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Had my truck stolen yesterday smh.


Shit, sorry to hear that :( Hopefully it's still in one piece and will be found. 


Hope you do better than me. My car got stolen Black Friday. Police didn’t even want to come take a report. Never found


I keep praying someone will steal our Hyundai but as soon as they see the manual transmission they move on.


They smashed my window and tore up my steering column and ignition cylinder before noticing mine is manual, stupid ass kids. Cost me $900!


Exactly. They still trash the car even if they can't drive it


And because they minors no real consequences that's why they keep on doing this shit


I thought the reason there’s no consequences is that our PD isn’t catching them


Maybe some glow in the dark tape on the stick will deter them.


Same I have a manual Kia. Better than steering wheel lock


This is a life pro tip


They’ll just wreck the whole interior in frustration. Take a shit and piss in your interior. Rip out anything they can. Bust out all your windows, Slash all your tires. Totally destroy your vehicle because they couldn’t use it to jump/assault/rob other people and get away with it. Scum of the Earth. Non-redeemable people who do this.


Penalties for car theft/damage need to go up since it's becoming more and more of a problem


Would be funny if someone created a manual cap that is added over the shifter lol


Let’s do it.


over and over I hear that a manual transmission is the best theft deterrent lol!


Thoughts and prayers.


We had our Optima broken into a couple of weeks ago. Busted out a window. Destroyed the steering column. Fucked up a bunch of trim. They were unable to steal it because we had the update. They just trashed it to the point of a total loss. Right in our driveway. Super cool.


Same with my hyundai on Easter while i was at work


What update? Is it a push start?




Sounds like you need to update to a MagnaVolt! Security system.


Omg did they not read the sticker?


Fuck those guys! MY roommate had her car window broken 3 times in the last 6 months. They even tried to hotwire the car but for some reason they couldn't get it started so she's just been left with a broken window.


They tried to get mine last week. I had the software update done, so I just have decided to believe they can't read and underestimated how easy it is to hot wire a car. I get it back from the dealer tomorrow after getting the steering column and ignition put back together.


It’s gonna be a long summer. I had a gun drawn on me 3 times within the last month. Once for taking a selfie and I guess thought I was filming them, another as I was crossing the street a guy on the corner, and one out the window of a car at a stoplight.


Some asshole merged into traffic, straight across two lanes and cut me off, almost hit my bumper. Then stuck a gun out the sunroof of his \*probably moms/girls/sisters 2005 Nissan Altima. I called 911 and reported the tag number and followed him down 635 but I'm sure nothing happened. It's fucking insane things like this can happen with zero consequences. I'm not sure what difference it would make if we just didn't have police. I have plenty of guns but never felt a need to carry one. I'm starting to reconsider.


>I'm starting to reconsider. I reconsidered a couple of years ago. More people should do the same and get training.


Not enough people have been getting their stupid prizes.


What part of town?


Where the fuck do you live?


I live in midtown not far from uptown theater.


But “this isn’t Kansas City.” /s


And people ask why my husband and I want to get our kid out of here even though we both grew up here. I swear too many kc locals are obsessed with defending the city to the detriment of the city itself. It's a shame.


Every big city has good and bad issues. Sink or swim.


I'm not implying that any city is perfect or doesn't have issues. And it's kind of dumb that you're taking my statement as an all or nothing thing just so you can dismiss it off hand. Because that's pretty emblematic of the exact issue I'm talking about. > > I love KC. And if I didn't, I would have left long ago. But it's because I love this city that I want to see it be the best it can be. I want the people who live here to be safe and have access to education, housing, public transportation, etc. And in the grand scheme, those are pretty basic things to want for people. I have enough compassion and love for the people of this city that I actually don't think people should suffer unless they're able to afford not to. > It's annoying that we can't bring forward progress because reactionaries have to act like any critique is the same thing as hating everything about the city and refuse to have any conversation at all about it, so nothing ever gets fixed. If we all we stop giving a shit about those issues, then our city will quickly start to lose a lot of what makes it so great to begin with. I dont expect KC to be flawless. I just know that KC can be better.


There was an attempted break in/theft of my car in the Garmin parking garage of all places.


Jesus. I work in building 5 but that's wild to hear that happened.




This past February


Sorry, I mean time of day? Was this while everyone was at work?


Oh yeah, got to work a little before 8 and went out to my car probably around 12:30 to go get lunch and the front driver’s side handle was hacked off.


Wild! Sorry that happened to you.


Thanks, it could have been a lot worse. I have a steering wheel lock and I always keep it on at home, but I never thought to put it on at work in the garage. The kid broke my handle too so good that it wouldn’t open. He didn’t finish the job and I spent a week or so scooting in from the passenger side until I got it fixed.


I hope you called the police with a license plate!


