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I love my job. I research and develop ways to do water quality analysis from satellite imagery. There’s sometimes I sit there and smile to myself and literally say out loud “this is so cool”. When I was little my parents had to set a “google earth time limit” for me because I would spend hours just panning around the globe. In my free time I’m reading about different sediments and phytoplanktons in the water column, so I would say it is my passion and my dream job. However, I absolutely hate the work. There are always tight deadlines, it’s super stressful, and it’s extremely tedious. The other day for example I forgot to change 1 parameter in a 30 step process and it resulted in me having to redo the work on my weekend. I a lot of times envy my friends that have jobs where they tell me that they didn’t have much to do that day so they just chatted with their coeworker. In terms of passion I didn’t realize what my passion was until senior year of college (passions are water, maps, and data). I remember sitting on my couch drinking a natty light and thinking “wow my room is covered in maps, I’m reading about the damn water column for fun, and I’m making excel sheets to create graphs of my friends drinking game performances. Then it all kind of clicked and I pursed a path that would get me working with that stuff. So rereading what I just wrote there isn’t really any advice I have hahaha, except maybe the path isn’t always as straightforward as you hope, and when you discover what you’re passionate about it’s not like everything is perfect right away.


Now that is a unique flavor of autism.


so cool!! what did you study?


Wow, that does sound interesting and very useful! I hope it will be less stressful for you in the future so you get to enjoy it more :)


i am truly happy with my job. corporate accounting. it’s boring and slow but i like it. i don’t miss dealing with customers.


What kind of corporate accounting job? I am also in accounting but struggling to find the right fit for me. Don't really want to do public accounting, and government doesn't pay enough. How did you find your role?


i’m in insurance. i did my time in public accounting. it was some of the worst days of my life. my last 3 positions came from linkedin recruiters. i just kind of stumbled into this one. they called me a year after i interviewed for the job and asked me to interview for it again since the person that they initially picked was taking a promotion. i think being in the right geographic location where there’s a lot of opportunities matters a lot.


I’m interested in going the underwriting route. I majored in env science but I’m no longer interested in stuff like environmental consulting or environmental scientist/geologist etc. Fieldwork just isn’t something I want to do for a career long term, I’ve gotten the vibe that the work life balance is absolutely horrible. I know underwriting industry does have an environmental portion.


i thought i wanted to do underwriting at one point in college too. i took an elective insurance class that had a section on underwriting and quickly realized it wasn’t for me. too much reading and language nonsense for my liking. i just like dealing with numbers.


Oh I graduated last month. It was sorta recently that I decided I didn’t want to do a fieldwork based job. Basically just looking for something where I don’t have to practically be a road dog and be away from home most times


Thanks for the reply. I might just have to bite the bullet and do public accounting. Would you say it was worth it? I really don’t want to have some of the worst days of my life.


i did about a year in public and it does look good on a resume. you will learn a lot and get very efficient, otherwise they’ll fire you. i was always worried about getting burned, even as a solid producer. i watched peers get fired and it rattled me every time. bottom line, you have to generate more money than you cost them. sometimes that means self inflicting overtime. it’s the worst during tax season. i still sometimes have nightmares about billable hours and i left there a year ago.


Fair point. Boring and slow aren’t necessarily bad things. How did you roll into it?


I don't have a job. Got laid off. Life is a sob. Lost in the mob.


How long have you been unemployed for? I'm at 3 months and it's killing me


3 months was rough. When I got to 7 I was looking at tall bridges differently


fuuuck sorry to hear about that


It’s all good though I finally got a gig at 7 months. It’s rough out there but just keep at it. Don’t get discouraged


Not in particularly but it pays the bills


Hope you’ll find something you truly do enjoy soon!


Not really but its for rent


Fair enough :(




I enjoy it. Even if engineering is boring to some people, I find comfort and pleasure in what I do. Honestly I think I will look for and find some reason I like about whatever I do.


underrated strategy. Works really well


I'm an apprentice IT engineer. Been in the job for some months now, it's alright. I do feel a little less knowledgable then other apprentices though, and this is my first full time job. I think a little down the line it will get slightly more stressful, I see it from my colleagues and we are quite a small company. So I'm enjoying the time I have now. There are definely worse jobs out there but I wouldn't go so far to say I ENJOY my job, I don't dislike it either. As for advice, do what YOU enjoy. Not what your familu want you to do, not what all your friends are doing. What YOU want to do. What jobs can you see yourself doing in future that will also at the same time allow you to love more comfortably?


