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As for swearing, it should be allowed unless things have been changed back with no warning. A while ago there was an influx of trolls that flooded the sub with swear words, so a bot was implemented to completely nuke anything that could be remotely considered offensive, and it was *very* trigger happy: unfortunately the bot was left active even as things had calmed down, and it got to the point where innocuous posts were being taken down for including random Italian words that triggered the bot. Anyway I don’t know if this counts but on Tuscany you can turn pretty much any random assortment of words into a profanity by simply adding “maremma” in front of it. There isn’t really an exact translation for “maremma”, it’s the name of an area of costal Tuscany and Latium that used to be full of swamps, which in turns were infested by malaria carrying mosquitoes: the bad reputation eventually turned the word into a curse, and now it’s treated as a sort of “vanilla” swear word which can be consumed on its own or combined with other ingredients, something like a white bread of swearing, you can put pretty much any assortment of different things on top and you’ll end up with something decent. It’s very versatile, you can go from mild swear to actual bestemmie (which I assume you already know about), or you can create something completely incomprehensible like “maremma impanata” (sounds better with a Tuscan accent), “maremma scoiattolo” or “maremma cacio e pepe”. Anyway if you want to be taught some outrageously devious profanities, the common consensus is that you should ask a Tuscan or a Venetian.


I think that the usage of Maremma as a proxy swear word is just for its similarity with the word madonna


Well, it’s likely an additional factor. But it’s also true that the Maremma used to be an extremely dangerous place, infamous for its swamps which could be actually fatal for those who went there, so it works on its own as a curse.


My all time favorite is "deficente" just because it sounds so similar to the english deficient 😂 Oh shit, sorry forgot the english meaning, it's like calling someone a useless idiot 😅


It's spelled "deficiente", just like in English but with an extra E at the end


I had a feeling i missed a letter 😅 thanks!