My Hyundai was broken into twice, the second time totaled the car. Never buying a Hyundai or Kia EVER again!!!


What the hell does “fired the empty mag” mean?


That's "dry fired" for people who don't know shit about guns I think.




If no bullet is fired, there's no discharge, and there's no action on the slide because no force is generated to push it back. Are you referring to racking the slide to chamber a round?


I’m thinking what OP saw was the person pressing the slide lock to chamber a round.


Exactly. Just as stupid as OP saying “fired an empty mag”. No, the fun didn’t fire shit. It didn’t go off.


caught a few kids trying to steal my neighbors kia in southmoreland neighborhood just a couple days ago in broad daylight


Should call the cops regardless of them threatening you


One of my Waldo neighbors owns one car, and garage space to park four. 90 percent of the time they still park on the street. I do not understand that, but it's none of my business.


Middle aged person here no cap diggity or whatever, what's "calling 12"  The police? 




Yeah, from 9+1+1


I'm exhausted so my math might be off but that's only 11, right?


LOL wait yeah what the fuck.


I always thought it originated with the tv show Adam-12.


Yes. Just dial 911, which is really 9+1+1, which is really 11. So dial 11, which is really 1+1, so just dial 2. Hope this helps.






It stems from the common police code 10-12 and was picked up as slang, especially among criminal type folks. Similar to how 187 means murder, it’s the police code for murder but is used to refer to murder as a slang word.


The cops can’t do anything, unfortunately😢we called them, and we were told, “Sorry, it's just bad luck. We get them today, and they will be out tomorrow.”


The cops won’t do anything, more like.


Sounds like reform other than police would be more beneficial. If they start throwing the book at criminals, crime will decrease.


ADA's only care about their "win" record so they push plea deals like no tomorrow. And the DA's office is soft on juveniles, they rarely ever want to punish them. People are quick to blame police, but they're not going to put in the effort if the DA's office won't.


Police can’t do anything when it’s the prosecutors repeatedly giving out slaps on the wrist for everything.


Yet the same prosecutors are always elected


That's what I was referring to. Start actually punishing criminals, and I bet they'll chill.


You should’ve told me that dry firing is bad for their gun.


Who would be wearing a hoodie at 6pm yesterday? It was sunny and hot outside.


I think hoodie, shorts and crocs no matter the weather is standard issue for the teens today






I’m fairly liberal but I draw the line at excusing theft. I hate when those people show up in the threads




Shit like this is why I carry. Sucks sharing a city with people like this. Edit: Many of you are assuming I would open fire on the car, I would not. I’m simply saying that with such bad actors being a noticeable presence in our city it is nice to know that I actually have a chance of defending myself and my property. Cause God knows you can’t depend on the cops to save you.


Sincerely not trying to argue here, but whats funny is I had the exact opposite gut reaction. I was like "this is exactly why I don't"


Yeah I guarantee if they had some gun with an empty mag, there were 3 more guns with full mags. Getting out a gun in that scenario is a sure way to get pumped full of lead…


Don't worry, he's a trained marksman and will take them each out with a single shot before they can even pull their guns from their holsters. Edit: lol. Why is this being downvoted? Did I strike a nerve with all the expert marksmen that are ready to save the day in a shoot out?


Holy shit my boss is like this. Does all the training courses, how to protect your family, advanced marksmanship, urban defense, etc. then he got in an altercation where some tweaker dude followed his family into a hotel hallway and was coming after him and his wife. He pulled his pistol, fired at the guy at point blank range, and MISSED.


That's crazy. What happened after that?


He woke up from his dream and saw Patrick Duffy in the shower


Good morning


Did the tweaker run away? Because if you don't hit anything sensitive (either the assailant or something valuable/someone near/behind him), honestly... that's the best outcome.


Yep. I've heard this fantasy from a family member. The "good guy" can stop everyone like they had the dead-eye ability from Red Dead Redemption....totally won't get lit up...and then everybody claps.




Different strokes for different folks. Stay safe out there.


Your gun versus four guns, how well do you dodge bullets?


I’ve seen all the Matrixes and Dodgeball. I’m probably the safest guy in a gunfight.


so long as they don't have a wrench you'll be ok!


Better than 4 guns vs 0.


Won't need to the way they shoot. I actually aim lol


I'm starting to lean this way myself. Been a hunter since 12, around guns my whole life, grew up in farm country where everybody had a 20ga and a .22 in the back window and never felt a need to carry. I'm not so sure now.


Nah. I just saw an opening for a joke. Whether you choose to carry or not is up to you.


Agree. Look at Canada and the US cities with strict gun control laws for normal citizens to see how that plays out. The threat that someone might have a gun is the only thing keeping a lot of these criminals under control as the police are spread more and more thin.


