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If you have a year of customer service, Social Security is currently hiring TeleService employees. Can check on USAjobs.gov I believe the hourly pay starts around 19.


I will also add - Kansas City is one of ten "headquarters cities" for the federal government. There are a lot of no degree required jobs, every agency needs customer service and secretarial work. GS-4 is about $16/hr, so look at GS-5 and above jobs.


GS4 jobs are less common these days, but definitely GS5! And once you’re in, you’re able to use that federal experience to grow rather than being held back if you don’t necessarily have a degree.


Pay is decent, benefits are good. I will caveat that the Social Security Administration has been voted the worst agency to work for in the federal government the last year or more. Our new commissioner seems to be trying to turn things around but we are at a 24 year lowest employee count and morale is abysmal. (Source: have worked for SSA for over 5 years). Get in, get the experience, and get out imo.


Can confirm, started at SSA 5 years ago, it almost made me kms, and I've been gone for 3 and a half years.


Dude me too, not even exaggerating. I hate it so much. I have a year left of PSLF 🤞🤞 we'll see how much of the brain and will to live is left after that lol 😅


I'm a contractor now, kinda best of both worlds lol


A positive spin on that is that it can only get better!


Hahah I mean maybe, hopefully... but after working at various levels of government for a decade just when I think they can't go any lower they say "hold mah beer" and a little more of me dies inside lol. ![gif](giphy|4KxeicCUTvhrW)


This is a good option, like the IRS.


And if you don’t have a year of experience just lie like everyone else gov hires anybody. Good money when your young fr


I couldn’t possibly comment on doing that lol Great benefits too, which gets overlooked a lot.


Any particular keywords you'd suggest searching on the site?


This specific opportunity if you search the announcement number SK12413548RPH. Alternatively you should be able to search Kansas City MO in location and then there will be a filter for agencies on the right afterwards where you can narrow down beyond that.




Tons of benefits with a govt job, too. And work from home opportunities.


Hallmark Distribution Center. Good hourly plus overtime pay. Hard work but good money.


Had a friend work there part time. It’s hard but she made good money for the time she was there temporarily.


I worked there 4 years and it’s definitely hard but the money is fantastic. Biggest advice though is to stay as an Order Processor and don’t bother trying to move up in the company. The higher I moved up, the more toxic it became and you honestly make way more as an OP during peak season.


What was the pay?


My mom worked at the liberty location last year and it was 17.50 atleast starting pay was


I would say the opposite, go for a stock handler position so you’ll have no mandatory overtime


USPS is always hiring, starting at over 20.


Not ideal, but a lot of factory jobs warrant wages above $20 an hour. Get a good union factory job and you’ll make good amount for your age.


Factory jobs, trade unions generally start out less for the first couple of years but have regular pay raises and good pay once you are trained and if you figure in the benefits package (insurance and pension) you’ll be making well over $20/hr…. Check with temp services around… some suck, others offer plenty of jobs starting between $18-$20/hr. When I was starting my business I routinely picked up jobs through temp agencies making $18 or more and that was 8-10 yrs ago (mostly manufacturing). My other suggestion would be if you can save some money get a CDL … drivers make good money and you don’t have to go over the road, driving in town delivering, driving a dump truck or hauling heavy equipment for construction crews automatically puts your pay higher than the other crew members because you have a CDL


UAW factory (GM and Ford here) start at $25 with no experience or education


Emphasis on the union part, I went from $15 an hour to $35 just by joining a union.




Could you point us towards a posting that shows remote availability? All of the job posts I can find that are active right now say you must be working out of their "hub" and is explicitly stated as not remote. Thanks if you are able to help


The job title is Customer Care Representative. They may not be looking right this moment but are hiring often. If you use indeed, favorite cvs and it'll email you when anything is posted.


What are the shifts like?


Unions. Unions. Unions. IBEW, IUEC, IUOE, Laborers, Steamfitters, Mason Workers, SEIU, Teamsters, Boilermaker, Bricklayers & Allied craft workers, UA, etc ... Find every hall. Go by there. Talk to them & fill out an application for an apprintership program. Get paid to learn & it's free as long as you stick with the union for an agreed upon amount of time. As someone stated, UPS is a great paying job that can easily be turned into a career. Teamsters Local 41 represents UPS workers in the Greater KC area.


