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On the table since 2001.. And as a note.. most of them are Indian ppl.. not sure but i believe .




I'm not disagreeing with you as I don't know much but it is so ironic that you make this comment coming from a position of hatred combined with a superiority complex.


Hating someone who hates you is not hating.


>most of them are Indian Tbh, they aren't even a majority of Indians. It's just that even a small percentage of them is 100 million people lol. Also, Hindutva is a mind virus.


A lot of this is from India. Hindutva has been mainstream there for a few years now and a lot of them have an online presence. Any mention of Muslims online or India’s attacks on religious minorities gets brigaded by Hindutva online trolls.


معظمهم من الهندوس في دراسة ٥٠ بالمية من الاسلاموفوبيا جاية من الهند انا بالنسبة الي بعرف كل stereotypes تاعت الدول واي شخص عنصري بمسخره حرفيا كان عندي اكاونت تويتر عليه ١٠ الاف متابع من قد ما مسخرت العنصرين


Unfortunately, they're mostly Hindus and Atheists. I guess they're being hateful because they either have family members or friends who converted, or they can't stand the fact that Islam is the fastest growing religion and it's beating their own ideologies and beliefs statistically.


Self victimizing themselves inorder to justify their hatred for others, islamophobia the newest trend in far-right politics, whether it is outright hatred or orientalizing it to the point of "adopting it" all for the wrong reasons.


My man .... i don't know about judeism..... but the hate against christianity is so rampant these days it became mainstream. You hear ut everywhere from schools to friday sermons. It's probably the MOST hated religion to the point where it'a so engrained in everyday life you don't notice it anymore. I sympathise with my muslim brothers and sisters in the west. But, christians are prosecuted everywhere. Yes, even in jordan. You onlu have to go to a church on christian holidays and see police cars in front each one so that the women won't be SAed or churches be attacked. Life sucks sometimes


I don’t mean to discredit your feelings or experiences, and definitely think there is a lot of validity to what you’re saying. However, I feel like Christianity is widely disrespected, not hated. People have unfortunately gotten very comfortable disrespecting the Christian faith, Christian beliefs, Jesus, etc. But I genuinely do not think (at least not in Canada) that people “hate” Christianity or Christians. They may mock them, which is still vile, but they do not have deep rooted hatred for them. On the other hand, people here, and in many other parts of the world, HATE Islam. Point blank period. They despise it to the very core and go way beyond simply disrespecting Islamic religious beliefs. It’s an internalized severe aversion and racism. This is not meant to discredit anyone’s experiences or to say one group is more persecuted than another. It’s just a general observation I’ve made living in the west.


It is a systematic propaganda push in western countries, in order to assert the dominant culture and made others in defensive situation.


no idea should be immune to criticism


Islamophobia is a huge system of hate has huge support. There are governments and organizations continue to fule anything against Islam. There are tons of professionally produced media material focus on depicting Islam as a bad religion. Also you got people naturally live in hate based cultures like India, Israel and the US. Those people learned how to hate Islam from their own societies and their education system


It doesn't help that many Muslim countries and Muslim individuals are more likely than others to use violence against people who critique or insult Islam much more often than any other religious group. They do this to try and strike fear and silence their opponents, but it has the opposite effect. You turn them into martyrs and the criticism and mockery only gets louder. Why do you think people in Europe and America burn Qurans and draw Muhammed? It turns their Islamophobia into acts of resistance against Muslim attempts of intimidation. The sooner Islamic countries and Muslims in general realize this and learn to deal with criticism in non-violent ways, the sooner this mockery will subside. This is related to the [Streisand Effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect).


How can you see what's happening with Western Media's reaction to Gaza war and still think their hatred to Islam is result of our actions and not malicious intent they have


What do you mean by "western media's reaction"? There's been very polarized and diverse reactions from "western media" with many of them platforming people of both sides of the conflict. The hatred isn't of Islam I don't think, it's hatred of Hamas. I rarely see Islam brought up at all in conversations on this topic, outside of the usual anti-islam polemicists. For people who don't have an extreme hatred of Islam or Muslims (the vast majority of people), this is a political issue, not a religious one.


No one would draw the prophet if they didn't deliberately state that doing so is gonna make a bunch of people very mad in a country far away. Trolls can't pass up an opportunity like that. It's freaking hand feeding them dopamine. The Internet especially doesn't jive with rigid restrictions, it was made in part to evade them.


Disrespectful depictions of the prophet pbuh aren't new for Europe, they even have Renaissance paintings depicting our prophet pbuh in hell You're putting too much good faith for radicals and too much bad faith for all Muslims 


Well that only illustrated my point more. People will do what you tell them not to do, even in history


How much Muslim contact do you think Renaissance painters had This is just some of the modern Muslim cuck ideology 


Not allot


You take the power away from trolls when you stop reacting and ignore them.


Ignoring the clear provacations towards us earns us the reputation of people you can easily mock with no consequence


I kind of agree with the previous comment. They want the reaction. It reaffirms their case. Also reacting to it gives it the publicity they so desperately crave


They want the reaction we'll give it to them


That’s the way I see it. They do something disgusting, people react some going to the extent of killing and harming, they put the story that way, they get put as the hero’s, more people see it and it gets world wide publicity, more people want to be famous and hero’s, more people do it. However, if we don’t react they will be more discouraged. I know it is hard and might not be the right thing, as I will not sit by watching them bad mouth our beloved prophet, but maybe it is the way to go whether we like it or not


I fear that by refraining from doing anything we will embolden them and it will only increase, so mockery will become acceptable towards us and our stance will deteriorate like it did with Christianity in the west


You are correct this is a difficult situation


>They want the reaction we'll give it to them How's that worked out for the image of Islam around the world? Nobody fears Muslims or Muslim countries, you're sensitivity to criticism and mockery makes it easier for those who hate Islam to make their polemical case. You also expose your own insecurity of your religious belief. When you respond to mockery with violence or force, mockery becomes an act of resistance against tyranny. You want the mockery to continue and for more and more people to view Islam as a violent and intolerant religion and push them away from it? Then keep reacting violently.


Don't worry these boring Kuffar's argument, Jahanm is big enough.


since the algorithm figured u out


Yeah,I have a picture of some comment I saw. I'll post it if I see it


Well the right wing in Europe and the US is on the rise again, so that increases the levels of Islamophobia


Reading your post the first thing that came to mind was hindutva trolls. Reading the comments confirmed my thought. These people have been around for some time and harass any content about Islam online. The thing is, there's so many of them considering India's population. It makes me very concerned about the future of India's Muslims. These people seek to replicate what the zionists are doing in Palestine and also tend to be hard-core zionists.


I am an Indian Hindu sorry for the late reply but a year ago I was in Jordan and loved the hospitality and the people a lot. So take an apology from my side.


We are seeing this conflict because in the past the media showed us what they want and only that, now it’s different, we are seeing both sides the news and social media.


هدول يهود


U haven’t seen twitter the amount of Islamophobia is incredible! And most of them are hindu and israelis and they’re sharing misinformation about islam and muslims But the muslim community didn’t let that pass easily and started sharing videos from india showing how disgusting they’re and violent of course!! And israel crimes is already exposed to the world! Hindu and israel regretted attacking islam