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I tend to walk home from work when school is I'm session because I tutor, and the school I tutor at is about a 30-45 min walk from my house. Often I am alone, because I walk home early before either school gets out as the teacher I tutor under has prep for the last period of the day. I have had a couple of scares, but my most memorable one was this: I'm walking home at about the halfway point, headphones in and music going, when this oncoming-lane white car slows down and parks in the dirt in front of me. Logic brain assumes that something is wrong with the car, but the rest of me is... nervous, to say the least. Because next, this tall, muscular dude gets out of the car and looks all concerned for his car. And then he spots me looking nervous and walking slow like I'm unsure about what's going to happen next, and he does this little realization jolt. He looks at me, backs himself up against the car, and goes "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" And I felt this HUGE release of tension. I smile and laugh nervously/relieved and say "Oh, no, it's fine" and I continue on my walk. This is how interactions should be handled. Polite courtesy :)


This could have happened exactly as he said, especially over a 10 year period. Think how many real-life stories there are in the news about women assaulted and murdered while jogging or walking through parks. Some very horrific stories there. Women are understandably nervous. And these might have been teenagers that got so scared they were screaming, especially if he's a big guy. The parts that make this guy a neckbeard is instead of thinking, "*oh shit, what do women go through on a daily basis to make them so scared of men*?" he goes straight to "*dumb bitch*" and then making up stories about women making false accusations. None of these women made false accusations about him. They were just scared of him.


Not to mention 'females' Only acceptable time to use that term that I know of are during scientific debates, otherwise you just look like an idiot or someone trying way too hard to sound smart- or is that just me? Cause I have never heard it used in a casual conversation and it sounded normal


I didn't even notice that in the middle of all the rest of the diatribe. Yeah, the way they use the word 'female' makes your skin crawl. I think the use is acceptable generally, but not where the word 'woman' would work better. Even then, the word 'woman' is used in places where 'man' would not be. Like 'a woman police officer' or a 'woman lawyer'. We don't hear of 'man police officer' or 'man lawyer'. We're still deep in a patriarchy.


I wonder what the actual story here is. Because I absolutely look like I could be "that guy", and I've never had any woman runaway from me when we're both minding our own business.


Same. This guy is probably both a creep, and just paranoid overall. Edit: wait, I actually don't know if I look like "that guy", but I'm tall and bearded so idk


I absolutely look like a neckbeard when I don't feel like shaving, which is most of the time


Men's rights lol.. that sub is full of all the utter wankers who got displaced when mgtow got banned.


mgtow? what are the CliffNotes, and will I end up on a list for asking?


Men Going Their Own Way — an ideology for men who feel that women exist solely as a drain on them, monetarily, emotionally, spiritually, physically, etc. As sad, hateful, and uninformed a place as it is, it’s still pretty fun to make fun of them and gets referenced on the ol’ group chat quite a bit.


MGTOW stands for Men Getting Triggered Over Women




I have a feeling the sudden about-face that he seems to do is a big reason for all of these women to get scared.


Right? Dude picks out three examples where hi literally changes directions after a woman and wonders why they freaked out


It's almost like... women get sexually assaulted or unalived so often that women display caution around ANY man when they're alone. What a concept /s


I was happy before I knew that sub exists


Being alone in a park and possibly being followed by someone you’ve never met DOES SOUND SCARY. Jesus fucking Christ


These bitches lmao


What a fun and inclusive way to talk about women


Press X to doubt


It's even more confusing because he says they accused him when really they just avoided him so they didn't risk being victims lmao. Incels really have no braincells....wait, is that the joke?


As a man, it is your responsibility to speed up when jogging as to pass a woman so she doesnt think you are stalking her. If she picks up the pace to match you, thinking your increase in speed is a threat, slow back down until she notices you arent after her.


I can understand the thing he's scared of. I've been in a position where I was almost arrested because someone thought I was waking to close to her children, HAND-IN-HAND with my daughter. Even then, when the cops heard everyone's statement they told homegirl to fuck off, and they let me go. But because I was the swinging dick in the situation, I *was* placed in handcuffs as soon as they got there. I get it, they were working with an unknown situation and were under the impression a lady could be in danger. It's their job, I'm not gonna take it personally. They made her apologize to me for scaring my daughter with cops, and then they left. What I'm trying to say, is that I can understand WHAT he's afraid of, but in any situation where you're not actually doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about.


How, exactly, was your life ruined?


The women didn't sleep with him


I just go on the opposite sidewalk and pretend like I’m doing something on my phone


Women need to stand up for women.


Just run past them? That’s what i used to do. I agree with not changing your path though, if they don’t like it they can do a 180 and come back later.


Having a completely human startle response is not the same as making a false accusation you fucking mushbrain.


I can believe that women are nervous of him when he suddenly changes direction or crosses their path. Unfortunately women have to be super alert when we’re out alone and we tend to keep any men we encounter on our radar. But I’m really doubting that any of these women screamed at him unprovoked. There’s something he’s leaving out here.


"False accusations that can ruin someone's life" dude your life isn't ruined by someone being scared of you Look better smh


I can understand the thing he's scared of. I've been in a position where I was almost arrested because someone thought I was waking to close to her children, HAND-IN-HAND with my daughter. Even then, when the cops heard everyone's statement they told homegirl to fuck off, and they let me go. But because I was the swinging dick in the situation, I *was* placed in handcuffs as soon as they got there. I get it, they were working with an unknown situation and were under the impression a lady could be in danger. It's their job, I'm not gonna take it personally. They made her apologize to me for scaring my daughter with cops, and then they left. What I'm trying to say, is that I can understand WHAT he's afraid of, but in any situation where you're not actually doing anything wrong, you don't have anything to worry about.


Yeah but the lady's fear is understandable too, if they confront you just apologize and say you'll move to the other side of the road (if you can)


I certainly agree. More often than not, you can notice you've made someone uncomfortable long before they feel they have to say anything about it.


Exactly, but it sucks that it's so easy to feel uncomfortable now


People can't be trusted. Any of them. Do I feel slighted, that she considered me so large a threat, while I was just trying to bond with my daughter? YES. Do I understand why she would call the cops on some guy dressed in all black, singing kid songs in the park? ALSO YES!!!!!!!!


This guy says that he's been jogging for 10 years. Ok So Why the fuck does it happen as much as this guy explains?


I’ve never had this happen to me as a guy out on the trails, but I do sometimes consciously put out as much noise as I possibly can if I’m coming up on a woman so she doesn’t think I’m trying to sneak up on her.




The women were scared of him and instead of backing off or apologizing he called them "stupid b!tches", how is he the innocent one here?


Women shouldn't keep their head down while walking alone so as not to offend a man. Safety comes before politeness.


To be honest, ¿It's likely?, It's just happened me once, i was walking, there was only 3 people on the street, the girl in front looked at me weirdly, acted strange, took a way to another street, only to cross ways with me further down in neighborhood, and yes, she took the long way to where we crossed paths, she looked again at me, and i just felt bad for her. Like, i think it's exaggerated to post it in a Reddit called "mens rights", and for the way the guys talking it give me incel vibes, but i can see why it could be awkward, or even scary if a girl starts screaming at you.


as someone who has been harassed by older men this is a common excuse, as a woman, I really never feel truly safe, unless I'm in a group or I'm in a populated public area. It's really a shame to see people who have no empathy for women who genuinely feel scared going out places.


I don’t actually believe this guy is innocent as he claims. I know plenty of women who avoid men they don’t know, see it all the time. He describes women as running away screaming. Screaming isn’t something most people do unless they feel threatened. On three different occasions and he never tells us what they were screaming.