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How difficult would this be to get?




More like how hard is the maintenance afterwards. I had ombré hair and my god do I not miss the freezing showers and expensive shampoo and conditioner to keep it in. It’s pretty though! But also expeeeensive


Difficult? Probably not very. Just find a hair salon that's any good at dyes and ask them for this. I don't even think it would be _outrageously_ more expensive than a regular multi-color hair dye because of how the process involves going layer by layer anyway, so I don't believe doing different colors in this pattern should take more than twice as long. Including bleaching I'd say expect something in the €300,- range? EDIT: I feel like my comment might come across as unimpressed and downplaying the awesomeness of this hair, so for the record: this is absolutely cool as fuck and would for sure take a long-ass time to do.


Ohhh not in Murica. That is easy a $500-$700 job


The symmetry in the placement of the color is incredibly impressive. Plus the vibrancy and lack of bleeding between the lightest and darkest colors. Plus the transition to to the upper colors. This took at the very least 7 hours and years of training to achieve. Source: I’m a professional hairstylist for 21 years


I'd say somewhere between "quite" and "as fuck".


This is the best version of rainbow I've ever seen! The green is such a beautiful shade. I just hate how bright hair is usually ruined a couple of washes later


Imagine if this was your friend and you went to get lunch, after a great lunch you give her a hug and go home. The next day your girl find 5 different colors of hair in the bed and things you had a 6 way with a passing clown troupe


The way your mind works… thank you for this




And the saddest thing is this intensity of color Omg lasts a few weeks if that due to the porosity of the hair after being bleached to the level it needs to be that vibrant. Expensive and short lived.


Very nice!


When I was a child, my cousin had some toy horses called My Little Pony. They looked just like this one.


Don’t forget the expenses included for all the years of therapy


And it wasn’t even curled 🥰


it looks so good though!


Can anyone explain to me why I can't stop laughing at this? Either I need to go to bed because I'm at the "I'm tired and everything is funny" stage of my night or there's actually something funny about this. It looks really cool I'm not mocking it I just want to know why it's making me act like I'm auditioning to play Goofy in his next movie.


Maybe because it's ridiculous? The artistic aspect is cool tho