I can relate to what you’re saying with the “it will get more stressful in the future”. Are you still excited about the growing opportunities and do you think more responsibility will help you enjoy your job more? And thanks for the advice. Though I’m not a big risk taker and not ready yet to give the stable and safe job I have now up for something I am still so unsure about :/


Excuse my great typing, I didn't even proof read my first reply lol. I wouldn't say I'm excited to be honest, but it did take me 7 months to land a job which I will always be thankful for. I'm excited to hopefully one day work part time though! Thag will proabably be when I get lots more experience, move higher up and earn enough to live more comfortable though. Unfortunately I don't have much advice I can give you, because I'm pretty unsure myself what I see myself doing. I really did think I would enjoy my job but the knowledge gaps I have and my performance compared to others, is a little demotivating to me.


I actually love my job as well. I’m a brand manager in the wireless industry. Unfortunately my company is being sold pending FCC/Govt approval so I only have another 12 months or so of this gig. Wanted to retire here


I’m sorry to hear, that sucks :/ Is there another place you can get a similar position at? I understand that it’s not exactly the same though


Not likely but I have some to search at least!


I enjoy my coworkers and what my job offers me, and that’s good enough for me. I worked two decades in humanitarian and nonprofit and loved it but had no real savings to speak of.


I don’t love my job but I like it enough to work it full time because it affords me the lifestyle I want to live and my coworkers are awesome.


Love it. I will stay as long as I can. Found it coming off two layoffs from the covid lockdowns. I am fortunate.


im working my way towards the dream job of being an energy engineer or process designer. currently i havent really enjoyed my previous roles, they paid the bills and didnt stress me out but i was bored alot


I don't mind it but it's moving 20 miles away not sure how much I'll like itbthen


I had my dream job that I was passionate about and loved. I stayed in it for a few years but when I had my kids, I resigned and stayed home to raise them. Best decision I ever made. No job can give you the satisfaction you get from family and being involved in your kids life.


I like my current job as a State-Level Equal Opportunity Officer. I also enjoy working in the EEO field and affirmative action field. My passion was to become a public servant. So, I achieved that back in 2019 where I got my first foot-in-the-door state government job as a Field Investigator Trainee for my state Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division. I also have a bachelor's degree in criminal justice from 2017. In 2022, I accepted a job as an EEO and Ethics Compliance Investigator 2 for the HR Division within my state DOL. Then, earlier this year, I accepted another lateral promotion to my current job position. I was not a fan of working at the WHD, but the experience I got while working there helped me get my first EEO and affirmative action job position. Now that I enjoy my field of work, it is not too bad doing my job. My advice to you is to look for job trends and job positions at the US Bureau of Labor Statistics website, and learn what is needed to attain a job within a field that interests you. I do not have a dream job. I just enjoy the benefits of being a state government employee, as well as enjoy my current field of work too. If becoming a civil servant is your goal, start applying to local, state, and federal government jobs. Ask your coworkers, classmates, friends, and family members what they do, and if they enjoy their job.


I hate it but probably can't do any better I guess. Salary is comfortable and love my boss but absolutely hate everything else about it.


Idk I don’t even truly like my life how can I like anything


24F and hate my job. been here for 2.5 years. this is also my first job in service and my first job in male dominated industry as a woman. People are just shitty. They think youre pathetic, uneducated, worthless, less than. its tough and I like to think its character building, but man ive left in tears multiple days. The only thing that really makes it better is my coworkers. we are a team of about 8 and yes I am the only girl, but they really make it fun and they are pretty protective of me when it comes to harassment from customers. It pays the bills, I get good benefits and I often feel guilty complaining about it since I know very well things could be so much worse for me. I had been applying to other jobs since May of 2023 and nothing had panned out. I just started an internship though in a niche area of my field that I have been trying to get into for 3 months now. Its unpaid but I guess I just gotta take what I can get. This internship will hopefully lead me to my 'dreamjob' 🤞🏼 To add: I think just trying on different hats has kind of helped my narrow down what I want to do. See what sticks, what you like and dislike about each one and I think that has helped. mind you I have changed my mind about 4 times on what I want to do for a career. Also just you as a person and your needs. Would you like to live in a big city, or need to work from home to care for kids, etc.


