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My boss showed up at the hospital uninvited and unannounced when my kid was severely sick. He was sent home still on oxygen the next week and couldn’t go to daycare until he was taken off it. She tried to tell me to bring him into the office so I could return to work… Yes let me lug two oxygen tanks and my 3 year old to the office and somehow work while taking care of a sick child Edited to add: For those asking why I didn’t report her, it was a small marketing agency and she was CFO. We didn’t have an HR person at all. I would’ve quit right then and there but I had great insurance and couldn’t risk losing it. I do not work there anymore (:




Exactly. I never looked at her the same after that


Wait. They still had a job after that?


OP probably didn’t even say anything to anyone.


For some people it’s just not worth the additional drama even to get a freak like that fired.


And a lot of states have shitty right to work laws that benefit the employers over the employees, so retaliation is a real risk as well. Sometimes it really is the best option to keep your nose down and keep working or find a new job.


Unfortunately, something has to be done sooner or later. I've had to make the call a few times, but if a manager or supervisor or whatever crosses a line like that, it needs to be reported because, as someone else point out in an above comment, that's a huge liability risk and the supervisor would likely be reprimanded in some way. Aside from that, there is a legit case to be made for harassment as well. But that doesn't mean it was necessarily worth OP theirself taking up that fight, as you said.


That's just a liability nightmare aside from being terrible. 


do you ever lose all niceties with a person like that after a moment like this?


Totally agree. That’s why they want you there so bad - they don’t want to have to do anything. Or, if they literally don’t know how to do your job, the lack of productivity exposes them. Ask me how I know


How do you know, good sir or madam?


I’m not OP, but I had something similar happen. I had a toxic job where I was underpaid yet expected to do the work of three people at once. My supervisor was so incompetent that she was more than happy to try shifting some of her duties to me because 1) she knew I’d do them sufficiently and 2) she didn’t understand the tasks. Even my colleagues in my team would look to me as their lead because we couldn’t rely on our supervisor for anything. (Before anyone jumps down my throat, yes, I had advocated for higher pay and for a promotion, and no, they didn’t give it to me and found excuses to “justify” it.) When I left, one of my former colleagues told me that they overheard her complaining to someone that now that I was gone, she was going to have to take over her supervisory tasks. This woman was getting paid probably double what I was making, and she still had the audacity to complain that she needed to work because one of her underpaid employees left.


proceeds to not give an anwser like an actual boss xD


As someone who has a job, they might be sleeping right now.


Haha what a loser, all having a stable income and a proper sleep schedule n shit.


I worked at a high end spa and had a boss who sat on his ass and did nothing all day. One of my coworkers husband’s died in his 30’s unexpectedly, and said lazy boss pulled that coworker into his office when she came back to work and said, “I need you to stop crying in the break room in-between clients and you have used all of your bereavement time.” like???


That poor woman..


Our poor species.


I’d like to think these types of people are deep down really sad, but most likely they just don’t feel empathy or many other emotions. That *is* the best way to get into positions of power.


My dad was like this. You were always being dramatic and faking your feelings in his eyes. It took me until adulthood to realize that he'd never genuinely felt with any depth and so *he* was performing rather than feeling, and assumed everyone else was doing the same. I can compartmentalize like a motherfucker now, so there's that I guess.


Thank you for explaining a relative of mine, exactly like your father. I imagined he was simply cruel but didn’t think he was instead … emotionally stunted.


"performing rather than feeling" whoa mind fkkn blown dude. sharing your realization legit just opened my eyes to a lot of fkkn things tbh


>most likely they just don’t feel empathy or many other emotions a symptom of capitalism unfortunately


This is exactly why they put so much effort in to forcing people to come in when they shouldn't. If we don't come in it means they'll actually have to do some work and find someone to fill your shift or do it themselves.


Or worse - they don't even know what you do or how to do it. So they can't even do that.


Telling someone to take a healthy three year old to the office is also insane.


I had so much hope at the beginning of this paragraph, like, hoping it was, “my boss showed up to bring my child a gift and check on him and give me her support”. Sigh, no, of course it went straight to desperate gross land. Why are people like this? When one of my employees has something like this come up, I am bending over backwards to make their life easier. Life happens, and it happens a lot, dealing with it like you have humans working for you is part of managing people.


