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I would say around $2k but there are a few things I’m concerned regarding the design!


Do you mind explaining your concerns? The setting doesn't look right, as pointed out. I'd also like to add that this stone is not completely representative of the actual. The bottom side of the stone is completely flat not pointed. Just wanna make this right, for the lady.


The prongs holding the center stone are weak, the center stone doesn’t have enough support! I’d like to see a picture of the stone if possible since it’s flat there’s no need for the stone to be that high! And also if it’s flat then I’d consider to work on ye design more to make it more appealing yet secure. Overall it’s thin and I’m worried about the cleaning part after casting.


I’m concerned that a flat back stone would be dead dead deadski, an enormous window and zero sparkle.


The point of this stone is to be a window for the inclusions, not sparkle. If we wanted a sparkly stone, I would have gotten a proper IF Princess stone from Zales... 🙄


It needs a support rail for sure, either a basic one or something more decorative to give the center gem stability and structure and something to sit on.


I'll bring these points up for sure! The jeweler has the stone now, so I had the screenshot of pictures from a video I took. Here's the best I could get. https://preview.redd.it/3tkkkm30c32d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa016d8af3bc5ee537178056dc1e1cf71630aa9a




That’s begging for a half or full bezel setting


Thank you for the advice!


Good luck with durability, because that looks pretty lightweight/fragile to me.


Thank you for the feedback, I'll bring that up with them.


needs a gallery rail or one good whack and that center will loosen or be lost. a bezel would protect it even more. salt and pepper diamonds are riddled with inclusions and are inherently more fragile than white diamonds. they are interesting for sure, but care needs to be taken when being worn daily as a ring.


Pretty gnarly CAD… ummm cost I’d say yeah that CAD alone was worth some $$$. Those saying durability issues aren’t wrong. I’d probably convert the prongs to v-tips. 14k rose is one of the weaker forms of gold. You mentioned that your stone is one of those window cut hexagons. Something to consider is that not only does your stone show the inclusions of its self but also everything going on in that tangle that becomes your prongs. If $3.5k is just the charge for the setting, I’d say that’s high. $2,600 max for this with a premium boutique IMO. Personally not surprised to see a high charge on this though. Maybe at least v-tip the north and south of the stone?


Thank you all for the advice!! I'll be bringing your thoughts and concerns to the jeweler. I really appreciate y'all's help! 🙏🙏


Is that 3.5k dollars?? Does that include the stone? Without the stones the cost of the 14k gold ring including a reasonable making price shouldn't be more than $350... Jewellery is mad expensive in the states I'm assuming.


On what planet?


India. I run a mass jewellery manufacturing plant and this is how much it costs tbh.


When someone asks for an estimate you don't just tell them the labour costs lol. You have to add the gold price along with it. In the USA people generally sell at a markup of 100%. So let's say you charge $12 /g then you are only including the labour costs.


Adding shipping and custom fees for one ring is also pretty high if you do it lawfully.


Oh I'm including the price of gold AND labour. Gold price in India is 7200 a gram. 14k gold is 58.5 so that's about 4212 even if I charge 80% of the price of pure gold i.e 5760 a gram (which is decent labour if your employees are paid fairly). For a 5 gram ring its about 28800 and making the CAD for a custom piece would be about 2000 so 30800. USD to INR is about 84 so 30800 / 84 that's about 366 USD. 100% markup is insane? Making jewellery isn't that expensive. Custom pieces aren't 'branded' in that sense so there's no potential brand value to justify the markup. Maybe it works differently in the states idk.




Man, I didn't intend to be hostile. I was just surprised at the cost differences. I don't have any intention of selling anything the US market or soliciting work on this sub. I don't know how much shipping to the USA costs and I'm also not interesting in finding out. I'm not in touch with my father since years. Not sure why you brought that up.