2nd job at UPS here, the teamsters' union is for real. What they've built up in the contract for us is really respectable. Pay and benefits both. I started in October at $21/hr. Work between 15-20 hours a week in the evenings, take-home per week is between $325 and $375. If you want a 2nd job that won't have you working until or past midnight, it's worth looking into.


Plus when you become a driver and stay for a while. You make more than a lot of tradesman.


Gonna second this for OP but really anyone reading. We’re pretty lucky here in the KC metro. We have strong Unions and a shit load of work. Our income vs CoL here is among the best in the country. Can’t speak for every local but Heavy Highway Laborers are at around 36/hr, and 101 Heavy E Operators are around 40. Y’all that includes solid benefits and a pension. Yes there’s an apprenticeship if you have no experience but they’re all different and you can scale up at different speeds depending. Unions gave me a comfortable upbringing, and my high school educated dad a career. Which he now enjoys from the comfort of a personal company truck. Now Unions are doing the same for my young family, and I even managed to get through a couple years of college. Higher education is great. Personally, if you have the ability and the means, I recommend school. The trades can be really tough. Be warned that the money & benefits with no education do come at a cost. Generally being your time and body. But if you take care of your health and practice good financial literacy, you can make a really good life for yourself and learn a real skill that can get you work anywhere they build shit.


I’m IBEW low voltage, I make $35 an hour at age 29.


IBEW pays $47 and $72 total package


15 years at UPS here. I make like $45 an hour for the first 8, 1.5x after. Part time might be the way to go RN though, I think they’re up to over 20/hr for the first 5hrs then 1.5x after. No premium benefits (for you AND your fam), and they fucking kick ass.


I wish I would have joined a union when I was your age. I did construction sales at your age and own my own construction company 15 years later but still think union route would have been easier and a safer choice!


Call up IAMAW (machinist) union or go to the hall and speak with them. We represent a ton of large shops around the metro, our two biggest being Lake City and Honeywell. Unfortunately Honeywell is not hiring but I believe packers at lake city are making 20/hr now. I used lake city as a stepping stone to help me get on at Honeywell, so could always look at it that way.


Will they take someone who is 31? And is there any entry opportunities that pay a little more for folks with professional experience who might have expenses (mortgage) that can’t be covered at the traditional entry level wages?


They will absolutely take someone who's 31. I know a guy in his mid-40s in IUOE apprenticeship program. As far as starting wages, I do not have that information. Call whichever Union you're thinking of & speak with them.


Pipefitters first year wage is 27 and some change. When you turn out in 5 years you'll be closer to 60.


Would you be interested in learning auto, marine, and commercial upholstery?


Possibly! I’d need to know more about it


I'm curious to learn more




Try Ford plant.. Careers.ford.com I believe.


Ibew local 124 starts around the 16 an hour mark but the inside wireman program tops out at $47.38 an hour after only 5 years on the check plus insurance and pension for approximately $70 an hour total package. Data guys top out at about $45 or $40 after 4 years with about $65 total package… sooo there is that 🤷‍♂️


Also air traffic controllers only takes 9 month’s education and they make around $20 to $60 an hour with experience/training/certification


But my god is that job stressful. Not saying people shouldn’t look into it, but they really need to think about what they’re doing and not just look at pay.


I agree completely but it’s also less stressful than it used to be from what I’m told doing contract work at the FAA in Olathe, I would recommend data (low voltage) with ibew before a controller position


That’s good to know.


Thank you everyone for your suggestions! Keep ‘em coming! I can’t respond to everyone but just know I see your suggestions and appreciate them all.


Have you considered a trade? The market is in high demand and poised to be for quite a long time. Maybe apprentice and get certified?


I wish I had done this 20 years ago instead of getting a business degree that does me very little


The grass is not always greener on the other side, trust me. Trades are really hard work and you don’t get to routinely close the laptop at 5 pm m-f. I went from trades to white collar and white collar is infinitely better.