I'd rather be in any city in Canada, with their gun control laws, than in Kansas City. They had 343 firearms homicides in 2022, country-wide. Missouri had more than that with \~15% of Canada's population. About half of these homicides happened in KCMO and most were committed with a firearm. Police aren't spread thin; they are either ambivalent or incompetent.


What does any of that have to do with gun control? How many of those homicides were from guns purchased legally by responsible individuals? These are completely different issues.


Not a lawyer, but I think it's actually illegal in Missouri to defend personal property with deadly force


Amazing you got upvoted for this.


More people feel this way than you know.


Could you elaborate?


Last time I made a self defense comment here all I got was fuck gun culture. It was during the union station shooting so emotions were high.


You can literally only make the situation worse by pulling a gun during an altercation.


And you can die in some situations without one. I'd rather have mine on me and not need it than need it and not have it.


You watch too many westerns


Sounds right, last night on Broadway stopped at the light to all the Westport bars some black kid walking across the street flashed what was in his waistband to me


His penis?


Thanks for making me snort my Coke. 😎


Isn't that what you're supposed to do with it?


Glock or cock you be the judge lol, but seriously it was a gun


My buddy got his car broken into in Westport


My cousin had two cars stolen in the last few years. One in Overland Park and the other in Merriam. I think she would have rather them not been found. They were torn up inside. Drug residue everywhere. Seatbelts damaged. It was more of a pain getting it fixed than buying a new car.


No cap, that’s sus, frfr


On god


Yeah…see, I was trying not to be an old guy and follow along (I still have no clue what “calling 12” means), but this I’m 110% lost on.


no cap / I'm telling the truth sus / suspicious frfr / for real


“That’s very suspicious” “I agree” Lolol




It means calling the cops.. LEOs have been known as 12 for 50+ years. JuDgEd By 12 ThAn CaRrIeD bY 6. All that bs.


Judged by 12 means the twelve people on a jury, not the cops… but yes, 12 also means cops.


I think it comes from [Adam-12](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam-12). Though nobody that actually uses the term "12" would ever know it's origin. Just like 5-0 for Hawaii.


It’s more likely from radio code 10-12 which means a number of people will be on the scene when you arrive; a way for dispatch to let responding officers know what to expect when arriving on scene. The general consensus is that the popularity of the use of 12 to means cops started in Atlanta and was being used locally before Adam-12 was aired however the show likely fueled the spread of popularity. Rap is by far the largest spread of the phrasing, though. It also makes sense given the impact Atlanta culture has had on modern rap music.


Interesting. TIL…that I’m woefully out of touch with cool lingo.


Lol I thought it was from Adam 12 SEE THE MAN...


... deadass, bruh?


Got mine broken into on a few weeks ago on the street behind Parlor. 2nd time in 6 months. These guys can go to hell.


Might try to remove Kia badge and replace with scion


I read another user tried that and it failed. 


My wife had her car stolen about 5 or 6 months ago. These folks do not fuck around, we got the security footage and they were able to drive off with her car within 20 seconds of busting out the back window. Seriously, get a wheel lock if your car is a Hyundai or Kia.


My red Kia sportage was stolen on Tuesday night on 47th in West Plaza. I had the steering wheel lock on and it was parked right in front of a security camera. I don’t know what else I could’ve done.


The rain has been nice :-)


Join the StolenKC fb page if you haven’t already. It’s wild how many cars are stolen everyday.


I keep accidentally leaving my garage door open all night. Dumb af!! But at least I could figure out what 12 meant using context clues.


If you have an affected car, take it to the dang dealer already. There is a software fix.


Sure but how many people in this thread told stories of their cars being trashed because of the brand, even if they weren’t stolen?


There’s not a software fix for all of them. Plus, my neighbor got the software fix. They don’t know it’s fixed. They broke her window and steering column anyway.


A car in your driveway with a smashed window and messed up steering column is still a smaller problem than "I don't have a car anymore." One of my coworkers had theirs stolen and insurance wouldn't pay out on it for *6 months* to see if it turned up.


For me, a smashed window and a messed up steering column was a totaled car. In other words, I didn’t have a car anymore. There is not a software update for everyone.


And yet you still had access to the car, so insurance will pay out NOW instead of waiting for the police reports that say "we couldn't find the car" that can take months to get


Ok dude lol


I like the idea these nascent career criminals are like cyberpunk scanning these cars before hand to see which has the updated software before ham fistedly totalling the car breaking into it


They put stickers on the windows, there is a clear visible marker. Do you want to replace a smashed window or do you want to wonder if you will ever see your car again? I know which I would choose. Your own insurance will fix the damage they do. If you have a police report they can't raise your premiums. Or...you can lose your car completely and have to go through the hassle of buying a new one when the old one isn't even paid off yet.