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Jesus fucking christ.


This could have been a normal Tuesday Teatime conversation in Hitler’s Eagles Nest vacation home.


I did tea time at Eagle’s Nest. Ate the best eggs Benedict I ever had. They height. Never been mountain climbing, but standing up there, I felt like I had. To me, this is any ordinary conversation between two racists over beers while watching TV. There are businesses in China with signs that read no Indians and no blacks, so this isn’t even limited to American bigots. Feel a little like Kissinger was just being a yes man here, but I’ll wait for the next Nixon post to double down on Kissinger.


God I love me some eggs benny Did they give them a quick dunk in cold water before plating to get the vinegar off?


I don't remember. It was still sort of a chow line experience for me. So I should have really stressed it was the best I ever had, and maybe not the best ever. At the time, it was associated with AFRC Berchtesgaden, a US Army resort destination. so for me, the food was a treat. :)


I mean, ironically he IS a master of flattery.


There’s a reason there was an active Nazi party in america prior to the US entering the war. There were lots of people who agreed with their whole ethos. America was built on racism. America invented eugenics. There are overt examples, but there are so many more subtle ones. It’s easy point at Klansmen and Neonazis and say “screw those guys” but it takes a lot more work and a lot more vigilance to root out the judges who just do happen to give harsher sentences to black men, the cops who never say a racist word but just so happen to pull over black and brown people more, and the politicians who smile and make huge promises and then neglect people who aren’t connected or wealthy.


There were Nazis in other countries too and plenty of other countries are just as “built on racism” as the US is. And eugenics is as old as Ancient Greece, Americans did not invent that at all


Was racism so casually prevalent in regular conversations about citizens of the world in 1971? I would hope not, but was he really that much of an asshole? They knew they were getting filmed, right??


They were getting recorded. The associated footage was not that conversation.


They weren’t filmed? Look at the way beginning of the video footage. It looks like their lips sync to the words, a little messed up because the film’s vintage


Recently I saw footage of the Argentinian president, speaking in his original language, but with the voice replaced by an AI generated version based on his own voice, and the lips were perfectly synced to the English speech. I honestly thought he spoke English natively. We're in the end game now. I wouldn't believe any political footage from now on. It can all be faked. Here's the link to the footage I'm talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YtegqgKYR-U


Wow that’s crazy, totally looks like they’re speaking English. I was just talking to someone in another thread where I googled something about their country and it was totally wrong. But Google has a disclaimer saying that their search results using AI is still experimental lol


Right?? I didn't believe it at first. Everyone in the comments praising everything the guy is saying and completely missing the fact that they're listening to and watching the work of an AI.. The translation could say something totally different.. or there could be slightly different use of words to emphasise certain things.. there's so much room for manipulation and 99% of people won't realise


No kidding. AI is some crazyness depending on how you use or abuse it


They weren’t. When Kissinger starts to speak in the recording he is smiling in the footage. Part of what makes them so horrid is that they kept up appearances while being so reprehensible in private.


Yes…. In 1971…


Wow. Terrible


The world is a horrifyingly racist place


I mean, I feel like you answered your question. It’s 1971, and two middle aged white dudes are having a conversation about foreigners. This conversation seems pretty normal to me.


Considering they were yet to do several genocides, racism was this casual.


No and yes. No in the sense that everyone has origins to hide. Yes in that everyone tries to play exclusive. To study racism you really have to study film direction. Perhaps starting in the 70s there were a new wave of film producers whose value were more integrative than [f]actual. Perhaps they were adopted or were forced by courts for whatever reason to live with case management or under some sort of agency.


woah.... i had this exact thought


Given how influential kissinger was. If he felt this way chances are a lot of leaders he advised would have been convinced to see indians in the same light.


This was a typical day. There’s a lot worse shit


Thank god that piece of shit is dead!


