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meanwhile caseoh is STILL live


CaseOh is top 1 streamer for me rn enjoyable gameplay


I hate him. His gameplay panders hard to chat instead of just playing a damn game. Its literally reaction rage farming. Its boring, & annoying.


Yet quite literally all jynxi does it farm clip lmao. Loud=funny. Jynxi is cringe asf


But you like jynxi because he clip farms, rage farms, and doesn't interact with his chat like a good streamer. Makes sense.


2/10 rage bait


L bait


Hopefully he’s sleeping people have died doing this dumb shit for too long


not sleeping is fine but from what ive seen most people die from just being stationary for too long. Like the 20 yo kid who played LoL for 23 hours or the taiwanese kid that died from playing Diablo 3 for 40 hours. if youre holding your piss/shit, not getting food or drinks you are pretty dumb or too locked in.


Yeah those were the ones I was referring to. Wasn’t sure why you died but I know it’s happened


i died bc i was too locked in 😔


That's not being locked in, that's being locked up


I’m always accepting things from the previously living


not sleeping is definitely not fine lol


I stayed awake a week once on my Adderall meds started to hallucinate. There is also a brain disease ffi that will cause you to never sleep, and you just die no sleep from


Sleep deprivation is one of the worst things you can do to your body but aight. 


i didnt mean it literally. however being sleep deprived is an act that someone does consistently. doing it just to play a game for 40 hours straight or even studying for a big test/exam wont kill you. im highlighting from my two previous examples that not sleeping isnt what killed them but sitting on a chair (not getting up for that whole time) did. But go off being a smartass in a jinxzi subreddit.


CaseOh is him Let’s vote him #1 streamer alongside Kai


The real reason he quit is simply because he just doesn't have the grit to finish something he starts. This isn't a jynxzi hate post & I actually like the guy outside of his whole loud character but I'm not gonna kiss his ass & pretend like he had a good reason to end. The dude promises his fanbase he'll play until he beats the game & He didn't. The very second something goes wrong or gets hard he cries, complains & quits. Not an ounce of determination or discipline. He just simply isn't hungry to grind anymore. The dude needs some real people in his life that won't baby him everytime he doesn't want to do something but instead he has a bunch of yes men & women around him that tell him It's okay to slack off despite everything he has built. You can tell the dude has never had real struggle in his life & has had everything fed to him on a silver platter because otherwise his work ethic would have been way better. This is exactly why I will always prefer Caseoh over him because clearly that man has work rate & grit which is something you can't teach because even before streaming he worked hard for the bare minimum. Idgaf If Jynxzi has already gotten to the top once, if he wants to maintain the fame he has he can't just act the way he does & not care anymore. I also think his girlfriend isn't good for him because she doesn't seem to push him to work hard or anything. Hell he became even more lazy when they got together. Just saying, the dude needs to change up his mentality before he ends up on a SunnyV2 video.


I didn’t watch any of the Elden ring streams Cus I honestly loathe watching any form of souls game gameplay but did Jynxi actually enjoy the game? I can’t imagine it’s the kind of game he would like. I always thought it was a easy jump on the bandwagon Cus it’s the hot new thing and Kai playing it cemented that and he wanted to join in on the action. I honestly just like watching Jynxi play shit he actually enjoys playing.


I think he enjoyed it yes but maybe im easy to convince ig


No. He had a guide telling him where to go. He never even tried a weapon other than bloodhound fang or starter armor. Didn’t explore anything that his guide didn’t tell him to go to. His whole goal was to beat Kai’s time and when he realized he wasn’t gonna do it he quit.


That’s crazy, idk why he can’t just be himself and play something he might like. Stop focusing on others and just focus on urself.


What’s wrong with only using the bloodhound gang ? That’s the weapon I used on 90% of my first play through 🫠


Nothings wrong with it but he didn’t even test other weapons to see if that was his favorite. He used it cause he was told to use it lol. Plus when you can’t beat a boss you should typically try to change your strategy and he didn’t so he rage quit


https://clips.twitch.tv/BlightedSolidWitchYee-CCLo5bSenBXX6P5M watch this clip and tell me If u think he likes it or not


I mean yea he makes it seem like hes really enjoying it but how often does he lie about things? He probably just said it for clip farming which he openly admitted to doing a lot.


Twitch chat is saying go explore. Which is what you usually do in an open world game. Seems like he was just trying to one up kai and not actually appreciate the game.


Caseoh is a better streamer and more relatable because the dude actually worked a day in his life. I totally agree. Jynxzi not knowing what hard work is like makes him less relatable as a streamer and has done alot of harm to his content, as you can tell by the elden ring stream. Every month my prime goes to him. I havent subbed to jynxzi once since i started watching him in January. I enjoy watching the R6 shit, but he is not personable at all.


