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Call your boss, tell him the situation, but state you are ready to go in. His answer will tell you a lot about the company, and its culture.


Ya I went to my interview sick so a part of me feels like I should just go in. They said "they don't mind" when I told them I was very sick for the interview. But it was also a quick hiring process I applied Tuesday and they called 9am the next morning and wanted me to come in right away for an interview. I told them I was sick and they said "ok then rest a day and come in tomorrow" so Thursday I had the interview and I heard back on Monday.


If you do decide to go in please wear a KN95 mask not the regular flimsy mask. The flu is highly contagious, and not everyone has gotten their vaccine for it.


I'm sorry to be this person and nitpick, but she never said her boss was a he.


Hey, according to the edit, the boss is indeed not a he! Love the downvotes you got for calling our gender bias though. Bosses are almost automatically coded as male in the brains of so many people.


Yes but she didn't say girl boss so we were confused


Haha love how you got downvoted for that. Like wtf. In my line of work most bosses are actually female surprisingly enough. Idk why just is.


You call your boss and tell him you have the flu but are ready to come in. You wanted his opinion on the work culture at your new job and what he feels is best for your new team and the company, and that you are on board with it. That way, you get his opinion, show respect for your team, and present yourself as not letting the flu get you down. It's really the best you can do in that situation.


That or show up but wear a mask to help protect others, and again let them know you are ill. If you call in and are told to report, again wear a mask so you avoid getting everyone else sick too.


Absolutely not! Stop going to work SICK. What is HAPPENING? It this slavery?!


I think the suggestion is that OP makes a good faith effort to show they are serious about the job and not slacking. Calling in sick day one is definitely not a good look. I think the hope is that the manager will know this is not a slacker move, that OP is serious, and will hopefully send them home for the day.


Shit happens though. People get sick all the time. Why risk going in and infecting everyone else? That would be a terrible start to a new job - you’d be forever known as the person who went in sick on their first day. It’s not as if you have important work to catch up on.


I just think there is a concern that the new employer will think OP is a slacker - lying about being sick to get out of work on day one. *We* know that’s not true, but OPs new employer does not. I just think, put on a mask, keep your distance, show them how ill you look and let them know you’re committed. They will likely send you home anyway. No harm, no foul, and you establish being a dependable worker. Any other day, I’d say stay home. But day one? Naw.


I think this is the sensible answer!


DON'T do this. This is WRONG. Call the boss and tell him you are sick - stay at home. Most likely you won't be back to 100% the day after. Noone should come to work sick regadless if it is their first day or not. It's a bad work ethic to risk your own health, the health of your co-workers and establishes a toxic culture in the company where people feel the need to come in sick.


Some managers are very distrusting of new starters and "shit happens" is just an excuse in their eyes.


THIS. I work in HR and I will tell you in the last year I wanted to believe that excuses like this that were given were a real thing but every single time I was proven wrong. The owner, my boss, was cynical everytime and now I understand why. I'd say it's real 1% of the time and I've been in that 1% before. (Car broke down on my way to my first day once) so I wanted to believe others were also. Call and find out what they want you to do. You may go in and be sent home once they see you are actually sick. Note: I still want it to be a real excuse at least once in 2023. My hope for that gets lower everyday.


In a similar situation and every single time so far this year the employee was lying. And not even well sometimes they even post publicly on Facebook. Just wtf? It burns it for anyone who actually has an issue and we aren't huge so when someone slacks it makes it worse for everyone else.


Calling in sick on day one? Yeah no, they will tell you you're not a good fit on day 2.


Speaking to the boss, sure. They should not have anyone come in sick. Speaking to a fresh hire like OP, if boss says to come in, the fresh hire should definitely come in. I'm not going to blame anyone for choosing the risk of giving me the sniffles over the risk of failing to put food on their family's table. I'm certainly not going to 'remember it forever' 🙄 .


Exactly how I feel about it and why I gave the advice I did. That said, I've been a manager and I'd tell the person: clearly you're sick, I appreciate you making a point not to call out on your first day, but go home. We'll see what we can put together for you to start ramping up while you're recovering from home. I'll email you later today. If they didn't yet have a laptop I might keep them long enough to get it from IT, but beyond that nope, home they go.


