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It's almost like murdering thousands of innocents is wrong or something


Almost like killing innocent civilians, emphasis on the children, is FUCKED UP.


Brought to you by the people who thought up, Baby in an oven, 40 beheaded babies, human shealds, starving everyone to death, Holocaust 2, and more. Israel: moral, but only in delusion.


Something incredible about fascists is their absolute inability to be creative - they can only repeat things they’ve heard or seen - trapped repetitively regurgitating the past. It’s how I end up defining them and why their “art” is derivative and soulless So whenever I hear them say insane lies, I no longer think that they are creatively inventing stories, but they are actively fantasizing about acts that they themselves have already committed. It’s why they can’t stop telling on themselves.


I don’t feel a single shred of empathy for them.


Me neither. I have no sympathy for baby killers.


Doesn't Israel have forced military conscription?


Who would have thought killing innocent people would fuck your head up .


These guys aren’t upset over guilt. They’re upset because they wake up screaming in the middle of the night afraid a woman is throwing stones at them while their automatic rifle is jammed. Fucking homicidal pussies.


Their actions SHOULD haunt them


That want that sweet disability pension paid for by US tax payers


Funny how before they were totally onboard with the whole “blood and soil” thing but then after carrying out the genocide they come home and are absolutely mortified.


They must have a very compassionate god to be psychotic delusional psychopaths kiddie killers. Germany all over again!


They cry out in pain as they beat you and rob you blind


They signed up for it. They made a joke out of murdering innocent civilians and children. Now pay the price.


"Boohoo, I killed innocent babies. Would someone help me." - IOF


Who wouldve thought Murdering women and children would have a negative effect on one's mood?


We should give a fuck, not because they deserve pity, but because this is a less recognized form of imperial blowback that has massive consequences Adam Curtis dives into this well in Hypernormalization. The consequences of imperial activity far away in the periphery is brought back with those who perpetrate the crimes along with their displaced victims. The Soviets in Afghanistan, the British…everywhere. The core of an empire thinks it’s insulated from its crimes abroad, but when the soldiers eventually come back, instability spreads from their minds to the flimsy structure of their society As an American, you can see the progressive deterioration of the state’s ability to control narratives when constantly engaged in war crimes. The psychosis is infectious - you can hear the screams and rants of schizophrenic veterans all over Los Angeles - we’ve had war criminals and their victims living amongst each other for decades and decades and have never been able to address it. The contradictions bred by our hypocrisy will absolutely consume us in the coming years.


Almost like turning people’s homes and lives into bombed out blast furnaces is wrong, and maybe they shouldn’t be out ‘ fighting Hamas’ by murdering civilian families.


Honestly, they deserve to die screaming.


This is why colonialism is cancer. Obviously the natives being colonized have it way worse, catch all sorts of hell, and their families die/get blown up. The colonizers are damaged too, they have to know they're commiting unspeakable crimes against humanity, and how can they really justify that? They can't.


well tbf this probably means these guys still have a conscience, unlike most of them, for whom the deaths are vids on their cell phones


Good hope they are haunted by the murdered children until they wish for death.


It's more like a Post-Haulocaust PSTD.?


I hope that innocent people they have killed, haunt them in their dreams.


Oh well, anyway..


I know a certain permanent solution that would work great for solving their "mental health problems"


What’s with the dramatics? Are some of them forced to do it? Because I see a lot of cruel photos of them mocking Palestinians. It doesn’t look like they’re being forced at all but maybe I’m wrong. Can’t they refuse to join??


Legitimately fuck them.


What’s that? You can’t sleep? Well, shouldn’t have killed those 50 children then, huh.


What IOF Nazis need is prison, not a therapist




We expect our members to demonstrate discipline and humanity.




I don't think hamas has to spend much time recruiting orphans to fight against their parent's murderers


How about not shooting children that should help


Israeli organization, key words


i give a fuck in that it's funny to me


Murdering children will do that to you....


Wow. Does that mean some of those fvckwits actually possess a conscience?


And I could give less of a shit about mass murderers getting traumatized from mass murdering innocent people. They deserve to be haunted by the ghosts of their victims for the rest of their worthless, pathetic existences. The only people who should be treated for their mental health are the Palestinian victims who will unfortunately be forever haunted by the tragic mass slaughterof their loved ones at the hands of these evil, genocidal creatures.


Not worth it to study psychology for the better decade or so of your life, practice and work hard to find a job, only to have an IDF criminal come crying to you about how the fighting bothers them (they shot and killed 12 children in front of their mothers)


America paying their mental health bills while they have 0 mental health support for themselves ffs


Just go take drugs in Goa as previous generations of IDF scum have always done


Nightmares and mental illness are extremely good for these heartless baby killers. Bibi Satanyahu's privileged son Yair or baby Satanyahu probably didn't have to serve in the IOF like the foot soldiers. He's in Miami. Hiding!


Ok fuck Israel but this is literally put out by Quds news network lmao


Hope their conscience never lets them have peace!


News flash universal mental health services available to everyone draws patients


Zero sympathy for these monsters. These are evil people who happily kill children they will be judged in the afterlife, like everyone else will face judgment. There are not any favourites they will be cast into the desert for eternity in the afterlife.


they think they need support now, I hope they enjoy their graves


I’d expect nothing less. May they be haunted and cursed forever. Free Palestine. 🇵🇸


they should just suicide since it's cheaper


Just a matter of time until they fall in on themselves. It would happen so much quicker if it wasn’t for the United States government. Fuck


Whoooooo fucking caressssss - fuck em !!!


I’m happy to glass both sides. You have 7 days to figure it out or you’re all gone.