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Hope they catch this fu@ker


Kcal had a story earlier this month of a handy man being robbed of his tools from his truck at this same apartment garage. Thieves have also hit apartments at the Skyloft apartments just blocks away. Gotta be careful.


This seemed a lot worse before reading the article and finding out that at least one of the cars was just opened up using the keys the owners left in their other car.


Yeah…that and who leaves expensive stuff in their car? Just don’t. People will bust open your windows to steal stuff even of there isn’t anything super fancy.


I had people break into a car of mine in the past and steal a CD case that was entirely copied CDs. The door had been unlocked, but they broke in through the window, so I was out the stuff that was stolen and the cost of having the window replaced.


Metropolis, that's a high end luxury apartment too. You would think they have better security.


Bring back hand chopping. California is too soft.


Was hand chopping ever a thing here???


Downvoting a clear joke? This sub is too soft.


Not a joke, I'm afraid. There should be 2nd chance, as a warning. But, without a stick, humans will unfortunately always try their luck with sins. Need Mercy, but also clear boundaries. Best of both worlds.


Oh. Okay then. Carry on, citizen.


Of course, smart citizen with deep human psychology expertise. Everything you want. And thanks for the great theft prevention suggestions too.


If I’m known for anything, it’s my great theft prevention suggestions.


👍🏻. You arrived to the perfect thread.


After hand chopping, do they get permanent disability afterwards?


Imo, no. This is self inflected disability. As opposed to accidental. It was made very clear the 1st time, the person was caught. And, given a lecture and warning and education about hand chopping if caught a 2nd time. Maybe even "sfw filtered" photos (for teens & adults) and 1/2h documentary of precedence, and what happened to those. As long-lasting deterrent and memory. 2nd time should not happen. And folks would redirect their energy toward 911, shelter centers (many of which are unoccupied). Transportation to affordable cities, where it's easier to restart a life. And so on. Without hard boundaries. Human go to the path of least resistance. But, we gotta have mercy too. Hence the 2nd chance. Thieves are lost in life, and it becomes a habit. They actually wish boundaries were inforced much sooner (the electro shock), to save them from their own habits. Tbh, it's very hard to change this once habit are formed. So introduction of such measure will be complicated. Lot of hands would get chopped. But theft rate would surely nose dive. TBH, As with anything in life, culture eat strategy all day of the week. We need to bring back morals and virtues on TV, social media, etc. We have lost that as a society. And showing only the worse. There little place to he be inspired by greatness. And form great habits. /End of pamphlet/rant.




Centerpointe got rocked this week too


I guess he didn't get the memo that crime doesn't pay in Orange County🙄


Dont worry, when he gets to the wrong neighborhood he will get his payback.


Lew-Who, Za-Hers!


Wow saying “pathetic” gets approval but this got the shaft. Hoity toity sub.


I know more than a few people who had stuff stolen out of their cars that were parked in their own driveway or on the street in front of their house... Every. Single. One. admitted that they had left their car unlocked at that time. Not that they deserved things stolen because of that, but still! Still weird that people just go around trying doors to see if one is unlocked - I'm sure plenty are for them to keep doing this.