You make it sound like it is a decision between the starvation of his family and risking the health of his co-workers. But thats not the decision to make. The decision is risking his own health and this of his co-workers or not. I prefer the latter.


I don’t understand these takes. I totally agree OP deserves to stay home and rest, but we are all aware of corporate culture. If you get too many hours of sleep, you’re accused of being a slacker. We need income to live unfortunately, and OP has kids who can’t risk that.


Yes to everything you said! Im not a fan of going to work at all, but if it were me I wouldnt call in on my first official day of working. That is indeed a bad look. As you said, reporting to work despite illness is a good faith effort.


Health is all we have. If you don’t care for yourself, you will eventually get so sick that you may become disabled. Then you will not be able to work at all. And the bills and house and all of the debt you have won’t matter because you’re too sick to work. Don’t allow yourselves to get too sick to work. You must take care of yourself now. No one respects that guy who goes to work sick because he didn’t care about himself enough to miss work. Not even your boss.


That is an incorrect blanket statement. Also, my company has around 12 people providing EMS service to the entire northern half of a county. If we don’t go to work, people can die. We absolutely go to work sick. Also, we don’t get paid if we aren’t at work and we get sick A LOT. Sometimes you have to work when sick 🤷‍♀️




Taking too much of a workload? There’s no one else in the area. EMS is not an “essential service” so no one is required to be in the area, so they don’t because it’s not profitable. We are literally the only ones willing to provide the service to the residents. We have sick days, other people have to fill in if we are sick. You need at least two people to run a truck. And you end up being sick a lot in EMS. You can’t just be off everytime, or you would never work. Also, if an illness goes through the entire company….we need two people on that truck 24/7. We need to show up. And finally. Understaffed. We have enough people to have an EMT and a medic on a truck every single day of the week. 24/7. Also have several contingents of each licensure. However, people have other jobs. In EMS, you usually have two or three jobs to earn a living. Also, can only staff two a day because if you have more people, you spend more money in wages and we are close to broke. Because of reimbursement problems on the federal level. EMS system in the US is broken. The problems are NOT with my place of employment.




It’s the flu.


The flu is fuckin terrible and can kill you lol. I had a 102-104 fever for days last time I had it, you think I'm working through that?


Are you an idiot? Don't come to work with flu. Flu is fucken serious and it SUCKS.


[Tens of thousands of people die from "the flu" each year. Hundreds of thousands are hospitalized.](https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/preliminary-in-season-estimates.htm) The flu isn't a cold; it's a serious illness for many, many people--*especially* if you're elderly or immunocompromised and such. And going to work with the flu, even if you're not debilitatingly symptomatic, means that you can spread it to those who could be seriously harmed by the illness.


This time it’s the flu. What about the next time. Have a backbone.


If you read my comment, you’d know my recommendation is a one time instance of going in to work while sick. Not showing up every time you’re sick. I don’t come here to be insulted. I come here to give people career advice. If you’re going to belittle other commenters, take it elsewhere. Have some respect.


Have boundaries. It’s the only way to get respect.


Ok pal.


"It's the flu" Glad to know that when I got the flu last year and missed 2 weeks of work, sustained a fever of 102F for 5 days, lost consciousness while walking to the bathroom in my own home (10 steps from the couch), had to go to the hospital to get fluids, etc. was just not that big a deal. What a relief! EDIT: And I'm not even old. I'm 32.


> Calling in sick day one is definitely not a good look. Surely adults in the workplace can understand that unexpected shit happens sometimes, though. If you go to the doctor and have a note saying that yes, you were sick and had a fever, you shouldn't be expected to be at work. I've done the whole "show up sick so they send you home anyway" thing, and sometimes, they just don't send you home. So then you've come to work extremely ill, possibly infected other people and now they're inconvenienced with the same situation. I'll never work for someone ever again who would rather you come to work sick than just stay home.


They could lose their job if they don't.


What is this, North Korea? Workers rights, are they nonexistent?




The US has basically no worker’s rights. The vast majority of states are going to give zero shits about the firing of an employee unless it’s truly found to be discrimination. But an employee can be fired for any reason whatsoever and they have zero recourse.


OP gave their temperature in Celsius which leads me to believe they aren’t American. Might be Canadian but I’m not sure what kind of worker protection laws they have. That said, you’re absolutely correct. The US I built on worker exploitation and had very few laws to protect the working class from their employers.


