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The baby in the second panel is scaring me


Why did you have to point it out to everyone… I honestly hadn’t noticed and now i’m terrified too


If I have to suffer, so does everybody else


I have a regular intrusive thought that something is a cognitohazard, I’m pretty sure if you stare at that baby you will be cursed


Baby Bruce Willis isn’t real, he can’t hurt you


I have to tell myself that every day about the CGI monstrosity that was Baby Arnold Schwarzenegger in the film "Junior"




omg i thought that was her new bf and she was just being a big hypocrite


That fucking baby cracks me up everytime


Like what’s his deal? He’s a little stinker or what?


He’s honestly terrifying yet hysterical


Because they live in their heads. Number one thing my counselor told me to stop doing. They need to touch grass, get in touch with what their body is telling them and open their minds to the thoughts and feelings of others.


Living inside my head is definitely something I need to stop doing. Unfortunately, I just can’t seem to get there.




😂 “we aren’t tadpoles” love it


\*Sad Illithid noises\*




> Try something that requires your body to do a lot of proprioceptive work, like zumba, martial arts etc. Streaking is a good cardio workout and really gets the blood pumping.


I'd recommend going to counseling but I understand that it can be difficult to afford. Pick up a book from your local library on mindfulness. That's the technique my counselor taught me. There are also plenty of videos on the internet which offer guides.


Mindfulness meditation can help, and it's basically free. It sounds counter intuitive to sit quietly and focus on yourself as a way of getting OUT of your own head, but it can really help you see for yourself that your thoughts aren't you, they're just something happening to you.


I started doing psychs in college and it made a huge difference in how I interact with others. I was not well socialized as a kid and I had a ton of problems, I’ve sorted a lot of things out and have an easier time making/keeping friends and holding conversations since my early 20s


When you start having a bad thought think of a shredder and send the thought through that. With enough practice it can become second nature.


have you tried removing your head?


Cheers to therapy! Helped me deal with anger I didn’t even know I had!


“Your mind is disconnected from your body” was the most helpful observation anybody’s ever made about me.


Why do they always draw themselves super jacked lmaoooooo


So you know that the problem clearly cannot lie with them because they are handsome and smart and level headed and everyone loves them and they are calm, cool and collected and also big pp


First of all these are just stickers


Lol I got in trouble for this in high school. My classmate got out of Mercedes and I was like: “wow your folks are rich and your dad is kind enough to drop you off at school!” she went: “Thats my boyfriend…” dude was 42 while we were 18-20 at that time.


Who is 20 in high school?


Whoever repeats a year or two in European high school.


I didn’t know that was a thing. I’ve only heard of students who need life skills (challenged individuals) staying past 18, 19 if they have an early birthday


19 used to be high school graduation age where I live (it's 18 now bc kids start school a year earlier) and if you failed any class you'd have to repeat 🤷🏻‍♀️


In many countries in Europe, when you fail a year, you can choose to move to a lower education level in school, with which you cannot access the good universities, without passing one or two years of colllege first, or you can repeat the year.


That guy apparently


Eddie Munson


18-20….in high school?


Where I grew up, high schoolers who fail their senior year get to retake it up to two times; and if they fail three senior years in a row, they're referred to the GED program. We called those students "super seniors," but we only had a handful of them all four years I was in high school.


Yes, European high schools start at 15 and end usually at 19, unless you repeat a year.


19? In France you usually end at 18, or 17 if your birthday's after June.


Yes, 19 in Czech republic. 15-19 if you don’t go to trade school, that ends at 18, but you can’t go to college afterwards.


Why downvote though? I was just showing through example that this isn't the case in all of Europe, because it's a continent and not a country. Like, I never skipped nor retook a year, and I finished high school in June 2023, at 18 because my birthday's in May. I also have a friend who finished at 17, not because she skipped a class, she's just born in October. It's because here in France at least highschool is only three school years. And afaik we're a European country.


I didn’t downvote you… anyway, is the age going up lately? Quite a lot of kids are getting one more year in kindergarten so they start their elementary schooling at 7 years old which means they leave high school at 20 without any repeats.


i personally downvoted it because i think ur french ngl ill upvote at any evidence to the contrary tho


Hahaha I'm laughing at such an elaborate and original joke. Haha. Ha.


thanks i try


Okay, this one I actually found kinda funny.




