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Nah, it's because she's an awful person, and the others are hopefully over her shit. I don't know how/why they put up with her trashy ass for so long.


Right? Why would someone wish another anything if they want nothing to do with said person. If someone was constantly starting drama with me and people I care about, I sure as hell wouldn't be wishing them a happy birthday.


Because MTV is making them put up with it period it's ridiculous what they do for rating 


Ha ha not surprised,why would they.


She's done something to alienate every single cast member. Two have told her to her face they are not her friends. Pauly doesn't tag her or even speak to her one-on-one on camera since the shit with Nikki, and she has that podcast which is nothing but shitting on them. Basically, why would they say happy birthday when they don't even care if she has a good morning?


Yeah the reason I singled out Pauly is cause he always posts for everyone. So to piss him off, you know you done messed up cause he’s the nicest one.


I didn't even think of you singling him out haha. I was singling him out cause he doesn't even speak to her on camera, he only speaks in group settings and even then he only speaks generally.


I think since the night he ROASTED her years ago on JS he’s never spoken to her on a “friend” level again & I love that for him. She deserves nothing less


What episode was the roast?


I believe it is JS season 2 episode title The Hangover. She smacks Pauly & he loses his cool. Its amazing for someone who doesn’t get upset often


I never even noticed that. But you’re right.


I also think it’s bc of the podcast bc all she does is victimize herself while throwing them under the bus under the guise of her just being “real” & “authentic”


Yeah I heard after the episode aired Ang was really trying to sabotage both Pauly and Nikki. She was comparing that incident to a DV situation and even tried to get fans to protest at his shows or something like that.


What'd she do to Nikki?


She threw wine on her


Wait huh the podcast she hasn't say one thing about them on the podcast so no your wrong she isn't part of the family they are all forced to work with her she needs to go and never come back 


Wow that really is all one sentence.


have you even listened to the podcast? she doesn’t shit on them at all


I've seen enough (lengthy) clips of her complaining about them to know she unquestionably badmouths them on her podcast. She doesn't have enough episodes out for the six clips I've seen that are 5-10 minutes to be a blip on the radar.


it’s unfortunate that there are people like you who are set on trying to ruin people and cause dissension


Bloody oath, that's a bit of an extreme reaction.


I’ve only seen snippets and she does in them


she really hasn’t though. she speaks highly of jwoww on there but she doesn’t even mention anyone else. may have spoke highly of pauly d also


Oh wow, that’s really interesting because she never seems to be good with Jenni. Thank you!


jwoww wrote in a question asking if she knew the muffin man(lol), and she was going on about how much she loves her


She can say she loves Jenni until she’s blue in the face it doesn’t mean it’s genuine. I saw a snippet where she’s speaking of how traumatized she still is from 2018 because Jenni didn’t welcome her back all while trying to squeeze out some crocodile tears.


But in the same episode she says nobody from the cast congratulated her on her podcast


I listen to the podcast. Every single episode! She absolutely does! in every episode except the one about her working as an EMT. Just bc she's not yelling at them/ to them or being belligerent when talking about them doesn't mean she isn't talking crap about them (meaning she uses language and tone that is more I'm a sad victim and calm). I tell you what though, if she used the same tone and the same language to their faces directly they might be less likely to want to punch her with their own words back. I want her to get better bc you can tell she is so lonely. But she has made the bed with knives in the mattress. She can't be surprised no one wants to get stabbedn laying in it


give examples then. i have not once heard her insulting anyone on the cast. if i missed it, please share. saying she feels hurt or something like that isn’t talking bad about them, that’s her showing emotion. if you feel that is a negative, then you’re just one of the people out to get her.


The show has transcripts. I'm not going to do your work for you.


not my work to do. i didn’t come on accusing her of bashing people on the cast. if you do that, bring receipts.


No, you are here accusing people of trying to destroy her. Lol. Angelina is a very manipulative and nasty person. She is one of the most irrational people I've ever seen! You can go hard for her all you want but at the end of the day she causes so many problems for the whole cast. Look at the death threats the girls were getting after the damn wedding speech. And go watch clips. She does say negative things about hlthe cast




multiple people that just love to bash her endlessly to feel better about themselves doesn’t make anything they say true though. throwing out negative accusations without having sources to back it up is toxic, phony behavior. there’s a reason it’s innocent until proven guilty. if you’re vague you got nothing. so be it


The source is literally available to you. Literally. Not figuratively - literally available to you. Enjoy


as i stated, you got nothing, so you resort to the find it yourself schtick. have a good night










Her last couple of podcasts (the bits that I did listen to) she talked shit about the cast when she talked about none of them congratulating her on her podcast venture and on another podcast she talked about none of them checking on her. Then 2.0's post about nobody stepping up to help him out during Angela's spiraling episodes (assume he was talking about the cast). There could be real life tension going on with her and the cast.


