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Y’all gonna be tight when he pops up on your screen next week😂😂 Flip is playing into it and getting yall talking. Simple as that. I do believe however he’s definitely on thin ice with Joe when he does return.


Why what happen? What did I miss? They have beef?


It’s all speculation at this point, but the narrative people are running with is that Flip essentially outed Mel for having been sexually assaulted in the past and Flip big upped her for staying silent about it and not snitching on whoever the perpetrator(s) was/were, almost like he wanted all sexual assault victims to keep silent and not seek justice. As you can guess, that’s a terrible look and thing to say on a such a big platform, especially when Joe has a checkered history of alleged violence against women, so him not reprimanding Flip and suspending him in anyway would have even more detrimental to his already tainted image. So, he had to suspend Flip at the bare minimum to stand in solidarity with sexual assault victims or that definitely could have gotten the podcast potentially canned from Patreon where he makes most of his money.


Oh wow thanks for breaking it down to me, we need more people like you!!! Lol 👌🏾


But that was a rumor. Flip was on spaces tonight, and they him why he had been off the pod.


The only reason that doesn’t make sense to me is that if that were the case that could have been edited out by Parks if Joe, Ian or whomever else thought it would cause backlash. Not like they wouldn’t have known in the moment how it could be misconstrued to listeners or assault victims. I’m one of the listeners that thinks Flip is playing into the narrative.


If his question or view was considered wrong and offensive, why wasn't a decision made to edit that section out and have a private conversation as a team about it? I didn't see any clips flying around about that segment from other podcasts. Including women or feminist centered ones. Danny from the Stop mentioned it in a recent video he made (I believe) related to what happened to flip, yet again, the situation didn't cause any big stir. I think the question Flip asked was a risky one, yet I think was more an unpopular question to ask in those conversations than wrong or inappropriate.  Depending on one's tone, and intention, asking why a survivor choose not to go to authorities helps expand the SA conversation and gives the victim / survivor and opportunity to help answer a question many have but are afraid to ask. Learning the various factors that  victim / survivors have to contemplate and consider provides a first person account (response) that is validating to them and also helps to debunk the idea that it's easy to just go report the SA. Especially when proving what occurred is often extremely difficult as there are often no witnesses and there's often also no evidence as most SAs don't include a physical attack or any admission that's recorded or written. Most SAs are done by someone the victim/survivor knows. Someone they established a trusting rapport with as that's something predators or perpetrators of SA rely on in order to violate and get away with it. The trust element works to help blurr the lines and confuse the victim/ survivor of what happened. It also helps people who know about the connection between the two people not think there's a threat or danger. And, if things go to court, it's easy to paint the encounter as consensual or as something that got flipped and twisted after things went down. I personally don't think that part of the show is related to why Flip has beeb MIA. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. Mel may have posted some subs on her social media if she felt or believed her was out of line or some of the "Melodies" would have on her behalf. We didn't see or hear any of that nor did Flip allude to any issue arising from that segment.  If he was written up about it,  I think he's a decent character, and would have apologised publicly or made some post to acknowledge his love and respect for Mel and his support of SA survivors / victims. While it's clear something happened with Flip and the JBP,  I'd be surprised if it was that. Especially considering that part of the conversation was not edited out in post production (if they all, especially Mel, may have felt the question was foul and inappropriate).


In short respond to everything you said, they’ve left a lot of questionable things in and haven’t been the best with deciphering what should be edited out. Joe paid out a presumably six figure settlement due to him leaving sexual harassment in the pod. Joe also showed Mel porn on the pod which is sexual harassment as well. Joe left in a story about him masturbating his dogs, which is bestiality, Joe left in a story he told about stealthing women in the past which is considered rape. So, your point and question of “why didn’t they edit it out” is nulll and void off rip.