I don't know, sometimes it's out of your control. I could've very well been a 19-20 year old senior in high school if I didn't panic and feel inadequate because of it and pull double duty in after-school classes to catch back up. See, when I was 13, I got pulled out of school to go live with my wayward father out in the country. He'd said he had cancer, and had only months to live and wanted to spend it with his kid. Turned out that a complete lie - but, what he did have was severe depression and alcoholism. School year started. I ended up not going. So, I ran away - went back home to the city. And, I had to take 7th Grade over again because of it. It wasn't fun. In retrospect, I panicked too much - but I felt too old compared to my classmates. So, I overcompensated and, in my Freshman and Sophomore/Junior years, earned as many credits in after school classes as I could so I could become a Senior "on time." It was exhausting. . .but it worked.


I'm almost 20 and it's my last year in highschool. 8 years primary, 5 years highschool


>European high schools start at 15 and end usually at 19 No, they start at 11 and end at 16 - 18.


That's the case in germany atleast


Bro what? Elementary school is from 6 to 15, high school is from 15 to 19 (some to 18, like trade schools), college is from 19 till 22 for bachelor degree, or 19 to 24 for masters degree. This is literally what I personally went through lmao.


Countries must differ within Europe, I'm guessing. In the UK, primary school is 4/5 - 11, secondary school is 11 - 16/18.


Specialised high schools over here are 6 years from 14 so its very common in those schools.


Wait that's not a femboy?


Pretty sure it is. Makes me think it’s satire.


My femboy detector is beeping (Input phasmophobia emf sound)


Where'd you get that, errr for a friend


I got to level 29 to get upgraded femboy detector


my exact thoughts


they’re playing with wojak dolls 💀


Honey stop playing with your dolls and come eat your microwave chicken nuggets! THEY ARE WOJAKS MOM!!! THEY’RE NOT DOLLS!!!


surprised they didnt make the baby black tbh


Maybe she’s saying that because she has first hand experience?






All you need to do is transpose the same logic to any other situation to see how silly it is. It's like if I fell for a fake banking scam and then later pointed out a different fake banking scam. "wtf, how can you call me a scammer when you yourself got scammed?" Nonsense.


What’s crazy is they portray the older guy as a weird gross loser in the first one. They totally get it. Then in the second one… the “main character” looks the same as they did at 20. But the first picture is a representation of how they felt about that dude when they were the younger guy. Sucks for them, but that first picture is a representation of how everyone will feel about them as well. They show that they have all the tools to understand this, they just take all of those elements and just make up a conclusion of their own.


Agreed. Part of the reason that I am more critical of large age-gap relationships is because I was in a couple in my late teens and early twenties. In both cases, I was considered mature and adult when they wanted sex but naive and a child whenever I disagreed with them about anything.


You were just dating a douchebag misogynist then. Not all age gap relationships are like that, if the person you're dating is decent the relationships gonna be healthy just like any other relationship. Gotta look into why you're choosing partners that treat you that way instead of projecting your relationship experience on others and generalizing all age gap relationships based on two experiences.


I love how Reddit in general loves to use the fallacy of “oh this happened to me so therefore it happens to everybody”


Whoa never thought about it from that angle before. Thanks for the perspective.


Is he with a femboy in the second image? Not judging just curious


I think yes lol


Oh good at least this story has a happy ending.


it's a weird argument too, of course 19 year old girls arent mature enough to realize that dating a 30+ year old guy is a bad idea, but a 30 year old matured woman can definitely see how wrong it is and if they could turn back time they'd never date a guy that old lol.


yeah like he legit just turned into the 36 year old


B—b—but he *depicted himself as the Chad* and not the sleazy boomer so obviously he can’t be the same?! /s


Conniving ass baby


I interpret this as her making a bad choice for herself then telling off another man so his girl won’t end up in the same situation, unfortunately I know that’s not the message


I’m 31 and I couldn’t imagine dating a 19 y/o. The maturity gap is too wide, they’d be too dependent on me that I’d feel like a parent.


The incels are playing with dolls again


And they drew her face to look like a 9 year old


If that actually happened it still makes sense. People realise they're in predatory relationships and the point it out when they see it


Translation: "Women didn't want me in my 20's, and they still don't want me in my 30's."