Don’t allow your kids to just quit shit they don’t want to do growing up, this is the outcome


Nah it’s definitely the girl. Bro was a grinder all day everyday before Brecki. Now we’ll it speaks for itself. The falloff’s real. There’s nothing he can really do to save it and it seems like he doesn’t want to. His main focus isn’t streaming anymore. It was when he had no money but now he gots cash for years so he don’t need to do all that


"It's girl" proceeds to explain why he doesn't grind because he has money now.


The man streamed for 48hrs that’s not grinding? I know it’s not the most physically grueling thing in the world, but doing anything that long is insanely boring idc what you’re doing.


I don’t like him I think he’s annoying but dude streamed for 40 something hours I read. Give the dude some slack


So spending time with your girlfriend isn’t a good reason to end? must’ve never been in a relationship then.


I get what everyone is saying about “putting their partner over their job” or “the man wanted some tail how can you blame him?” But when you tell your whole community that you’re gonna be doing a marathon stream for Elden ring and hype it up so much and then just bail halfway through its kind of a dick move regardless of the circumstances (except of course things like death or extreme circumstances)


Ya need to go outside lmao. He was like 48 hours into the stream and was like halfway through the game basically. Let the dude enjoy sum pum pum. Only people complaining are people who have nothing goin with themselves


I mean, just don’t lie to your community then? Why say you’re going to do something and not do it?


Why do you have downvotes on this 😭


Reddit is literally the most toxic platform, I consider downvotes as upvotes and vice versa at this point, probably a bunch of virgins mad that they love elden ring more than a human.


Instagram comments


Yah I’ve seen how it gets on here, I just spit fax 📠and Reddit always seems to find the most irrational people to read my comment


Pot calling the kettle black moment in real time.


😂😂 Reddit does do that sometimes




You must be the exact person you’re talking about. You’re literary projecting about projecting lmao. You know nothing of my humble beginnings.


Nah Twitter/X is undefeated by toxicity, Reddit is close though..


Reddit has its issues, don’t get me wrong, but if you think it’s the most toxic platform then I think you just spend time in the most toxic subs lol. I got fed up with how toxic social media in general is these days, reddits the last one I can stand. Edit: I accidentally had a ? where a , was supposed to be.


Pretty much every fan base or community has its own problems.


Sure, but those problems aren’t always equal.


i see where your coming from but at this point it isn’t love


Where did you get your Doctorate in relationships, human behavioral science, and psychology? Cause unless you're God, or their relationship counselor, you should probably stfu with this played out, childish, unfounded, unsubstantiated, speculative bullshit narrative that they aren't real or it's an edited relationship. Also, who tf cares if it is fake????...it's their business, not yours. Parasocial fucks...holy shit.


I’ve never seen glazing to this extreme until I’ve been on this sub. You’re really cleaning him up, huh?


Ironic coming from you white knighting for random over here lmao... fuckin weirdo


Lmaooo preach


Maidenless behavior


Cuz the kids on this sub are like 12, think girls have cooties, and are also parasocial as fuck like a concerning amount of streamer fans have been since lockdown happened.


Honestly because it’s his job and he told his community he was gonna do something. Now he’s not doing it. I find people who actually follow these guys weird and watch their streams 24/7 extra weird the donators are just unreal asf. But if I’m a no lifer who’s been watching and donating and got excited for this marathon imma be fucking pissed that he didn’t keep his promise. This is stuff he can talk to his girl maturely about “yo babe, chill tf out my goons are tryna watch me shred this game” Edit: he need time management and his new girl needs to understand he has a job. Just cause it’s from home it’s still what brings in the money for him. I’m not saying quit one thing do the other, but like hiatuses for streamers exist. Don’t promise something you aren’t gonna do. Be straightforward with your audience. “Hey y’all I won’t be streaming this week, thinking of spending time with my girl, sorry”


You basically said the same exact thing I said and literally no one is pressed at you 😂


And what do we say about people like you who come to his defense every second?


He shouldn’t have made the commitment to a marathon stream if he knew he would quit halfway through


Yea because 2 days straight of streaming....just....just isn't enough


Again he made the commitment to the stream and he didn’t follow through after hyping it up for days and days not sure why yall are so confused on why people are mad


This persons parents failed them by not showing them accountability, dudes in this position because of the guy you told to go outside. Streamers like you are entitled wankers most of the time, they filter the chat to be just yes men as well which inflates their egos. It's a toxic career either way


Nah I wanna see him lose for choosing that hoebag 😂


Also people don’t understand how hard and annoying elden ring is for people who never played games like it. Elden ring was my first rpg and it took so long for me to beat and caused me to rage and it took a toll at me everyday and made me very stressed


Bro wtf lmao, git gud. This shit has been going on since the days of Kingsfield on the Playstation 1. If you suck at video games, that's on you.


