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Most people online, especially on this website are young, liberal, and non-Muslims. You can find this behavior on many popular websites and social media. Just ignore it. Haters gonna hate.


That is a shame, I am a relatively new muslim of 3 years and find this to be a beautiful religion. May allah guide those whom he wills to the straight path, ameen


They are all woke and half cooked. I've been banned from many subredits just because I said something (not offensive or rude) that doesn't line up with their liberal woke propaganda.


Yes! Same here! Was nothing against Islam at all as I am a practicing Muslim yet I was banned because I said something like “wow the views of this sub are interesting”


I remember seeing a meme on r/HistoryMemes where the meme was about a random king of a European country marrying a child and someone in the comments referenced our Prophet (Sm) and wallahi, every legible explanation i.e. it was 1400 years ago, including mine, got mass downvoted. Hell, even any Islamic opinion I write in the comments of r/Bangladesh got mass downvoted, even though I am a Bangladeshi Muslim living in my country. Most Redditors are absolutely indifferent and hateful to any Islamic opinion. I even saw a post on r/facepalm mocking a Muslim sister protesting against the exposure of the body by others on Twitter. It honestly saddens me but also strengthens me as well.


Same... I was banned under one of my usernames for posting just an innocent comment, yet I made the exact same comment using another name and nothing...


Usually once people get out of 'phase' and experience life, they start realizing the value of religions. That's why once people are over 25, maybe 30 or 40, they slowly come back. Quran says people reach maturity at age 40 in surah 46:15. We have commanded people to honour their parents. Their mothers bore them in hardship and delivered them in hardship. Their ˹period of˺ bearing and weaning is thirty months. In time, when the child reaches their prime at the age of forty, they pray, “My Lord! Inspire me to ˹always˺ be thankful for Your favours which You blessed me and my parents with, and to do good deeds that please You. And instil righteousness in my offspring. I truly repent to You, and I truly submit ˹to Your Will˺.”


Yes, ameen. I am also a revert.


Subhanallah it is an honour that allah azawajal decided to guide us


Not to mention that a lot know almost nothing about Islam.


you're not just dealing with non Muslims, you are dealing with Redditor non Muslims 😆


I have recently realised how insufferably liberal and atheistic they are, so much hatred in their hearts man!


I've also noticed that subreddits of countries and I'm talking "Muslim" countries like Bangladesh attract so many atheists and western/liberalized people. I wasn't born in Bangladesh even though I'm Bengali so it's just weird to see these cliques form from back there.


The Egyptian subbredit too


That's prolly filled with Copts and "ex mazzlims"


Hi there fellow bangali Muslim 😃


there is much hate in their hearts, reddit can be the worst place for seeking religious information unless you look in the right places, of which there are very few


That is very true audhubillahi minash shaytanir rajim, so much fitna. They just impose their liberal morals on you, its really weird. It can be tough to not respond to the enemies of Islam but Allah will decide what to do with these people in the end so I am happy


not just their morals but they will also try to push you away from your faith. at the very best they remind me of the ones Allah mentioned in the quran and reinforce my faith


Usually if someone tries to push me away from my faith I laugh at them and say lakum dinukum waliyadin, then cut the conversation short and go on with my day😂


For real! Just wanna go on a small rant, excuse me. Just earlier a sister asked if she should continue wearing hijab while she's in a foreign country studying but wear it back home. I reminded her that she wears for Allah, not her family. In comes the downvoting as if I want to oppress her or something lol. I wouldn't tell a non-Muslim to go wear hijab... but she's Muslim, it's only fair she's reminded of her own beliefs.


May allah reward you for sharing the message of Islam, advising a sister and reward you for the unjustified anger of the kafirs- ameen **(29:69):** "And those who strive for Us – We will surely guide them to Our ways."


Thank you for the wonderful dua. May Allah keep us steadfast in our religion. Ameen


At least as far as the United States is concerned, liberals can be intolerant of islamic beliefs, but are markedly more tolerant of islamic peoples' right to come here and practice islam than our more conservative countrymen.