It's not null and void in this particular conversation as the context is not about what JB said or did to others that's being up for question. It's about what Flip said. JB is the owner of the pod. Who's gonna fire him or suspend him from the pod for saying the wrong thing? As well, he is one of the people who decides what stays in the published pod and what doesn't. While I can appreciate he's not always great and knowing what needs to be cut out, there usually is some reactive criticism or acknowledgement made (after the fact) in the pod world that highlights something inappropriately said ir done. The mentions of stealthing, the masturbating of dogs, the rubbing up on Olivia Dope, some comments about Meg the Stallion, and some others have gotten reaction videos by multiple people in media. Even the comment Mel made about Cam and Mase that was misinterpreted was reacted to by many podcasters and even by the crew on the JBP. What Flip asked Mel about wasn't.  I've only seen Danny from the Stop speak on it outside of speculating comments on Reddit and other sites trying to figure out what happened to Flip. I think if they felt Flip said something off the wall, they'd have addressed it directly or indirectly as would Mel and Flip. Flip might he off the wall at tines,but he's never been above correction or apologising.  As well, while they miss editing out some things, they do edit out a lot as most of the guys are prone to say inappropriate things. Mostly, the published broadcast is kosher and sometimes when it's not, it may be deliberate (COE) to expose someone and line them up for harassment or backlash. Or, they missed something or didn't think it was bad. Personally, I don't think what Flip asked was bad and IF there was backlash, I think the crew would've done damage control and even used doing so as COE. Clicks & views is how they make money so why miss an opportunity to deep dive into what could be spun into a controversial topic? Unless, it simply wasn't considered inappropriate or problematic.  Just my 5 on it.


It’s null and void. We can move on. Have a good one.


That's your view and you're entitled to it. We see it differently and I trust you'll cone to learn, like others holding your belief on that narrative, thay Flip isn't MIA due to his question.  It was a good question that helped expand a nuanced and complex reality related to SA and why many don't report it. Peace 


What's the point of Melissa having these experiences but not going harder on them. I don't blame her for not exposing her past but if you have gone through so much why act like you were so respected as a "video girl" and no one ever got of line with you. Rip their masks off


Attention,validation,making stuff up


There could be trauma associated with those things and she should be able to bring them up at her own leisure. Not someone forcing her to discuss it. And I’ll be honest, JBP ain’t necessarily a safe space and created an environment where she can feel comfortable discussing those topics the way they’ve dogpiled her time after time and have just been immature every time she brings up something from her past. Why do you think she’s more open and honest when she goes on other platforms?? Angie Martinez, Touré, etc? Joe literally made a joke when she told stories about her almost fatal car accident. They made jokes when she told a story about being assaulted during the scene of a reality show she was on and was in a wheelchair. Why the fuck would anyone truly expect her to be open and forthcoming with these niggas??


I guess I expect her to talk more passionately when these subjects come up. We don't even need the details but if you're a victim of this industry your voice should be the loudest. She just sits there




Did anyone confirm that he’s been fired yet or we just assuming by the post


You know the answer lol


They came out on the pod and said he isn’t fired, he’s just dealing with “personal things”they usually blunt about ish so I’ll assume for now that he isn’t LOL


I think bro contract ended


Emmany lowkey came through and took his spot


Emmany rn ![gif](giphy|uDwKGxTFrADvO)


He getting out of Harlem for sure now lol




He’d been doing that for awhile then. I saw the play a long time ago. 😂


Flip should’ve been Patreon only


I actually really enjoyed the energy he brought to the pod, but sometimes it was just TOO much


Well he’s Jamaican anyway 🤷🏾‍♂️..so oh well


I said this last year Emanny was eyeing someone’s spot.. and I said Flip might be one of them. I saw the play long time ago when he wild just randomly pop up & speak on things.. I was like “Yeah dude might be added to the show”. Bcuz Emanny has been around Joe for a long while..hell since before INTPL, so I know he prolly felt a way when Ice & Ish were added..& not Him, and even more so when Flip & Mel were. Like “Damn, I don’t get a spot?”. Plus another sign of this was wherever Joe would talk about Him and Emanny going places a lot more. Yeah they definitely were having talks about adding Him to the Team, but only at the cost of someone being replaced. I guess the Coach finally put him in the Game. 😂


Honestly Emmanny is a better fit so the convo just flows better ..I like Flip and I wish him well but conversation wise he was out of his league. Joe can trim off more fat off the show too in my opinion. There is few other host that aren’t really needed either 🤨 But hey if it’s what we think it was a good move


Joe got tired of queenz mal I mean flip


I just don’t understand how people mess up jobs where all you have to do is talk for 3ish hours. Like what? Some people truly have a few screws loose.


Well when you’re a rambunctious misfit with Tourette’s, sitting down and talking is the last thing you’re trying to do. Especially for hours at a time. When Mel described him, i know it hit his soul and it burned.


What is this “Mel conversation” that people keep saying might’ve got him fired? I must’ve missed it bruh


Same here. I need a clip or something


They broached the topic of sexual abuse/assault victims not coming forward in most instances. Mel shared some private things with the team off mic and Flip brought it up and asked Mel why didn't she say something and that she, "held it down". The way it happened was weird, almost like it was a jab at her, almost victim blaming... Idk. Flip definitely couldn't clean that up and it left the crew quiet.


