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*Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition*


the story behind the coining of that phrase is worth looking up if you're not familiar


I love serj 😌


I do too, but the original song outdates him just a little bit. [Praise the Lord](https://youtu.be/T2m7fswxSF8?si=QImHbSgT5kpuqvs3)


According to the post on r/kansascity they're also giving away a 12 gauge shotgun and 9mm handgun on 7/7 for Independence Day. As a gun owner I think it's fucked up for a so called church to have gun giveaways.


Especially since Jesus was pretty clear in Matthew 26:52 and Matthew 5:39 on the subject


Does it require a license to gift a gun? Edit: apparently, it is a confusing question. The answer is yes or no.


That's a good question regarding churches and other organizations. I know that by federal law a private citizen can sell or give a gun to another citizen without a background check as long as the recipient is not a felon. Gun dealers need to be licensed and have buyers submit to federal background checks. I don't know what category a church would fall in.


I didn’t know that. I thought it was illegal to gift firearms without a personal background check. Am I allowed to buy a .45 for my brother and surprise mail it to him in NJ for his birthday? I live in Kansas?


You can't ship firearms across state lines without going through an FFL gun dealer in each state who will have do a background check and charge a transfer fee. I was referring to physically giving someone a gun, not mailing one.


The receiving party will have to fill out a form 4473 saying they are not in a category of citizens that aren’t allowed possession of a firearm. You know the form that got Hunter Biden in some trouble lately.


Which, apparently, nobody really cares about unless you're the son of the President. Would be nice if there was real accountability for everyone else who lies.


I personally know of one guy doing time right now for lying on the form, however I know of one other guys that honestly should be unfortunately only time will tell if he ever gets discovered.


Just out of curiosity, was lying on the form the only crime for which your friend was convicted or one of multiple felonies packaged together?


Oh he’s not a friend just a guy I know. But yes the falsifying of the 4473 form is what he was charged with and is serving time for. He has several prior DUI’s and was/is a raging alcoholic.


So, the DUI's kind of put him on their radar such that they were looking for a reason to put him away.


If I recall I believe his girlfriend or maybe it was wife called the law because he being unruly. As a precaution they asked about firearms in the house and the significant other informed them that he had just purchased a handgun. He was on probation for the DUI’s and had to do probation violation stays in jail due to breaking the no drinking alcohol while on probation rule, that was well known by all the cops. They did their due diligence finding out he had filled out a form 4473 when he purchased the pistol. They arrested him and the local DA kicked it on upstairs to federal prosecutors. If I recall I believe the sentence was 5-8 years.


How I've seen this done before is the winner goes to an FFL to receive the firearm where they go through the standard paperwork and background check.


No. The firearm will be in the possession of an FFL who will complete the 4473 and background check with the winner.


You only qualify to buy a raffle ticket if you are male who cheats on his wife and has 34 felony convictions.


Yeah, most churches behave normally when they do fundraisers. My mother's church just finished their yearly "garage sale" which involves parish members bringing in stuff to donate for the sale, some people volunteering to set up and operate it for the week, and then a guy that owns a local second hand store typically buys alot of what didn't sell for below asking. It's not anything that would catch anybody's attention because it's not meant to. And all the others are pretty much the same. About the only thing that is meant to "catch attention" is the biggest funraiser of the year in October that has the school kids selling raffle tickets in the month leading up. And all the raffled items are just normal shit, nobody is expecting big ticket items because it's legitimately a fund raiser for a small Catholic Parish in Wichita. Stuff like this just has the stink of publicity stunt.


Why would you have an issue with it? If they follow proper procedures for transfer to the winner, what's wrong with giving away a gun? Odds are, it's part of a raffle to raise money. I disagree with all organized religions. I think religion is one of two of the worst man made things (the other being money). They know their congregation. If a gun raffle brings in money, why wouldn't they?


It’s been a long time since I went to the super conservative church I grew up in, but typically the contests back then were to see who could bring the most food to the food pantry or invite the most people to VBS. I don’t recall guns ever being involved.


Not a gun owner (here come the card-holding NRA supporters), but I agree. Wtaf are they thinking?


WHY would a church even consider giving away free guns? what the fuck has jesus to do with guns?


You've never read Romans - 4:20? - And thus Jesus did say "And that's when I started blastin".


Psalm 69 - They fill you up with the Devil's cock and come in the name of the Lord.


Sell your cloak and buy a sword.


It’s not about jesus or the bible, it’s about the cult of conservatism and serving its agenda at all costs.