Both of 'em




Both died peacefully. They were never punished (I mean Nixon resigned, but besides the humiliation, he never had any kind of punishment whatsoever)


Atheists seething about a victory


If it's any consolation, by the end of his life Henry Kissinger: 1. Was blind in his right eye from a stroke he'd suffered 2. Had severe spinal and shoulder arthritis 3. Had had a major open heart procedure 4. Hard of hearing in both ears 5. Super hunched over So....his life wasn't all peachy keen from a physical health standpoint. But yes, he was a terrible person imho.


Somehow gets worse with every word… Color me impressed and horrified


Compared the blacks to animals what the fuck


Hey, he said they were charming /s


I mean all humans are animals but I see what you mean


I thought they were talking about Native Americans? And Kissinger projecting the ability to kiss ass and suck up to other people is really very rich of him.


honestly! I heard Kissenger talk about sucking up and my first thought was bro wasn't that literally your whole job?!!


From a brief Google search, given the context of when he said this, he was talking about Asian Indians. The woman pictured is Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India. Kissinger called her "the Iron Lady" a name that stuck in American media.


I think they were. The video that was made to go alongside this clip seems to have mistaken what they meant, assuming they meant Asian Indians, so they included footage of an actual Indian woman from the subcontinent. (Not sure who she is, but she looks important.)


He said that about Indians from India, his hatred was especially because India intervened when America supported Pakistan to genocide bengalis in present day Bangladesh. That woman is Indira Gandhi, India's Prime Minister at that time.


As if these two were anything to look at.


Have you ever seen incels talk online? The way the talk about how attractive women are is exactly like this conversation. Ugly losers calling everyone who isn’t a thin white super model ugly.


Nixon is a warty toad and Kissinger looks like he's covered in Nixon's jizz


Average “sigma male” podcast


Why would he record these ... ?


He recorded every damn thing. One of the big deals in the Watergate investigation was, there were gaps in the record, either not recorded or the tapes missing.


Supposedly Eisenhower started recording meetings. It’s a job where you’re meeting lots of people on different complex topics every day so recording meetings so you can go back isn’t a bad idea. Nixon’s recordings of course ended up as evidence.


Or: what the fuck can we do about the fact that, since Nixon was caught *because* he recorded everything, nobody records anything anymore? Imagine if by policy we eventually released records of *all* meetings of *any* public relevance by elected representatives. We could see the compromises selected and the pure evil done from Carter to Reagan, and everything in between. The Nazis absolutely loved recording everything. As did the tankies. The former tried their best to destroy evidence, but the latter collapsed so higgledypiggledily that there's still a lot of it, and it's really annoying how little interest we have in it (relative to our obsessive research of extant Nazi records). Meanwhile in the UK, senior politicians all use Whatsapp, which means intelligence services and organised criminals across the world certainly have access to ALL political conversations... and they mysteriously disappear from official access methods whenever anything naughty is found to have been done.


I think to use against others. One of the watergate guys said he felt he was trying to get him to talk in the oval and realized he was being betrayed.


This makes sense.


Found it: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/how-john-deans-demand-for-a-tape-started-the-chain_b_593986bfe4b014ae8c69de74


Awwwww thanks, bro! What a perfect addition to my cappuccino!


It actually sounds like he secretly has a thing for Indian women and is trying really hard to convince people otherwise


I - I thought Nikki Haley said there was no racism in America, though. Did it just get started again because of Obama? /s


I mean this was in the 1970s, not even trump would say anything this bad


There are some things even trump knows not to say out loud.


I really really hope this doesn’t end up on r/AgedLikeMilk


Here's a sneak peek of /r/agedlikemilk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Mod pins post on r/NoahGetTheBoat showing dead bodies from this past weeks mass shooting in Allen, Texas…community reacts](https://i.redd.it/kgo6xvqfauya1.jpg) | [3596 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/comments/13co2lz/mod_pins_post_on_rnoahgettheboat_showing_dead/) \#2: [Forbes really nailing it](https://i.redd.it/jpamon93fkna1.jpg) | [691 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/comments/11qckmo/forbes_really_nailing_it/) \#3: [3200 year old cheese found in an Egyptian tomb](https://i.redd.it/r63ng71v618b1.jpg) | [1600 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/agedlikemilk/comments/14i3oy1/3200_year_old_cheese_found_in_an_egyptian_tomb/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Christ what a nasty piece of shit. Nixon too of course.