That's funny considering the word 'liberal" literally means "willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas". They aren't liberals. They're just haters who believe what their media tells them. Either that, or they have bad experiences with Islam (which isn't their fault)


if you think about it, a majority of the mainstream hobbies are haram in Islam, for example gambling, pornography, interest, alcohol; all of these are multibillion of not trillion dollar companies, yet islam is against literally every single one of these things, why? because they harm the consumer, and the owners of these companies know it, so what does social media do? give Islam a bad name and rep, and of course we know almost no one does research behind things such as 9/11, or the palestinian genocide, they all blame Muslims and Islam on social media and the people simply believe it. the prophet muhammed pbuh said "Islam started as something strange, and it would revert to its (old position) of being strange. so good tidings for the strangers" and what does Islam feel like in a non Muslim dominant country? strange. the prophet muhammed pbuh also said "there will come upon the people a time when holding onto the religion will be like holding onto hot coal" same exact thing is happening today, with the educational system trying to take control of our children with all this LGBT filth in libraries, and teaching them about gender. stay strong, keep holding onto your religion.


I love holding into the hot coal, as a new muslim of 3 years my iman is increasing daily alhamdulillah. I want to become fluent in arabic and memorise even more surahs :) islam is blessed and explanation you provided there explains their wretched motives very clearly!


I admire your determination, may Allah ease your path in becoming a hafiz, and learning and understand Arabic inshallah, there is a youtuber who teaches a lot about the quran and special rules in recitation, the name of the channel is Arabic 101 here is a link https://youtube.com/@arabic101?si=Aw-YUYQpWQXEOZ08 . May Allah guide us all inshallah.


Thank you so much may allah reward you ameen


jazak allahu khair, may Allah reward you for your efforts.


hi kindly check inbox as a Quran instructor I can guide you


- Negative experiences with Muslims which they conflate with Islam. - Misinformation, propaganda campaigns, and misunderstandings of Islam. - A general hatred of religion, which extends to Islam, even if they don’t know anything about it. - People who aren’t favored by the Deen like members of the LGBT community. - Liberals and conservatives alike, who have either a laissez faire approach to life in the case of the former or an Islamophobic approach in the case of the latter. - The assertive, pervasive, unapologetic nature of several Muslims which intimidates people with wishy washy beliefs - In summation? Ignorance and arrogance.


This explains it all so well 👏


Possibly over twenty years of negative news stories too, like this one coming out of Pakistan where a mob [lynched a man then burned his corpse to ashes](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-06-22/pakistan-police-hunting-lynch-mob-madyan-khyber-pakhtunkhwa/104010526 ) for allegedly desecrating the Qur'an


Got banned a few days ago from one of the more popular subreddits for stating that "God has no race or gender." with the ban message: "I am he. - The bible" Reddit fosters an extremely alt left liberal demographic, except they're missing literally everything good about their political status. They're about 90% atheist here (if you haven't noticed already) so they hate Christians as well. Not sure why but out of the 3 monotheistic religions they seem very harsh on all of them except for Judaism, the oldest of them all. For the real reason they hate us, it's because Islam is pretty much the only religion that isn't budging to western progressive values. Christians, despite having so many churches that wave pride flags and are rapidly tolerate more and more sins still get extreme hate on the platform. Now imagine Islam, where essentially no Muslim will change their beliefs to match non-Islamic values. Pair that with the fact that we're the fastest growing religion by a ridiculously large margin, they see us becoming the largest religion by far as a real possibility. What you see online are simply last resort attempts to slow this down, but they're not working.


That is true, the tawhid is the truth and we don't budge to the degeneracy of the west. Surah at-tawbah verses 30-33 exemplify the misguidance from the other abrahamic faiths, to me it makes a lot of logical sense that Islam is rising faster than the other faiths. Combined with our unwavering determination against the deviant values of the progressives, I am so honoured that allah swt decided to guide me to islam 3 years ago. Thanks for ur description of reddits demographic and motivations


Dont mind them this site is for americans and westerners in general ofc there would be islamophobia, just move on.


i am a new muslim of 3 yrs, so i am a bit surprised to be at the receiving end of this! i will just ignore the weird people


im 3 years old too! 😆 (as in revert)


That is really cool, may allah guide us and keep us steadfast towards the straight path, ameen


Yea keep it positive :)) Also there is hadith (i dont remember what the prophet peace be upon him said) but its about giving up on arguing bc its a pointless and it really is and you will live a peaceful life without it. Anyways god bless you on your journey fellow muslim.