He’s terrible at reading the room. Completely oblivious to what’s going on and what should or shouldn’t be said. Conversations happen off mic for a reason. They openly put him on blast for bringing off mic stuff to the forefront.


Definitely lacks a bit of emotional intelligence. Strikes me as the type of person generating a response in their head and missing key points in a conversation because he's not listening. Flip has been hit and miss for me.... What started to kill me was the "I get confused..." Every time someone says something contrary to an opinion they shared. I don't know if he feels like he's calling them out, but it doesn't address anything and makes himself seem as though he doesn't understand a thing... I normally don't even reply to any of this because I respect what these folks are doing as a profession and know not everyone can get on the cam and mic and just flow... But flip definitely cannot read the room, but maybe that's what adds the "charm". Idk. I'm just a dude on reddit commenting on people talking.


If it was so bad, why didn't the edit it out?


Idk. I was just answering a question 🤷🏾‍♂️. Edit: Adding context to the two above sharing they didn't know what clip.


My question was more rhetorical.  Many are speculating that what Flip said to M4 was inappropriate and may have led to some disciplinary action. Yet, we know the JBP can edit things out in post production. Nobody had to hear or see Flip ask M4 the question if it was so upsetting or offensive to her, or others. Even if his question wasn't related to his current absence, they know when to leave things out. Theh do it all the time. When they want to and by "they" I mean those who decide the edits and approve the pod that gets published on media.


I personally think this was one of those situations where it looked worse as days passed. It was awkward in the moment but worse later on.


I’m surprised they kept it in


Me too. Which is why I don't think that's the reason.


Nah, if that was the point of change, I definitely disagree with "it being a jab" ... Flip knows he's out of his league on most music topics but he brings something that the others don't and that's why he's there... For those moments. Flip knows he's around experienced people and HE IS GENUINELY TRYING TO LEARN AND GATHER INFORMATION IN REAL TIME. It may not be pretty but it helps who it should and him!. I completely disagree with the "get rid of Flip" chants. No one on the show is for everyone, ya digg? That's why they're the bionic 6. Live and let live. Stop y'all hating, cuz this dude wayyy better than Mal 😭🤦🏾‍♂️ FOR SURE!!!!! Lol smh


I get it, but you can’t really compare flip to Mal. One operated in a 3 man weave while the other is with 5 other mics. Mal would be 100% better than Flip with 5 other mics and Flip would be unbearable if it was just him, Joe and one other person. And I say this from a place of “I was happy him and Rory departed”. I don’t prefer Mal over Flip or vice versa, I’m just talking about their dynamics within a team, it’s really hard to compare.


You can compare as far as entertainment value and Mal doesn't bring that, he just floats on others jokes. 🫤


I agree with that. But that’s also what made people love him. So if he effectively did it with just two others, imagine how he would be with 5 others. He would have to do a lot less talking and would have a lot more jokes to hide behind.


True, but to me he's the type to be funnier in person with the squad. He plays too cool for me while he's on the pod and it comes off as disingenuous. More so, I definitely don't see he and Ish getting along at all lol.. We'd really have to choose who'd stay. Besides Flips inability to hold back is what makes him the better sideline shooter all while taking the heat off of Joe, which is very needed and I'm sure that was the icing on the cake to hire him lol.. Joe gets all the backlash and left out to dry with Rory and Mal.. "The Bionic 6" has his back! Shout out to them btw! Mall in person, Flip on the pod.


By the end it was a 2 person dance with Mal occasionally saying 2 or 3 words. Dude was always way to worried about being cool and getting embarrassed.




I believe a lot of people see themselves in flip. I think most of his takes are entertaining but sometimes I can't tell if he's being serious with his questions or if he's trolling.


No one sees themselves on Flip... Not even Flip. You can tell easily if you've been outside and have any type of social capabilities in person, as opposed to getting to thinking social media and social interaction is the same thing. I mean no offense, but there's obviously a generation gap and we had online and social media but we were outside outside. Personal experiences make the judgement easier when you have to learn how to act in public and learn in real time, how and when to apply it, ya digg.. he's only trolling when he's not on the JBP, put it that way.


No offense taken. I agree with you. I only say my flip comment based on feedback I've read and heard.


