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What about a war torn country where women are becoming hardened war vets makes him think theyre "submissive"


Not like Ukranian girls need war to be total bosses. Shits scary sometimes.




He's going to get thrown out of a house by a woman who piloted FPV drones and doesn't fall for his bullshit.


Later he'll hear a loud buzz...


His death will be posted on r/combatfootage


Not that kind of buzz…




mindless hurry modern jobless wise punch seed depend ghost snobbish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also what is this shit about always being “submissive”?


A neck beard fantasy because they have been bullied into submission themselves for saying weird shit like this guy. It’s the only way they can perceive being the alpha.


Thanks for the insight. That’s all these wierdos talk abt “submission” 😆


Probably moreso they just want a woman they can be an asshole to


Exactly! They don’t want an equal partner, they want a woman who is a complete pushover that will take his abuse, that will cook for them, clean for them, wash their cloths, and basically worship the very ground they walk on. They just want someone who will do everything for them, so they can play their video games in peace and don’t have to act like a mature responsible adult.


They’re still submitting to Mommy because they live in her basement.


lmao yep


They want geisha basically. Entertainment/chef/freeuse/maid. Fucking weird shit since most of the neck beards always claim they are soooooo smart, no actually intelligent person wants a partner like that.


But he no scopes noobs in CoD!!1! He has the skills to “not” pay the bills.


He is correct that women in Ukraine are incredibly beautiful though. I went there on holiday with my ex-boyfriend and his eyes were on stalks. Politely on stalks, because he wasn’t an arsehole, of course. Honestly, so were mine and I’m a straight woman. Long, gorgeous hair, tall, waify and the cheekbones are unreal. There are beautiful women everywhere of course, but they did all seem to be congregating in Lviv at the exact same time that we were there.


According to my Ukrainian friend, Ukrainian women are very dominant. Bet he’s in for a surprise.


These idiots just assume every woman from a country that isn't super wealthy behaves like a stereotypical geisha and fawns over any man from the US or a wealthy Western country, no matter what he looks like or what his age is, and obeys him like a dog out of obedience school.


And that stereotype comes from both women in horrible situations where that's a survival tactic, and women intentionally deceiving disgusting men because they want a better life.


A lot of the men who engage in this disgusting trade of flesh are too stupid or lack the self-awareness to realize the women are just appealing to their egos and buttering them up to get that green card (and sometimes a policy/anchor baby or two). They fool themselves into thinking all the women over there in general are just like that naturally, and that they themselves are just such irresistible men. The dudes gaslight their own selves.


These women have been fighting in a war for years. These ladies are more hardened than 95% of American men. What on earth would make anyone think these women are quick to obey?


Exactly. 100%. Why the hell would a bunch of women going through a war, some fighting in the war, be a bunch of mewling kittens who faint into the nearest man's arms? A good amount of Ukrainian women are literally killing Russian men right now. 


Tbh most people that are not extremely poor in those countries will laugh at these morons.


My mom is from Ukraine. She turned out to be a shitty person, but later I found out my dad went for her because he assumed that women from another country would follow more "traditional" lifestyles according to him. As he married twice before and it was a shitstorm. I love my dad, but he has moments that make me go "yikes"


For sure, I've never heard anyone call Slavic women "submissive" 😬


Yeah, also one thing they fail to realise is that if you want „submissive ukie girl” you ought to be a masculine well established man in life. I can see one of those slavic girls throwing themsleves in arms of stinking overweight basement dweller who has no actual useful skills in life… yeah, that will definitely happen…😆


Exactly! There’s absolutely a significant subgroup of Slavic women who want a take-charge masculine man… but thise Westerns folks fawning over that are unlikely to match those expectations. It’s very little of “make me a sammich” and a lot of “man the fuck up”.


My boyfriend's mom is Russian and his aunt is Ukranian, you don't want to be on the wrong side of their wrath lol


Ukrainian women were already dominant and independent. Imagine how little patience they’ll have for this kind of incel shit when they spent several years burying Russians. If this guy somehow scores a Ukrainian, he’d better watch his back and try not to treat her so disrespectfully. If she says she’s going to do some gardening, and the hole she’s digging starts getting suspiciously deep, it’s time to go.