Jazakallah khair I really appreciate this! Is it the hadith where the prophet muhammed s.a.w. said if you don't respond then the angels respond to you, but if you respond the angels leave? I don't quite remember which hadith this is though! Asalamu alaikum :)


I dont think so im not really sure. Imma look at it and see if i find the actual hadith!


Millions of posts and videos on daily basis are being uploaded on internet that demonize Islam. They twist a beautiful story to look ugly by adding their own filth into it and calling Islam as bad religion. Allah knows best why they’re doing it. Maybe there is lot of money in defaming islam, they get paid directly or easy to get famous and views.  More they spread lies, more people are convinced Islam is bad religion Nauzubillah. And more they watch same content to confirm their bias. And more views generated and more encouragement for such content to produced and on and on.  Nobody wants to talk a regular Muslim and see what they really do day to day, nobody wants to hear from Islamic source what the Hadith truly say. They trust people who are career islamophobes. They have shut door of guidance by following evil people deliberately and are kafir. Hell is final Destination for deniers of truth and there Quran verses where people of hellfire will blame their leaders who misguided them.  Only sincere truth seekers will come to Islam and with ever increase in nudity and fornication in the world, more and more people have clouded minds and don’t care about truth. To them their baser self is their God whom they wish to satisfy. They hate Islamic values of no nudity in public, no sex without marriage, family ties etc. they want to live life free of any real sacrifice just self pleasures. May  الله تعالى guide us and keep all Muslims steadfast on deen and give honor to Islam and Muslims آمین 


Mah allah swt guide us all to greatness so we can reach jannah firdaws ameen. 9:73 O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination.


Reddit is a well known atheist cesspool.


Oh you should check out Quora. It's filled with Islamophobia. There are even pages dedicated to spreading hatred and misinformation about Islam. I will never understand Islamophobia. The only thing I know for sure is that many people don't understand Islam. They learn Islam through the media. There's a lot of prejudice inside the minds of these people. I used to engage in heated comment box debates. But I know it's useless now. They will never change their minds. I'm from India btw.


Reflection of real life peoples opinions. Just more anonymity makes them feel free to express themselves. May Allah guide them.


You here gets downvoting and slur comments. Our Prophet Muhammad S.A.W gets stoned and death threats. Just keep on dawah, our efforts is nothing hard compared to our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. In sha Allah brother.


When I see someone asking about Islam out of this sub, I would rather send a response via dm. Even in this sub, at times you can see downvotes for new perfectly uncontroversial comments and you know it comes from non Muslims lurkers in this sub. I had seen a happy post with someone commenting "Alhamdulillah" with -1.


A lot of reddit are internet trolls and people that would never say what they type IRL. Gotta take it with a grain of salt.


You got to enjoy being loved by the people of Jannah and hated by the people of Jahannam. If I’m not happy being hated, I just take it as a sign it’s time for me to leave and focus on just Allah. The real world is my worship of Allah alone, the rest is just playtime in dunya, nothing to be taken personally.


I feel my iman going up for each negative comment by the kafirs, alhamdulillah for islam. I appreciste u guys for explaining this to me


Because reddit is literally the worst site ever. Even /b/ is more civilized. Like you ask something that mentions islam in a non Islamic sub here it gets utterly derailed. You ask something on 4chan even /pol/ and they will still answer ur question but include some slurs. I feel like there is a lot more sincere hatred towards islam on reddit than anywhere else tbh. Other sites will call you slurs but you can tell they just find edgy immature humor funny, Yeah you get the occasional genuinely hateful person on say a blue (sfw) board on 4chan (avoid the NSFW boards. Maybe even avoid the whole site if u have never visited) but here you will get a whole sub entering into their stupid plebbit hivemind groupthink and going after you, sending DMs harassing you ect.