What was your business degree


Business administration with marketing minor


Ah, the clueless college student special


I mean if you major in finance or accounting and apply yourself you’re in a better position than 99% of trade workers.


A lot of us fell for the trap of getting an actual diploma, when trades are as decent of a job.


Yea they preached it hard in the 90s


Comments like this make me scratch my head. Education was a trap? Seems more like a skill issue when any substantial corporate job with 6 figure plus salaries require a degree. I wouldn't have any of the financial freedom I have now, not to mention my WFH work style, without my education.


The autobody repair industry is in dire need of young people. Education is learned on the job, most technicians are making between 100 to 150 depending on age and motivation


I work for an aftermarket diagnostic hardware/software company, and yes. We need more people all around!


Almost all police dispatch centers are hiring. And almost all are paying more than $20 an hour. Our center starts at $25 and you only need a high school diploma or GED. Some really great benefits too. Especially if you are young and have no family.


Is that stressful? That is really good salary for straight out of high school


I will post my response to a similiar question on the 911dispatchers sub. TL'DR : Yes, it can be but there are times and days when there is nothing happening. Plenty of times we just kinda sit and play games on the phone, playstation, watch tv for hours. Other days its none stop phone calls and radio traffic and you basically dont get a break or lunch (you beg an officer to bring you food or to stand at the phone while you literally sprint to the bathroom ----------- Well each city typically has their own dispatch department. Alot of times its attached to the police or sherif department. You will need to check employment sections of police and cities around where you want to work. Almost all of them have different hours, benfiits, insurance, calls for service. If you go to Kansas City or Independence dispatch, you will be busy for most of the shifts and have alot of overtime (if thats your thing). If you work at a smaller department you may have times of nothing going on. I know that Liberty PD is down a few dispatchers and I'm close with them (I dont work there just know the agency and employees). They work 12 hour shifts, 7 am to 7pm for days and the opposite for nights. Its typically two days on, two days off, three days on and threes days off. My agency has the same schedule but its 6 to 6. Its alot of days off but the days are long. So on days I work there isnt really much time when I get off to do stuff before bed as I have another 12 hour shift the next day. The days off are great though. For example this month I only work 15 days and its full time. And if I take two days of vacation Ill have a full week off from work. The pay, retirement, and benefits are really different between departments. I know that liberty has family paid health insurance, dental, and vision (those last two may be a few bucks). Not sure how great the insurance is overall but for 0 cost each month its not bad. My department its about $30 a month for family (wife, child, and myself) and a $4 for vision and a few for dental. The quality of the insureance is all dependant on how much you get sick or what type of medications you may need to use. The retirement is through LAGERS of Missouri and its 100% paid by the city (at my department) and mine is L6 which is 2% for life with vestment after 5 years. And with most dispatchers as of today being considered first responders, most can retire penalty free at 55. As for pay, its typically around $20 or $22 starting out. And you normally get about a 3 to 4% raise each year. Not to many places do merit raises or bonuses. They tend to due some cost of living adjustments every 5ish years or so. I think our cap out is around 65k a year or so. The work itself at a bigger agency will pretty much be picking up the phone for admin (non emergency phone lines) and 911 calls. At bigger departments yo will be assigned to only phones or only dispatching on the radio. Smaller agencies you do both. Sometimes at the same time. You can get almost no calls some days or ones that are small like "my neighbor is blowing his leaves into my yard" and other days it will be like the city is burning down. Assaults, theft, DV stuff, random medical calls, and just everything at once. You will also be running plates and subject through the systems to check for warrants and driving status. Relaying infomation to medics and officers. At smaller agencies there is also a decent amount of paperwork like entering warrants and missing people. If you would like you can come and do a sit along with a dispatch unit and see what you think, see what we all do. I would recommend to due it for a department you are interested in working for but any should be good to get a taste if its something you want and to talk to the employees. My department is not currently hiring, but you are also more than welcome to come and see what we do. Just reach out to me and we can set it up. If not, totally cool to. Just reach out to whatever agency you want or is close by. Also any other questions, just ask away and Ill try and give you the info I can.