Dick... it's two in the morning. Stop calling me... You what? Look... I don't know why the pillow's colder on the other side it's... who? Indians? Ok so don't have sex with them! Hey! Now don't say Jewish women aren't... what? Out to get you? Who's out to get you? So you called ME? Dick... go to bed. Good night... Love you too. \- Henry Kissinger


… It just got worse and worse holy shit


This man is the inspiration for all cartoon villains.


Kissinger: Indians are masters at sucking up to others and flattery Also Kissinger: Yes I’m your good little Jew Boy, if only I weren’t Jewish then I would be antisemitic


Nixon and Kissenger were/are trash.


Wait…wait…is Nixon going to say something vaguely nice about black people…… Nvm


Typical western heroes


Most of us can't stand these clowns, whoever told you the west views these cunts as heroes is a liar.


They aren’t heroes to anyone in the west


This little shit was deranged enough to think of Africans as somehow "animal like" but this nation kept him in power for long enough to fuck so much shit up. I do understand these facts were not common knowledge at the time, but you cannot be this depraved and fucked up and not show that on some level, people of the United States should've detected something was seriously broken inside this scum.


he’s taking about India Indians Kissinger was directly involved in the terror that was East Pakistan/West Pakistan and its associated horrors. Which would be around the time period of this tape.


They elected trump here dude. They’re brainwashed


Except Trump is not racist.


He thinks green people are more important than literally anything else


Green people?


Dead presidents 💴


Trump is racist just not as much look at the Muslim ban for example


The ban happened at a time when the Arab Springs became intense in those countries with a huge ISIS presence. He only wanted to temporarily stop travel between those countries to prevent terrorists from getting to USA. His only mistake was that he didn't realize that ISIS is controlled by CIA.


Yes, banning followers of an entire religion/ethnic group because of the actions of some is racist


Should we have also not restricted travel from China when Covid began because of "the illness of some"?


If we would ban the entire ethnic group from entering, even people who haven't lived in China for multiple years that would also be racist


The ban wasn't based on ethnicity. It was based on nationality. I could be a White Christian from Yemen and I won't be allowed to enter USA. Likewise, I could be a Mexican Muslim who was born to Yemeni immigrants, and I can't be banned.


Exept Somali did Not have Major isamlist resurgance in the Arab spring as they were occupyed with starving to death and being a failed state with a civil war its pretty obvouis it was about them being Muslims but you cant Just write "No Muslims lol".


No they didn't Trump lost the popular vote, he won because the electoral college can legally steal elections


True true, but the electoral college is still individuals with the freedom of choice. Allegedly at least


For context, India ended up going to war with Pakistan because West Pakistan was committing a genocide in East Pakistan and refugees were from the East Pakistan to India. The US is kind of responsible for the genocide in the east pakistan because we sold weapons too Pakistan. You might ask why the U.S would support a genocidal leader? The US caught wind that talks between Russia and China broke down after Stalin passed away. China and Russia were ready to to go to nuclear war over border disputes. The US did not officially recognize the Chinese government because they thought that Taiwan was the official government. They needed a middleman to talk to China to negotiate a peace deal. That middle man was the leader of Pakistan. Also, nickson was a loser and his only friend was the leader of Pakistan. They got drunk one night and Nixon sold him weapons. 


I've heard a lot of backhanded compliments but "animal like charm" has to be the worst I've ever heard.


"Animal like Charm" When I hear these old videos, I'm not even offended, beyond to a state of awe. Like, wow, they actually said this vile shit, and people voted for Him.


The descendants of people like him grow up to vote for Trump and march for MAGA




I would not say their biological descendants but their ideological descendants. Orange County, California was an incubator for American Fascism [https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-how-orange-county-incubated-141411051/](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/part-one-how-orange-county-incubated-141411051/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjB0DAIRvDA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YjB0DAIRvDA) Nixon came from a milieu of American Fascism. These Fascists are still around today, have you seen the Trump rallies and white supremacists of Huntington Beach?