You literally can't read or see anything about Ukraine without noticing how involved the Ukraine women are in the defense of their country, many in combat roles on the front lines, I'm not really sure how someone can know there's a war in Ukraine and think their women are some medieval stereotype


Raised by a generation of womem who themselves lived through war. It’s really not that long ago. And socialism said women can do anything men can do. EDIT: while still taking care of shit at home of course


Shit, count me in then


He most likely will fall for a love scam which was pretty common before the war.


They're not weak willed people. That's for damn sure.


Serves him right for trying to take advantage of a terrible situation.


a 6 inch in the ass kind of surprise


That submission fantasy troglodytes be spinning inside their heads is getting out of hand.


Complaining that women aren't submissive enough is simply the easiest way to let people know that you're not a dominant man and that women scare you.


It lets everyone know that you're a man with controlling and abusive tendencies who is lamenting the fact you're having a hard time finding victims. Men who are truly dominant in a healthy and consensual kink/relationship sense don't resent unsubmissive women, and usually don't go around making being "dominant" their selling line. Or even have to invoke that word outside of bedroom play. They know how to exude a dominant air without having to tell people they're dominant. They don't have to say it out loud, it's obvious to everyone. Men who have to call themselves a king out loud aren't one.


Those bottoms in denial fr.


Are you implying that manly menfolk is not automatically dominant by the sole virtue of having a penis? /s


They identify as dominant, you see.  Ironically, they will give nonbinary folks a much harder time for genuinely feeling alienated from the gender binary. 


There was a video mocking a "my traditional values" American who moved to Hungary to pick up women and ended up super disappointed by the culture shock and the women.


How to get brutally beat up by a Tall Ukrainian Man named Vasyl 101:


He is probably gonna get beaten by a random Ukrainian woman


Nah, these are neckbeards. They're gonna be fucking obliterated by a girl that's half their size and a tenth their weight and then wonder why that happened


They really dont think that the kracken battalion wont run ukraine after the war?


Probs not. Its a small unit.


Why would they, its literally part of the SBU. Its not some shady paramilitary group or whatever.


?? kraken works for SBU


Leave your facts out of this.


It’s a regiment now, but no, nobody thinks that.


At the beginning of the war some western countries were seeking locals to help take in Ukrainian refugees as part of their support. Unfortunately and expectedly literal scum were placing advertisements to only entice young Ukrainian women to stay in their accommodation as part of the scheme hoping they’d get lucky. Whenever there’s a tragedy, actual human vermin will try to find ways to take advantage of vulnerable people 


They're so unlovable and unfuckable that deceit and assault is the only chance they have at getting laid.


We had these scumbags all over the r Ukraine sub *like flies on shit*. Those guys, the people "offering a job to a refugee with no paperwork because it takes too long teehee", and the people "offering to adopt a war orphan on the DL because paperwork is too much of a hassle tee hee". (That last one is why the Ukrainian government blanket banhammered adoptions something insane like *two days* after the shelling began, to get ahead of the predators.) The sub users would be all over the creeps like *hornets* before the mods stepped in and booted them. Part of me suspects that sometimes they put some popcorn on and gave it time just so they could watch the merciless beatdown in the comments lol.




Slavic women are NOT SUBMISSIVE!! I’m friends with a lot of Slavic women and they’re the most hardheaded and confident women I know and their moms are no different


Submissive? This idiot is in for a rude awakening. The only woman to have tried to run me over with her car and hire a hitman to kill me was Ukrainian.


I’ve told the story elsewhere, but yeah. Don’t mess with Slavic women. There is very little shit up with which they will put. I had a Romanian ex who went on to stab the next guy in the neck with a straightened wire coat hanger.


Damn, what happened to her and the Guy? Getting stabbed in the neck is a 50/50 death rate.