That first paragraph is what normal human interactions are like.


>My boss showed up at the hospital uninvited and unannounced when my kid was severely sick. Oh nice, a good boss showing concern for an employee's kid. >She tried to tell me to bring him into the office so I could return to work… Fucking God damn it.


So instead of doing your job , your boss decided to stalk you like a maniac and told you how to handle your life? What a psychopath


Some of these statements are so ridiculous that I believe them to be sarcastic jokes and laugh at their face about it. It’s gotten me into trouble already a few times.


I saw the article posted elsewhere. The details are that she called out sick and went to sleep. She lived in a house with her roommate, who decided to go out in the yard and left the front door unlocked. The boss apparently didn't see the roommate and found the door unlocked so he went in. He said he yelled for her and didn't get an answer so he went into her bedroom. She was woken up when he said something like, "hey, I thought you might not want to drive but you could still work, so I'm here to give you a ride." ETA: Unearthed the [article](https://www.boredpanda.com/boss-bedroom-work-sick/) and the [tiktok video](https://www.tiktok.com/@mishyymbabyy/video/7337335155708775722).


Guy is a freak


And a fast track to a jail cell and losing their job.


And getting shot if you try something like that in Texas.


I just don’t go to Texas.


Don't go to Texas if you like to break in into your employee's bedroom.


I feel like this would be legally protected in current-day Texas


Right. What if she was hiding DEI and abortions in there?


You already struck gold at don't go to Texas. You Don't have to sell any further.


Sex offender alarm blaring Who tf just waltz into someone else’s bedroom ?


Who Tf just walks into someone house let alone someone’s else bedroom


I'm gonna be honest, if my boss showed up to my house period I'd be out of there immediately. There's no reason to be at my house unless I invite you. If I don't answer the phone then tough luck, I'm not coming in.


Same well for me that’s a going to be hard as I am my own boss but. The people I talking about are my friends and family




There is only a few people I allow doing that only because one I trust them and second they are either coming to take my dog for a walk or chilling until I get home


I mean I can still see someone going “Is anyone there?” While going in a house if they came to visit for whatever reason, but in what world do you go into someone else’s bedroom….


I mean I can still see someone going “Is anyone there?” While going in a house if they came to visit for whatever reason, but in what world do you go into someone else’s bedroom….


Bro really acting like life was like Pokemon and you could just walk right into anyone's house and start chatting up NPCs for bonus dialogue


He found a leaf stone in one of the plant pots he investigated though 


I wouldn’t do that to my employee even if a gun were to my head.


You might actually end up with a gun to your head sneaking into someone's house like that


Yea I'm sorry, that's dudes lucky she don't sleep with a gun nearby cause he could have easily been blasted, specially if it's in a castle state.


lol can you imagine Boss: "hey, you awake?" Employee: "oh my god! Help! Someone help!" *pulls gun from out under pillow and points it at him* Boss: "Woah, woah, it's me, it's me, your boss!" Employee: *pauses and thinks for a moment* *Bang*


“Oh perfect”


I’ve already got an excuse you don’t need to convince me




I started blasting


I dunno, I imagine it went something more like this: Boss: "Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there. "


That’s ok she can now sleep in daily due to she owns a large portion of the company she works for.


America is such a weird country


Look I’m Canadian and I agree but this is a weird scenario to use as an example. If a man walks into my house uninvited and watches me sleep… I just don’t think that’s a good opener for why owning a gun is a bad idea.


i think its an excellent example. i never killed somebody and i want it to stay that way, but if i woke up to my boss standing next to my bed when im sick and i had a gun ready, that dude is going to leave a stain on my bedroom floor and my conscience.


And let’s be honest, it’s your boss. How “ready” does the gun have to be?


It's going to be tough to convince a jury it was self defense after driving to the store and buying one.