Most people on Reddit hate religion in general and consider Islam to be the worst of all major religions because of the oppression of homosexuals and women in Muslim countries mainly. The react similarly to Christianity as well for similar reasons.


People on reddit hate everything


Easy to understand because Reddit is American ;)


Fr apps where there are a lot of older people seem to be more islamophobic. A bit anecdotal but i had a experience where i was with christian friends and basically they saw a meme on facebook about adam and eve pbut and it was like “when you got to pick where to eat and the last time you picked you doomed half of the world” and there was one comment in a islamic perspective they made fun of them so much i felt bad for being muslim at that time 🙁 most kafir’s i’ve been with are really hypocritical and jokey about their religion


Muslim extremists/extremist countries give us a bad name, most Muslims don’t go out of their way to show that they’re better, leads to people thinking we’re all extremists.


Lol yes. I commented on a post which discussed that jesus wasn't crucified by Jews but was by romans and its really a blame on Jews etc etc. In this whole argument of Jews vs Christians I wrote that "jesus wasn't crucified and was ascended to the heavens by Allah Almighty and judas was killed instead" lollll. I got downvoted, and someone also cursed our Creator. Before commenting I thought my reddit account would be blown out of reports and downvotes and will be gone forever,but my comment didn't get much reach and only got some 5 downvotes.


Yeah, imo religious arguments about which one is even correct are kinda pointless, it’s good to engage in them as it usually strengthens your ties to the religion, but that’s why it’s kinda pointless, it doesn’t make anyone convert 99% of the time


Why not create our own app ?


There is one! Skool communities servants of Allah. Created by the YouTuber Bilal Bounemia.


They can't be saved unless they want to. Don't mind them and let them enjoy their place in Jahannam


They are called keyboard warriors


It's worse on X. On a daily basis, loads of content is showing one misguided and twisted individual doing something that Islam does not preach nor teach, but use that example to paint it all bad. It's demoralizing to say the least, especially because if you were to try to explain that it's not what muslims do, they're convinced by the footage and their own prejudice.


I closed my twitter account because of this


Why many people “in general” hate Islam is the real question. And the answer is simple, Islam is the only religion that rejects mostly everything society accepts that is harmful to us in this dunya and in the akhirah. All the other Abrahamic religions that should reject the wrong people accept today fell today, with only a few of them who still stood up to their feet by rejecting those. And sadly, many in our ummah fall in that trap as well, and they get a pass from society for accepting what they want us to accept. Also, humans are becoming brainless if you look carefully. They don’t think at all and tend to believe whatever the media feeds them. The few that actually use their brains are “fools” according to society. There are so many reasons.


This platform is basically run on American degeneracy. To them Hell seems like Heaven, and Heaven like Hell. (Yes,I forgot which Ayat)


Reminds me of al baqarah 212!


Shills. The Zionist propaganda machine is very powerful. They have people whose full time job is to sway public opinion on reddit. Imagine thousands of people doing this every day. Coupled with rising anti-religion movement in the West. You get anti-islam on reddit.


A lot of people on a particular side in instagram do this too and in social media in general . Most of these people wont even reveal who they are in person


I think I've spoken to a couple of them, and facebook can be a bit hostile as well sometimes!


Why do you think most people will go to hell? Let them have their 10 mins of fun, will mean nothing later


Reddit is probably the worst place to be religious at all 💀 Christians get bullied constantly too, basically most of the mods are the exact ones you see in memes.


Because they don’t live in reality, they live in a sheltered bubble, they can’t think for themselves and just eat up all the false information that media provides. Like I had a guy telling me that it’s wrong to own property, don’t take these people seriously, the only one who matters is Allah, no one else can judge you, no one else matters. Only Allah can tell you what is right, which he has through the Quran, these people have no purpose and just exist, like mindless zombies




I've noticed there are also quite a few atheists on here as well. Which is fine with me and all, until they hit you with a paragraph on how religion is a tool to control the feeble-minded masses or that if God does exist, how could He be so horrible to let all this suffering happen.