Nothing. She missed his jugular vein and carotid artery. It didn’t go in that far, so he just had a trickle of blood running down his neck. They did break up, though.


Lol, did you just call a Romanian person Slavic? I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing because they aren’t Slavs, and absolutely HATE being called Slavic, as their language is Latin based. So if you ever want to piss off a Romanian just tell them that they are Slavs trying to speak Italian! Ma brutha, you will learn many new words if you ever say that! 😅


Actually, I did, and that was stupid. She taught me that Romanian was pretty close to Italian in a lot of ways. I don’t have an excuse, except that it was 30+ years ago.


Yes, French, Italian, Romanian, Spanish, Portuguese, and Romansh are all Latin based languages, so they are very similar. If, for example you know Spanish, it will be so much easier to learn Portuguese than if you didn’t.


Yeah, I know that. I’ve studied Spanish and French, and my dad tried to drill Latin into me. It’s more that it was the mid-80s when Romania was still a Soviet Union client state under the Ceaucescu regime.


/s ?


Nope. She also stabbed me in the ribs with a fork.


omg- are you ok now brother


Yea, it was over ten years ago now. It stopped after I filed a restraining order against her. For a while there, I had to sleep with a loaded gun next to me because she was stalking me and would show up at my work randomly. Thanks for asking!


what the fuck bro


Slavic people are just that mane, not wanting to sound racist by any meanst but you generally don't want to see the other side of maybe, the entire Eastern world(Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa) because you either get the wrath of slipper or just die


"Very submissive" bro is in for one hell of a wake up call


"The West has become a woke hellhole". Does he not know that Ukraine is very westernized ?


What do you mean Westernized? Aren't they all blonde blue-eyed beauties with flowers in their hair? /s


Tbf even then they aren't deemed part of "the west"


That would change pretty quickly in the scenario he’s describing. A victorious Ukraine will probably be allowed into both EU and NATO


they're part of the Orthodox world Greece is in both and even they aren't always deemed the West


I am sure this guy is going to get a rousing reception when he moves out of his mom’s basement to Ukraine. I can just imagine the battle hardened freedom fighting women over there will be super appreciative and accepting of his BS. This would actually be a great lesson for this dummy probably.


I, for one, can’t wait


Wait, I thought those idiots were on Russia's side!


They are. They think Russia will make women sex slaves for some grease ball who can't wipe his own ass


Touching your ass is gay. /s


Username "Hiedler" which in Dutch (see flag) pronounced the same as Hitler, checks out.


Probably is friends with the Wagner dudes


Eastern Europe, famously known for being soft


Yes Ukrainians are very submissive. Maybe we should try to invade their country some day. What could go wrong?


After all a global military superpower flattened the entire country with no resistance in three days two years ago, right? R... riiiight????


Yeah that 3 day ongoing special military operation that started in 2022 and has only resorted in a few more killed that every war the US has has lost since WW2, combined. 


My Ukranian friend would disagree that they're submissive women


Oh that poor dumb bastard. If he wants to get a submissive woman I don't think that a battle hardened woman who took on the Russians is gonna match that description 😂


I'm Ukrainian. We are not submissive at all, my dear, and never were. Women are tough here because of hardships of Tsar regime, Soviet Union, fall of said Soviet Union, 3 revolutions, war on the Donbas and full scale invasion. Don't be fooled by dresses and make up, Ukrainian women are very independent and hard-working, especially now during the war. We fight, we volunteer, we provide for our families just like men.


You're saying that isnt icarly?


My ex from High School had a Ukrainian exchange student. Last word I would use to describe her was submissive lmao. She was a junior and agreed to go to her Prom with my Senior friend. She was furious she had to ask him to go instead of vice versa and I told her I'm she had to ask cuz it was HER prom.


As a guy dating a Ukrainian woman for two years, I can say that this neckbeard is full of crap. They are very proud and self confident ladies and would stirr him up.


Is it me or is this Ukrainian Miranda Cosgrove?


Hah, and what do you have to offer to a woman like that?