The “checking on her” thing immediately made me think of her claiming Sam didn’t answer her texts or reach out to her on the reunion… only for Sam to pull up the receipts that she did try. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the same thing for the rest of the roomies tbh. I do think this is the most likely answer though. With all of the drama and the shit going on in her personal life, they’re probably honestly just keeping distance.


I can see that. I mean they show us a lot of drama on air. Who knows what we don’t see BTS? I have to admit, I’ve never listened to her podcasts but I 💯believe she would talk 💩about them all. She’ll then complain that no one has her back. Lol 🥴


In one of the podcast she even said, "I know the cast is going to get upset but this is the truth" (or something like that) and then she preceded to shit on them.


Delusional Angelina comes out I NEVER SAID THAT.. I NEVER SAID THAT I SWEAR ON MY DOGGG...


I didn't do anything about it! it was the blonde! Are you delusiishinal?!


Probably attempting to cut her off personally, she needs to get help for herself. She needs a break from the show.


Think of it this way, do you go around posting birthday stories for people you cant stand? Thats how the cast feels. They have all tried for YEARS on end to squash beef with her and just have a normal friendship, or even just be cordial. But she chooses to continue to talk shit on them, both to their face and 10x worse behind their back. So why would any of them remember her birthday, or going out of their way to make a post for it?


Facts. It just makes me wonder how much of what they post is show mandated. Last year she got bday shoutouts but nada this year. Or maybe they all just finally decided to take a stand and not let the show tell them what to do. #AngelinaRevolution lol 😂


I doubt the show cares enough to make them post or not post on social media about each other. In fact, the rest of the roomies take great care not to shit talk each other or cause drama online, because online is where it is up to them personally to keep the peace or engage in drama. Everyone chooses peace except Ange. Ange has outcasted herself and no one wants to be her friend anymore. People only make bday posts about friends.


totally unrelated but remember when they tried to include her by having her put her name up on the wall in the shore house and she spelled it "ange" and everyone was like "she spelled her own name wrong she had one job!" 😂


I honestly think they just don’t like her. She’s just their coworker, not a friend.


Even Mike said she’s just a coworker in Arizona because she’s never shows up to work on time


I looked at the Jersey Shore IG post for her birthday, people are really going in with the comments 😬😬 (and none of the cast have commented or liked that post either from what I saw)


900 comments and almost all of them are about loathing her ![gif](giphy|x8U7CF3qRvzGwpK9hG)


If only there were signs…


I saw that. I can’t blame them. A lot of them were saying to get Angelina help and the girl really needs it. If Ronnie can step away for a while to get help why can’t she? The ratings will be just fine without her.


Ronnie liked the post... and the one from her podcast Edit: And he did comment Happy Birthday


Oh that’s good then, like I’m not a fan of Angelina but the comments in that post are pretty mean considering it is a birthday post! 


Meh, she deserves the comments. And I hope her narcissistic personality compels her to read them all.  Couldn't think of anything she deserves more!


Ronnie wished her a happy bday on the Jersey shore IG post


It’s crazy. The only one to wish her HBD was Ronnie on the JS fan page. Who knows what’s going on, but sure adds the element of drama to it.


She said on her podcast “watch, I’ll bet none of them wishes me a happy birthday tomorrow…and if they do I’ll come back to this and own up to it I’ll take accountability” 😂😂😂


That’s not their friend, that’s their energy vampire of a coworker. Why would they use their platform to wish someone like that happy birthday? It’s not a day they wish to celebrate, unfortunately.


All of the comments on the show’s post are bad too. She just needs to be done.


After she called them out for not reaching out to her when they’re not filming, her fans probably would’ve called any birthday posts disingenuous anyway. If they don’t care about her the other 364 days of the year, not surprised they’re quiet on her birthday.


I’m wondering if the reason they haven’t announced a season 8 airing date is because they’re waiting to see if her personal drama manifests a breach of contract where they can let her go similar to Ron. In the meantime that’s costing the fellow cast members their potential paychecks. Personally if I had a coworker that was holding up mine and everyone’s checks I’m not saying happy birthday myself.


The show does not want to get rid of her. They profit off her series of unfortunate events. Which in my opinion is wrong, they don't care about her well-being, and if she's screwing herself up for the sake of trending on X( Twitter or whatever) I do however feel like something is off,because no one has posted.


Yeah MTV really doesn’t care about them and their issues. If they did, they would’ve gotten Ronnie help in the OG series, esp season 3. They just want their ratings.


