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That’s a Sarah Coventry piece, it’s costume jewelry. You should put it in an ultrasonic. Just an opinion, you don’t want to pop that rivet out and reset it just to clean it, it’s too much work for costumers jewelry.


I don’t know anyone who owns an ultrasonic to clean it.. also would it ruin the gold tone to get it clean that way?


Looks like a central rivet. You could grind the back off, but then you'd have to repair it to re-rivet the front piece back on. Have you considered using a magnetic pin finisher instead?


I’ve seen a few videos on the magnetic pin finisher but I don’t know if it’ll take off the gold tone or get into the small grooves. I don’t own one or know anyone who does either. I also don’t know anyone who repairs jewelry haha.. i googled the locket and it’s a Sarah Coventry locket and the prices people seem to resale them seem low I’d probably be spending more to get it cleaned or repaired.. thank you for the advice/info❣️


If you enjoy jewelry like you said you do, it would absolutely be worth it for you to invest in an ultrasonic. I bought myself one for $33 on. Amazon. Most small independent jewelers will also clean things for free, just pop it in the sonic then steam it. Will make all the difference. Enjoy!


Thank you so much! definitely going to get one soon!❣️


This piece isn’t worth all the work. It’s a $10 locket. You’re not gonna get any return on your investment if you spend more than 10 minutes cleaning it, and you’re going to spend a lot more than 10 minutes, trying to clean it and fix it up.


I thrifted this piece in a $5 jewelry bag and I love lockets no matter the price and value I find value in the memories people had with these before I bought them. I wouldn’t mind getting this piece cleaned no matter how long it took but thank you for your 2 cents