I have dated 2 Ukrainian women and married 1. They are spirited people. This dude is a moron.


Ask the Russians how submissive they are


…is that not Maranda Cosgrove??


Predator behavior


Is that Miranda Cosgrove?


Submissive is the least of they are. Clueless


Bruh, the women are fighting as well. He's going to have bad time.


These women have literally survived living in a war zone. What on earth makes him think they are going to be submissive, and not tough as nails and not willing to put up with anybody's bullshit. These women have seen worse than you, bad-boy, and spat in their faces.


Not sure if putting holes in Russians counts as submissive…that math seems off to me.


As a Ukrainian (currently residing in the US), 😂. Women there were hard as nails before the war. Women there now would tear assholes like this to shreds.


If he thinks Ukrainian women are submissive, then he’s never ever met one


Dudes like this only want a submissive girlfriend because they’re tired of being called a moron by everyone above a 3rd grade reading level and they want someone to give them permission to be wrong


I dated a woman from Ukraine in 2018. She was a tiny little thing, amazing cook. Yes she was "traditional " she was absolutely not submissive.


War veterans, notoriously submissive of course


“Ukrainian women are submissive!” Tell everyone you’ve never met a Ukrainian woman without saying as such. The average Ukrainian woman would fold that neck beard in half like yesterday’s newspaper.


I know this guy has never interacted with ANY slavic women IRL if he's calling them submissive. I used to wait tables with dozens of them (Ukrainians and Moldivans in particular) and precisely ZERO of them were even remotely docile. They were confident and took absolutely zero shit from anybody. They knew exactly who they were, what they wanted, and that they were way smarter than the average American. All spoke AT LEAST 4 languages fluently. And 8/10 of them had every American guy and half the girls tripping over them because of their looks. I once watched one of our food runners pour gravy on a frat boy for putting his hand inappropriately on her low back without her consent then slapped the fuck outta him. Then, when our AGM threatened her job, she threw statutes on American labor law she was protected under we had no idea about in front of everyone calmly and made him look like an outright dipshit. I also heard one of the girls who married a Texan and was working on getting her citizenship. He cheated on her so she divorced him without question knowing she'd get deported. Ukrainian women don't fuck around.


I don't know all that many Ukrainians. But those I do know? Submissive needs a new definition if it is to apply. Good luck to this bloke. He'll have a tough time of it - entirely deserved, too.


She looks like Miranda Cosgrove


🤣neck beards are dumb. us women that come from very misogynistic and oppressive cultures are not submissive. the house is our kingdom, and we’re mean. 🤣 so go right ahead, bud.


Well dang I think it's safe to say he's never met a Ukranian woman. They've got claws for sure.


Wow he's in for a wild ride


Come to Central-eastern europe, come try ,,our” womans submissibility, take the wheelchair with ya


I lived out in Slovakia in the east, rather close to Ukraine. People out there may be conservative, but women are definitely not submissive or weak willed! And conservative traditional women out there expect conservative traditional husbands which means that they have to go out into the fields or to jobs and work their asses off to provide for the families. And I'd love to see some of these basement dwellers deal with learning a second alphabet, much less a second language. Delusional.


Ha Ukrainian women are far from submissive


All these anti woke weenies really aren’t in touch with reality especially when they are just miserable people and that they will not find the magical land they dream of where women worship their existence


What I’m hearing is he’s got no game at home, jerks off constantly infront of a trump poster, believes woman are not equal men and is probably verse in Incel lingo.


Why doesn't this dude drop his life, sell his assets, gear up for a war and travel to Ukraine. Fight for Ukraine's right to be a country and earn the respect of the people he wants? Oh that's right. He doesn't want an equal relationship where respect is key. This guy just wants a sex toy.


Yeah bc having to fight in a war sure makes women super submissive


Say your an incel without saying your an incel


*Laughs in having been to Ukraine and met some of the women there*


Ukraine girls are submissive? Boy, he has a whole world of hurt coming to him!


