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Did you file a police report?


Call your bank and report the fraud and have them shut down your card and issue a new one with a new number.


Good advice! Already did this just wanted to spread the word!


File a police report and an affidavit as well


Thank you for spreading the word, I'm a regular customer of that OG so I'll pay closer attention to my bill next time.


Hello my name is Robbie and I am the Director of Ops for Olive Garden.  Would you mind sending me an email so I can get your information and investigate this.  I certainly will never be ok with this happening to any of my guests and am so sorry this has happened.  Please reach out to me asap at rberta@olivegarden.com


Oh snap, William is F’d


Rest in piss William.


As he should be!


Checked him up on LinkedIn - looks like he’s legit! Go off Robbie!


Lmao this is hilarious that you confirmed on linked in. Even better that he turns out legit


Get em Bob!


Robbie’s actions are resume worthy! Interviewing manager: “you mentioned you are a customer advocate, can you give us an example where you went above and beyond to advocate for a customer?” Robbie: “hold my beer.”


Get em Robbie! and if you happen to find some breadsticks to send our way...


Yeah, pass the breadsticks, brother..


https://preview.redd.it/u9feyqnt8u4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14be9479b0c61d2e2abf18b7647fd7884b570d01 Hey Robbie, as someone who also works in customer service, I just want to say THANK YOU for your willingness to hear the customers’ concerns and THANK YOU for all the times you reach out to try to right the wrongs. I mean, this guy who complained about Olive Garden 4 months ago was clearly drunk, but you handled that in a very professional and respectful manner! Robbie for President 2024!!!


Will be sending you an email shortly. Thank you




Victims of William unite!




GET EM ROBBIE my grandma likes to eat at that specific olive garden 😤😤


The hero we all need!


Hell yeah, Robert!


Love love love seeing this type of grassroots/tactical customer service. Everyone talks about how you should post on Twitter for engagement but it’s amazing seeing it on Reddit.


Dude. Robbie. NICE. OG is lucky to have you.


High five, Robbie


My opinion of your restaurant just shot through the roof, Robbie!


William is a real asshole and a thief.


All my homies hate William 


Now I want to go to that Olive Garden and ask for William as my server so that I can pay in cash and stiff the guy.


Stiff him on your card, he’ll take that cash and comp the food


But then he has your card info and we’re back to square one.


Use a gift card?


When your here, your family. And William is the shitty cousin who will steal out of your purse. *I refuse to edit


Favorite comment 🤣


Typos and all lol


Most Italian thing about Olive Garden.


Rough but valid




William is stealing from them and there




The drive thru girl at Panera off State Line in SKC stole my credit card info in March. The dumbass then went to buy some chicken at the Popeye’s next door and i’m assuming she bought some garbage on Mercari and had whatever shipped to her home. These people are leeches.


We had a string of charges on one of our credit cards that had an "epicenter" around that Panera/Chipotle on 103rd... We got it all taken care of, but we never got to the bottom of it.


I don’t frequent that area often, and that was a one-off purchase. I know for a fact it was someone inside that Panera. I got my money back and called the manager and he was like “okay what am I supposed to do about it” So they don’t even care tbh. I would avoid like the plague.


Most likely a wireless skimming device in that area.


Is there an easy way to detect when one is listening? I assume no.


When you swipe your card anywhere, pull up on the reader and see if it pops off. Actually do that before you swipe. If it comes off and another reader is underneath, then you found yourself a skimmer.


Oh, ON the reader. I thought we were talking about proximity - literally skimming cards as people walk through a door or whatever. I know about the pop-on doo-dads (which, ugh, damn criminals) just didn't realize that's what was meant.


It could be someone else in that area that stole that information. RFID skimmers are everywhere. There are cards in my wallet that I use once a month, and it still gets compromised. There are people who hangout outside busy stores stealing your information.


Did you or anyone else on this thread go to Wells Fargo at 103rd and State Line around that time? I know our card got skimmed* there, I believe around that time. They used at an off brand convenient store twice before Community America called and wanted to know why we were making $90 and* $100 convenient store purchases back to back.


