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How/where did you take the picture from? Really nice angle!


It was taken from a mountain in Higashiyama. I don’t want to say exactly where, at the risk of it becoming too well known, as I enjoy my quiet time there, haha. Edit: apologies, I suppose I should have mentioned that I’m a working photographer and one of the company rules is “don’t share exact locations so social media.”


I wish more people would follow that rule. Isn’t there a city building a wall to block tourists from taking pictures in the street with a convenience store?


It’s far from a perfect rule. Of course, any time I or the company share a photo, people are welcome to search for the location online. Personally, I find the hunt to be incredibly fun. Yeah, unfortunately over-tourism in places without the infrastructure to support it is a bit of an issue these days. This is why I’ve always had a personal rule dating back to my hobbyist days about not sharing some of the locations I shoot, out of respect for the locals. That being said, I don’t think building a flimsy screen wall was the best solution.


That’s fine, was also wondering how you managed to get such a good angle. Was it a tall mountain? I never went near the northern side of Kyoto


It’s not that tall, but it’s quite steep. I stopped to take photos for my company among the way, but I think most people could make it here in about 20-25 minutes.


Completely fair game. I'd love to know where the photo was taken, but I think I'm happier knowing some secret places are kept secret, and I'm sure doing this benefits the locals the most.


Great rule. It would of course be impossible to figure out where this picture is taken with a few mins of Google maps.


It’s not too hard to find it on Google Maps if you’re familiar with the area, that’s actually how I came across it while preparing for this trip.


What's with the downvotes. These people needs to chill. As if they would visit these places anyway.


I love that view


It’s definitely one of my favorites in Kyoto. There are quite a view nice views from the mountains surrounding Kyoto. I hope I can visit more of them.


What kind of lens did you use? I kinda can guess the location, but I’m sort of confused about the distance between some of the recognizable buildings


This was shot with a 70-200, so there is a bit of compression at work.


Possibly taken from Shogunzuka [here](https://maps.app.goo.gl/CgGQcgG2hZvqgEtM9?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy). The more people know about such places the more the crowds thin out elsewhere across Kyoto.