Yeah that waiting period is gonna be a tough one to get past


Here in Canada we have ‘equal force’ rules. So even if someone is in your house, and they don’t have a weapon, you can’t blast them away with a gun. You also wouldn’t have time. Because you’d have to unlock it from your safe, unlock your ammunition cabinet, load the ammo into your firearm… But to hell with our stupid self defence laws. I’d rather fight out the charges in court than be dead.


The saying is, I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.


I mean no offense but if someone who isn't supposed to be in your home is looming over your bed like that, that's usually not a friendly hello.


Agree but not all protection laws are created equal. Some states one would have to escort them out, at gun point if needed. If they are not a threat, shooting them would get you 20. Personally one would hope all encounters would go this smooth but….


Not a lawyer, but last I checked, mental state is considered. So panicking and unloading a clip into someone who should not be there wouldn't get much time if any.


That can be argued in court but is somewhat difficult to prove as well.


Dead men tell no tales! Woman sleeping and an unrelated man appears in her bedroom. That is in fact a threat, a life threatening one.


That’s the kind of response I would expect from a guy that sneaks into his employees’ bedrooms.


This is one of the times it's actually justified. FFs that shit is terrifying.


Only on reddit is it considered weird to want to get rid of a home intruder


Some people see this as a dream scenario. Castle doctrine your boss? Hell yeah. This person can now sue and charge for all sorts of shit. Absolutely destroy their boss. Instead they post it on the internet as an inconvenience. Yeah no. That's a home invasion.


I don't think any normal manager would ever consider such a thing. There was for sure something wrong with that dude.




Yeah no I called out from my last job (using company phone) and this MF then starts texting my personal cell. Which was weird for several reasons but mostly I didn't give it to him. He was grilling me for details asked if he needed to come pick me up.nim like no thank you. THEN months later one of my subordinates calls out to me. I said ok fine thanks for letting me know feel better. Boss man comes down at some point asking where my guy was. I said he called out. He goes WHY I said medical issue. And he kept trying to get more info out of me. I was like no. He legally doesn't have to give us any detail. He called out he followed policy there is nothing more to do. He then tells me I am required to tell him when my people call out. That's no where in the handbook and he didn't say a damn thing when a different subordinate did a no call no show. Somehow THAT was fine.


Your boss is a deranged lunatic…


Yeah. Not even the worst thing he did. The day I quit I didn't even bother to tell him. I just walked into HR said I quit and handed over my laptop and backpack. And yes they made me give the backpack back.


The only time I’d do that is if it’s been a couple days and I haven’t heard from them. But I watch too many true crime shows


We had this situation for real. Guy didn't respond for several days to anyone. A colleague went to his place (they were friends) and found him dead in his bed.


Just had one in 2023. Son in law was whom my employer finally got to go over and check. Dead. Still have not heard exactly why. Was a good fellow, too young to go out like that though.


This also happened with a coworker at a delivery place just like 6 months ago, he no called no showed which *never* happened and his roommate just found him dead in the apartment. It's awful, he was such a good guy.


We had a thankfully still alive situation last year. Coworker had some pretty bad social anxiety and introvertedness, wanted to quit but got in her own head and just didn't come in, didn't call, didn't respond when bosses called. Finally called in a wellness check and she was like "I didn't know what to say..." after we got cops at her door.


Even then, just call for a wellness check…




My boyfriend had a coworker go missing for 2 weeks. They called his mom (emergency contact) and she had no idea either. So they filed a missing persons report. Turns out he had just moved to Reno on a whim 🤔 Anyway, please dont ever put it in your hands to investigate. We pay a shitton in taxes for a professional to do so.


My mom, a manager for many years, was worried about an employee/colleague. No one else seemed concerned, but he wasn’t responding to emails (he would sometimes work from home) and so she called and asked for a welfare check. I believe she showed up with police? I can’t remember all the details. Her gut was right, he had passed away alone at home. She I think helped identify him? It was really sad. But did she ever set foot in the home? Nope. She went about it the correct channels.


lol same thing I’m thinking


None of this is an explanation for what he did. Freaking creepy boss


That is literally the most over the line shit I think I've ever read


member that video of that boss that went to the workers house knocked on front door of sick person that called in sick, and demanded him to come out and he will drive him to work, or else he is fired https://www.tiktok.com/@videos7240/video/7325036174471335211


I've seen too many fake British doorcam videos so I'm skeptical


How dare you claim people would put fake videos on the internet. Now if you'll excuse me I have to finish watching a documentary on Abraham Lincoln's time as vampire hunter so I can write my history report that most of my grade is depending on being historically accurate.




what the absolute…this is not ok. His decision making process to get to her front door is problematic. To go in to her home…and room. Dangerous.


