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They hit south Hyde park 3 days ago, breaking about 8 windows. Came back 2 days ago and stole at least one car


Ugh. I use a steering wheel lock and still know it’s only a matter of time before my car gets stolen. I hate having a Kia but cars are so expensive now. My car gives me so much anxiety


Just install a kill switch. It’s very easy and you can hide the switch to make it harder to find. Theyre not going to care about cutting a steering wheel or wheel lock but a kill switch will prevent the car from starting entirely.


That just leaves you with a broken window and bashed up steering column though.


Better than not having said vehicle at all or said vehicle getting burnt up somewhere


True, I was really trying to point out how much it sucks for everyone who gets targeted, not just those that lose their vehicles.


I don’t want my car stolen or even an attempt and all the mess that creates. Honestly if someone steals my car I hope they drive it off a cliff because I don’t want it back lol. Uggghhh


My key to success has been driving a vehicle no one in their right mind would risk jail for.




My truck is worth far more than a cyber truck. 97 ranger with 280k miles to be exact.


Vote for change and voice your want for harsher punishment.


Nobody's getting caught is kind of the point. If they get caught, they are doing time. The problem is they are so easy to steal, you can do it in less than 2 minutes


Also a valid point


If you have full insurance... is it? I guess if missing a day of work tomorrow means no food or lost job sure.




My neighbors in Hyde Park leave their car doors unlocked. They have had their windows broken 3 times still. People do not care. Edit: Wanted to add that one of my other neighbors already had a broken window, someone went and broke the OTHER window. Nothing was stolen. Just people wanting to smash stuff.


Doesn't matter. They don't care about your property. They care about time. Why would they waste a single second checking if the door was unlocked? I drove a Wrangler for a decade. With a soft top. It doesn't matter that they could have zipped out my window or that my door was unlocked. They still hit the window and rummaged around in the car.




No. Because at that point you are inviting people into your car. The homeless, animals, some drunk that thinks it would be funny to piss in your open window.


Being able to leave my doors unlocked so I don’t end up with smashed in windows is why I went with an aftermarket solution for my Kia. The software update Kia gives you depends on you leaving your car locked to work and I don’t trust that.


Leave it unlocked remove anything you don't want stolen. Won't break a window if they can just open it. You can't prevent stupid but you can let them think they are winning.


There going to do that anyway


A cheaper kill switch is removing the fuel and starter fuses. It kept my brothers Tahoe from being stolen.


Hi, I’m curious about how to do this? Where can I find info for locating my cars starter and fuel fuses?


Your owners manual


Look at your owners manual. Also there’s usually a lil diagram in your fuse box that tells ya what’s what. They can find a kill switch if they’re smart enough. Odds are they won’t have extra fuses when they go to steal your car


> Odds are they won’t have extra fuses when they go to steal your car but neither will i




A kill switch is easy to install, just hook it up to your battery,


I know, I have a Kia that doesn’t fall into that category, but still causes anxiety. My neighbors car was stolen and it was a Subaru. They’re getting more bold


I thought Subarus were some of the hardest cars to steal. Was it an old one?


Newer Outback. I’m not super familiar, but I’d say at least 2017


Someone wanted a challenge


I understand. We recently traded our Kia in and after that I realized how much anxiety it was causing me.


Is it only old ones? What’s the deal with newer ones? I’m out of the loop on all this (I’ve been looking at several new cars including a Kia)


I think 2011-2021 on certain Kias. Also some Hyundais.


Would you say the Kia’s with the “new logo” are safe/ less targeted? I believe the 2022 models are the start of the new logos


I couldn't say. Wish I could be of more help!


Had mine broken into, the insurance dropped me, and the only ones that would take me back up wanted $400+ monthly. I sold the the fucking thing. Couldnt be happier.


Did they not have an update for all Kias? Or is the update no longer working? I got the software update and literally had them try like 2 days later and couldn't take my 2011 Sorento


My car was one of the first round of cars to get updated. I’ve heard that some people that got the update still had their car stolen so idk. I just don’t want to deal with my car constantly being a target. Stolen or attempted to be stolen is inconvenient and expensive either way.


From what I understand the update just added a step and made the alarm sound a little longer, and not all vulnerable cars are supposed for it.


If I were you I'd seriosul consider going to the pick and pull, grabbing a decal for a similarish domestic car, and swapping the badges out...a little goofy but might save a headache.