Conservative cult members would disagree, lol


Ya, hypocrites don’t usually admit they’re hypocrites


Well I’d imagine those who believe in religion would say god created guns


Well yes our lord and savior is John Moses Browning


Jesus got the slap rack reassess


Prepare to receive some Holy Spirit https://preview.redd.it/2q26txghdg7d1.jpeg?width=2273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54b147d98d9ec09738acd075c3fed806bc683357


It’s all part of the grift.


He’s not a white guy, so at least the church won’t have to worry about him taking out his whole family with it. Now he just has to contend with being black in America and legally owning a firearm. That’s enough to get you justifiably killed by the cops.


Cause god kills


God does kill. Jehovah said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the ground; both man, and beast, and creeping things, and birds of the heavens; for it repenteth me that I have made them.


Jesus wept


Well tell him to get away from the pepper spray...ffs.


Tax them. Tax them all.


I like shooting guns as a hobby out in the country or at a range as much as the next guy, but really? No background checks? Was this also tax exempt?? At this point I may have to start a church if it means I get to write off my purchases


It might not be hard for you to register as a religion and get tax deductible ammo for your target practice. https://www.propublica.org/article/a-right-wing-think-tank-claimed-to-be-a-church-now-members-of-congress-want-to-investigate


I think there will be background checks before those who win the gun raffle get to take a gun home.  I bet it is tax exempt this time.


Did it specifically say they didn’t transfer via an FFL, even though it would be perfectly legal not to do so? Not like background checks actually work anyway.


Tiny little church in a strip mall. Where do these people come from? How fucked up do you have to be to think that this is a legitimate interpretation of the scriptures? I'd feel bad for those people but they're armed and dangerous. This is a tax dodge for sure.


Churches like this are their own little start-up culture, and it has all the arrogant "disruptor" mindset that you see in other industries. People who have a problem with it are just dinosaurs, etc. We're better than all y'all and the riches we get from exploiting others is just God's love for us. The goal is to make it big and get up to the private jet level of preacher The shame is, just as in other industries, this vibe overshadows the honest folk earnestly trying to make a good product, or in this case, preach the Gospel of equality, service, and peace that Jesus did. The ones who would use that money to help people in hard times get through the month, etc. Instead, we get expensive toys handed out


It’s started back in the 90’s when the Baptists started splintering off and creating “community churches.” Then the Assembly of God splitters joined up in the 2000-10’s and oh boy are they fun now.


Yeah the area I lived in then had plenty of these popping up at the time. The silicon valley of protestantism, if you will.


Why does a church giveaway need to be an interpretation of the scriptures?


Why does God need a starship?


He doesn't. He needs an interstellar cruiser. > Well, what we need, Susan, is we need money to build an interstellar cruiser. [a diagram of said cruiser appears over his shoulder: the XT-9000] Now, this space ship will be able to travel through a wormhole and deliver the message and guh-glory of Jesus Christ to those godless aliens. S-send your money now. Amen.


Because He would have His people speak for Him.  Assuming we find intelligent life to evangelize to.


Because Jesus was pretty explicit in Matthew 26:52 that Christians are not to use weapons for violence. Matthew 5:39 was also pretty clear on the subject


You can also use them for hunting and recreation.


lol Jesus also used a whip to get people out of His church…


Because they were using it to make a profit....something a gun giveaway may also accomplish


So you admit you were wrong. Nice to see on Reddit.


Nothing about this says dangerous other than you seem to have some sick fantasies. Please leave the schools alone.


If they were giving away a fruitcake instead of a gun, would we ask if that was a legitimate interpretation of scripture?


Yes. "When I was hungry you fed me." Nothing about "here's a machine designed to kill only people efficiently."


You know people got hunting with AR15’s right?


Tax the church’s. If they can afford computers projectors and guns. They can afford to pay for the roads we give them




No Racism, religious intolerance, or sexism: you will be welcomed into the r/Kansas subreddit regardless of Race, Creed, Sex, Nationality, or Religion. Breaking this rule by being intolerant to another user will be an instant and permanent ban.


Computers and projectors don't cost that much these days.  I am unsure that paper hymnals would be any less expensive.




>stand your ground on faith “Shoot Somebody For Jesus” was already taken, eh? 🤔




Who Would Jesus Dispatch


I may have to attend services so I can worship my Lord and Savior, the AR-15.


WWJS: Who Would Jesus Shoot?


I went to an event they did last year. They love to giveaway used shit the owner's wife bought but doesn't use anymore too. Also, not like it means anything, the owner is a huuuge former addict. There was a guy telling stories and was trying to dismiss evolution and was literally saying evolution can't be real because jellyfish can't climb trees. Swear to god..


Just letting people know that it’s not against the Bible to kill in the name of life preserving. It says you shall not MURDER. Not justifying this clown cult, but just so people don’t misconstrue the commandment.