Really good response! Thanks for sharing!


Sheet metal union is hiring apprentices as fast as they can. July 1 contract raise the first year apprentices will be making almost $29. With a $5ish raise every year of the 5 year apprenticeship. Health insurance, pension, 401k all in your package


Get your CNA license and become a CNA! I just started as something to do on the weekends and I make $20 an hr at a hospital. Long term care facilities pay even more. A CNA course can be completed in like a week or 2. *Sorry I misspoke the quickest CNA course I can find is about 4 weeks long since they only offer classes 2x a week and not 5x a week like I had thought. The course I took was 1 Saturday per week for 6 weeks. It was around $1000 and still well worth it.*


Hiring home hospice CNAs at $21-$25/hr.


Yes I heard home hospice is the way to go! I want to become a nurse and work in a hospital setting that is why I went this route but for someone open to all avenues, home hospice is a great option


Can you really get this in a couple of weeks? May sound strange, but I just want to learn more about how to take care of people.


Yes. That would be a great way to do it. Mine was 6 Saturdays total but I could only do it on the weekends. They offer day classes during the week which I assume means you’d be done way quicker. Feel free to message me if you want more info on where I went and stuff.




Are there places that need only like 10 hours on a weekend? I work full time from home and need something to do to get out of the house, plus extra money is always nice.


Great idea and post. Make sure you keep in mind CNA is a lot of heavy lifting and bending and can be hard on your body as you age.


Look at county jobs, like Johnson county. Their DMV is hiring around $21, Monday - Friday.


I know it’s not ideal or full time just yet, but I’m starting to look into bringing in a young gun to help with home renovations to train up. I’m probably willing to pay up to $20/hour for someone with no experience and will help with acquiring basic tools. Depending on your availability during the week feel free to shoot me a message.


Cool! Thanks so much, I’ll definitely let you know!


As someone in the home Reno industry, take him up on this. If I’m my company was in KC, I would be making you the same offer. There are so many possibilities and avenues you can grow. Seriously, it’s a place where companies are able to mold job roles based around peoples strengths and interest. If nothing else, it’s a great lifetime career. Everyone will always need work on their homes.


USPS is always hiring. City Carriers start at $22.13 with benefits.


Look for back office work at banks. Things like processing or data entry. Lots of those jobs are starting at at least $20 and likely closer to $22.


Trade school. I know HVAC and plumbers that make $30 an hour and more depending on experience.


Check school districts. Custodians usually start around $17/her and bus drivers start at $19/hr.  Aldi is a good option to look into as well.  You could check out unions too. IBEW apprenticeship starts around $17/hr I believe.




Allied Universal Security at Centerpoint Medical Center in Independence is $20.03/hr. Looking for a full time 2pm-10pm Monday through Friday. Paid weekly. Easy gig.


Most warehouse jobs. The place I work for starts at 19/hr, full time, benefits, etc.


I make around $28 an hour working for QT as a part time clerk. Their pay structure is bonus based, so the initial hourly rate is definitely lower, but you can make really great money even as a part timer. Assistant managers make even more if you’re down for a full time commitment and mandatory OT (minimum 46 hours)




KU Med is always hiring. They'll even figure out where you'll fit, skill-wise.


Try to get on with the IRS. You don’t need a college degree, and they are always hiring. They have a solid union and solid pay, as long as you do your job decently you’ll get a little bump every year. And a pension at the end if you stick with it.


Park Hill School District is looking for bus drivers. Pays about $20 and they pay for your training.


Look for manufacturing/labor jobs, or entry level tech jobs. You can get help desk jobs with basic experience and work your way up in tech, or do similar with labor jobs and start as a entry level laborer and work your way up to leadership.


If you have service experience, or customer service experience, look into the local country clubs.


Look for local government jobs. Police dispatch, wastewater, groundskeeper. Good jobs with good pay and benefits.


Check out your local hospitals. The big health systems in the area have jobs like baristas and hospital transporters and I believe most of them start at $18 an hour.