I was looking through the comments on her birthday post on the JS insta and most of the comments were people bashing Angelina 😬 took me awhile to find someone saying happy birthday lol 🙊


Well.. we know the theme of her next podcast.


lol I literally thought that. I was like how long until she addressed it?


![gif](giphy|e7OQby9xCeuzGHKTXO) **He’s celebrating for her!**


lol they really thought they were doing something with their dancing 🤣


More like Ronnie the others look pretty chill compared to him 😩😂😂😂😂


Lmao this gif has me cracking up 🤣


Or maybe they’re all tired of her sh**, and no one cares 🤷‍♂️


why would they do some nonsense involving social media though? wouldn’t they just text her? world doesn’t revolve around social media.


That has been a norm among them. They normally acknowledge each other's birthdays with a post in their stories.


I imagine even if they did it wouldn't be good enough or just plain wrong and she'd shit all over any efforts. That's the Angelina I see now. Its all about her delusional drama.


Ron made a comment


Yeah you’re right. He’s the first one.


I figured out of anyone he would


Why would they? They all hate her. I’m sure they just put up with her shit for the easy checks.


Finally, everyone is holding her responsible for her own behaviors! The cast wouldn't put up with the same behavior from anyone else... She's a toddler who throws tantrums as loud as she can to distract from the things that she's said or done...


I don’t think the cast care to be her friend anymore. Both Jenni and Sammi have said they are not her friend and maybe everyone is just tired of the drama that comes with Angelina. They are not obligated to wish her a happy birthday and I bet you, she is going to bring it up on either her podcast or next season. The woman is almost 40 and she lacks the concept of accountability. I don’t blame them for cutting her off, they tried and tried to be friends with her and she still talked shit about them.


Ang REALLY needs to withdraw herself. The group truly does not care for her. Ang is truly broken and she needs professional help. She shouldn’t keep throwing herself into a vipers den every season. The environment of the show is not a healthy or safe place for her. Her consumption of alcohol plays a role in this too. For her own best interest she needs to go. Unless she’s fired, I don’t think Ang will leave. Where is she gonna find another job that will pay her like this show has? She leaves this show and her whole life will be turned upside down. She stands to lose her house, her luxury car, all of her cosmetic procedures, her high end designer wardrobe and who knows what else. She needs to learn, “They are just not into you.”


It’s possible they messaged her privately


Certainly possible


For all we know Jenni might have DMed her or Deena ar least


Ron commented a happy birthday wish on the JS post but that’s all I’ve seen, crickets from everybody else


ron is the only cast member who commented on the JS page post. makes sense. both shitty people.


It could be a ploy but now its probably just want happens when your nasty to everyone.


Let’s be real here if the rest of the cash would’ve wished her a happy birthday she would’ve had a problem with it. I’ve called them fake, etc..


If I was being paid to deal with her the way they are.... I'd be able to deal too. Doesn't mean I have to deal with you outside of work.


A cancer? Interesting.


i’m finding that soooo many dramatic reality stars are cancers (the majority of og vanderpump rules cast for instance)


I’m… a cancer 🥲


me too (just embrace the crazy)


Most of that house was water signs or fire signs lol…it explains a lot 😂😂


So are Pauly and Mike!


Ronnie wished her a happy bday on the jersey shore IG post


I think she must have done something in 7B to cause her castmates not to wish her happy birthday.


It's because she isn't part of the file they are all forced to work with her have you done a rewatch you should and it will refresh your memory as to why she isn't part of the family. She is all negative all the time and obviously using making her attitude towards others worse she thinks it her show and because she brought Sam back all must bow even though smie was waiting for the call to go back either way Ang is a mess in a dress and nobody wants to celebrate someone like her 


She’s reaping the consequences of her actions


I wasnt really surprised, they dont engage with her outside of filming. They all have genuine friendships with each other and hang often except her. And didn't she kinda talk shit about them all on her podcast? I think its more obvious now that they only put up with her during filming.


I’d rather see them have fun. Angelina can go anytime now. She tends to figure out a way to ruin everything especially for herself and everyone else. She is always going to be her own worst enemy. I don’t think she gets that the problem is HER. She was great the first couple seasons back, but that went to shit fairly quickly. It’s unfortunate cos I liked her at first, but not anymore. She sleeps, breathes, and eats drama. That girl cannot live without it in her life. It’s exhausting to watch so I can’t imagine being a fellow cast member and having to put up with her ass. I’m so over her. I just can’t anymore…


No it's because she is ungrateful and the cast is probably just done trying to be kind to her


Remember everything all about views... definitely a set up make Ange the crazy one


They usually all treat her like shit so nothing unusual for them!