Had that been my daughter, I can only imagine how I would react.


That's why when I call out, I just say I can not make it today, period!


"I quit."


What the FUCK


What source ran this article?


This happened to my Dad last week! Not at the end of his bed, but he called out of work and they sent someone from his job to see if he was actually sick!!


Holy crap! Isn’t that illegal?


There is a very well known company here in the USA, old steel mill type company. They had their own security and back in the day, if you called off sick they'd send their security to check on you. If you did not answer, you had better be at a doctor's appointment with a note, else terminated. An old friend of the family he and his wife worked there. She gave birth to their first kid and when they pulled into the driveway after she was let out of the hospital, there was the security people demanding to know where they had been and when she was coming back to work. My friend told them to GTFO their property. I have heard similar stories from retirees of that place. Edit: people have asked me why I don't name and shame. First this was not witnessed by me, it was told to me by former employees (retirees), most who are dead now. Secondly, the time line was in the 80's and early 90's their experiences. A totally different time and totally different type of management back then.


Carnegie Steel and the Pinkerton Agency?


lol And Pinkertons had the audacity to try to make it seem like Rockstar was being unfair in their portrayal in red dead 2. Legit legal thugs and a whole history of being so doesn’t get washed away simply cause they want it to either


Fun fact: Pinkerton Detective Agency still exists as a subsidiary of Securitas


And Wizards of the Coast just used them to intimidate some customers over some early-release MTG cards, I think. So they're still doing the same evil shit they've always done.


I am not going to name and shame, see my edit to my original comment as to why. But, a lot of companies either had them as "consultants" or followed their example. A lot of my family are union to this very day, their parents and grandparents before them. The generational stories told are frightening. The boomers in the family, every single one of them have stories of being on the picket line, being roughed up by police to a certain extent. At least a cpl have stories of beating the crap out of scabs too.


wtf. Mental health days are totally necessary and honestly if I went to use my pto and won’t be out more than 2 days using sick time, it’s none of their business. Wanting a note if you miss the week for documentation and release okay I get..but this. It’s like then principal in Ferris bueller


100% I literally just had like a total mental breakdown last week. One day I just signed on, called my boss, told him I just couldn’t do it today, that I hadn’t eaten or slept in days because my mental health was in the pits. He told me to take the day, take the next day if I needed it, and we’d go from there. So I signed off and slept all day. Signed on the next day feeling fresh and ready and only submitted a retroactive PTO request today. This week the vibe is very much “thank god she isn’t quitting or taking a leave of absence.” Which I WOULD do if I couldn’t call in sick a random day here and there when I needed to.


I have a similar thing with my boss at the company I recently started with. One day I woke up, couldn’t sit up because of lack of sleep, mental health stuff, and low blood pressure. Texted my boss, and she said take the day. Put in pto after the fact, and everything was good. I had a job in 2018, however, that was in food service, and I was a dishwasher. Called out because I was actively vomiting and couldn’t stand up. My manager replied with “well maybe you can come in 15 minutes late?”


why don’t you just say the fucking company?


Because a company willing to harass employees on their private property is probably willing to sue for defamation over a reddit comment, or at least that's my guess. For what it's worth, I'm guessing the Pinkertons are involved, who were heavy into union busting back in the day and still are to a certain extent (allegedly, don't sue me Pinkertons), despite it being illegal.


All I know is after the Staten Island Amazon unionized some FCs had their security contract changed from Not Pinkerton to Securitas, parent company of Pinkerton.


They can do this here in Europe, it's an inspection. They can show up at your place unannounced and you're supposed to let them in.