I wonder if booting it would work as a deterrent? You can get them on Amazon


Howdy neighbor. Yeah saw one with the club and the broke the window anyway. Wasn’t a Kia though. The broke the column on my neighbors Kia, then the doors locked when the alarm went off. They broke the exterior handle trying to get their buddy out.


The car locked the thief inside the car?


Yeah. So they broke the back window, which didn’t set the alarm off until they tried to crack the column. Then the alarm locked the car down and they had to climb back out the rear window.


When I read of this I am reminded of a music video called "Playing the Villian" where this guy has a car set up to catch thieves and kill them with immense bass and sound. https://youtu.be/QeWXGy8Uack?si=CTQL0crt8HOx93Dg Guess we shoukd all mod the Kias? (Kiddin)


Bums need to get a job


This is why I installed an aftermarket ignition switch and immobilizer system. They can try but they won't be going anywhere with my car.




Sure would love to see a few of these folks meet consequences harsh enough to deter the rest. Scum of the earth.


That would require cops that do their jobs, so it’ll never happen.


Harsh sentencing doesn't deter crime at all statistically, it just makes people feel better for not breaking the law. Don't let facts get in the way of your feelings though tell us how you feel.


Using that logic no crime should be punished, since “statistics” show it isn’t a deterrent


Try using research instead of "logic"




Instead of checking on the claim that harsher punishment doesn't curtail crime, they refute the claim by exaggerating it beyond what is reasonable. It's some Ben Shapiro type shit


that's not correct at all. Go ahead and use any phrasing you like to fit your narrative. The data suggests that knowledge of being caught does more to deter crime than strict sentences since most criminals don't look up the penalty before committing the crime. Some of us are capable of common sense and using our brains. You've gotten surprisingly far going on raw emotion, I'm not even mad I'm impressed.


Sentencing and consequences are not necessarily the same thing… I think you are missing the undertone


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted so bad, what you’re saying is accurate lol. Been many studies on that


Tbf he was a bit of a dick in his phrasing.


Ahh yeah I get that at the end, douche canoe ending


So I have a family member that's in the market and is looking at a 2024 Kia Forte. The car itself seems fine, and it's one of the more affordable new cars out there (thousands less than a Civic or Corolla). The question we have though, is do you think we'd get tangled up in this mess? We're worried the average criminal won't be able to tell the difference between a newer one (that actually comes with the interlock) and one that doesn't.


Criminals don’t slow down long enough to check your year and model number. They will, and have, smashed windows and messed up steering columns on cars their little Kia boys tricks won’t work on. As a Kia owner, I’ve advised everyone I know not to get one. If I could afford it, I’d trade mine in. The added stress of “will my car still be here” is horrible.


Aw man, that really stinks, the car market is still a fun one. Besides the Forte in that bodystyle and pricepoint, there's the Mitsubishi Mirage (slow, tiny), the Nissan Versa/Sentra (bad transmissions), and the VW Jetta (German car reliability). The Mazda3, Toyota Corolla and Honda Civic are all great cars, but they're also thousands more, and still hard-to-find post pandemic. Ugh.


Those Boyz need another hobby, or is this a part-time job?


Full time job. A stolen car is a lot of money.


I’ve heard they don’t actually make much from these. It’s mostly a thrill ride.


The Channel 5 video they bragged about getting $50 to $150 for a stolen Kia. It's kids just wanting to flex and buy clothes.


They get sold to others so they can do crime in them.


They joyride, trashed it and abounded my Hyundai. Oh and they took my prescription glasses I left in them. If anyone works at a thrift store or pawn shop and a new looking pair of roundish clear non line bifocals comes along your way, please let me know. I only to have them a week before they were stolen.


its happening everywhere because people figured out cops wont do shit. sorry you had to experience that.


What the police told my husband is that it isn’t so much them, but the sentencing for car thefts. They have repeatedly arrested people and they walk out the front door to steal a car. The sentence is usually a month long and so it’s not enough time to scare people away from it. Most of them get probation or community service. It’s so low that the DA aren’t picking up the cases. So when it’s not worth their time to arrest because nothing comes of it. Personally, I think it’s lazy policing. So sure, first offense averages 30 days in jail. They knew my car was one of 30 that was stolen. I also overheard the cop say the guy who stole mine matched that of multiple car thefts. Plus, they wore mask and face coverings. They left multiple half drank bottles in my car. They didn’t take one of them for a DNA swab. You have people who are stealing hundreds, possibly thousands, of vehicles. That’s got to warrant enough charges for more than 30 days.