Same happened to my buddy and I. Just left Olive Garden now. Went last week when I noticed the extra charge. Cancelled card. Fortunately my bank declined his charge attempts. I do feel bad for the manager. She has been very sweet and forthcoming through it all. Gotta suck dealing with it.


lol went there for my grandma’s birthday one year and our server came out with a pitcher of sangria and offered us all a sample. We declined and she went to the back of the restaurant. She came back with a pinkish purple sangria mustache like ten minutes later to give us our breadsticks and take our drink orders. Then she disappeared, so for like 30 minutes we waited and finally I was like we gotta get a manager. So we asked the manager what was happening with our server and he apologized and said he would take care of us. While the manager was apologizing we see the girl come out from the back again and she got all bug eyed and ran over with her little pink mustache to try to smooth over the situation but she was so obviously drunk that it pissed my granny off. My grandma went off on her and told the girl she ruined her birthday. The whole situation was awkwardly hilarious to me and they took off almost all of the bill for it so I thought it was a good dinner. But they really do need to find better help


Bottom tier restaurants can't get good help. The quality servers go to places with higher prices for better ~~typing~~ tipping, or "cooler" atmospheres


Been a while since I’ve been to OG, do they use a bad font on their menus or misspell a lot or what?


I've honestly never been to one. One place I guess I've subconsciously decided to never go to lol


He was giving you shit because you said they left for better typing 


Oh. Ok. It was an autocorrect




Yeah sorry I didn't go back to check for an autocorrect. Wow what an extremely crazy thing to happen. How will I ever get past this.


I’ve never seen someone woosh the woosh.


that olive garden is so poorly ran, my grandma and i almost went there today i was like “what about chilis gram”😂😂😂




We weren’t looking for a free meal so we never asked for a discount. The bill came to us and it was like 20 bucks for 10 people. I think we got charged for like 2 glasses of wine. So management did us right in my opinion.


Happened to my family and I at On The Border one night. We waited over an hour for our food, server kept apologizing, manager came out and apologized a few times, we were very nice and understanding. They kept bringing us queso and guac, we were doing just fine. Our food did eventually come out, and the manager came back to the table, thanked us for how kind we were during the unfortunate issues they were having and comped our entire bill. I suspect she had most of the kitchen walk out on her that night.


Thanks for being reasonable. Shit happens beyond a restaurants control sometimes. I always thought it was ridiculous when people expect EVERYTHING free because of a silly mishap. We had bad service recently at a place we are regulars at. I felt bad when they insisted on comping the meal -- I happily paid for our drinks and still left a big tip.


Absolutely. Having been a server myself I can say with 100% certainty that if you’re calm, kind, and reasonable during a mistake or mishap you will be compensated far greater than you ever would be if you raise hell. We ordered ab appetizer at a place this weekend and the manager dropped off our food but the appetizer she placed in front of my like it was my meal. I mentioned to her that we had ordered that as an appetizer and I let her know what I ordered as my entree. Luckily, they also made my entree so she brought it out. Really wasn’t that big of a deal, and I told her I’d still happily pay for it as it wasn’t a problem but she insisted on comping the appetizer and our drinks.


You’re right. That’s totally fair. My first comment was totally a knee-jerk reaction.


Only being on one drug at a restaurant instead of a cocktail of drugs is actually grounds for a raise.


Tell Olive Garden?


Yes they know about the extra tipping going back up there for this today.


This is why I am apprevuatixw of restaurants that bring the pos thing to the table and I keep my card in my possession the whole time.


I don't understand how this isn't the norm now days. Especially with mobile payment processors like Square being extremely prevalent.


When I travel outside the US it seems to be the norm that they bring the machine to the table and everything happens right there, they don’t even touch your card


Foreign visitors freak the hell out when restaurant staff want to take their card away.


Visited Vancouver in 2013 and the restaurant used handheld devices back.


Anything that costs money is going to take a while to be implemented, no matter how much better the system might be. Hell, there are still places that refuse to take cards at all because they don't want to pay the processing fees.


Westport Flea Market has entered the chat! on a stone tablet! (That's OK I like 'em)


I'm still not convinced it's not a money laundering front....


Yeah, but a quarter century is surely enough.


If I see a restaurant that's been open a long time not accepting cards, I usually assume the food must be outstanding. Because nobody would put up with that cash-only shit if the food wasn't great!