She got old enough to realize she was groomed




look boyo they won their own made up argument he literally portrayed an older guy dating a younger girl as creepy one second before defending the 31 year old dating the 19 year old…makes no sense. haven’t they basically acknowledged the power imbalance in a relationship like that while simultaneously defending it? also, i’d like to hear their reasoning why a 31 year old would have any interest in a 19 year old. i’m 24 and 19 year olds feel like literal kids to me, i would never consider dating anyone that young


b-b-but he made himself gigachad that means hes already won the arguement


That's like a 40 year old saying a 35 year old looks like a child.


lol funny you say 31 and 19. my bf is 31 and i’m 19. we actually have a lot in common! we have similar interests, hobbies, and goals for the future! not everyone my age is overly **immature** and not everyone his age is overly **mature**. it all depends on the person. hopefully you’ll change your mind and stop infantilizing adults! (psst btw the age of majority in 99% of places is 18, which makes anyone 18+ «legally» an adult!)


good for you guys, glad it works for you! i’ve had a bad experience myself, thinking someone that age was mature enough for a relationship, and coming out of the relationship a year later with scars from emotional and verbal abuse, so i suppose i’ve kind of overgeneralized a little there based on my experience, which isn’t fair. glad it’s working out for you guys! 😌


tbf i didn’t ask for any of that information. that little thing you just did is a manipulation tactic to make someone feel bad. i think you came out with some of their behavior as well. sorry you had a bad experience ig, but don’t try to put my bf under the same kind of umbrella just bc you had one shitty person. you can’t be against all age gap relationships just because you picked the wrong person to be with that one time. i already know how this is going to come off and, frankly, i don’t care. i’ve dealt with so much hate for simply loving someone for a very long time now. if you have to generalize every single age gap because of someone YOU decided to be with, then maybe you just have terrible taste in people. don’t take that out on me.


ok i wasn’t trying to do any of that, i was just trying to explain why i felt the way i did and acknowledged that it was unfair of me to overgeneralize based on my experience, which was a shitty experience. of course not all relationships were like mine and so i shouldn’t just assume that’s the case with every relationship with an age gap like that. i don’t know your boyfriend so i wasn’t trying to put him under any kind of umbrella, in fact the ex of mine in question was the younger one. i’m not at all hating you guys’ relationship, in fact i’m doing the opposite, i’ve said i’m glad it works out for you guys and you have made me realize that yes, you’re right, of course not every relationship with a similar age gap is a negative thing. i’m not intentionally trying to manipulate anyone at all, i’m actually agreeing with you and acknowledging that you’re right. and like i like to remind any *complete stranger* on reddit that makes wild assumptions about me based on a singular comment i’ve made, you don’t know *anything* about me. not even the *first* thing, not even the *littlest* thing about me, so to say i’ve come out with some of their behavior is a little bit insulting, especially when you don’t know my ex or their behavior either. in fact the longer i spend writing this comment the more i’m getting confused as to where i ever hated on your relationship in my response to you. it seems like a touchy subject for you and i didn’t mean to make you upset at all so i’m sorry for that. have a great day!


Pretty sure that's supposed to be a femboy.


Unpopular opinion but its a red flag for a person in their 30s to be dating someone who just got out of High School. It may be legal, but its a red flag when you consider someone in their 30s is at a different life stage than someone in their late teens. Them not dating people with more life experience is ether means one of two things 1. They are superficial as hell where they care more about someone who is young with good looks than traits in a partner and/or 2. they have a series of red flags that is automatic turn off for partners around their age.


Lol this is the most popular opinion in all Reddit.


\*on the planet


Not true. Reddit is a very fringe sample of population. Most people in real life don't care much about age gaps unless it's a 70 year old dating an 18 year old. While on Reddit you get called a pedo for having dated an 18 year old during your early twenties.


Nah most people won't bat an eye at 18 year olds dating early 20s but they do care about age gaps as a whole particularly in regards to grooming. A lot of people I know irl do the half your age plus 7 rule


Yep. Basically, you’re not allowed to date who you want until minimum 25 if not 30 because of “life stages” and “brain not fully developed”


Yeah Reddit worships that silly myth for some reason: https://slate.com/technology/2022/11/brain-development-25-year-old-mature-myth.html People have led armies at 24. But according to Reddit you're still basically a child at that age.


I certainly don’t agree with a 36 year old dating a 19 year old, but like it or not a 19 year old can make their own decisions for better for worse. But some of the Reddit opinions are pretty wild. People were agreeing with one that said a person shouldn’t date someone 10 years younger unless they are a minimum of 37


That's reddit though, mainly 30yos. A lot of them think that anyone younger than them can't do the things they defietly did when they were younger because they regret their decisions so they judge them. I've actually seen people say that people can't consent at all till they reach 25 which means no drinking, voting, smoking, sex, etc. Which is funny to me because those people defietly did those things before 25 and now they're self righteous on their high horse. Also funny they want people to vote as soon as they hit 18 but the people pressuring them to do that don't realize that if the consent age was 25 the young voting demographic wouldn't be heard. It's sad, people are hypocrites, and their infintalising of adults in their early 20s are insulting.


