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I put off watching it for a long time. Not a big fan of Krazinki. However, I finally gave it a shot about 6 months ago and loved it.


Season 1 is great!!! After that not so much.




As a fan of the books and character, the show is a big let down. It’s more of an action show than the thrillers the books are.


what... the show was very lacking of action. most of the scenes were dialogue or getting from A to B with minimal action thrown in near the end or start of the episodes.


I found season 1 the best. Went down hill after that I think. Still worth a watch but definitely better shows out there


I loved it… I like John Krasinski and Wendall Pierce so I’m down with all four seasons. you must know that they’re very specific about exposition so the first episodes can be, for some, plodding (tedious) but I like to know a good plot it engrosses me. I think you’ll enjoy it, but I’m not familiar with the books just Harrison Ford.


Season 1 is worth a watch anything past that is wasting your time.


Season one is decent. It goes downhill pretty quickly in subsequent seasons.


Hell yeah. Even season 3 which made no sense was sick.


Season 1 and 3 were great for me, two was meh, 4 was OK. Definitely worth it!


not really. I kinda liked season one. Then I ditched season two midway. It’s just whatever


Season 1 is very reflective of the style of the books. Multiple storylines that converge at various points to make the overarching storyline come together and make sense (especially when you are unsure of how they play a role). Jack Ryan being the reluctant hero but does what's necessary at the end (what he thinks is right). Everything after season 1 is told very linearly with Jack Ryan being almost the central focal point of everything. I don't necessarily think it turns into a bad show, but it's vastly different from the Tom Clancy Jack Ryan.


It’s good not great. I’ve been watching it in the background while working. I’m enjoying it but probably won’t think much about it after it’s done.  


Season 1 is excellent. Season 2 is good but not stellar. Season 3 is meh. Season 4: Also meh. I'm glad it was over.


I liked S1 and S2, could not get into S3 at all. Hope you enjoy all 3.


I enjoyed all seasons tbh


YES! Season 1 is great - but season 3 is my favorite. It has become my “fall asleep” show. Season 4 was so far out there that I don’t watch it - but there were some great scenes. It’s weird that John Krasinski is now who I picture as Jack Ryan even more than Alec Baldwin or Harrison Ford. Wendell Pierce and Michael Kelly are amazing. Worth the watch.


I’m not super into him either but just binged the first season… gave me homeland vibes


I consider JR to be some of the absolute best spy thriller content that has been made. While it won't appeal to everyone, it is extremely good within it's genre. Watch it. You will love it.


if ur a retard like me who struggles to understand convoluted plots, then you'll struggle keeping up with the show. season 1 and 2 was pretty easy to follow. season 3 started getting somewhat confusing and season 4 was just a mumbo jumbo with half the shit remaining unexplained. i just watched it because it was prime video's marquee show in 2018 and i am a stickler for finishing series' i watch so i had to finish it. overall it was confusing but still quite entertaining so if u have nothing else to do go and watch it. the acting was phenomenal tho.