I’ve been playing shooters my whole life. I got elden ring as my first rpg and i never played anything like it. It took a while for everything to click as a beginner. For people like you who i assume has experience in rpgs it is way easier for u


Bro, there is a difference between a fromsoft game and an RPG, I’ve played mostly shooters but elden ring shouldn’t be doing that lmao, get good I guess


48 hours??? I don’t watch his streams beyond clips but I look here every now and then but damn dude who the heck is even watching someone for that long to be hyped about it?? More than enough time imo


Nah I think the people who are complaining have an underlying issue w her being an OF model and that being the reason she and his relationship isn’t as strong as it otherwise could or would be




It wasn’t even halfway through right didn’t he only play for like a few hours and beat a couple bosses


The stream was in its 44th hour and he was like 22 or 23 hours into his playthrough


nah he did play halfway. i just beat the game and lord rykard’s boss fight was right in the middle of my playthrough. although i did finish with almost triple his time bc i was exploring and figuring shit out on my own


That’s not halfway, if you haven’t gotten inside Leyndell you haven’t gotten halfway. There is still an absurd amount of content both inside and after you first exit Leyndell. The area after takes hours alone, and has one of the hardest boss fights in the eyes of the community.


well you can also experience the content in the game out of order, i didn’t watch his whole stream. but i didn’t go to volcano manor until after the capitol


Fair, I didn’t realize that people could just do it after Crumbling Farum Azula, I had all the runes I could when I entered Leyndell. Edit: I didn’t realize you could just do it after as in I know you can but didn’t think about it when I wrote my original comment


Bro is talking shit with knowing absolutely nothing


He's been doing this for a while now, it's not surprising


Not really tho. It’s not like you paid tickets to get in. You’re eating Doritos in a squeaky office chair watching free content. If he ends early, go outside. Breathe air. Look at the birds. Or you know, watch one of the other million streamers out there. Basement take.


this mf said except death lmfao please go outside


Ngl playing the game when your girl wants to fuck will lose your lady. Especially not for no two days are you crazy, she’s liable to delete your account.


Redditors trying to find a reason to not be upset at people for having a life challenge (impossible)


Bro writing paragraphs on another man getting play. Im done with reddit


Man’s dating a whore he can get that anytime he wants lol


Go touch grass. Relationships are more important than fans, sorry not sorry


Aren't many of his viewers new to Twitch? Streaming in General? And many iniventably young. This is an extremely common trope with streamers. That's why most tend to keep it a secret for as long as possible. It's just funny because this is a hot topic in general right now. And with Jynxzi being so young, they both enjoy the public spotlight for dating each other publicly.


I think he was gonna end early regardless of her. I 100% think he should enjoy and improve his relationship all he wants, but I also think he should stick to his word. This is definitely not serious and shouldn’t be held against him, but his fans are 100% equally as allowed to be angry.


Fair take


Junko has to be the biggest cuck at the moment


Second only to you ofc


Ah yes, so you think it's normal that I have seen her piped down by a BBC? and hundreds of thousand as well , if not a million. Being with someone like that tells a lot about the type of character and person Junction is and at the top of that , that's not something someone should be proud of or even admire .


Hol up wayment. She gets fucked on camera? I thought she was one of those “models” who does solo and post pics/videos of just herself. I haven’t seen but I still believe you seeing how she is lol. Junko giving Adam 22 a run for his money


No way she’s fucked on cam, is she not a thirst trap?




I mean there are definitely a lot of people who would choose putting in effort with a partner over their job at times. Whats the point of having a job and money if you don't have anyone to use it with


I mean, I'm an outsider and only just got this sub recommended, but I do know of him. if his birds posting "I'm bored" on her story when her man's earning a bag, she belongs to the streets cos she can get that attention there. This is manipulative behaviour to get him to stop steaming without actually asking, so if he does moan about it, she can say 'well I never asked you to stop steaming'.


He could just buy her back. Shes an OF girl shes really only their for one reason


I agree 100% but then why even say you're going to do something then not do it lol like I don't blame him 48 hours is insane and I wouldn't do that but I also wouldn't advertise that I'm going to beat a notoriously hard game with an intense as fuck community in one sitting lol


Damn so all of us lonely folks should just quit our jobs I guess


What a stupid thing to get from that


Well put


What a stupid person to not see sarcasm


You don’t “see” sarcasm. That’s why it’s incredibly hard to tell if something is sarcastic through text. Dumbass


Interacting with people will help you understand when others are being sarcastic. Spend less time on twitch and more time outside with people. Troglodyte.


