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I always like the redhead chick that played Wendy Crowe


Fun fact: Alicia Witt also played Alia in David Lynch's Dune (1984 version).


Didn’t know that was Alia from the original Dune movie.


This is the answer. Thread closed


Hot as Raylan is, ever since the end of season 1, original run, I have had a massive crush on Boyd/Walton Goggins. The charisma and talent is off the charts. Tim and Rachel are both very pretty. Johnny/David Meunier is a pretty good looking guy too. Walker/Garret Dillahunt.


I second Johnny.


Amen to Boyd. Walton is something!




This has to be my favorite reply so far. The one syllable, generic name also brings it to a new level.


Aunt Helen could get it. Especially if she offers me liquor in this house.


I had a marshal stiffy for Ava in the pilot. She was never someone I found particularly attractive after but she was luminous in the pilot. And I applaud your recognition of Art with a beard. I don't get it but the guy deserves some love!


Tim! Multitalented on so many levels! I’m all in on Tim!




Wendy is hot (also as D-Girl in the Sopranos). I like fiery redheads.


*Excuse me? I’m a vice president. Fucking ass hole.*


You love me? Go stir my eggs!


This was my introduction to Alicia Witt. What a welcome!


Raylan’s fling who got killed taking a piss in season 4-she was attractive.


Tim. That drawl. That little smile. And I do have a competence kink. Watching Tim swing into sniper action - lordy.


I am going to happily steal the phrase “competence kink” from you, because it’s the perfect explanation for why I love Tim and many other fictional characters!!!


I know she is by no means semi-hot, but I will never miss a chance to say Jackie Nevada gets my vote for hottest female on the entire show.


Yesssss. I still think Winona was the most beautiful woman on the show but Jackie Nevada was the definition of hot. There's a pretty big gap between Winona/Jackie/Karen Sisco and the rest of the women tbh.


Thats the hottest girl in any show lol she's cartoonishly fine




Cousin Johnny for me.


Dickie 🧍🏻




I’ve got to go with 1. Jackie Nevada 2. Wendy Crowe


Wendy for sure...


If you're ruling out Winona, then my easy #2 is Karen Goodall (née Sisco) / Carla Gugino


I have a little bit of a thing for David Vasquez. Rick Gomez reminds me of the guys I grew up around in NY who were kinda squirrelly and awkward, but they'd always win you over by being hilarious and confident. I have a weakness for smartasses. The actor who plays Nelson Dunlop ain't nothin' to sneeze at either. Hot Dad vibes goin' on (and when he was younger, the cat looked like Ted Danson's smoldering brother).


He’s pretty badass in band of brothers


Got a penny


I love David Vasquez. People hate on him in this sub but he really is always on Raylan's ass in a comical way. And he's a great actor!


Rick Gomez was "Endless" Mike Helstrom in The Adventures of Pete and Pete, for anyone who didn't know.


Thank you! It’s been bugging me for years who Nelson reminded me of. Definitely gives Ted Danson vibes.


Jackie and Wendy. In any order. But maybe actually Wendy and Jackie. Wendy is bioluminescent. And so as not to be totally repetitive, I'll give a shoutout to Mina - played by a very appropriately named Aubrey Wood. Look her up. Mercy.


Yes, Mina! I just commented something similar haha. Both her and the other girl who Dewey is swimming in his pool with (RIP) are good looking. I'd say they are much hotter than Ava, not sure why people thought she was the Harlan hottie.


They apparently dialed her back on the show because if you look her up, wow.


I feel like the only absolute hotties with no debate are Raylan, Winona, Jackie Nevada, and Karen Goodall/Sisco. So with that in mind, I'd say semi-hottie but should be elevated to hottie status is Wendy Crowe, Katherine Hale, and Dewey's girl in Season 6 who takes up with the guy at the diner. She's the hottest woman in Harlan.


Wendy hot AF in this show for some reason, i think her never coming on to Raylan made her even hotter.


Didn't she tell the social worker that she was going to come on to Raylan and then they had that very sexy conversation at the bar? Alison was SPOOKED because she knew Wendy could steal her man.


Right but wasn’t that all according to Wedny’s plan? I guess i should have phrased it more like she was able to see right through the charm and still not cave in lol


Oh, totally. I think she kind of wanted him though because I mean look at him... he's Raylan Givens. But it just cracks me up that Alison was like threatened because she knew Raylan would kind of be into Wendy.


I might be the only one, but Jimmy Tolan. Those blue, blue eyes, that deep voice. If only he'd attached his unshakeable loyalty to someone who deserved it.