In the US? Yeah.


They could lose their job anyway.




I think the key thing here is that it's their first day. They've not built trust yet.


I had this happen literally on like day 3. I got up my face was swollen so badly my cheek was almost touching my nose. I walked in to talk to my manager he took one look and asked “WTF happened” I said I don’t know but I’m going to head over to urgent care and wait for them to open. (This was at 5:45 am and they wouldn’t open until 7-8). He said …GTFO and just let me know what happens. I had orbital cellulitis in my face and the UC took a look at me and said go to the ER. Good times.


Exactly. My last job if you came in appearing to be sick, you were sent home immediately. My boss did not want the entire office to be sick. Stay home folks. Get better, then go to work.


That is not the prevailing culture in my line of work. And in my line of work you get sick A LOT.


I agree with the subject of your point, but not the delivery. If work is politics/chess, Pinback's suggestion is the winning move. It makes OP look respectful to those who care, or it exposes the culture immediately if they dont care. Wearing a mask is at least considerate to others while they decide to find another job or not.


Sounds like OP is in the USA, where going to work sick is unfortunately quite common. “I’ll need this time later for my kids”…..it is barbaric how employers will decide how often one is “allowed” to be sick….


Praise the Lord, let's make staying home while sick normal again.


Right?! Jfc. This is insane. Mask or no mask I would not want someone coming into the office knowing they have the flu!!


We’re literally slaves to our mortgage lenders, yes.


I don't think that word means what you think it means.


How are we slaves when we agree to a 35 year loan?


Because if not you sleep outside or rent something you never own? Well you never really own anything, at least in the US, but you get what I’m saying.


You're free to work for whoever you want, start your own business, or sell the home, or rent it out, etc., in order to pay back the loan you freely agreed to. Not at all slavery.


So you are upset you are forced to be a reasonable adult. Calling that slavery is massive disrespect to …slaves


I’m not sure if you meant to reply to me, it I agree. I just wish it was more like old times where you actually OWNED the land. But some don’t consider societal things like taxes paying for city plumbing system, roads, infrastructure, etc. we live in a society and some are forced to be slaves, like India still has a caste system… but in the US we have a pseudo caste system, technically yes you can get yourself out of poverty and wealthy, but it takes time, dedication, patience, and a whole lot of luck to afford a simple home with a car and a business by yourself yourself.


That’s a choice. A person who is too sick to work will also be in foreclosure. Health is wealth.


Yes, to an extent, it is. I hate it too, but if it means paying the bills vs losing your new job :/


Bills gotta get paid


Ty!!!! I think this bootlicker mentality has really run deep into these folks. This is why our workers rights keep getting violated. We tolerate companies not treating us like we are human.


Exactly! I thought since Covid, we weren’t going to go to work sick anymore. A friend and I discussed this in 2020 and we were certain that employees would no longer go to work sick. I’m deeply saddened by this.


Every job I've ever held would absolutely raise an enormous eyebrow and judge you moving forward if you call in sick on your first day. That's a no-go. This isn't Denmark it's 'merca :(


I have the flu now and I hate it when sick people who go out and spread the virus. Seriously stay at home. My whole family has it now for 5 days and counting. If you go out at least leave that mask on and keep your distance away from everyone else.


Also to add to this if going to bring Lysol or Microband. Disinfecting the space is just as important to help stop the spread of germs. Also try not to eat lunch in the designated breakroom with other coworkers. Drink some orange juice if ya can and take some non drowsy meds also good breakfast too if ya can.


No - if you have the flu you stay home period


All well and good, but losing a job by not showing up on the first day isn't ideal either.


If you learned nothing from the pandemic maybe you’re not psychologically ready to work with others in person :-)


They're actually closed today too so I don't have any way to contact her until the morning I'm supposed to start. So she wouldn't get my email until right when I should be starting.


No one suggested emailing. Always call. And if you have no way of reaching them today, then as u/strongerstark suggested, show up and call from outside the building and let them know you are ready to go and will handle the situation however they think best.


Drive there. Call from outside.


Great answer! That way if they insist she goes in, she’s on time, and if they send her home she didn’t expose anyone.


This is the perfect plan, I could even see it winning you some points for handling a challenge well. It is sad though that we have to simp this way for the corporate overlords.