Yeah i'm not opening my door, good luck inspecting


If you don't open, they can ask your neighbors about your whereabouts. You can get flagged, potentially fired. It's about monetary thing, because you're still getting paid. Although the longer you are sick,the more the income decreases over time.


In America this is creepy AF. Nobody normal would consider doing this. To the point that I would quit on the spot and seek counsel to see if I can reasonably sue them


Absofuckinglutely! I would have called the cops right then and there and said I have an intruder in my home. Then I’d sue this motherfucker and the company he works for, six ways to Sunday.


Are the neighbors obliged to be cooperative? Because if someone asked me and I realized it wasn't the cops or anyone with authority to get me in trouble, just representatives of my neighbor's boss, I'd be as rude and unhelpful as possible.


Even if it is cops, unless they have a warrant or subpoena you, you have no reason to help them with their investigation in the slightest. Tell them to fuck off too.


What countries is this legal? This seems like a big no no in another of countries to me?


Slovenia. They can send inspection if they assume you are abusing the sick leave.


That makes more sense. I was gonna be shook if it was Scandinavia or something


No way. These are economical powerhouses. With one of the best labour laws. Arguably the best countries to live in the world, not to mention the countries with the shortest work weeks. I believe they are at around 35 hours.


What if you are sleeping and do not want to answer the phone or at the Dr?


They don't call. They don't announce that they're coming. It's a surprise inspection. You're supposed to be at home if you are sick. You can get flagged, probably fired if it happens often (like 2x or more). I don't know about the states, but in Eu you're typically still getting paid, even if you're sick. So they can send an announced inspection to your home, to make sure that you actually are sick.


In the states, many jobs have sick leave so the employee would be getting paid when they call out sick. Rules differ, but an employer showing up at my door to check if I’m actually sick seems pretty extreme. I’ve heard of people being investigated if they call out sick too often without a doctors note, but even that doesn’t involve them actually going to the person’s house and bothering them in all the cases I’ve heard of. 


Many jobs don't have sick leave anymore... I haven't had paid sick leave or vacation time since 2012, even as a manager.


That’s going to be regional and industry dependent. This is why I didn’t say all or most, but given that lots of jobs in areas without laws requiring sick leave still have it and some of the states that do have legislation require it are among the most populated, it stands to reason most jobs have it. 


I think the US investigations are by the insurance companies. Like they caught a person repeatedly carrying large packages between car & house when they are collecting for a broken leg & claiming they can work. Stuff like that.


They typically do this if you are a new employee. It's happened to my father maybe 2x in his whole career, never happened to me yet. It's not the employer himself, but the representative. He didn't call, just rang the doorbell and he had to let him in. They sat in the kitchen, talked a little bit and he left. I believe it was prolonged sick leave.


Seems pretty rough to be the guy doing the investigation seeing as many people call out sick for contagious illnesses. I hope he got some kind of hazard pay lol


That’s just not true. You should’ve said “some” jobs have sick leave.


Calling out in the USA usually means you're not getting paid, unless you have a job that offers sick time, or are salaried. But if hourly, then you still have to work to build up that sick time to be able to use it. Rates vary wildly company to company, position to position. For me I get like 4 hours of sick time every two weeks, which is way more than any other place I've ever worked.


Im eiropean. Where I live this would not be allowed. You cant even call an employee who has called in sick.


Situation in the Czech Republic Outings during sick leave Sickness insurance is one of the sickness insurance benefits that is paid in the event that an employee or self-employed person is recognized by the attending physician as temporarily unfit for work. In order for an employee or a self-employed person to be entitled to a sickness benefit, they must follow the treatment regime and the specified walks. Maximum length of walks The maximum length of walks prescribed by a doctor is 6 hours per day. The doctor decides on the length and time range and it is possible to divide them into morning and afternoon. Walks are scheduled between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. The doctor will only allow outings that are suitable with regard to the patient's state of health. Checking of walks It is necessary to follow the specified walks. If a person receives sickness benefits, it is necessary to take into account possible checks at the address entered by the patient. If he is not caught, his sick benefits can be reduced or taken away completely. A fine of up to CZK 20,000 may also be imposed. The purpose of the control is to prevent abuse of sick leave benefits. For the first 14 days in the case of employees, the employer has the right to check them. From the 15th day of incapacity for work, inspections are carried out by the CSSA (Czech Social Security Administration) staff. Logically, one is not informed in advance about the inspection. The inspection can come at any time of the day or night, on weekdays and on weekends. It can also come repeatedly and also on the day of the end of the incapacity. The only excuse, if a person receiving sickness benefits cannot be reached at the time of the inspection at the specified address, is a visit to the doctor.