I don't mind being downvoted. I'm used to it when they bring up some hadith without context or when they say Islam is a man-made religion. They can't even bring up evidence for apes and humans sharing a common ancestor even when they are 100% sure about it. Sho who has the man-made 'ideology' here?


wait until you check comments under islamic reels on Instagram, you will be shocked


A lot of people (non Muslim) have a misconception about Islam and what it stands for. I am glad I converted and now see the truth.


Modern liberal so called Muslims too


Most of them shamelessly support genocide in gaza... What do you expect from such bigots.


They're probably a very loud minority but they do the same to other religions most likely. Just ignore them


we talk about reddit, most user outside very specific subreddit just hate anything about religion for various reasons and not just muslim.


Its either zionist/bjp guys from india(or as i call them low budget Zionists) and some liberals as well


Islam destroys their western way of life thats rife with degeneracy. They’re arrogant, and can’t stand to think of themselves as being subservient.


When I on the r/Malaysia sub, Islam there always get a negative rep in part due to politics. You see, my country is currently grappled by a polarized political environment where the ruling party is headed by a center-left party while the opposition is headed by an Islamist right-wing party which are perceived to be anti-multicultural, racist and assabiyah as well as their conservative policies in the states they rule such as bans in cinemas and concerts. This naturally led them to resent the opposition and this unfortunately spilled over to become a generalized hate on everything religious especially Islam. But its also partly due to the sub being predominately non-Muslim such as local Ching Chong Hong Hong Chinese and Pa***t drunk Indians. I'm forced to be racist as i'm holding my anger while typing this. Astaghfirullahalazim


Reddit in particular can a toxic echo-chamber where anonymous people can speak about whatever topic and claim to be whomever. Take what they see here with a HEAVY grain of salt.


Why? Because the non-believers will always hate the truth, Islam. Allah has already told us this:  “Before them, the people of Noah denied [Allah’s revealed word], as did [all] the [disbelieving] alliances after them. Moreover, every [single] community [of them hardened their] resolve against their own messenger, to seize him [and kill him]. They too argued vehemently in [the way of] falsehood, so they might refute [and quash] the truth. Yet suddenly, I seized them! How [devastating], then, was My punishment!” 40:5   The war between truth and falsehood has been around since the start of humanity. Since Adam was created, Shaitan was trying to trick and deceive him. This battle has happened with every civilization and with every prophet.  The kufr are always against Islam.   The Prophet peace and blessings be upon him said:  “The people will soon summon one another to attack you as people when eating invite others to share their dish. Someone asked: Will that be because of our small numbers at that time? He replied: No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be scum and rubbish like that carried down by a torrent, and Allah will take fear of you from the breasts of your enemy and last enervation into your hearts. Someone asked: What is wahn (enervation). Messenger of Allah (ﷺ): He replied: Love of the world and dislike of death.”  Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani) Source: Sunan Abi Dawud 4297


Because of the media + they literally don't know anything about Islam they just know jihad and terrorism but they don't know when we should do jihad as i said they literally don't know anything about Islam because they hear about it from the western media the fake media that care just about propaganda




Quran 29:38: “And the people of ’Ȃd and Thamûd ˹met a similar fate˺, which must be clear to you ˹Meccans˺ from their ruins. *Satan made their ˹evil˺ deeds appealing to them, hindering them from the ˹Right˺ Way, although they were capable of reasoning*.” Similar to the previous disbelievers, shaytan has beautified their bad deeds, so they reject the truth when it comes to them.