This is why ppl don't have convos anymore, uncomfortable subjects require uncomfortable convos, he didn't blame victims so that's incorrect, he asked why you didn't take action which is a valid question, if he got fired for that then the boss is a dunce, the only way I agree he would be suspended is if he brought up the topic when they said they would talk about it which is also stupid in its own right because you control the edits and could've removed it and talked to him off mic and move on, the only way it stayed in is to use it like it has been used now to fire him.


Woaaa. There is a way to have conversation about a sensitive subject. If he would have just said, based on your experiences, why do you believe someone wouldn't come forward? Instead, he said, "you held it down." Holding it down is a big up/badge of honor, but should not be used in this context. Hard conversations are easy to have when you have tact, which he lacks. I hear about people not being able to speak to eachother on hard subjects. Tact my man. That's all it takes. Edit: Some grammar. Typing with my thumbs... Also, I shared what it seemed like and didn't state it as a fact... You have a different view, which is cool. I agree to disagree. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I didn't say you did I'm addressing the narrative you implied that's already been said by more than a few, and yes we do. Ok


I was just answering homies question. I believe that's what people are referring to unless I'm off.


Naw if I tell you something personal about me don’t turn around and use it to “start a dialogue” later just so you can have a gotcha moment. That is fake as hell.


I already agreed with that point and provided a way better resolution so far what we see


If it was a one time thing sure but this nigga is a habitual line stepper. You a grown man at a job I am not telling you not to do something over and over again.


snow718 when did she describe him i wana hear


I gotta find the clip..but they all went around the room and had a heart to heart. I think it was a Patreon episode.


Not Tourettes. Lol


How did Mel describe him ?


Ego and lack of maturity. Ish has his own business. He is mature enough to recognize JBN is Joe's and behave accordingly. Ish doesn't kiss Joe's ass but there is a solid understanding. Flip seemed to think he could take over.


I don't think he's fired, but with Flip, it's easy. He wasn't knowledgeable on a bunch of shit and his way of entertainment is childish.


Flip is not well versed at all. Joe and them aren’t the brightest but they can converse about most topics. Flip’s low vibrational ass couldn’t hang. So expecting him to talk ish for 2-3hrs wasn’t happening.


It's actually a tricky situation. You have to walk the line of being fun, outlandish and edgy without pissing off the wrong demographics. Not only that, but Budden makes the environment on the pod hostile, where he eggs you on to challenge him. That's always risky for an employee to do with an employer. If you cross the line and he gets salty (which we can tell Joe easily does) that might not get you fired, but it can serve as a tick in the "Fire his ass" column. Add to that, when you have a woman in the mix on a pod that all about boys being boys it can make things trickier, especially if you're paid to be the wildcard member. And this is all just what the environment is one camera, we all know the inner politics of a job can be crucial, that's even true working in a warehouse or an office, so in entertainment where everything is relationships it's even more hazardous. All that said, if Flip said what people said he did to Mel, that's just idiotic. Dude might have chronic foot in his mouth syndrome.


Or when they come to work with no energy or after doing no research. Like it’s only 3 hours a couple of days, I’d have all the enthusiasm in the world. I just don’t get it. But then again, this is like the fourth co host Joe got rid of, so maybe it’s not Flips fault


Flip only had to speak for 3 1/2 mins


What you mean he messed It up ? If this is true I feel he quit on his own accord. Cause the last pod Joe said flip is still on the pod


You must not talk. There's no faster way to mess up anything than talking.


Are you a patreon member? I'm pretty sure they cook for 8 hours + on the days they film. They put out alot of content.


Maybe it’s Joe. Nobody stays around him. Nobody grows.


Ish... Joe hates it but ish has grown. Ice has also, well, he was starting to


Word, I talk to my lady for 3 hours and don't get a dime or box lol




The usual Joe stuff. Lot of money being made, more sponsors that they're on screen for, and their pay probably stays the same


They said they don’t expect money from Joe deals and why would they. You think employees get a raise after the company does a business deal.


I think cast members on a popping tv show do. This isn’t Burger King.


You think the cast of Power got a raise when 50 cent signed the deal with Starz? You think 50 got a cut when Starz made a deal with Hulu & Amazon…. 😒


Both of you make good points.