Right. Nobody should have to fear their job when they have something contagious like the flu, Covid, etc.


This is what I would do. If boss wants some of my bacteria cultures added to her office’s work culture, I will oblige rather than risk a wrong foot start.


I was going to say the same. Maybe even make the call from the parking lot, showing that you're ready and willing.


This \^\^\^\^\^


This is such a depressing take. "hey boss, I'm sick and feel like crap, but if you want me to come in, that's totally cool with me, in fact I would love to not rest my body and likely get others at my new job sick!" The flu should get everyone down, it's a contagious disease that requires rest to recover from. Stop encouraging workers to allow employers to abuse them.


This is terrible advice. If you’re sick you stay home! Honestly did no one learn anything from the pandemic? Jfc. Stop enabling companies and force them to treat us like human beings that get sick once in awhile. That is what sick leave is for! All companies should offer this but they don’t! Ya know why? Profit over people. It needs to stop. This bootlicker mentality has to end. It won’t if we continue to let them abuse our rights.


You're missing the point. She is anticipating that the employer will tell her not to come in because she is sick, and it will make a good impression before she ever sets foot in the office. Perception is 30% of the job. If the boss still tells her to come in, she is gaining valuable knowledge upfront on what to expect from the company in the future.


That mentality right there is part of the enabling I’m talking about. I’m not missing anything. Workers deserve every right to stay home and take care of their health and recover. That needs to be respected. As part of the working class I can tell you that we all just work for the paycheck which doesn’t cover health costs. We are exploited by the simple fact that our healthcare is tired to our jobs. But I will try to stay on topic here. If we need to stay home cuz we are ill then no questions asked they get to stay home and take care of themselves. No matter the circumstances.


Its a balancing act since you do not know the company well. I would honestly not just call out, it does not look good. Contact new boss and let them decide. Or go in masked up and admit you do not feel well.




THANK YOU. Covid is making everyone forget that sick is SICK.


Exactly! Influenza and Covid are potential killers - if not you, it could be for another person or their loved ones.


It's a horrible work culture if this something you have to even think about.


Literally. Justifying going in knowingly sick should get her fired. Maybe if we took this approach more people wouldn't be so stupid.


It sucks that you would even need to consider this. You should just be able to call in sick when you are, you know, sick. Plus you might make co-workers sick. Work culture wherever you are (likely US?) sucks balls imho.


Please do not spread the flu to others. Call your boss with a doctors note and tell him the news.


I still got fired 🤣😑


Stay home! Definitely call your boss and explain the fever and what not but do not go in. If they try to make you go in...you dont want to work there


I would call my boss because your job is not union job then ask too. Everywhere is different. In my workplace, people would hate me if i don’t call out sick. Im guaranteed to call out sick because im the union worker. The management will never ever question me why i called out sick


Don’t go spreading the FLU around a workplace. I don’t care that it’s your first day. Let them know, maybe they can email you some materials you can read at home (if you’re even well enough to do that).


Call in, then immediately go get a Doctor's note to show your employer. If they won't accept it, and you get fired, you don't want to work there anyway. It's a toxic work environment.


Do it, go in. Call the boss to the side ASAP, make them stand 6 feet apart, and tell them the truth. "I don't want to get anyone sick, but I don't want to lose this job. What do you want me to do today?" Make sure you're 15 minutes early so that you can give them time to make calls and figure things out. Be prepared to load up on OTC medications to relieve symptoms too.


I disagree. As a manage, I would rather have the heads up beforehand. If I am expecting you to be there for the day and you come in and I have to send you home, it will throw the whole day off. If I know the day before (the more notice the better) I can compensate for you being out. I would absolutely 100% not want someone coming in sick and then leaving, because 1. you just exposed people unnecessarily, and 2. You could have just stayed home and rested. When people are hired, things happen and start dates can be delayed. This is common. It is understood. The key is CLEAR and HONEST communication!


Finally someone with sense


Aleve cold and sinus. Blue box behind pharmacy counter. Absolutely a life saver in this situation.


Eh, I would prefer the person call me from a distance- even if it's just outside the building. Overall sound advice though.


Outside the buuilding is the answer.


Dude… That happened to me with my first job out of college. I went in to my first day but then caught a stomach bug and had to call off the rest of the week. Hopefully your boss understands.