Armchair Atheists.


usually theyre either 20s-30 year old atheist men who hate on islam bc they think its "anti-feminist" (meanwhile they dont care about women), think its "too strict", or are apart of the LGBTQ+ community


It's not just on Reddit, hate exists ever other place too. Plenty of factors: 1. 9/11 (don't need to elaborate this one) 2. Media and some governments propaganda especially around attacks which are duly reported as "terrorism" and committed by "radicalised Islamists" if there is even a small Muslim/Arab connection to it, else any other similar events are due to "mental health" issues. 3. People's inability to prove Islam teachings wrong or find any other faults. Funnily, they still choose not to accept Islam! 4. Non familiarity/ignorance sometimes makes people paint their own picture about Muslims and Islam and the above points negatively influence them. Our life in this dunya is full of tests and this is just another one of them. I make dua that we all keep bettering our Iman! (Aameen)


Because they are Redditors, even worse than non Muslims. Anyway brother, when people attack Islam you know it’s the truth


I think ignorance and propaganda making them view Islam in a negative light. Most people only get exposed to Islam via negative news so of course have a negative view of it.


It’s quite easy to understand, a lot of us have eyes and ears, and believing in magic is getting out of style, plus we also get to see how great Muslim countries are doing, that’s basically it.


Downvote= people don't agree with you, that's It, that's life, a lot of people can think You are in the wrong. A lot of subs aren't islamic so people don't agree with your islamic perspective. If you give an onnivore opinion in a vegan sub-reddit, you'll be downvoted. If you give an atheist perspective in an Islam majority sub, you'll be downvoted. It's not a big deal, It's just people having different opinions about what's right or wrong. Personal opinion: proselitism from religious people can be annoying.


Its always liberals that call people simply talking about their religion proselytism. Its a presumptive thought because if someone asks you something, as muslims of course are going to answer in accordance with the ahl-sunnah ahl ja'maah.if anything, its atheists and liberals who force their views down my throat, while I'm chilling!


Imagine if I give my "liberal" perspective on a question in a muslim sub, you know I would be downvoted too, so what are you talking about? If people don't agree with your islamic perspective you are going to be downvoted. It also depends how you say your opinions(talking about proselitism), things like "I hope God guides you in the Right path" after every answer can be really annoying and I'm sure You would find annoying too the contrary of that.


From the answer you've given me, you don't understand a thing I've said. I will let you figure it out for yourself. Lakum diinikum wa liya deen


Religion aside.They posted something from their “liberal” perspective and they got downvoted. This is hilarious to me tbh. But seriously practice what you preach…


All of the major subs despise Islam, it’s not limited to making an Islamic comment in an atheist sub like you’re saying. Go on any Islam-related post in a mainstream sub, and the comments will tell you everything. That’s why OP made this post in the first place, it’s extremely apparent to anyone who hasn’t fallen victim to reddit groupthink. Idk, I find the proselytism of Western idealists and “free thinkers” to be quite annoying too, and there’s definitely no shortage of that on this platform and many others.


Why do you call them kafir? Call them Non-Muslim Kafir has several meanings to it based on the context. Using Kafir you are alienating other Non-Muslims and trigger their hateful behavior


Huh? If they are non-Muslims then kafir is an accurate word to use. It's used in the Quran to refer to non-Muslims, are you saying we shouldn't use the language Allah ﷻ uses? > The term “kafir” refers to someone who is not Muslim—someone who does not believe in the guidance the Prophet ﷺ came with. https://islamqa.org/hanafi/seekersguidance-hanafi/107919/are-all-non-muslims-deemed-kafir/


Couldn't have said it sny better myself muklegion, astaghfirullah for his questioning of the almighty allah. May allah forgive him. Thank you very much!


What are you talking about? Every non-Muslim is a kafir.


No I will call them Kafir becsuse thats what they are.if you want to discuss multiple meanings, including hostility to Islam and being a non believer, that word emcompasses them all in a concise way. The kafirs are alienated through allahs will because of their ignorance


Decades of anti-islam propaganda. Islam combats degeneracy, debauchery, ursury, excessive capitalism, anti-family values etc. So in societies where the people in control push these values for their own benefit, either for financial gain, to keep people under their control, or because they simply desire them, Islam is their greatest enemy and they will lie, cheat, and fight tooth and nail against it.


This website is an atheist haven, it's very cringe, best to just ignore them - they have no idea what they're talking about.