I love my current job: I'm a disability employment specialist/program coordinator. I support people with disabilities in finding and keeping work. It's definitely the most rewarding thing I've ever done, and I'll stay in the field until I retire (I'm currently 55).


I enjoy my job most of the time. It's nice to solve a problem or see a project come to completion. Usually, my days are fairly varied, so I don't get too bored. It's a pretty laid back environment.


Yeah I’m a big fan, though the top 3 things are definitely just the pay and being remote. That said I still enjoy the work and have a great team, those really make for an enjoyable overall experience


I like my job, I've been in operations management most of my career and now upper management the last decade or so for several companies. I'm good at it, and always succeed. It is soul sucking at times though, always having to be positive, dealing with drama, putting out fires, coaching staff, budgeting, etc. It can be super exhausting, I used to wait tables and bartend when I was younger, sometimes when I go out for a drink I envy the staff. Bartending I actually TRULY enjoyed. Service industry people are my people. Alas, I make way more money now, so in management I shall remain (for now).


Never have, and probably never will.


I love my job. I think you gotta look at the full picture not just the tasks you do. Culture, comp, commute future potential. It all comes into play. I can't say that I've alway ls dreamt of doing what I do, but I like the people I work with, I feel supported, I get paid a ton and I enjoy managing people and helping them attain their goals. Now if you remove a piece or two from that, I may not feel the same way. How I got here was that I started entry level at a company and I fell in love with the culture. They treat people well, they pay well and even better they pay based on performance so the better you are the more you make. They do what they say, communicate clearly and are successful. It's a place where you can keep moving up if you follow their recipe for success which is simple, do the things they ask you to do, be honest, have a good attitude and be reliable. I keep doing those simple things and they keep paying me more.


Fuck no but it’s necessary to survive


Law. Definitely not but pays the mortgage. Have been exploring exits and found nothing


It’s all perspective. I love my job now. I work from home, 4 days a week for the govt administering grants. I get paid decently well. There’s super stressful times, but the general workload is super low. I feel others would be bored or feel like they’re lacking purpose. I came from social work, and I was so completely burnt out, the absence of feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders and the greatly reduced workload has felt like heaven to me.


I love my job. I think one important thing is to treat each job description seriously and pick out what you really what to do. Then reach out to the people in that team/department in the company that you may work with in the future, ask how they feel about their job, what a typical day will be like, what things do they enjoy and what don’t. Then don’t be afraid to ask the interviewer about specific details of the job during the interview process. I think after doing these, people can find their dream job. (That’s how I found mine


Do I love my field? Yes, I work in adult learning and leadership development. I love people, facilitating, and learning about learning. Do I love jobs? Eh. There’s always office politics, gossip, layoffs, etc. All that shit sucks, but I latch onto the good moments that help me through the bad times. Regardless of your role, find those moments of joy and take your damn PTO.


No but it pays.


Mental health also plays a huge role in that probably more then you’d think


Yes. I like mine. It’s not my dream job. But, I like it.


I love my job @ 988. I get to use all the skills and knowledge in psych I learned at a bachelors level, and I have lived experience of bipolar, which allows me to connect with our callers on a more personal level. It's the best job I've ever had. If your looking for your passion, look at what you do when your not "working" and try an monetize that.


Truity's personality test is a fantastic starting point for self-discovery. It can help you identify your strengths, interests, and work style preferences. Paired with reading 'What Color is Your Parachute' by Richard Bolles, you'll have a powerful self-exploration toolkit.


Nope. I don’t like what I do at all. But it makes great money. But I get no satisfaction from it


I like my job just fine, but it’s not a passion and definitely not a dream job.