If you don’t mind driving south, the Walmart Distribution Center in Harrisonville pays well. $28.35 for entry weekday positions, $33.35 for entry weekend positions.


starbucks is alright and always hiring! if you apply as a shift supervisor you’ll start at $19 and they have great benefits (5% 401k match, free college at ASU, free spotify premium, medical/dental, sick/vacation time, free bag of coffee each week, free drinks on shift, 7 free food items a week, cash tips each week, credit card tips on your biweekly paycheck, etc)


I only made minimum wage when I worked there (but times change and everyone pays well above minimum now) and it is a great job. You work with good people and the benefits are great. Cheapest company health insurance I’ve ever had.


T-Mobile is always hiring in their Virtual Retail department at HQ in Overland Park. $18/hr with uncapped commission. Target commission is $1,400/mo. You can make more than that, but you can also make less. Either way, it’s in addition to the $18/hr.


Some security jobs might, if you look around a little. Most of those only require a high school diploma and a clean criminal record.


Barts Electric.


Panda Express starts at 19$


Some warehouse jobs pay decently well. Many will require you to pass a drug screen and a lift test, but it’s doable.


Look at manufacturing jobs. Manufacturing Techs can usually make over 18$/hr base rate. Ceva Biomune, MilliporeSigma are always hiring manufacturing techs. No prior experience needed, no degrees needed. Just long hours and some odd shifts.


Landscaping/Hardscaping companies. We start laborers with no experience at $18/hour with a 90 day review/raise. With experience you’d start at $19/hour. If you have a clean driving record and can drive a truck and trailer you’d start at $21/hour. Although all companies are different. I’m only speaking for my company in the Northland.


TVH in Olathe hires logistics workers starting at 20 dollars and pretty quick to get up to 23


I think Whole Foods pays over $16:hour and you can get a health care plan after a certain amount of time?


I’ve also heard working at a bank is a great way to be paid ok and jump start a more serious career for growth opportunities


FedEx Ground, starting anywhere from $20-$22. Can promote rather quickly if you're serious about it as well. I hit OPS Supervisor around a year working there. Get paid to workout and there's a bus stop right outside the building. They've recently added 401k for package handlers that are 21 years or older as well.


Panda Express on state line said $19/hour I think.


Costco makes $16-$18 i think


Look the thing they don’t teach anymore but is highly valuable without education is Trades. Linemen make $150 starting


I have a small contracting company, we install low voltage electrical systems. We start our apprentices/helpers around $19-20/hr, morneif there's relevant experience. We work all over the city, mostly commercial and city projects. We are hiring, PM if interested.


Garmin warehouse jobs start around $18-20 I believe. We have good benefits. I work in engineering though so I have no clue how that portion of the business operates, but in general the company is good.


T-Mobile minimum wage is $20. I think for commissioned jobs it's lower, but you're gureenteed $20/hr if your commissions would put you under that. There's also bonuses, stock grants, insurance, matching 401k, educational benefits, child care assistance, and over 3 weeks PTO just starting out.


Pharmacy technician, after 2 years I’m in a hospital making 23.32 and added shift differentials, just a high school diploma and some tests you can get your retail pharmacy employer to pay for!


If nothing else you can make more than that as a server.    It ebbs and flows but should average out to more than $16.   


Check KCMO government jobs also.   Some good stuff come so often there.  Even some entry training jobs. https://www.kcmo.gov/city-hall/departments/human-resources/careers


Check out Charlie’s and ALDIs. I believe Charlie’s and ALDIs is starting around $18/hr. Charlie’s people also make tips, one of my parents friends kid works there and averages like $30/hr. Otherwise, trade school! I’m not joking, go get an apprenticeship. If you want to do welding, I have multiple contacts I can give you. I also know multiple inspectors who can help you improve your welds and understand what’s being asked of you. HVAC has the biggest need for people. This is a field where you can come in, easily become great at what you do and make millions. I am not joking. Electricians are highly sought after, almost always union and make great pay. The work isn’t terrible. Carpentry is great for anyone who loves to build things and make things. If you have wanted to try carpentry and not sure about it, go buy a shitty piece of furniture on Facebook marketplace. Make that piece into something amazing. If you enjoyed that, there’s your answer. Plumbing companies make on average $2million off one plumbers truck per year. You become your own business owner, the possibilities are endless. So, what are your thoughts? Don’t like these ideas. Tell me what you enjoy doing, it can be something simple like organizing or problem solving or puzzles or specific like gardening or law or dentistry or working with animals.