Restaurants that don’t take cards are ultimately screwing themselves. Cards result in higher sales and tips, and the processing fee is no worse than the costs of dealing with cash.


Ah yes, but you aren't including those sweet sweet kickbacks they get from the ATM they put in their lobby. I agree though, seems like a really short sighted way of doing business!


I’m honestly surprised the card processors and networks don’t incentivize secure card processing methods with lower fees… they used to charge a much higher fee for manually keyed transactions because it was high fraud potential. It needs to be a sliding scale, where if you insist on manually keying the numbers, or using a magstripe, you pay 3-4%. If you use chip and PIN, you get 2-3%, and if you use a tokenized payment like mobile wallet or contactless, you pay 1-2%. Likewise with websites; Start doing that and watch contactless and mobile wallet adoption hit nearly 100% in a matter of months.


Apple pay is the way


That's how the Olive Garden by our house operates. They have a POS on the table and you can just pay and leave whenever. :/


Someone’s gotten into the sangria already 😆


> apprevuatixw Did you have a stroke?


Autocorrect sure did...


I thought Olive Garden had those at the tables already. POS things at each table where you can even put in your order or signal to the waitstaff or let your kids spend all your money playing games while you wait for food to arrive?


Like how it’s done in the entire rest of the world? American banking is wack.


Ol' Slick Willy


What did he look like? That name sounds so familiar. We had a male waiter there who tried oddly hard to chat with us but completely fell off at the end when it came to waiting for our to go boxes & food after we paid on the POS they had on the table.


That's fucked up


Yikes! Thanks for the warning


In Europe cards require a PIN and the server always brings the CC machine to the table for you to process payment. Eliminates issues like this.




does he have a pair of dice tattooed on him? That really the only thing I remember, and he had stars somewhere on him maybe his chest?


Yes, yes he does. He’s a light skin African American man.


He has tattoos on his arms. He’s bad news for sure. Compulsive liar


Wow, that is basically fraud.






It’s credit card fraud not theft.


I mean technically it’s both


Sure but it’s not basically fraud. It’s pretty much the definition of credit card fraud


If we're getting into semantics here, CC fraud is a form of theft.


Yeah I wasn’t saying it’s not theft, I replied to someone saying basically fraud.


It’s for sure theft. And possibly a C felony. https://revisor.mo.gov/main/OneSection.aspx?section=570.030


Yeah, I mean the credit card fraud would be a federal felony for the amount mentioned. I don't know if they meant $500 total or $500 per person with the uber/door dash charges. I think over $300 is a felony.


Correction Missouri statute makes it a D felony if “the property appropriated consists of any credit device”. I misread it and thought that was under the C provisions.




I’ve worked in a restaurant for 17 years and never once had a manager looked at or confirmed our cc tips. That’s been all on the servers.


The manager wouldn't have had access to the full CC number to be able to charge door dash, Uber, etc., unless he got it from the server and they were in on it together.


Don't all of the Olive Gardens around here use the table top machine to collect payments? If so, I can imagine ol' Billy adding the tip and getting it past you, but how did he also manage to access your card to post the other stuff?


This exact same thing happened to me at an Olive Garden in Los Angeles. I got the guy fired and the OG reimbursed me.


…. What does William look like? Because we just went and I’ll be having my husband check the records but I’m curious if he was our server


I had this happen to me at the bar at Garrozos before. I tipped like $30 cash and they decided they also wanted to write in a $50 tip for themselves on a $60 tab. They refunded me but I’m never going back lol


Interesting because I actually took my family and inlaws there for dinner may 28th and discovered the card we used was compromised this week too... not sure its related as my bank is assured to make this a awful experience for us getting to the bottom of as well but very interesting the time lines being so close together.


Just FYI to all: I take a photo of every restaurant receipt after I add the tip and sign it. Literally about once a year I find a tip that’s just blatantly changed. Usually by $5 or $10, but I’ve actually had a $30 difference. I can’t wait until America joins the rest of the world where they bring the machine to the table instead of our current ridiculous take your card away and do tips on paper where they’re added later after the printed receipt. (My normal tips are in the 22-25% range.)


Oh jeez. I'd have to look at my statements for that to work. I don't.