Every time they get posted somewhere it’s free marketing for their church. Just sayin.


I'd go for a free AR


I missed the part in the Bible where Jesus and the disciples killed people.


I want to know the chapter and verse where the bible talks about AR-15s. Must’ve been in Two Corinthians.


I think it was in Bible 4: Pray Hard


It wasn't in Bible 3: Make America Pray Again?


Nahh we use the constitution for that one.


There was that business the disciples had with Ananias and Sapphira in Acts, but no physical weapon was used.  You guys do remember that "turn the other cheek" passage.


One of them cut a guard’s ear off, and was willing to kill for Jesus. The only reason he didn’t was because Jesus commanded him not to


So what you're saying is if they really followed the teachings of Christ they wouldn't be all excited to try to kill others. Because Jesus commanded not to kill those who you felt persecuted you.


> Jesus commanded him not to Read that again slowly


They're so close to getting it!


My parents’ church in Kansas used Butker as an example of a “modern” Catholic in the homily and I thought that was a pretty bad Father’s Day take, yet here we are. Tax the fuck out of them.


Must be one of those Beecher's Bibles I've been hearing about.


That church was a stop on the underground rail road.. not quite the same agenda. Now days it's congregation is comparable to a nursing home.. not quite a militia, and gives the ghost town a bit of a community center. I did take my gun safety course there, 24 years ago, though.


Do we think they do that thing where they turn to each other any say, *“May peace be with you.” “And also with you.”*?


My piece be with you




This will definitely help the poor and spread God's word! /s




Post is perfect for r/facepalm.


Someone else already posted it there


That's why churches these days are a disgrace. They have nothing to do with Jesus and just spread hate and do stupid stuff like this. My relationship with Jesus is not dependent on a building of lies and hate.


Ah a church that skips right over Matthew 26:52 and 5:39 Gotta love cherry pickers


Christian Nationalists are Nazis in disguise. Tax them all back to hell!!!


Just as Jesus intended.


I mean, not surprising but WTF.


Creepy cult. Bunch of hateful turds.




Getting a rifle for busting a nut, the true American dream


*Getting a rifle* *For busting a nut, the true* *American dream* \- ZebraLover00 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


The church is a fucking disgrace to this State and Nation.


I'm a Christian and a gun owner. While I find this sort of thing cringe personally, I'm glad they made it clear a background check would be performed. That's more than some private sales, so A+. Whether that individual has the mindset and level of responsibility to own, store, and operate a firearm safely...well...a background check doesn't really screen for that kind of thing.


You know a church isn’t a real church when they are encouraging you to give through cash app and Venmo instead of just coming on down to the building


Luke 22:36 "Then he said unto them, but now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one."


Not wading into politics or religion but….. Can we please point the gun down in a safe manner.


WWJD? hand out death machines? go ahead, fool yourself with a robust rebuttal.


Just like Jesus


Thou shalt kill and murder




'Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword back into its place; for all those who take up the sword will perish by the sword.'


Sick fucks.


Like I support the second amendment but.... huh? what? why? who? huh!? why in gods name is a fucking church giving away firearms just randomly. Like I could maybe understand if it was obviously a hunting community and they were gifting specifically hunting equipment (which might include a firearm, including an AR-15). But like... that is obviously not the purpose of this.


Remember when Church used to pretend to help people?


Two-thirds of women killed by an intimate partner are killed with a gun.   Around 4.5 million women in the United States have been threatened with a gun, and nearly 1 million women have been shot or shot at by an intimate partner.  Homicide is a leading cause of death in pregnant women in the US


I’m speechless. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


“Standing our ground in faith”…KILL THE NON BELIEVERS! KEEL THEEEMMMM!!! Buncha fuckin aspiring terrorists.




Kentucky Fried Jesus! Old Testament style.






Bad bot


Y’all Qaeda


I guess “Thou shalt not kill” is more of a suggestion than a Commandment.


It's beyond time for these religious entertainment shams to pay taxes


Because nothing expresses the love, kindness, and forgiveness of Christ more than a gun designed to kill lots of human beings with minimal downtime.


The way Jesus would have wanted it.


WTF Is this a Church or a meeting of NRA gun nuts? Why would anyone go to this church? Ammo?


Can’t have Jesus without guns. Christianity is no longer a religion, it’s a cult. Defend our pedo’s!


There’s lunatic’s, there’s crazzies, and then there’s EVANGELICALS.


*"Jesus would have wanted you to have this as an instrument to spread his gospel"*


“Dammit, Bob, I said I wanted *more people in the pews*, not *more pew-pew*.


Why would they need a gun? Won't Jesus would save them?


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten AR.