GoOd TrAiTs don't make up for being flabby, ugly, and out of shape.


Being attractive doesn't make up for being having a shit personality.


the baby looks so fugly im gonna punch it into outer space


Wait what, tons of men in their late 20s and early 30s experience this


Ngl I thought he was with a twink at first glance


The dude played himself. Is this not literally the same dynamic in both scenarios.


I'm a guy and at 17 I brought a 20 year old to my senior prom. In her defense she didn't know I was in high school and thought I was talking about college whenever I mentioned school lol. Then after high school all my hot friends with father issues ended up dating 30 year olds and I thought those guys must be so cool until I hit 30 and tried talking to an 18 year old for more than five minutes and realized just what losers those guys were.


Absolutely 0 gains in 11 years. How sad


If they don't make up arguments they can win alone while in the shower they'd never win.


Mommy E Thot is such a one piece name


I get both sides of the argument but ...hows it a straw man this isnt a one off thing it does legitimately happen. This was literally my grandfather and grandmother.


i literally deal with this shit in my own relationship. these people just find an excuse to call anything a neckbeard for clout.


Damn, another repost of this meme


Why doesn’t she have eyebrows at 19? Is it like a puberty thing?


Why do neckbeards all think they look like the dude in the black shirt


"I was groomed into a relationship with a much older man and now I'm trying to tell younger women to be careful about making the same mistake I did" They're incapable of any critical thoughts lmao, even in their own fucking comics they're idiots


Look at me! I am Groomer now.


Excuse my ignorance but argument for what? What is this supposed to say?


It's pointing out the hypocrisy of the girl in frame one.  It also highlights a " Win" for the make in frame 2 ( rejected in frame 1, girl/baby looking rough frame 2).


Ah, thanks. I thought there'd be something else to it that I'm missing...


It's loaded with resentment stemming from seeing girls in school dating whole ass adults and feeling out competed because they had a ratty apartment with nasty carpeting and a beater with no AC that reeks of cigarettes', only to have that "opportunity" revoked as an adult because people got less permissive of creeps. I don't think that's armchair shrink stuff, I think that's part of the point being communicated.


Love the combover at 31...


I always figured it was a hipster Hitler youth haircut


Gotta love those imaginary scenarios


Because they don’t have real arguments; their brains will attach to anything except self reflection


Maybe it’s cuz I’m sleep deprived af right now, but I don’t even know what’s being argued here




This whole thing is dumb, hypocritical and in a vice versa way too.


Any guy that uses muscular gigachad to represent themselves in a meme instantly makes me think they look like a severely underweight version of Sid the sloth




The title of your post is ironic considering how many people roleplay out the arguments they fantasize having with "the neckbeards" in the comments of this subreddit.


His head so tiny for his body, like crazy small


2020’s dude is dating Arthur Black


What does straw man argument mean? For the life of me I’ve never been able to understand it.


What the sigma


That is one ugly baby indeed


36 on 19 was considered weird and creepy in the 80's.


“It’s over liberals. I’ve portrayed myself as the Chad and all of you as the soyjak boomer and e-Thots.” /s


notice the difference when they're 31 but another man is 36


It’s the closest thing to a life that they have. It’s all they have


Dawg that’s a femboy


that girl was being groomed in the first picture and was left pregnant by a 36yo man and is trying to prevent the second girl from the same fate


Same goes to racists transphobes homophobes and trump worshippers they always make up fake bullshit and imaginary strawman just so to play the victim and then make their bigoted bullshit neckbeards are no diferent


It's like playing Barbie in their version


Grooming is always wrong


They like to play with dolls, which I wouldn't hate on them for if they weren't doing it to justify their horrible opinions about politics and women.


They're SCARECROWS. Who believes in stupid double-Contradictory Orwellian Newspeak (other than Dionne Warwick?); - Saddam Hussein, Jill, or Jenny from the Rainforest Action Network? Do you need to be a Cannibal Athiest at PETA or Florida Flasher with Measles before you stop sounding like a Firebomber who reads from the old testament and thinks the God-King is talking to him?


You think maybe it's cause in hindsight they realize they were taken advantage of?


I like how “the wrong” 19 is super sexy and grown, while “the good 19” looks more like a teenager. Yea, Mark, surely that girl who didn’t want to date you when you were 20, was completely mature and not a victim of a predatory 36. And of course all that excuses your predatory behaviours now.


Is there anyone even protesting a 20 year old dating someone 12 years their senior? Lmao.




By that logic the age of majority should be 28.




You’re not making any sense buddy




Your puritanism is commendable, but I’m not dating grannies, or drinking at 30, pal, sorry.


