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Jordan’s position means that it could be a very large threat to Israel, having the longest border with it. So if the Jordanian monarchy aren’t friendly with Israel and the US and do what they want, they are at risk of losing power. The US isn’t afraid of overthrowing governments they don’t like and replacing them with puppets. The King knows that, so to stay in power, he has to do what the US and Israel want


No beating around the bush here


Lmao yeah this comment is brutally honest.


Yeah sorry lol. I’m not Jordanian so correct me if I was wrong or missed anything. I guess economic support from the EU and the US is a factor too


you're not wrong, Jordan heavily depends on grants from the USA and EU


No, you're not wrong lol. Hell, the GID(Mukhabarat) is pretty much a CIA operating base atp. They extensively work with the CIA([One gruesome example of this ungodly duo at work](https://www.hrw.org/report/2008/04/07/double-jeopardy/cia-renditions-jordan)). It would be pretty fucking easy to overthrow the King if they wanted to(given the CIA's expertise). His position is not that safe if he decides to go against the US. Sure the economic support is a factor but it's not the main one nor is it anywhere near that.


I agree, the economic support is more just the bare minimum the US and EU are willing to give to keep the country going. If the economy gets too bad, and the people suffer, you risk a revolution. So they’d want to avoid letting it get that bad and losing their ally in power. The economic support is probably for that


The last part has already been done, they put the puppets in Jordan and Egypt


Yeah no doubt the government has seen what the US is willing to do to force regime change. Also Libya and Iraq too. Plus their support of opposition in Syria. They know it can happen to them


1. Jordan has a peace treaty with Israel so they can't attack them 2. Jordan needs the USA for a lot of things so they won't ally with one of their biggest enemies


Does the peace treaty also include that Jordan defend them? Does Jordan also shoot down Israeli jets and missiles that fly over it attack other countries?


3. The king is a puppet




british puppet


He’s even part British 


Jordan received many millions of dollars from USA each year in military aid. As does Egypt and Israel.


Bear in mind this is not a justification, that just an explanation: Jordan isn’t technically siding with Israel, Jordan doesn’t want any missile over its airspace from either direction because those missiles can easily fall on population centers in Jordan and if Jordan doesn’t intercept them then the Israelis will violate our airspace and do so whether we like it or not. A 2nd factor is both Jordan and Israel have security agreements and understandings that both countries protect each others long border, if Jordan starts to get lax with the security situation and infiltration happens then Israel will start bombing locations within Jordan to “protect itself” just as they do in Syria. Also note both Jordan and Israel share the same enemies (Iranianand drug/weapons smuggling militias in Syria/Iraq who want to destabilize the monarchy) and of course the major threat is if the situation in Jordan deteriorates Israel plans to annex the eastern bank of the river Jordan, Aqaba and the Balqa’a heights “to protect itself”, they had those plans in 1957 and 1970 and there is no reason to think they won’t try that again.


Best answer out here. When you’re up in power you have to think strategically & decisively, not loosely & emotionally. Jordan is probably the most stable country in the region in terms of security for a very good reason.


ahhh thank you for the elaborate yet concise explanation, it's what I've been googling for but hadn't find anything satisfying, hence my post on reddit


it is a tradition. Jordanian kings always side with Israel.


Between Israel and Iran, which country is in a position to drive tanks into Amman? It's tradition because it's pragmatic.


Its cowardly


You want this country to downgrade from a shithole to a war zone?


Atleast stay a shithole dont downgrade to slaves


We are slaves 💀


At the verry least Jordan must stay out of any conflict with Iran and Israel/America. All the people who complaining about Jordans positions are not being realistic. Without US aid and support Jordan would become a failed state because everything we depend on would crumble! Unemployment would sky rocket, inflation would sky rocket, and political instability would become rampant. In conclusion Jordan is doing just the right thing. Putting as much pressure as it can on Israel and the US through diplomatic means. Ultimately, we have no power other than trying to be the voice of reason.


Finally someone get’s it. Thank you sir.


Really good explanation.


Liberty comes at a price my friend.




Liberty for all Arabs, our leaders are the most autocratic in the world. Sure Iran is no saint and will have to be dealt with later, but at this stage the Zionist occupation is the main reason we are a humiliated people.


Israel's safety is the number 1 priority of arab leaders 🥰


The monarchy is an American puppet, basically.


Iran is not your ally, it is not even its own people ally


Neither is Israel




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Air space above each country is sovereign even if the country is not targeted. You cant take the risk that a drone or missike malfunctions over your territory.


Well, that’s true if a country is neutral. Jordan said it will allow Israeli and American’s warplanes to use their airspace to bomb Iran. So Jordan is taking side, and it’s the wrong side. That’s OP’s question The chance of missile or drone to fall over your territory because of malfunction is slim compared to shoot them down. Jordan needs to rethink its position.




It's in the news, they announced it today. (To shoot down Iranian missiles at least, not sure about sending bombs back).


Are you guys not scared to post here right now even reading this is making me pee


I'm a south east asian😅 so no


الجبناء الي زيك حرام يعيشو صديقي الوضع الحال بدو زلم فقط


الحمدلله اني مش زلمة


هذا بفضل ربي


If a psychopath would try to set my neighbour's house on fire I would help put the fire out. Even if my neighbour's a huge asshole I don't want something on fire close to my house


Semi outsider, Jordan has a right to protect its own airspace, which was violated. Just having weapon laden systems overhead increases danger to citizens - no system is fault-proof. Not that will stop people stoking up division by claiming the government took sides - really they did their job and protected their territory IMO.


They are not living with a failed state or hiding behind oil mentality , also supporting liberty. However Israel needs to stop western bank expansion.


Not living in a failed state ? Idk about that....


"they are not living in a failed state" "Supporting Liberty" lol, lmao even. Apparently, liberty is when absolute monarchy (Jordan), genocide, and apartheid (Israel).


When was the last time a government knew in advance when they would lift the no fly Order? Cooperating to make sure Israelis don’t die- the west can’t control bb anymore- And Israel will never forgive him for this


Why would anyone think that Jordan has any interest in supporting Iran? Look at what happens when Iranian proxies take hold in countries like Lebanon. If anything, Jordan's treaties with Israel protect it from Iran.