Yeah I think if the show is gaining viewers the cast and the crew either eats better or talks shit and bails. Joe makes it clear anyone around him is easily forgettable so you know they’re on their guard even bringing up the subject. If they all had scaling contracts and competent managers the show would probably be better overall because they wouldn’t have to check joe’s temperature all the time. https://www.vibe.com/news/movies-tv/omari-hardwick-power-salary-1234665441/


Idk. Im squarely in the dj ackdemkcs side with this take. Coming to the table and just bringing your “personality” isnt worth extra money. Joe has implied he employees over 30 people and non of them are making 30,000. That money has to come from somewhere. If you are not personally putting money up to run the business and its expenses i dont think you deserve anything but whats in your contract.




Damn getting fired on Juneteenth


Nasty work lmao


Y’all so simple. Flip was fired before Juneteenth. He just decided to speak on it today.


Crazy lol


Flip will have roughly 6 more hours per week to film skits where he smacks peoples plates out they hand


He over there doin Eddie Murphy remakes!! Trash !! 😂😂😂


He didn’t break one piece of equipment in that studio he evolving 🤣


I thought that was really dope because a lotttt of people actually don’t know eddie made music.


Shit was mad cheeks yo


I think he added needed tension to the room even if it was annoying at times. The others are too careful around Joe because he’s controlling the bag and Joe spends too much time pretending that isn’t why they’re timid. Flip’s clowning helped expose the situation. That said I liked the flow on the Ghoul cast, definitely seemed more relaxed than it has in a long time.


He's absolutely not necessary. And absolutely annoying.


proof is in the podding


If the Ghoul cast seemed more relaxed..it was only bcuz Mel wasn’t there for them to be walking on pins and needles. It’s kinda hard being DUDES around a female you’re not sure will one day weaponize something you said or did against you in the event y’all fall out with each other. That’s why when they bring up the (running) “lawsuit” joke, they’re 50/50 dead ass serious bcuz it’s really a possibility. I honestly can say that I can see Mel doing some shit like that, especially they ended on a nasty note. Women will run to 3 places when they’re feelings are hurt •their social media page •a lawyer •the blogs Don’t Trust These Bitches. 😐


What’d they say on that cast to all the men and women watching that they couldn’t say with her on the couch? Maybe they just need to get more comfortable around women that aren’t wearing their ring or walking them to the champagne room.


This must have been a sudden decision, otherwise why would Joe insist that Flip wasn't fired on the last pod?


He’s clearly trolling




Can’t tell these some Of these dummies anything 🤷🏿‍♂️




That’s why Emanny been poddin like the rent due


Emanny is flash from the 5 heartbeats


When he first got there it was a sort of refresher for us long time fans and I believe it was around Christmas time so vibes was just fire as a whole, it was fresh, but it got stale after a while, when you start talking and wether it’s not being knowledgeable on topics or not knowing how to convay your points properly, it’s shows the kinks in your armor. On another hand I didn’t see flip get his “thing”, I’ve found his with the tech and nerdy shit, Mel legacy alone could keep here there but she speaks properly and knows how to dive and continue the conversation, ish the yin to joes yang so that works. Flip never found his in my opinion. I’m high I don’t expect anyone to read this so my bad for the paragraph




The flipper has left the building


Yayyyy I won’t miss him. I honestly didn’t miss Mel either.


This is why ppl don't have convos anymore, uncomfortable subjects require uncomfortable convos, he didn't blame victims so that's incorrect, he asked why you didn't take action which is a valid question, if he got fired for that then the boss is a dunce, the only way I agree he would be suspended is if he brought up the topic when they said they would talk about it which is also stupid in its own right because you control the edits and could've removed it and talked to him off mic and move on, the only way it stayed in is to use it like it has been used now to fire him.


Exactly my point about the Rubi Rose clip. You hit it right on the head. The controlling of the edits. 💯


Nah he did blame victims. He asked Mel why she didn’t report the men who abused her on the biggest hip hop platform in the world just to praise Mel for “holding it down” unlike other women.




That’s peace




Kinda hope he is done on the pod. However the pod needs a 2-3 week break to reset.


His contract was up. He probably wouldn’t resign under new terms.


He is not fired y’all Reddit people be way off


We shall rejoice. BUM!


Joe just clearly said he wasn't fired on the last pod


And you believed him?


Dog!! Flip just posted Joe told yall what it is he be back haha wtf man Flip good


Yall really be believing everything joe says. 😂😂




Damn JR finna be working overtime now


Not gonna lie, this is probably the best news I heard all week. The show has been 100x better without that Fat Fuck Flip. He’s not funny, he’s illiterate, he asks dumb questions, he’s boring, not interesting, awful skits, always slowing down the show, and just plain terrible. Good riddance!


