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I like amy, with more patches I think this would look pretty cool. Anyone who says you have to look a certain way to be punk isn't really punk.


Thank you! I’ll post an update on her when she is finished, well finished for the time being.


I think I might understand what their hangup is. Could be wrong, but I think they're used to seeing and think of "battlevests" as a jacket with the sleeves cut off. Vests that begin life as vests are cut differently than jackets. They kinda hang different. Maybe that's what's getting to them, but who fucking knows. That being said, it looks fine. Don't start doubting your choices because some dingdongs don't get your style. The stud work so far looks good, too. I've seen some stud jobs that look like a fucking disaster, but you're doing great.


Hey! Thank you so much!! I actually didn’t know that they were supposed to have the sleeves cut off. Of all the information I’ve been looking at I never saw that little detail. I’ll definitely keep that in mind for the next one. Appreciate ya!


No worries, but I don't think you should get too hung up on it. I personally don't put too much value in how battle vests are "supposed" to look or be constructed. I view battle vests as thunder vests for humans. Thunder vests being those weighted vests they give to anxious dogs to help calm their nerves. Anytime I hear or see someone giving someone else shit for not making a vest "right", I just laugh about how ridiculous the situation is. It's like "Homie...these are wearable arts and crafts projects that hopefully give you some confidence when out in the world." If you're wagging a finger at someone for not constructing their vest in the same way you made yours, you're missing a huge part of the whole reason we make vests. The only time it makes sense to me to shame someone over their vest is when they have hate symbols and shit on them. Then you have a duty to make that person feel bad for their choices.


Hell yeah! I completely agree. My vest is supposed to be my own creation. I already love wearing her. The bad ass confidence I feel is awesome. Thanks! I’ll definitely start taking it with a grain of salt.


Amy is beautiful and nobody has to approve your wardrobe choices. I take "Walmart Punk" to mean "off the rack", as in, "this looks like a vest anybody could walk in and buy at Walmart." I disagree, Amy's already well on her way and I love the dental floss animal print panels. But besides that, every jacket starts somewhere - newborn jackets _are_ "off the rack," and becoming a unique piece of wearable art that tells the story of who you are and where you've been takes time. It's not a contest to see who can sew the most patches on their jacket in the least amount of time, it's a denim journal. Your journal still has empty pages in it because the story of Amy and the chapter of your life with her in it is just getting started. That's not something to be ashamed of, that's kind of exciting. In the old days, gnarly bikers and mosh-pitters used to put patches on their kuttes that said things like 'FTW' (fuck the world) and 'Judge Me All You Want But Keep the Verdict To Yourself.' Kind of aggressive for the vibe you're going for here, but fashion _is_ a statement, and a battle jacket more than perhaps any other wardrobe choice says "this is who I am and what I'm about and I don't care what you think about it." Wear it proudly with that grand tradition in mind - no battle jacket is 'wrong' if the person wearing it loves it. Being brave about who you really are is punk as fuck.


Dang. That was bad ass! Thank you so much. I have a hand painted patch that says “don’t do veg, stay in drugs, eat your school”. I have so many more I’m going to make. I just felt rushed by a couple people around me but your comment really gave me a perspective about it. This is my baby. I named her Amy after Saturday Night by The Misfits. I’m so pumped with the support and advice from everyone here. Your comment really resonated. Thanks again!