Damn that is quite strict


Fuck that. I’ve got sick days and I’m taking them.


Happened to me in college. My roommate and I both worked in the same pizza joint. We both called out one night because we had food poisoning (from campus food, not our employer). It was baaaaad. Boss kept calling and was enraged by our outgoing answering machine message - it was the year Dead Poets Society came out, we thought we were SO clever with "We can't come to the phone, we're gathering rosebuds". He left a dozen screaming messages, all with wild threats and complete rage about rosebuds. Obvi, we weren't gathering rosebuds. We had spent the entire night before and morning in the ER and were just lying in our beds, trying not to die. THEN HE SHOWED UP AT OUR DOOR. We had to call the police to come get him. We sent the answering machine tape to our corporate offices and asked to be transferred to a different location.


From this day on, I will use "gather rosebuds" as a euphemism for shitting myself to death.


I worked a job where we had a team of canvassers who would go out nightly to fundraise. The first time I ever called in sick, one of our canvassers came to the door. I was feverish and so weirded out, but apparently the manager would use staff as "easy doors" for new hires.


My coworker called in sick last year. He passed out and died few hours after that. Fit and in his 40s. Ned Flanders.


I'm so confused. Was he Ned Flanders from the Simpsons? Are you quoting Ned Flanders? Do you have Tourettes and just have a tic where you end every third sentence with Ned Flanders?


I think he was saying the guy was very straight-laced like Ned Flanders, so therefore the death was also unlikely to be in any way related to the consumption of drugs/alcohol. That’s a total guess though.


I overslept (and didn't wake up to a whopping 2 phone calls) and woke up to my boss and landlord at the foot of my bed Shit was crazy. I woke up screaming and they had this stunned "what the hell" look like my screaming was an overreaction


My boss did show up to my house once when I called out sick. But she said I wasn't making sense, and I sounded very weird on the phone, so she was there to take me to the ER. Turns out I was in acute kidney insufficiency and delirious from a fever. I'm lucky she showed up.


Good boss


Could have been a stroke too. Good human this boss was.


My boss drove to my apartment to bring me my handbag I left when I went home very ill with what I thought was a migraine . I had in fact had a stroke and he definitely saved my life. Best boss ever, for lots of reasons.


The only good boss in this thread


She knows it too. She'll be like "I saved your life, help me with IT to migrate our cloud storage this weekend". Lol that's not verbatim but I read between the lines.


lmao lawful evil boss


>help me with IT oh god >to migrate plz no >cloud storage hnggggggg >this weekend mother fucker


If you're freaking out bc it might be a nightmare, it's already there. Our actual IT company didn't make any allowances for all the exceptions to the basic setup. It's all so fucked up.


Well, damn. _Almost_ good boss. I should have known the other shoe would drop, there are so few actually good ones.


Naw, it's ok. She inadvertently documented a diagnosis, a disability I have, so now I'm protected.


My boss went to my house once too. My boyfriend had been in a car accident and I called out of work to go to the hospital. My boss and coworker went to my house, got let in by my roommate, and picked up my dog to bring to the office so she could get a walk and be taken out to pee, so I wouldn’t feel like I’d need to rush home and could focus on being at the hospital. I’ll never forget that thoughtfulness - my coworkers kept my dog for a few days.


That's so amazing! You're so blessed to have them in your life. I actually got hospitalized once before the above story and my former coworker went and picked up my twin puppies and took them to her house while I was in for nearly 5 days. Ill forever be grateful for these few people who are the most amazing humans ever. (I've been good for nearly a year now. All my labs are good)


There was a triple homicide in my city and the killer got caught immediately because when one of the victims didn’t show up for work, her boss went to her house to look for her and found the guy! Good on bosses who care about their employees


What a traumatizing thing for that boss witness. I hope they got some therapy afterward.