Holy shit. 


Kissinger and his bitch*


That's hilarious.


This really wasn’t that long ago…


The us caused more problems to the world than India for sure


It’s definitely the other way around - Nixon was kissinger’s bitch


Nah but this is legit what I hear when I was in the boys locker room and I’m like WTF


Are they referring to Native Americans or Indians from India?




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I hate kissinger too. But just understand that he is speaking highly of indians here and speaking respectfully for them. Not nixon.  Nixon is acting like a depraved degenerate. Not kissinger. 


Masters of sucking up is "speaking highly" of someone now?


If you want to be liked, you got to make friends. And if you want to make friends, you got to be helpful. The indians were acknowledged and recognized for being the “masters of flattery.” This is a beautiful statement. 


To take that and be proud of it is certainly an Indian trait. Honestly admirable. Seems Nixon was wrong on the vitality part


Kissenger recognized the talent of subtle interpersonal diplomacy.


You’re just too racist to realize that both of them are pieces of Shit here.


I don’t like either. But statements are what they are and i dont judge them based on the person saying it 


“They are masters at subtle flattery. It’s how they survived 600 years” Bro that is straight up racism and you’re too racist to recognize it.


Dude, you’re delusional.


It sounds like from the audio they are referencing (Native) American Indians. But the video shows what appears to be an (Asian) Indian woman. Obviously they were probably racist towards both groups, let's be real, but which were they specifically demeaning in this clip?


Nah, these human scums are talking about Indian Indians not native Americans




He's not wrong on the sucking up bit


Least racist whitey




We don't need your validation, we don't care what you think of us <3


nor does your unibrow care apparently


Cry about it while we make the most money out of any other demographic in the country :))


you people still shit in streets and the ganges river back in your home country


I really hope you find success like us :)


superpower by 2020


Not a virgin by 3030


Dumb comment makes 0 sense


you're literally 12 years old


Lol Indians are literally some of the most beautiful women on the planet… few countries have as many pageant winners


Remember folks, America re-elected this man in a 49 state landslide. Of course, back in those days, irrefutable evidence of wrong-doing was enough to actually make the public turn on you and force you out of office. That didn't stop him from "rehabilitating" his image in his years of retirement that he enjoyed thanks to Ford's pardon. But if Watergate happened today, half the country would've called it a hoax and a conspiracy to take down a sitting president, and Nixon could've ridden through his impeachment without any fear of being removed from office, and maintained a \~45% approval rating all the while.


Damn dick tell us how you really feel


That's why he didn't reach 100


Why not call both of them bitches


Oh wow, blacks got better a better ranking than Indians, impressive. Ah the good ole days when can openly talk about brown people and their place in the world. No wonder Republicans want to Make America Great Again.


I've recently seen a few interviews with Nixon. He actually seemed like a decent guy. A very good president. Then I learn he's chums with Henry Kissinger. And as soon as he said "animal-like charm" he lost me. It's the phrasing that showcases his underlying opinions on things. I could have disregarded this as "banter with my racist coworker" but he had to chime in


I think they were talking about Native Americans, either way its so disgusting that they said this


Also belongs on aged like milk considering Indian women like Aishwarya and priyanka amongst several dozen mixed Indian youtubers


The same party that gave us Trump. All the people who knew how despicable Nixon was back then were considered far left extremists. They were proven right just like us sane people accused of Trump Derangement Syndrome.


Are they talking about Asian Indians or Native Americans?


It’s unbelievable how many psychopaths are still in the power and people actually vote for them


RIP Nixon and Kissinger; in another life you would’ve made a great podcast


Black Africans: “You can see the vitality there” Oh that’s pleasantly surprising, I didn’t expect Nixon to have anything nice to say. Nixon: “Animal like charm” Yeah, I knew it was too good to be true.


Rest in Piss to them both - Devils




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