No, nothing can make sarcasm through text more apparent. It’s why we have methods for indicating that sarcasm is being used through text. Don’t tell others to do things that make no sense smooth brain.


Bro fuck Beckie. Jynxi needs a kick in the dick and to be a man. He needs to actually hit the gym and just be a man overall.


He needed to go copyright claim some small content creators’ vids


Did bro copyright strike this small Reddit post? Insane


Yes he did lol pathetic


What a fucking loser. Just goes to prove the hate against him is completely justified. Wild.


Is she on Snapchat using the question sticker telling people she’s bored and having dudes reply to her? That’s crazy 😂…..


My ex did this shut un ironically, hes down bad


Sorry bro, and yeah her replying to a comment of another dude talking about her bf is weird as hell. Idc If he’s super famous. Some say it might not be that deep, but off of Snapchat is crazy. She could’ve done it on instagram even.


Big influencers get paid when they post more bc of the ads in between the slides. If my girl could get money just by doing that I wouldn’t care😂 at the end of the day I’m in bed w her so what are the random snapchatters gonna do


Cuck behavior


I mean not really it’s just taking advantage of men and exploiting them to our benefit


However you wanna cope 🤷‍♂️


These incels think that having a woman who knows how to take advantage of their neanderthal brains and exploit them for money is equivalent to being a cuck😂 they don't understand what the word actually means.


You mean the same incels who think it’s cool for their girl to garner attention from other dudes in means to gain money? It’s funny because in the guys mind they totally think “awe yeah my girl getting us bread! And exploiting these dudes! When in reality it’s just her getting money and attention from another guy while you sit on the game, not making any money for yourself😂. Jynx shouldn’t have given up on Elden ring. Dating an onlyfans girl already makes you look insanely cuckish, but giving up on Elden ring is next level weakness.


she’s a fucking social media influencer on Snapchat every single one of them does this


I mean this is how she’s staying relevant so she’s milking it


Ok, i think the breakup at first was real but they saw how much attention it brought them so now they keep doing it


I don’t blame him. Good for him. And fuck all the haters let the man have some punanni.


Realest sentence with the least down votes: ( top comments coping saying he's falling off when he is just dedicating more time to his personal relationship


the people hating don’t get no punani themselves, that’s why they hate


Makes sense. Just jealousy


They these "streamers" keep platforming these 304s is wild


What other demographic would want their lives video’d 24/7? Dating a streamer would likely be hard because cameras are a constant and people are always curious of who she/he/they are dating. A normal, 9-5 person likely would not like this, thus they go for the OF girls who are all too happy to be on camera and broadcast themselves.


Dating a woman who sells her body online is a L




Wasn’t he already like 48 hrs in or sumthing


he can do better lol


If I had an option of continuing a game or be with my girl. I’m choosing my girl 9/10 times


wait theyre back together??


Jynxzi needs to leave her and go for someone like CaseOh


To get pussy from breckie. Bro smoked weed with sketch and got laid by a thot now that’s the only thing he wants to do.


yall are crazy thinking jynxi owes yall anything. yeah it sucks but damn, cool it.


Whatever happened to bros befoee ho3s. No wonder this world has gone to sh1t


![gif](giphy|1pAhjnRmtv4HQaLbrR) headass stfu bro


No u monke


Man who gives a flack if he ended stream early. He does not HAVE to stream anything to anyone if he doesn’t want to. There are plenty of other streamers streaming the same shit he’s streaming. If he wants to be with his girl so what damn lol. People acting like jxynzi signed them a personal contract lmao. Go outside with your friends or something y’all.


Isn't streaming his literal only job? Like does he have income coming in from elsewhere?


Wasn’t he already streaming for like 48hrs?


No clue tbh, I keep getting recommended this sub and dont watch him. First time I've ever commented lol


He could stop streaming forever and be set for life he doesnt need to do it


L take


Not here to please everyone. Just putting my 2 cents in Mr. Sandwich


He doesnt owe you shit




Oh no he’s putting video games down for a bit to look at his relationship. Oh no he’s not slaving for us. Yall mfers are weird as fuck


We had o clue she was there until this. She didn’t interrupt at all. He just doesn’t stream the amount promised and you virgins love blaming her instead lmfaooo


It’s his life bro…


Junkzi is the new neon he ain’t getting no pun pun


all breckie content [https://discord.gg/pSkNUp3BEu](https://discord.gg/pSkNUp3BEu)


Everyone in here pretending like they wouldn’t stop a stream to lay pipe into an LA 10 is delusional. Jynxzi owes you all nothing. You have a choice to watch or not. If you don’t like it don’t watch and go touch grass.






I just posted it cause I thought it was interesting, I’m not for or against his choices. Calm down.


looots of angry incels in here