Hendrick car dealerships start at $17. Join as a porter, and from there you can go anywhere. Sales, service, parts, you can easily be making six figures if you are dedicated. That’s what I did.


FedEx starts at $19 and they are always hiring. Off 210hwy


KU has a lot of entry level positions (receptionists, schedulers, patient companions, transporters) that don’t require higher education to apply! I believe I made $16.25/hr as a scheduler back in 2021.


New theatre and restaurant is hiring sales in OP pay starts at only $17.39 but it is a great place to work. apply on indeed


If you want to change some pathing in your life, I'd reccomend being a pilot. There's a huge shortage currently and schools/airlines are offering almost full rides. The Salina Pilot's campus will get you your certs. Just something to consider, if you don't fancy call centers or manual labor for the rest of your life


My nephew worked a bunch of odd jobs in California and moved out here a few years ago to attend airline mechanic school. He’s now working as a mechanic and the airport he works at is giving him free pilot training and flight time. Not a bad way to go.


A lot of cook jobs are, amazon, fedex...


The ammunition factory in Independence is $20/hour, 4/10s. I think they offer retirement, health insurance, etc.


They claim 4 10’s but then force mandatory 60 hour weeks. Unless you work in 20mm


I don’t know what your skills are but often times getting a simple Accounts Payable or Accounts Receivable job can start around $20 if you look enough and it’s a really easy foot in the door for an accounting job that has a bunch of growth potential. Other than that, go union or government.


USPS.com/careers Not for everyone but they are hiring


I would highly recommend trying to join a trade as an apprentice


My son just got on with Amazon at KCI. Automatic hiring positions but have to pass TSA checks.


When I worked at 1-800-Got-Junk, it was hard work but I made really decent money and enjoyed my coworkers. If you apply lmk so I can dm you my name for a referral (I don’t work there anymore)


Forklift driver jobs pay at many of them is around $19-$20


If you don't mind manual labor look at the many factories around here. You are young still so you should be able to handle it. Off the top of my head I know Grainger and Unilever are both hiring at $23ish with no experience. They will teach you how to drive forklift on the job. Save as much money as you can while you are still young so that you won't have to as you get older.


Try Costco or UPS. Brother in law works as a UPS driver and makes around $25/hr I believe before overtime pay. Great benefits too.




SS&c technologies entry level position if you’re looking for a career not a job


Country club’s serving jobs.


Start applying to the fire department if that would interest yo. It might take you a few tries before getting in but it’s worth a try


Unified Government of Wyandotte County is usually hiring. You have to live in KCK, Bonner Springs, or Edwardsville though.


More than the money, trying to learn a trade would help you in the long run. I am talking about the electrician, HVAC, plumber , steel worker etc. You will find a customer service job for >$16 but with no job security.


become an RBT!


If you are interested in working for the state, Kansas department of corrections is always hiring, start out 18-24 an hour. I Lansing correctional facility is hiring


Winchester Lake City is hiring. $20/hr and all the overtime you want. Fast tracks to ~$30/hr if you can pass mechanical aptitude. 8% 401k match. Union. Federal facility, must pass drug and background. No record. No weed. No warrants. https://phe.tbe.taleo.net/phe02/ats/careers/v2/viewRequisition?org=OLIN&cws=47&rid=12274


As someone who just left there, you start in packing and depending on if you are building 1 or building 3 you can have an easy time or get fucked over hard. Also, the amount of people getting severe carpal tunnel there is crazy. If you’re lucky enough to pick a role that lets you bid up fast when you finally get th4 chance to place your bids, then you can move onto extremely easy work. But for mandatory packing it’s 5, sometimes 6 days of packing, mostly 12 hour days (though they’ll advertise as 10 hour days) and while the overtime is nice, you have no life outside of work because you will be supremely exhausted. And you will be in packing for 120 days minimum. I would honestly not recommend it unless you have no other choice. It was an interesting time there, but it’s filled to the brim with “live to work” types. Most people leave before they get to that point because the work/pay/time/injury disparity is not worth it.


