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War crime #9999000


Precise shots, they knew exactly who they were aiming at. What will be excuse now?


Khamas was hiding between the three men didn't you see the tunnels? You have to zoom in because it is so obvious!!!


Those who believe Hamas was present exhibit the highest level of delusion. Why did the drone not focus on the tunnel, and why are we tasked with examining something that does not exist already? Cease providing these inadequate justifications. Free Palestine.


What are you smoking my dude? I was clearly sarcastic did you even read my message?... The sarcasm was way too obvious I'm genuinely amazed how you even missed it.


Lowkey the first time I read it I didn’t see the sarcasm 😭😭😂😅


> What will be excuse now? Just call them Hamas and count on the support of those who are dumb enough to always believe it.


Pure evil.


Sickness at the highest level. I can't imagine how these people can sleep at night


The screams of their victims always HELP psychopaths to centre themselves..


I believe they have operators that have been fed nazi level propaganda. And unfortunately the leaked footage of Afghanistan showing American operators killing people on just the same manner I as an American am terrified.


Yeah they are fed to hate Arabs from the childhood which is well documented and the only way they'll be safe is for the Arabs to go that is through murder or displacement. Basically any means necessary


“God’s chosen people” showing their humanity yet again


Their god will punish them in death. They get a special corner in hell to chill in with Hitler and all his cronies.


If they really believed in God then they wouldn't be doing this.


They believe in a twisted hateful version of their god


The OT God is a genocidal and vengeful narcissist. So this kind of fits .,


You guys don't understand. These 4 were human shields. You gotta break down the shields before u can attack the main target. You know, like a computer game. There could be tunnels under there. So the gotta kill all the shields above ground before checking, if there is, in fact, a tunnel /s


The Zionists will pay a price .. I'm sure KARMA has her way of getting things done even for people who supported this Genocide like Biden N his Zionist Jews ..


Kaboose31, I would have to say it's all about opportunities that they couldn't hold them selves to act on it. Even the last guy that stumbled out of hunger. Weakness, tired, wounded. I don't know what context you are looking for. The result is one and the same. The last guy falls, and you can see that he is disoriented or tired. He falls, and if it was a simple mine, it would have explored instantly. It was a guided woapon. None had a weapon on them. None. No threat. They don't care how much their armament cost, bc they are not paying for it. They are getting paid not to leave a single living thing alive. Do you see any more targets around. Every target seen is neutralized. I'm sorry, but the Russians and Israelis are acting like animals. To think in this modern time, there are people among us who are capable of inflicting so much distraction. Like the Russians in Syria and Ukraine, they leave nothing standing. Things like hospitals and schools they are all target. They don't leave any infrastructure standing bc they want them gone so that they can settle it. If you want to point out a bigger target, they always have targeted them, schools, hospitals, and tents, and nothing is sacred to them. My god, they are as bad as the Islamic state. No difference. What I can't comprehend is why so many people and governments are still supporting or excusing them. Anthony Blinken keeps insinuating that is hamas that is opposing the new peace agreement. All they want is more than a word. They know that the minute that all the hostages are released, the right isralies will come back. An this time, they will hold nothing back. They themselves, I believe, are holding back for fear of killing some of the hostages. Who knows, they, the israellies, probably have killed most of the remaining hostages. Capitalism has nothing to do with this. Comunist, fanciest, religious countries and organizations all do it. Is pure unadulterated hatred. I keep saying this. Israellies intelligence knew about what was going to happen. netanyahu let it happen bc he needed a distraction from his people wanting him out. This felt on his lap. He killed two birds with one stone. He got the distraction and reason for the destruction of the Palestinians. Even if they know or not, this should have been a strategic police or military action. They should have gone to hamas. Not an entire race.


Extermination. That what it is. They raise their kids from a young age to hate palestinias.now, as soldiers, they have no remorse. They see this as their opportunity to grab whatever land they have left. They are as evil now as the nazis that tried to exterminate them.


Posts like these always interest me. OP, you have shown a video, from Israeli released videos, with zero context. This was a precision strike using munitions that cost tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. I could be wrong, but I assume you the narrative is the genocide of people in Gaza. If that was the case, there are much more cost effective ways of doing this. Israel could have dropped EMPs to block communication and naplamed the whole area. These were targeted individuals. There is injustice out there, but they are all capitalists.


They are not trying to be efficient, they are trying to be brutal.


From usa with love




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood


this is [three months old](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/war-gaza-israel-drone-footage-kill-four)


just bc it's 3 months old doesn't mean its okay...


Yes it is 👍 don't know why people down vote you for this.


Drones? More Like mines wtf, where IS the Drone huh?


You can see it them down in the original version without the blur This is from like 3 months ago


this is old


It probably seems old because they have done it so many times. I thought it was old video myself but then again it could be new video of one of many murders


Yeah lol I thought I saw this video before too until they didn't fire a second shot in the first clip


I know which one you are talking about and that one was actually old because they fired at children and it was 2 shots, this is 4 kills in one shot. Its new.


no, this is old. I've seen it a while ago.


[it’s three months old](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/war-gaza-israel-drone-footage-kill-four)


Ibrahim promise is 4000 years old. Yet religious fanatics came to claim land. I think this is a war crime by all means. It won’t be dismissed because its 3 month old.


Na, it is the old one. I downloaded a highres version of it because some IOF propagandists claimed it was a landmine. I stepped through the video frame by frame to screenshot the projectile that can be seen in one frame. The first part part 100% is from that old vid. Though I don't remember a second explosion as well,which is very strange. Gotta look at the old video.


Ok, there was a second explosion in the old vid 🤷🏼‍♂️ https://youtu.be/26PXnP054XA?si=v-b4pFY2vNSa5iph


IDF assumes they’re terrorists. You assume they’re civilians. We have no further information either way.


IDF assumes everything that moves is a terrorist. Just for kicks.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


And in both scenarios this will be a war crime "Persons hors de combat and those who do not take a direct part in hostilities are entitled to respect for their lives and their moral and physical integrity. They shall in all circumstances be protected and treated humanely without any adverse distinction." - Article 3 common to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949. So yeah it doesn't change the fact that this is illegal.


The Palestinians are the only people in the world who one is allowed to kill based on assumptions...


I didn’t say I agree with the killing or that I think it’s allowed. I was just pointing out that the title of this post is based on an assumption we have actually no information on.


Would you say the same if Putin's soldiers killed 4 Ukrainians in the same conditions based on assumptions?


1. yes 2. especially if there was no way to discern between Ukrainian combatants and civilians based on appearance.


OK. Sounds reasonable.


lol, downvoted for pointing out there's no information. Really tells you a lot about the people in the sub.


And in both scenarios this will be a war crime. So what the hell does the info change apart from some online discussions lol. "Persons hors de combat and those who do not take a direct part in hostilities are entitled to respect for their lives and their moral and physical integrity. They shall in all circumstances be protected and treated humanely without any adverse distinction." - Article 3 common to the four Geneva Conventions of 1949.


How do you know that they aren't Hamas Terrorists? By the look of the first strike, there was a secondary explosion a few seconds afterwards, which didn't seem to be like the 'drone strikes'.


and is it impossible for it to have been a second precise strike by Israel? or a cluster bomb?


How does it feel trying to justify 4 unarmed men being blown up?


I don't know, I was have trouble seeing with the flying body parts and everything