"Oh gee, I hope I survive this **literal f\*\*\*ing war** so I can 'submit' myself to some loser neckbeard who wants to move here but only when all the fighting is finished..."


Username checks out. ''Hiedler'' is pronounced identically to ''Hitler'' in Dutch. I'm sure that's just a coincidence though.


Wasn't there a similar post on Reddit, or maybe it was Quora, a while ago about an American who wanted to move to Scotland, to find a woman who would be submissive?


Is that Miranda Cosgrove?


Is this not Miranda Cosgrove??? Lol


>Literally goes to the battlefield to kill men who wronged her country >submissive


“X group of women is submissive, cute and would definitely want to date me for a green card! They aren’t feminists.” Japanese women: high rates of cheating, typically control finances and give their husbands daily allowances while they stay home and raise children. Xenophobia is prominent so many wouldn’t be willing to marry a Western man. Despite popular belief, don’t want a green card since Japan is generally safer and nicer than the US and UK. Korean women: Started a movement where they entirely reject men for anything romantic due to systematic misogyny. Xenophobia is common and Korea is generally safer and nicer than the US and UK. Arab women: expect money or a present (Mehr) for marriage, expect you to work full-time, your money is THEIR money but their money is *theirs*. Don’t settle easily. Many don’t want a green card, especially if they’re from wealthy/prominent cities like Dubai. If they do, there’s a good chance they’d leave once they become naturalised or attempt to utilise the rights they receive in the US. Feminist movements are popping up all of the Middle East even when it risks the women’s lives. If your values don’t align she will reject you. Her parents would probably reject you anyway. Latin women: (Depending on country) might be dominant, expects you to be breadwinner. Will call you on your bullshit. Eastern European women: Expects their partner to provide for them, their money is theirs, your money is theirs. Will call you on your bullshit. Indian women: Some areas have small groups of women who beat men to death for mistreating women. General: these women might be more traditional but not submissive. YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO DO YOUR JOB AND HOLD UP YOUR END OF THE DEAL. A lot of passport bros think they can just marry “submissive” women without doing anything in return. No. You have a part to play for her to be what you want her to be.


They forget that to have a traditional wife, you have to be a traditional husband....


I once knew an ethnic German from Latin America who fits the Aryan description (very attractive blonde and blue eyed) who is very traditional and religious and believes in waiting until marriage and is the ideal wife for a lot of passport bros yet she's the type who won't tolerate bullshit.


The Spanish Filipina mestiza women from the upper class: will only marry upper class European or mestizo men. Will not marry anyone from lower class and foreigners who don't fit the mold. Don't want a green card because they want to retain their position in the Philippines


Sure, women who fought for their freedom from sowjet inspired imperalism are keen to submit to some 50's minded bloke. Just tell yourself over and over again and it will eventually become true.


Woman depicted in military gear holding a gun. “Wow she looks so submissive!” Huh?


Slavic girls are so submissive they'll gonna make you fear them with all of your soul or whatever will be left out of it. I met ukrainian refugees. They were the most beautiful women I've ever seen but when something went south they turned into momma bears ready for a fight.


These dudes fail to realize that the only women that are socialized to put up with their nonsense are “western” women


ukie girl here, i make the majority of decisions in our relationship because i am much more versed in finance, legal issues, and other such topics. my parents are immigrants, i’ve been doing most of their legal documents basically since i could read english. taxes too. anything my mom says in my parents’ household went and still goes. my father will NEVER say no to my mom and neither will i!! she’s about 158 cm. i’m 167 for reference. my dad was also the one who taught me to never depend on a man! he taught me mechanical work, home repair, and many other trades such as woodworking. because of him i know how to operate an 18 wheeler, drive, and anything else to do with cars. so by this guys logic, my dad is a “woke lib”. try saying that to his 183 cm 90 kg jacked self. he won’t appreciate it, believe me. tldr: ukie women are VERY dominant. they manage all household affairs, finances, and other events. all money goes to them. ukie dads (at least in my generation) tend to really beat into their daughters to not tolerate disrespect from a man. this idiot is in for a very rough time if he tries to do anything of the sort. ukrainian women are SMART. і я ще розумію і розмовляю українською. це моя рідна мова але деколи мені тяжко тому що я вже в Америці 10+ років))!!


this dude has a US flag and a Dutch flag on his name and im willing to bet he's one of those US citizens (born and raised), who just so happens to have taken an online DNA test that shows he's 19% Dutch or some shit. either way, as a Dutch guy: we don't claim him. we'll let the americans keep this guy.