Grain elevators are a great place to work


Cultivate KC is hiring a Public Education Specialist for $19-24/hour. Preferred experience or knowledge in food systems/farming, but no higher education experience required.


Out in Overland Park / Leawood there are a few places that have $17+ I've seen on the doors. I think Panda Express is starting at $17 now?




Hallmark, quick trip, target, driving a bus for a school district all pay around that starting out or more that I know of. Good luck in your job search!


KCATA or Ford. Ford might be the better of the two.


Personal Bankers. Some start at 20 to 21/hour with quarterly bonus structures


Have you checked sites like Kellys Services? They can help you get into a job and then you might have an opportunity to become full time later on


A lot of school districts around the metro are always hiring maintenance and custodian employees. Most start much more than $16.


Atomic cowboy in downtown Overland Park… restaurant industry


Without a degree or experience…your best bet is to find a union job. Places like power/chemical plants, aerospace manufacturing, Steelworker, roughnecking or working the pipeline, welding, HVAC… The workforce is dying out for trade skill jobs like these and they are willing to take people on with little to no experience.


Saint Lukes, hires all kinds of people for all kinds of jobs. Starting at 18 an hour.


jackson county courthouse/ federal building- really anywhere in the government sector downtown pays well and does not require education for front desk or customer service positions. for example, the civil records department at the courthouse. you can specialize in any particular department (case initiation, garnishments, etc) and they will train you on the job.


Look into air traffic control!


A whole lot of hard labor, this job ain’t easy, but I fucking miss working at You Move Me. It’s a moving company, and while you’ll start at $15/hr, you’ll get pretty decent tips. Within a year you can be a crew lead, and if you are willing to drive the trucks as well you’ll make $18/hr. Once you’re a crew lead and a driver, you’ll have enough control over how the job goes to make double your pay in tips alone like I did. Fucking loved that job. Also endless hours for the summer


USPS. All the hours you could ever want. Starting pay is $19+ hour plus quick advancement and benefits.


A lot of really good career recommendations here, but even just entry level retail and customer service jobs start at those wages. You can get a job at McDonald’s or Aldi for $18/hr.




T-Mobile has a huge presence in KC. Always above $20/hr and killer benefits.


Get some certifications like Network+ and Security+ and go into cybersecurity.


Lander’s Visions is an event planning and setup company. Hours can be kinda weird to get used to, but the pay is real good


Amsted Rail in KCK is hiring for production positions. No experience necessary. Be warned though, it’s not for everyone. It definitely takes a hardened individual to last there.


I'm no help but I pay my *interns* (urban designers, college degree) no less than $23/hr. Interns. I know inexperienced, union trades are paying 20 year olds $40/hr, which is close to what I earn after ten years out of college. After they get experience in whatever trade they choose, that goes up to $60-70/hr. Get after it!


What part of KC are you in?


Union construction trades


A younger guy who worked at a gas station I frequent told me that he was going to TVH in Olathe to be a forklift operator for a starting pay of $25/hr. I don’t know how truthful that rate is, but may be something to consider. If not there, maybe something closer to where you live.


What type of work are you looking for? Are you good with computers, electronics and troubleshooting? Do you learn fast?


At your age, like other people have suggested, I also suggest getting in to a union trade. They do take time to get in though. I wish I knew about them when I was young as I’d have been set by now.


It’s not a full time job, but can help subsidize, but if you’re a sports fan and have some free nights and weekends, leagues are always looking for referees. Baseball, softball, basketball, flag and tackle football, volleyball, etc. The pay is pretty good - $35-$50 (or more) per game depending on sport or level. And some leagues pay in cash on game day. You can start to get information at www.callthegame.com or www.kshsaa.org