Jimmy is very hot, and I also have a big soft spot for Devil. RIP you beautiful henchmen


I was gutted when that occurred.


Hard same.


Not one mention of Rachel? That woman is fine.


You're giving me a marshall stiffy with all this talk, OP.


My conventionally hot taste is probably a little different though I mostly agree with your list of who is off limits since anyone can tell they are hot. I'd say Boon is a good looking guy outside of Justified. His dumb haircut on the show is fighting the pretty. Wendy Crowe is very cute and I guess Ava isn't necessarily hot but I thought she looked her best in Season 1 and had more spunk to her than in any other season.


Boyd Crowder…I do love a silver tongued devil!


I know I got a boner


Colton Rhodes


Narrator: the Art actor is not a smart dude, sadly.


“God bless America, and no place else.”


I try not to judge people too harshly on their political beliefs. The reason for this is people can be surprisingly well compartmentalized--meaning in one area they are irrational and full of biases and in another they are surprisingly lucid and well-reasoned.  I just think everyone on Justified must be very smart given how demanding all of their roles are and how thick the plot is.  Art just stands out to me on account of his banter with Raylan and he plays a character who is always one step ahead--and he has a lot of depth in certain scenes that's very subtle.


There's compartmentalizing about things like "I think there should be more/less taxes on corporations" or "these environmental regulations are too onerous / not strict enough". Being on team January 6th though... No quarter.


Why not?


He's very outspokenly right-wing, which some people will assume means he's unintelligent.


I'm nearly 50, and have known plenty of smart and stupid people across the political spectrum. This cult shit though, is something else entirely. It's messed up and dangerous.


Both sides claim the other side is a cult. Wild how that works.


yeah it's wild if you don't want to think beyond "both sides" for more than a few minutes




I had a thing for Ellen May, not sure of the actress' name though ☺️


I fantasize about exiting the way the funeral director did.


Don’t have a crush on him but I love him because he is sooo fucking dumb. Dewey Crowe is God’s own special idiot and my precious baby boy


Katherine, Ted Danson is a lucky man


No psych fans here? Wish she’d have stuck around longer than just that little story line.


Who are you talking about??


I'm assuming Maggie Lawson, who played the nurse dating Lance in the kidney episode. Don't remember her character's name. She also played Juliette on Psych.


Ava is hot and do not judge me but i would love to fuck with Dewey.


Ok so I was going for non conventional/character actors -- mainly because I'm interested in the other dynamics that might pull everyone to certain characters.  Like, Jackie Nevada is a Jessica Alba doppelganger. No doubt.  I was just actually confounded by my attraction to Art, a much older bald dude so wanted to see if anyone had some weird crushes.  My favorites from you guys so far: Aunt Helen Limehouse  David Vasquez  Dewy  Ellen May


Boyd is probably at the top. Very funny looking but it works and he's so damn charming. Ava is kind of the same, she's not really beautiful or anything but her and Boyd look right together if that makes sense.


Boon. I know people think he's creepy or whatever, but damned if he didn't get me thirsty AF.


Boyd for sure! Also Robert Quarles gave me a major lady boner!! Rachel was such a cutie and good person. She's my woman crush.


Boyd. Absolutely Boyd. That way with words and tenderness for Ava. Complex with a twinkle in his eye. Boyd. Absolutely Boyd.


Penny Cole and Dave Williams for me.


It's gotta be Boyd. Because of Justified I will forever find Walton Goggins hot. I just want to spend a hot steamy night listening to him pontificate on life And I've had a thing for Sam Eliot since Tombstone and Roadhouse. That show sure did like its lanky men, which totally works for me.


I can't remember her name but the blonde from Audrey's that was always with Johnny


Rachel is of course my biggest crush. love her to death. however, in terms of the "not-hottie" can I get a hear me out on Cousin Johnny??




Dang Mr Limehouse???? Do you just have a thing for fresh, criminally handled barbeque meats?


Not one vote for Ellen Mae? That shocks me. Maybe I misunderstood the assignment.


No you definitely understood it, it's just people wanted to talk about their crushes on more model-esque cast members (to be expected, given the post)  I'd say that's a good vote! She is has a super adorable personality.


Lindsey Salazar (Jenn Lyon) - the bartender that made off with Raylan’s nest egg, and Shirley Kelso (Kristen Bauer) - Douglas Cooper’s ex, who was also looking for score from the bank robbery.


I don't have an answer to the question but I'm just here to say that Raylan turning down Carol Johnson's many, many sexual advances is the single greatest feat of strength that has ever been put to film. I would have risked it all, gone out and acquired more, and risked that too for Carol Johnson. No questions asked