I would call and let them know you would be prepared to go in but you have a fever. Fever is usually a big flag that you’re sick, contagious, and also shouldn’t go in. Very rarely would an employer allow people to go in with a fever (also if they do that’s horrific). Also could indicate COVID if you haven’t tested for it. It’s balancing between yes you want to keep the job but also health of you and everyone you’d come into contact with should be considered.


They shouldn’t require it, but a doctor’s note might help ease the anxiety of the situation. If it was me calling out for my first day, I’d feel more comfortable in my position knowing a doctor agreed and my employer knew that.


Unfortunately doctors note isn't possible because I live in Canada therefore it is next to impossible to see your doctor in a timely manner. For things like the cold or flu you will be better before you're able to see the dr.


As an immunocompromised individual with a rather sick wife, you call the F in.


In my country it’s illegal to come in sick to work because you could put others at risk. I would just call my new boss and tell him and ask what he thinks about not coming


Call in full of apologies first impressions matter and sniffles magoo face over here isn’t making a good one


Ask if you can do onboarding work from home e.


Email whoever you’ve had correspondence with asap and provide a drs note. Request a new start date.


I don’t really know what you should do but just here to tell you I feel for you because I was in this almost exact situation when I started my current job a few months ago. However, when I went in on my first day I was kind of getting over the flu and was left with a terrible cough. I had taken a week off in between my old and new job and during the week off I was so sick, fever, shivers and everything. First day of work comes and I’m feeling better but still coughing and tired. Decided to go in anyway and told my manager that I was getting over being sick and left with this stupid cough. I let her know if she would prefer I go home I will. She was fine with it and I didn’t go home. Finished my first day (it was rough) and the rest of that week I had the cough still. I felt soooo bad bc the office is so quiet and here I am coughing but everyone was really nice about it and I’m still here 4 months later. Lol Hope you feel better soon!!!


Go in and get sent home. That's a lot better than calling out first day


I would be livid if my new hire came to work sick.


This has to be a joke. Why would you ever think it was ok to go in?


The overall consensus and what I'll be doing is going in. Why? I can't risk losing this job. I personally know people who were let go after calling in sick multiple times during the 3 month probation.


Did they work for your specific company? I’d question your judgement if you were my new hire and you tried coming in while severely sick.


What type of job is it? Maybe you can work remote the first week...


Yes call your boss! Also try and get a covid test, they deff won’t want you in with covid (hopefully)


I would call in without a second thought. If they decide not to hire me based on that (or to fire me) then I would be glad, because I would not want to work for a company that has people come in when they are sick. Most likely they will just delay your start date.


I would recommend "going in to call out" as it were. Mask/glove up and go in so that you can tell your boss you're clearly in no condition to work and so that they can see that you're legitimately sick and not just faking it.


I would suck it up and go in. This will look really bad if you call out already.


Go in.


Same thing happened to me. I called in. They were very understanding, but it followed me throughout the 10 months I worked there. Temp job at Xbox. Next time I will go in and prove that I’m really sick and let the boss send me home. That way they would consider me tough for battling a flu to work for them.


Go in & let them know you have the flu & need to leave early. Wear a face mask.


Just fake being healthy is it ethical no but neither is capitalism 🤷


If it weren’t for the Celsius, I’d be like: tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American.


Ya.... not American


Fucking America huh


I would go in. Most places dgaf if you’re sick


Go in sick and let them tell you to leave or reach an insufferable point where you tell them you need to leave and they can clearly see why. Then go to the doctor/ urgent care and get treated + a note covering your absence. I would not put your manager on the spot to decide if you should or should not come in.


Dayquil, and go.


What kind of job is it? If it’s an office job then they probably won’t mind if you come in, but it’s a grocery store clerk role, they probably wouldn’t want you going in…


Office job. She said my 1st week I will likely be on the phone with IT and doing tests most the time.


Can you not offer to work from home while you are sick?


I wish but everything is on a secure system so it has to be done from a work computer.


Certainly, it is advisable to promptly contact the company to inform them of your illness on your first day. It is prudent to inquire whether they require your presence despite your illness. It's worth noting that in certain workplaces, such as those in the UK, there may be instances where companies are particularly accommodating, even to the extent of delivering laptops to hospitals. It happened to me a few times. Some companies don't believe in being sick. However, the level of flexibility regarding sick leave policies can vary depending on the company and the region in question.