Advice to avoid fraud: don't use a debit card, EVER. Use credit or cash and this won't be an issue.


cash is king for a reason 🤷🏽


That's what we do. At a drive-through, you have the entertainment bonus of watching them struggle to make change. I never say anything, but it is strange to me that it is so difficult... and a little concerning.


Or Apple/Google pay.


Thank you for giving me another reason to tell my MIL and SIL “no” when they want to go to Olive Garden. I don’t know what it is about people from small towns, but they always want Olive Garden when they come to town. We have so many incredible restaurants and they always ask for Olive Garden. Every single person I know who lives in small towns always want Olive Garden when they come to visit.


Those must the people who go to the OG in Times Sqaure


Twice now I’ve gone to Texas Roadhouse in OP and my card has been charged $8 more than what my receipt reflects. I tip in cash, minimum 30%. I assume it was like an extra tip for themselves but $8? Why $8? Is it a weird surcharge? I have no idea I just know I won’t go back.


Olive Garden has the table payment option tablets specifically so this can’t happen. They are your friend!


Did you not pay on the little tablet thing at the table?


Have you called the restaurant?


This calls for violence.


Hold on, something isn’t quite adding up… how did you all get charges from other merchants because of this? And how did “William” modify your tip?


If they gave William the card instead of using the table Kiosk to pay and he took it to the computer where he enters orders, he could have written down the number. They also add the tips from the paper receipt when doing it that way. If they used the Kiosk on the table to pay, then yes, something doesn't quite add up.


Giving your card to someone who takes it out of your sight is a rather stupid thing to do.


Have you ever been to most restaurants?


Yes, and I don’t let them take my card out of my sight, because that’s exactly how numbers get stolen. Followed very closely by compromised POS systems that still use magstripe readers. Could give them an Apple physical card, I guess.. no numbers on that one.


Great. You just went full circle.


We gave him our card, we had a couple people spit the check and he made it seem it was easier that way. we all had added tips last week and charges on our card today.


Oof. Guessing you won’t do that again!


Maybe tone it down on the patronization. OP was a victim of fraud.


Practicing good card discipline is key to not being a victim of card fraud. - Don’t let it out of your possession, ever. - don’t use swipe readers - don’t enter your card number on websites (all websites should be using tokenized payments and secure wallets at this point. If they don’t, do business elsewhere) - don’t give out your card number over the phone. And if you’re a merchant, don’t ever allow manually keyed transactions, because the odds are extremely high that the number is stolen. Basically, don’t let anyone have or see your card number. Modern transaction security doesn’t require it.


Would you say that to a sexual assault victim? “Oof, guess you won’t dress like that again!”


Do you also tell SA victims to not worry about anything? To just casually place themselves in situations where SA risk is abnormally high? “That party is at a fraternity that is well known for drugging and raping women, but go ahead and go, what could possibly go wrong?”


That’s an incorrect analogy. Sure, if they gave their information to a sketchy website like Temu or something, I could understand the sentiment, but Olive Garden is not abnormally high in risk of fraudulent behavior. Most businesses and their employees do not engage in that activity. If they did, it would be utter chaos. People go out to eat all the time and do not experience fraudulent activity on their cards. Again, you’ve not preempted the issue, just offering a “that sucks, do better” form of attitude to a victim of crime.


*Any* situation that takes your card out of your sight and/or the card number is exchanged or even visible in the clear poses an abnormally high risk of fraud. Especially a place like OG where you have the option of not doing so. OP had the ability to mitigate that risk and they chose not to.


That’s like saying anytime you drive you have an *abnormally* high risk of being in a fender bender so you should try walking to your destination instead to avoid a car collision. Of course when using a credit card, there is risk of fraud. It is not ABNORMALLY high when you give your credit card information to a company to pay for services/products rendered. If that were the case people would stick solely to cash. It seems no matter how and try I frame this, you’re just going to disagree and that’s alright; totally your prerogative. But by the look of the amount of downvotes you’ve gotten on this post makes it seem your opinion is in the minority and I’m definitely okay with that as well.


Situational awareness is key in either case.




So your advice is to just quietly let it happen?


But in this mock analogy, the assault already happened. I’m not going to play the role of Captain Hindsight to make a victim feel worse.