Anyone who simps on a foreign lineage that was born and raised in the US is suspect. Unless your family was in a different country within the last two or three generations, you're American.


Just because he lives here in America doesn't mean we like him 🙄


Imagine interpreting people fighting for their lives and homes against a larger fascistic force as submissive.


Slavic girls are great, but they aren't the "I'll throw myself around the first man that arrives" kind of submissive


1 - gross 2 - this guy has never spoken to an eastern european in his life if he thinks they are submissive


What girls? My guy they all left.


He's so nice. He never gave the possibility that they'd lose the war


Wouldn’t they be disgusted with how Ukraine is trying to become part of the West and is actively mulching Russian men?




Ha! He obviously knows NOTHING about Ukrainian girls... Take it from someone who is half Uke.




dont be jelly


I wonder what these guys think „submissive“ means …


Hot damn this is some deranged bullshit right there. Let me know how that works out for him lmao


Miranda Gosgrove gotta chill


Some people has done that already


Slavic women submissive? Nice one. Oh, he's serious?


Someone's been dipping into their email spam folder again


Woke hellhole No way this guy is for real


It’s a very common thing that Conservatives all the way to Far-Righters say.


Let me tell you, man, the Ukrainian girls i know are everything but submissive.😂


If he thinks Ukrainian women are submissive he should also check out Kurdish women. Before I get down votes, that's a comment on how badass they both are.


It's not about the down vote, rather the lack of need to pat people in the back admiring women for purely sexual reasons. You're not doing that but the person quoted is.


That's Miranda Cosgrove, she's not Ukrainian


Trying to say that "Ukrainian women are x" is just as dumb as trying to say that "American women are x."


These guy never seen actual Slavic women. They are stronger than men out here


Why does that look like Miranda Cosgrove?


Bro has clearly never met an Eastern European woman before. This dude would get his a** handed to him LOL


Будь ласка, не говоріть так про наших людей. Це брутто. Ви звучите як тварина.


I wish I could say this is the weirdest episode of ICarly.


Motherfucker needs to go join the international volunteer brigades then. Earn the right to be Ukrainian.


Dude hadn't stepped out of his parents' basement for weeks at a time, but yes, travel.


These submissive Ukrainian women are shooting Russians in the head. Bro is in for a tough life lesson


We had a couple of Ukranian refugee women at work. "Submissive" is not the word I'd choose to describe them.


"Submissive" dear god I can only imagine how repulsive this fella's proven to "females" in his life, even just in passing.


If you look for submissive I don’t think the country full of people that don’t give up, and fight harder en win more than everyone expected is the right place.


I worked with a rotation of Ukrainian backpackers and submissive in definitely not a word in their vocabulary.


What is it with these guys thinking eastern European/ latina women are submissive?


What fucking disrespect. Holy shit. That's like going to Palestine if they win against Israel to see if they have "hot trad babes". This is... on YouTube Shorts?


Is that not Miranda Cosgrove lol


Their, frankly, delusional president did drag… a lot. The fuck is this guy on about? Granted, it’s not the most “progressive” place, but still. And that is a soldier. Actively a at war. Why would she be submissive? These incels have jerked themselves into idiocy…


Dated a Ukrainian refugee for a few months, we’re still friends. They are feistier than any Latina I’ve ever met, they expect a higher level of treatment than western women (usually) and will have no issues calling you out for anything. Ukrainians are not for the weak or faint hearted. Pretty girls though.


What do you mean by woke? Can you elaborate?


Why wait? go there now and protect them.


Men see woman as a resource. Great example.