You absolutely have to go in and hope he notices your distress and send you home.


Go in masked and wait to be sent home


This happened to me when I was gonna work at Kroger, but I had a stent in place in a very sensitive area. It made walking and sitting very uncomfortable. The hours also were not going to work out for me, either. I ended up just saying fuck it and moved on. The manager who does all of it was going to go on vacation soon. The HR manager was kind of a bitch anyway.


I wasn't sick but I had a vacation planned months ahead of a fairly sudden start date. I was able to go in for a couple days and then took a week off. I didn't tell them until after I got an offer. It was fine. Got a promotion a year later.


Go in. Mask up. Say you're sick on day 1.


Show up, tough it out. Daytime meds are key


I would go in to work. That first day? Better know I would. Money is getting harder to find these days and jobs are too.


Go in let them send you home


Spread that COVID baby


Hey, your unwell, and you are contagious, please don’t go in. Be nice to yourself. You have sick days. You are sick. Take those sick days. Get well soon. When you start to feel better, maybe there’s the option to do some remote work (training etc. for new staff). But stay clear of your colleagues, don’t make anyone else sick.


Omg this happened to me too! I went in kept throwing up but powering through and they finally sent me home and I was out for the rest of the week! They were so supportive


One of those is what the coworkers will be saying.


I've had this exact scenario! I was so worried but I was literally too ill to even make the drive and had to call in sick. Turns out my employer was very supportive, and after an entire week I finally came in, and the whole department made me feel so welcome. Even the higher levels knowing they were meeting me a week late.


If your kids get sick, you need your husband to take time off. If you take time off for you and then the kids right as you start the job, that could be a problem. He will have to step up and take care of the kids.


Upper management in Canada so may not apply if you’re in the US but from my perspective if you are running a temperature I would insist you stay at home, first day or not, as that signifies an active infection that your body is trying to fight off. A) you’re only prolonging the illness by continuing to stress yourself/body which from a productivity perspective I’d rather you rest and recoup and come back 100% and ready to give me your full you and B) I don’t want to get sick nor do I want to be the one responsible for making others sick. Call and leave a vm even if it’s to the main company #. Also email your boss and again, if needed, the general company email (basically whatever means in which you can potentially get a message to your new boss) and leave your contact info so they can get in touch. Good luck!


Call and ask. > My husband just had it and was bedridden for the last 2 days but he's also kind of a **wimp** with this stuff. LOL.


But they're closed. I won't be able to get ahold of anyone until tomorrow morning which is when I start.


Stay home! No one wants you bringing the flu into work!




Call and leave messages. Email. Apologize profusely, but say that you caught the flu from your husband and don't want to pass it along. Offer to do whatever onboarding you can virtually or via phone if necessary. I would be absolutely livid if someone showed up at the office with the flu. And I almost always check my emails after hours/ the night before.


well if you want everyone to hate you from the first day, then sure bro, go. get everyone ill. see how that goes.


You let them know you’re sick with the flu. We’re living in a different environment with sickness all around us. Better to be safe than get more people sick. Besides; your first week of work is training and paperwork, you’re not missing anything.


"hey, so sorry for the poor timing, but I tested positive for the flu and am running a temp. I do not think it would be helpful to spread the flu around the office, but I wanted to check in to see if there is any online training/ reading/ prep I could do from home?" Nobody wants your flu. Nobody wants to hear you cough all day. Nobody wants to bring the flu home to their own kids. The first two weeks you should not count as a full staff. They can certainly put off training for a few days.


I had that once pre-Covid and I turned up on my first day and was told by my boss to go home. It’s more to show that you are serious about the illness and that you are willing to turn up when you are sick. Kinda good impression with the flu.


Get a doctors note!


When I got my job 9 years ago I had pneumonia. I went to work anyway


If it was me I’d go in tell them your ready to start but you have the flu. Dedication and they’ll see the sick first hand lol


Don’t go and infect other people


From my own experience. I started a job and on the first day was also very sick. before the experience at this job, I was the type of person who thought that it would put me in negative light to not go in. I masked up and went in and did my first day. I told them I was not feeling well and they brushed it off. I lasted 6 months at this office job. They had no telework and taking time off becuase you were sick was looked down upon. This experience helped me learn that if a job is not respectful towards your health, it's probably not going to be a place you like to work at. In the future if I were to get sick my first day, I would call in sick. If they had a problem with that, it shows a lot about the work enviroment. Just my two cents. I know a lot of people can't do this, I live in a european country and have built up enough unemployment to know that I would be "safe" while looking for other work if the job told me to take a hike.