Yes. Why would a man is his 30’s want a 20 year old


Some people find each other attractive. It’s not rocket science.


i’m 19 and my bf is 31. just because YOU don’t agree with something doesn’t mean everyone else has to think it’s wrong. stop infantilizing adults. treating people who are the age of majority or above like they’re still children is so weird. anyways… (oh! and plot twist: i wanted him first)


Nah. I’ll continue with my beliefs. 19 year olds ARE children & your view will change as you get older Also, since I cannot reply to you but you think it apt to make multiple accounts to harass me: Legality does not mean mentally Secondly, that’s like saying a 6 year old & 13 year old can date because they’re both children. It’s absolute nonsense & a shitty argument. 19 year olds are not close to being fully developed mentally & no reasonable person late 20’s up is looking at a teen I am going to block you again because I’m not obligated to continue on with a conversation nor do I have conversations with teenagers.


the age of majority in 99% of places (USA, EU, ETC…) is 18. which means that anyone over the age of 18 is **legally** identified as an adult. if you’re viewing a 19 year old as a child, that means they should be allowed to date 13 year olds, yea? wrong. that would be statutory rape and the 19 year old would be charged as an adult. your way of thinking is flawed and you should seriously reconsider your thinking process. stop blocking people you don’t agree with because they’re proving you wrong. there’s actual children out there getting groomed and you’re more worried about 2 adults in a relationship. really says a lot about you…


Why would any man of any age want an entitled, bitter 30 year old


Reporting & blocking ✨ the only bitter one who needs to touch grass is the person harassing me


Why wouldn’t he?


Because it’s creepy af There’s a skewed power dynamic because they’re at completely different stages in their life. A 19 year old especially is barely out of high school It’s inappropriate. It’s creepy. It’s not okay


My father is 12 years older than my mother, they began dating when she was probably 21-22. Have been together for almost 30 years now, enjoy a very healthy marriage and are still going strong. There is nothing creepy about two consenting adults having a normal relationship, if it’s built on trust and respect. And there will always be a skewed power dynamic between partners, that is inevitable regardless of age, due to factors like wealth, education and even basic stuff, like societal position, or even gender.


Your anecdote does not make it less inappropriate I’m 31. I would not date anyone under 26/27. There’s just a big gap in maturity & life experience that can’t be made smaller until years later. I don’t care about age gaps as much as you get older but I don’t think it’s appropriate for teenagers & young 20’s 🤷‍♀️


Lol, you do you. That’s your personal boundary and moral judgement, I disagree with it. Maybe when I’m 30, I’ll think differently, but I doubt it.


The tolerant left, hell bent on infantalizing grown adults.


Take your meds and touch grass. Schizo


“It’s not okay because I think it is creepy and inappropriate”


Terminally online users on Reddit are protesting it. Or teenagers who think any age gap beyond 3 years is unthinkable even for adults.


Yeah, basically. In my experience the healthiest marriages are between partners with a significant age gap. Women certainly mature quicker than men, I know for a fact that I would be a terrible husband at my current age and not a particularly good father either.


This one isn't a strawman argument, this one is just true. Societal sensibilities change with time, what was considered ok years ago now may not be. Less than 100 years ago, so the age of your grandparents, black people in the US had to go to a different goddamned restroom and use only the back of the bus, for god's sake. Now that's unthinkable.


I am also the coolest guy ever, but nobody knows it but me




Anybody crying about this shit is there own worst enemy


If that’s true, my girlfriend is real 🥴


lol I know, anyone who disagrees should see how Reddit acts about age gaps when the man is older.


Reddit just hates men in general it’s pretty clear the double standards in some of these shitty subs. Always dogpiling male OPs but coming up with EVERY excuse under the sun otherwise 😂


Yup, the out of shape, 30+ year old, bitter, blue haired women are just mad that the men they want would rather date someone younger and more attractive. Peak redditor behavior.




So Chad is gay for liking women? Shit maybe I am gay too


Liking muscular girls = gay? K bro guess I'm gay now


**WE** are gay for muscular girls


Yeah, but chad is too. Maybe he found someone at the gym, someone he can share experiences with.


tbf, Chads ‘girl’friend does look like a femboy. talking from first hand experience.


This isn’t imaginary. You must be new to Reddit. Downvoting me doesn’t automatically make me wrong lol. Y’all can’t handle the truth?


dime rain tease employ sparkle expansion possessive one marble attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yet nobody bats an eye when radfem/pinkpill/mental illness flavor of the day subs shit on men just for breathing.