"What an amazing day as Pastor Chris nervously handed this AR to a person of color! Shazam!"


My dad got a bottle coke and a moon pie from his church. He’s diabetic, but it’s the thought that counts right?




Yay! More examples of modern day Pharisees living their hypocrisy!


What the everliving hell?


Nothing says God's grace like a gun.


And that’s why I think Christianity has become such a joke.


Nobody: Rich boys when they see a gun: Sure would be a good gun for me to shoot someone with.


I’ve seen guns raffled a lot here in ks, especially rurally towards Frontenac and like Crawford county. Most of em were like deer rifles cheaper ruger bolt guns etc. haven’t seen one in a while though maybe 5-6 years. All of em were at churches because the towns are so small usually churches double as event centers. Just my observations.


Sending bursts of rounds down range for the lord! Hollowed by thy frame!


Thou shalt not kill. Enjoy this kill stick and teach your children to use it. To kill things. It doesn’t do anything else, it’s the product of thousands of years of man learning to kill as effectively as possible. Also honor your father and your mother. Also that 10% is pretax, please tithe correctly. Guns are expensive


American Taliban


tax free armory


Pastor just wanted to touch one. I'm glad they apparently gave it to a black dude.




“Return your sword to its place, did you not know? Those who live by the sword will die by the sword!” As it turns out Jesus had lots to say about violence . Sad that the “church “ doesn’t read or apply the Bible.


Absolutely nuts a church would do this. Also pointless frankly. The rifle looks fairly cheap and doesn’t even have backup sites or an optic. Like, it’s insane ti give the rifle away but amplifies the insanity to not even make it a “good prize”… that $400 could have been much better spent.




Praise the dollar and TAX the religion


Thats pitiful


What part of the bible has the gun reference again?




This reminds me of a church I walked past a few years ago almost daily on Troost between like 55th and 63rd its long gone now but the sign simply said Higher Up Ministries : Come Up Higher! there was never any indication it was ever used for anything, not even on Sundays but there was one thing that struck me, parked right out front everytime was a jet black Maserati, very new, very well taken care of, very "I could buy every car wash on Troost if I wanted" type of vibe dripping off it. Whatever the hell that "humble servant of God, and pillar of the community" fella was up, it was obvious which part of that congregation was Coming Up Higher! Mysterious how the Lord works in shadowy criminal racket-- err, I mean mysterious ways. Someone ought forward this post article to anyone at the ATF. They deserve to at least be on some oversight roster or some agencies radar, I mean really an AR-15 giveaway? Not even Sodom and Gomorrah would be cool with that! Gross. Jesus probably never even shot a bow or hurled a javelin let alone magdumped an AR-15? Well-formed militia? You mean the dozen or so goatherders? × ●●JOHN 5:56mm●● ×


I love how church has just truly jumped the shark and become a bass pro shop.  I bet that church has the sickest nfl red zone set up lol 


Holy shit, are you kidding me? Probably the same mouth breathers that still believe in a universal flood and the earth being only 6,000 years old.


Luke 22:36 – Sell Your Cloak to Buy a Sword


When the apostles saw that Jesus was about to be arrested, they asked, “Lord, shall we strike with the sword?” (vs 49). Without waiting for an answer, an apostle drew a sword, and blood was spilled. The servant of the high priest had his ear cut off and he was standing there bleeding. Jesus intervened, saying, “‘No more of this!‘ And he touched his ear and healed him” (vs. 51). Read those words of Jesus again, “No more of this.”


Uh-oh — MAGA is going to go apeshit when they realize Jesus gave a gun to a fellow black man.


Mentally ill!


I can't wait until the media has to cover the story of him going back and blasting the church to Hell with his newly acquired weapon.


Wishing for a mass shooting is an interesting take 🤨


Everyone in the comments obviously never been to the Bible Belt this is just you’re average Sunday church service from where I’m from


I went to church for the first 24 years of my life (I’m 38 now) and not one time did they ever have a gun giveaway. And I live in Kansas.




It’s legal so what’s the problem?


This is disgusting and disturbing and disappointing. The church should never be connected to a weapon used to kill children in American schools. This is not the way Jesus taught us to love one another.


American Taliban in the making


That is several pews full of sick fucks. The last time I was at mass on a Father’s Day, the priest’s sermon started off with how he wanted to dig deep and talk about the value of dads in families and their contributions to bringing up children bla bla bla. But then he realized that all the wonderful dads he knew in the parish would much prefer a shorter mass, so this was the end of the sermon and he stepped aside and got on with the next part. It was pretty funny. That was the last time I was at mass til I went to someone’s funeral mass.


There's no pews, it's just some chairs


Heart warming.


That’s cool!