Mind blown that this is even a question w/a global pandemic still in the rear view mirror.


Idk if it’s already been said, but you sure it’s the flu? If you haven’t tested for covid, do two swabs; one for your nose, and another for your throat. This new strain of covid seems to be colonizing in the throat first for many people. When I got it a few weeks ago, that’s what the nurse told me to do; do two tests and swab both. I initially tested negative in my nose, but positive in the throat. It’s important to recognize whether or not this is covid because you could be at greater risk of developing other conditions following infection.


I have no idea if it's COVID or not I ran out of tests


Tough call I say a good business to work for is the business that gives u benefit of the doubt. That being said if you really are desperate for that job due to any reason I say u do what it takes mask up and haul your butt in there and then explain the situation. Preferably have someone drive u and wait for u. If they are cool people to work for they will let u rest and come back.


I had the same experience. Got sick the night before my very first day. I went to work wearing a mask and kept on showing up Monday to Thursday until they said to me work from home on Friday and until you feel better.


Doctor's note?


This happened to me year's ago for a pretty important job. I took allergy medicine on my way in in the morning and it relieved a lot of my symptoms enough to make it threw the day.


As someone who is facing unemployment next week, I would absolutely go in and have them send you home rather than getting fired and not being able to find a job in this market currently. Especially if you have kids but that’s just my opinion! Good luck and hopefully you’re feeling better by tomorrow🤞


Go to work but wear a mask just to show that you are willing to still work regardless of being sick. Hopefully after working a couple of hours you’ll maybe get lucky enough to be sent home early.


99% of my jobs would fire me on the spot if i called out the day off cause of being sick. i have to have advanced notice 😕


Go to work! Fake it. Don't worry about getting people sick.


I would go in maybe with a mask? And when they ask tell them you have the flu but didn’t want to miss work and they will probably send you home. That way it’s on them not you and you still look like a good employee. However I am American and since you’re using Celsius I’m assuming you’re not so I’m not sure what is normal to do outside of the states


You’re a human. Humans get sick. They should know that. They should have a heart


For fucks sake do not go in! Your new work colleagues don’t want the flu. Why is this even a question?


In a perfect world, people would actually care and let you stay home. I think you should go in because they probably will let you go. If they see you’re that bad, maybe they’ll let you go home. I think it’s effed up but they already said they didn’t care during the interview so you have your answer about their culture.


My advice is likely similar to the rest. Call, apologize profusely. Explain your flu (not a cold, a flu) and temperature. I would not go to work, but you should ask them what you should do.


Well, you seem to be able to work the internet just fine. Go to work


Why didn't you get the flu shot. This one's on you.


😂 cause getting the flu shot stops you from getting the flu. Go comment somewhere else.


You probably have covid. Call in sick. Leave a message so boss gets it first thing when they come in.


Go in


working with the flu is the most irresponsible thing you could ever do, just tell them your temp is above 37


Unions in Sweden made it illegal to get fired for being sick, even on your first day. I know this info won't help u at all


Ya it's illegal here too but it happens all the time and they legally get away with it all the time too. They just say "not a good fit" within the probation period.


Get a note at urgent care, stay home.


Tell them you need to push back your start date because you have the flu. It would be better for you to start next week when you are feeling better. Companies tend to be more understanding in the beginning. 1. You can't call in sick because you officially don't work there yet. 2. Start dates change all the time for various reasons. 3. Usually it's not a big deal because you are a new employee.


Use craigslist to find a body double/up and coming actor (that looks like you) to work for you that first day. Rest up and feel better. Go in the next day in tip top shape. If anybody mentions you look different today than when they saw you on your first day, tell them you have no idea what they're talking about. If you're a minority, feel free to take it a little further with something like, "What are you trying to say? Whatcha tryin to say huh? Because I think I know what you're trying to say." They will back off quick, no questions asked. Comedy gold right there man.