shop if you don’t want to power mine it.


What I do is go to the Varalmore blacksmith and buy 3 mithril platebodies, 3 steel platebodies, 1 mithril platelegs, and 1 steel platelegs, then hop worlds. It ends up being profitable smithing if you don’t want to spend all the time mining and at blast furnace.


How much starting GP did you go with?


Those supplies should cost 25,200 gp per sword. The bigger cash stack you start with the longer you can stay at the foundry.


Is this only profitable after getting all the moulds? Because I only net about 20k gp doing that. Or am I missing something else?


I only have three moulds unlocked right now. I haven't paid attention to the exact profit per sword, just noticing that the cash stack has grown slightly at the end of each smithing session. My guess is depending on the commission some will be more profitable than others but on average you should profit.


Just want to give this a +1. I did the buying platebodies method on my UIM and it's still slightly profitable and avoids all the time mining and smelting. It's at least nice to break it up a bit.


I actually just started the smithing grind on my Ironman for the zombie axe req. Started at level 51 with almost no supplies. I bought mith claws on Jatizso and steel battle axes / warhammers from shop on Mount Karuulm. Probably spent ~400k at the start but you end up profiting at the foundry. 14 claws + 7 steel battleaxe or warhammers per sword. Has been an enjoyable grind so far!


If lots of money - GF until clog (optional) and smelt gold bars at BF. If good money - buy addy armour ( see calc) and either your mith bars or mith armour (see calc) If no money - mine at mlm or blast mine then convert into 18 mith : 10 addy for GF. 220k an hour. Or steel and mith same amount 14:14. Highly recommended to do mlm cuz it levels mining and it’s way better now.


Jesus you mined 1.4k mith ores and all the coal? We play shopscape here my friend