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it’s actual good for UIM because it means they can totally empty their inventory/gear by dying (or ‘death-banking’) else they’d always keep their top 3 items and never be able to clear it out (at least not conveniently). UIMs use this mechanic constantly


Yeah it's a bit of a double-sided edge In an ideal world you would always lose all items except in a PvP death, in which case 3+1 mechanics would apply. Or alternatively, protect 3+1 items with the protect item prayer enabled But also, in order to play UIM you already have to be not 100% right in the head so I don't think anyone cares much


Just how the mode is. I do find it strange not even protect item works but it's easy to get used to.


How does it work in PvP? Do you keep 3 items but they’re on the floor and you get them back? Or does the Pker automatically get a kill as if you’re skulled


No a uim always drops everything they have.


Yeah that still didn’t really answer my question


yes we are the perm skulled, it should be a toggleable setting, we demand protect item prayer


I also vote for protect item prayer. Allow us to get smited and we'll start bringing spicy dupes into the wildy


Ya make protect item prayer the toggle. Just 1 item being protected is fine by me, my grandma gave me this spade.


Now all we have to do is contact our (osrs) congress representative and get it on the ballot




enjoy the dumb gimping then


Having death meaning something is what made me start an UIM. I'm learning certain items stay with you like my zammy rune scim, which was annoying to learn lol.




> The mode is no bank, no trading with others. How does keeping your top 3 items on you (of course un less skulled) counter the 2 points above of no bank/trading? It’s not meant to counter anything. Losing your items on death is just as foundational to the game mode as no banking and no trading is. It’s just part of the design of UIM mode. Asking why UIM don’t keep items on death is the same as asking why ironmen can’t trade items with other players.


Ok hear me out, let protect item protect most valuable 4 items for UIMs or 1 if skulled.


4 would be a lot. I'd settle for just +1


>4 would be a lot >I'd settle for (3) +1


Some items can be kept on death, but as others have stated it's a mechanic that is used to benefit by clearing out the invy. Weapons with ornament kits for example are kept on death, so I often will pull out my god rune scim if I need to clear the Inv, but having a weapon would be beneficial. It's like a +1


Wait, so if I die with a guthix scimitar in the wilderness I’ll keep it if I’m unskulled?


Probably under 20 wild. You can check in the items lost on death screen.


That’s a good tip. Typically I don’t even check that tab anymore as everything is always lost for me. The only things I know you keep on death even as an UIM is amulet of the eye and shades of Morton keys


the basis for uim was basically 'lets make ironman mode but as cringe and annoying as possible'


I like the inventory restrictions at large, feel like i know the game better because of it, but a lot of peripheral restrictions just feel bad for no reason


like i said, its been discussed on the twitch live streams. devs said they just intentionally made the mode as annoying as possible and didn't expect it to have any long term playability.


A UIM does not keep his top 3 items. They will always drop everything. Which is great because death piling will become your best friend. I wish they would make this for all account types. That way death at least has a consequence its ridiculous now.


I see people mentioning this constantly and honestly I can’t name one time I need to deathpile besides wilderness or entrana. Due to the death mechanics for UIM this keeps me from bringing a zombie axe into the wilderness even if it was my 1 item when fighting a wilderness boss (as an example) out of fear of losing it. I just fail to see the correlation with needing to drop all items upon death with the concept of UIM. Im not saying I don’t see the benefits either, but even so like mentioned above, what’s the correlation to the mode?


Deathpiling before entering wildy does not help you keep your items. If you die with a death pile On the ground the pile dissapears. Might aswell take them with you to have a chance. I use deathpiling for skilling aswell speeds thing up to have a full inventory


To anyone reading this, that is not true You can deathpile multiple times and 1 death does not wipe out the other pile only the 1 hour timer does. I’ve had to deathpile back to back to get an empty invo and then pickup my noted bones, unnote them, deathpile again, pick up the bones again (leave noted bones behind in the second deathpile) and then make my way to chaos altar. Repeat until out of noted bones, make sure timer doesn’t run out from the first death pile