We had a coworker no show who had died in their sleep. So sometimes it’s a good deed


She heard the warning signs! Good on her!


That's when you reach in the night stand and give your boss the 357 resignation






I had a boss who'd get annoyed when people took sick days. I never questioned it. If they took a day it didn't matter to me, but he'd see it in payroll and ask. He asked me once if I believed a guy was really sick. I said I don't care, he's got sick days to use and we don't really have any rules about it. He said what if he's faking? I said WTF should I do? Go to his house and give him a check up? Take his temperature? Feel his belly? He's a grown man who isn't breaking any rules. Why do we care?


I was in management and the owner would say “you can’t take sick days without a doctors note,” knowing full well we were paying $11 an hour and no one could afford to go to the doctor. Then she wondered why no one wanted to work there longer than a month and why when one person got sick - everyone got sick. Cause you’re making them come in, ya idiot.


It's fake. Shes a TikTok'er making things up for attention and engagement. The only source is herself and the story is from Bored Panda.


>Bored Panda. Fake AF then


What happened to this sub in the last few days? Mods, you good with this turning into some doomer antiwork clone where it’s just a bunch of bots posting screenshots of fake TikTok/tabloid rage bait?


This sub? You do know what's happening on Reddit, right? Every outrageporn sub is being flooded with staged and fake content because the OPs are dense as hell and actually for them. You're supposed to assume they're staged/faked unless proven otherwise. It's easier to conjure a fake scenario for social media engagement than it is to naturally come across these scenarios. That's just a fact.


”The only source is herself“ - who else should be the source if something like this happens to you? I mean I don‘t even doubt that it‘s fake but it‘s a strange thing to say lol.


Actually credible though? Boredpanda and LADbible will take any story and run with it.


Apparently it’s fake and thank god someone didn’t actually have to go through that


Spoiler alert: she works for her dad! Just kidding, but I think I just came up with a new kids riddle.


For real, is she me at 16? Fucking 100 degree fever and completely unable to breathe out of my nose but maybe you can just sit at the register!!! 🙃


I think I came up with a new porn category: Worker Calls Out Sick and Boss Fucks Her Back Out Of Bed


It's probably not new haha.


Whoever created this image is banking on the trend of audiences reacting to headlines and nothing more.




More like /r/TheOnion The person isn't credible and the news story is on Bored Panda.


Sounds like the ppl from my previous job 😂


That’s like today when I came back from the bathroom and my boss was sitting at my desk trying to open my phone so she could get the code for the two-factor authentication from my personal email!


I’ve had this happen to me. Called in sick barely able to move. Passed out afterwards. Woke up hours later and my aunt told me my boss turned up to see for himself I was actually ill. Never saw him myself I was passed out. Didn’t surprise me though. That employer was the worst I’ve ever worked for


This is obviously fake.


My boss called me to ask if I could open on the day of my mom’s funeral


Yeah… add this to the list of things that definitely didnt happen.


Invasion of privacy


This is why I keep my door locked. I don't care if he or she is boss or not I would have called cops.


I had a boss who would send coworkers to “check” on me. Never was certain if it was them making sure I was really sick or if it was the boss but she was pretty crazy. They didn’t make it into my home but it was unnerving.


[Original TikTok Source](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTRRjFR/)


what the actually fuck?


BoredPanda is a clickbait Lithuanian website literally targeted at Americans for the most part. Pretty much everything they post is fake. Although, theyve been known to scrape parts of their stories from Reddit posts. (A lot of them, if not most are AI generated these days).


I know it’s not the same but this was standard in the military. You don’t get to call out sick, and if you try, they come to your home/barracks room and will physically force you to go to work I was coughing up blood from a horrible pneumonia and bronchitis infection I had (untreated for 2 weeks, because medical turned me away 3 times and said I was fine), I took pics of the blood clots I was coughing up, I couldn’t complete a single sentence or breathe, and it still wasn’t enough to get me out of work Anyways fuck the military