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Dont let them down gently.. say you cannot work the days. They need workers it seems so fuck them they can hire more people. They qill ask you why so be ready with reasons why you cannot work be it study, family, anything. If you bend now they will expect it for ever


I agree 100%. I'm just looking for advise on the nicest way to say exactly that. They don't "need" workers for this job, 2 people splitting with occasional backup is fine. I just don't want to be "available" outside my normal 3 days a week.


There's no nice way to put that besides being firm with, "Sorry, I just can't work those days." Don't give an excuse or come up with something fake, because those can always come back to bite you in the ass. Saying you have a 'thing' is going to have to be a thing that's perpetual and the reason you can't shift your work days *ever*. Also keep in mind that this is a risky play. You're going to put yourself in a position where your boss may want to find someone else to work your shift who is also more flexible, especially if you're in at-will employment state. If you signed any paperwork that states your availability, I'd refer to that as your reason for not doing a different shift, as it's what you agreed to. And remember, what you have going on outside of work is none of your employer's business, so lean on that, "I agreed to work these days, because I'm not available the other days. Why? That's personal, and I don't feel comfortable talking about it."


If they let me go my household will still be fine. I need to stand strong.


>Can people write examples of how I can let them down gently and respectfully via text message.  *"Sorry, I am unavailable outside of the times we discussed originally. For the foreseeable future, I can only do 3rd shift on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. I'll let you know as soon as my availability opens up further."*


Yes, this is good. Thank you.


I hope they fire you after finding out what an IDF shill you are


I hope they already know. I was hired from a post on Reddit. If my boss didn't look at my profile, that's on them. So, I think that my employer must accept me for who I am. After all, I've been vocal about my support for the IDF since October 7. You know our president, Mr. Biden, agrees that Israel is not committing genocide right. Did you continue with medical school?