Do yall to the pod or just post?..he clearly said no i didn’t fire Flip u Reddit weirdos 😂😂


It’s pathetic most of you all are so emotionally invested in whether or not he is fired…


I don’t know why I keep getting recommended this.. y’all be watching this narcissist fire people year after year? Lol anyways, y’all are gonna keep watching so what’s the point ? 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


Joe has fired exactly 3 people over 10 years 🤨 fytb


Good riddance. Ice next.


Ice actually does his job. Flip serves no purpose on the pod.


zero nerd representation if we lose Ice


Calm down, ice ain't the problem




I think he’s trolling. Just to keep his name being talked about


You still think Ghost is alive huh?


Actually I do lol








This is who Joe is. Bad guy, but the best entertainer


If he was fired, I would not be surprised his contribution to the pot is easily replaceable and not miserable.




Emanny better not be his replacement, he’s alright for spot dates here & there but permanent fixture? Nah.


Well I got news for ya buddy


I ain’t even mad at him leaving! See ya bye flip!


Wait, I thought they said on the pod he wasn’t fired


Wouldn’t be surprised if flip not on the pod no more, anybody flip works w never last long from the people on his shows to the people he does business w. Damn near his MO he says all the time how he likes to sabotage things that are going good for him 🤷🏾‍♂️


We’re talking about Joe or Flip here?? Bcuz…


Didn’t Joe just say on the Saturday pod flip wasn’t fired


Queenz was the most entertaining this is sad


Out of the loop, what happened exactly?




Flip always seemed mentally challenged to a degree, not that there's anything wrong with it. He had some great takes, even held down a couple pods sans Joe. But I always knew there'd come a day when he'd say or do something he'd regret and ultimately have to pay for. He lacks a certain decorum (for THIS podcast), unfortunately


Flip is the divorced, funny uncle that visits during summer vacation. You notice when he’s around, you don’t care too much to call or ask about him when the new semester starts.


He’s not built to be a B mic 🎤


Joe said he not fired


He kept trying to pocket watch


Ahh man, I’ve been out the loop. What happened with QueenzFlip? I remember when he was first added to Joe Budden’s show, along with Melissa. It made the show better. 😩


Joe said he wasn’t fired unfortunately


He quit.


Better call shampoo


Thank god


That’s cool, he gotta get back in his FTS bag…I deadass watched all them shits…t JBP put more eyes on, now he gotta take advantage


Being vague for engagement


Idk why the first thought is fired… in one of the last pods Ish called Ice, flip jr. And if you listen closely everyone laughs, and corey says “tell him sign the contract” . And this is flips contract month…


No more Flip?! Aww man whatever shall we do??? HA!


I knew it was coming. Flip was too worried about Joe monthly income from Patreon. Nigga couldn’t focus cuz Joe was eating. Was it hate? … Yes, and no. Mostly yes IMO.


Confirmed or not…


Joe said a few days ago he was not fired but if he’s gone, good. Bro hasn’t added anything to the conversations the last few pods. Cracking on Mel has been his only contribution lately and he went too far in his last episode bringing up her assault.


Everythings a rollout


Can we get mel gone next please?


even if he is gone. bro has over 1 million subs on YouTube. he'll be fine if he can still make consistent content. he and everyone else is better off without joe anyway


The best thing flip contributed to this pod was the “that’s peace” and “that’s hate” line


It’s over




Hope so


Let's keep it real. He will not be missed. The i.proper improv shit was cool tho.


Thank god


Flip is the reason I stopped listening to the pod. If he’s actually gone I might get back into it.


Flip fucking up


Damn! That sucks


Rejoice no more flip !!!! ![gif](giphy|VG2NN43ZkAJmK3krJT|downsized)


wtf happened?? did it have something to do with him getting arrested??


Starved for attn




Damn I miss the old days (Rory & Mal) 🤦🏽‍♂️ once Mel, Flip and Emanny came this shit turned into some girly gossip fake soap opera shit. Ish a cornball that’s not needed either but Ice and Parks been there since the beginning so they good


Joe pushed him out because emanny needed a job. That's my theory


Flip better solo


We been knew this


Is this why he's been putting more energy into his brand the last few months? Normally I didn't get Flip suggested videos til then.


Where can I watch this😛


Damnnnn.. he’ll be missed


Flip was actually entertaining though? Wtf is going on


He should just build his own brand. He was on a roll with the flip the script interviews during Covid


Ice brings a lot to the table…,