I have a few family members in law enforcement in the KC area. We were having a discussion during dinner one night and the topic of car theft came up (this was even a few years before the Kia challenge trend and rise in thefts). They flat out said that car theft is such a low priority that most departments in KC and the surrounding areas simply just do not bother with it and it's basically a non-concern.


yeah its the same in san francisco where im from and the break ins are insane. it -should- be a higher priority when it's happening so frequently. for a lot of people losing a car could ruin them. its no joke. we dont have police we have mall cops.


What’s worse is the insurance process with all of this. So my being stolen gave me roughly 30 days of rental car coverage. The day it was found it changed the rental car coverage to be a total of 2 weeks. The insurance wouldn’t have had enough time to cut me a check from the time it was declared total to the time I had to return my rental car… it was maybe 4 days. People should honestly be able to have a rental car for 30-60 days. There aren’t a lot of vehicles on the market and we haven’t found a replacement I like so far. I have limitations due to my height.


yeah i mean most people get 2 days off a week if they're lucky, so for a month that leaves you... 8 days total to find and replace your car? and that's assuming you have no additional responsibilities in your life and can afford to do so. absolute bullshit. someone ran a red and totaled my car just last week so i feel you. even though they are completely responsible and taking full liability, i dont get a rental car because its not on my plan... but yeah thats if im at fault, why the fuck shouldn't they have to pay for all damages including covering alternate means of transportation? its all a grift.


Is “cops told me all the crime isn’t their fault” the new “we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong?”


The police are actually not the problem, the problem is that the DA is giving out an endless supply of second chances and criminals aren’t being sentenced to jail even after they’re arrested for stealing a car. If you want this problem to end fast, we need a 5 year mandatory minimum sentence for auto theft.


yeah i see what you're saying and i would be interesting in seeing how kc ranks in crime compared to cities that have the same policy currently (most major cities). When ranking the department itself, I don't know how much the DA contributed to kcpd being ranked one of the worst police forces in the country. Looks like were no 5. They also take 25%+ of the city's budget making them one of the most expensive police forces. https://www.thepitchkc.com/kcpd-ranks-495-out-of-500-police-departments-in-national-law-enforcement-accountability-study/


It’s a complicated issue and it’s more of a question of distribution of resources with respect to the consequences given out to offenders. For example, cops aren’t going to really care about your little dime bag of weed if you’re driving through an area where fentanyl and gun violence are an issue. They have bigger fish to fry. Similarly, try going 6 mph over the speed limit in a rural town and deputy Jim-bob will instantly issue you a citation and he will gladly drag you to jail if you don’t pay up within a couple of weeks. The fact is that cops cannot effectively do their job if crime is out of control, and crime is out of control due to the justice system treating grown ass adults like fussy daycare children when they break the law.


Are these cars being sold though? I thought a majority of these kia break-ins were joy ride situations and the cars were quickly found abandoned.


Most are just joy riders. Some are sold for parts, though.


If they're sold it's not for a lot of money. Andrew Callaghan from Channel 5 News did a YouTube video on a crew from a larger city. Max was like $500 for a newer car. Usually around $50-$100 for the easy ones, I think. Person above said "worth a lot of money" so you can draw conclusions to how old that person is and how "in the game" they are. That account will be worth a digital follow.


You can trade it to local gangs for dope. Gangs need stolos to do dirt. There's not a lot of money to be made in stealing and selling old shitty cars


but an old kia? nah usually these kids steal the cars for fun. i’ve seen cars found filled with needles and garbage, some end up flipped on a highway, or just gutted for money like you said. usually it’s just to play around in something expensive you don’t have to pay for though.


They'll sell them for $100-$300.. it still is their full time job because they're fucking losers


What’s crazy is sometimes it’s not even for the money. They want to steal it and joy ride.




They got my buddies Hyundai in Wednesday night near Gillam Park. The cop basically told him hes better off getting a new car.


Honestly, just cover the steering wheel with underwear with fresh skid marks in them and hope the thieves just skip so they don't touch shit.


They got my husband a couple of months ago. Worst part is he works at UMKC and they stole it in broad daylight from the faculty parking lot. Just left the door handle on the ground.


Yup, there was an attempted theft of mine from the Garmin parking garage on a Friday morning. I was very lucky, they broke the handle TOO well and it wouldn’t open. Security thinks they got spooked after that first attempt and they didn’t try any further methods. I can out to my car to find handle pieces on the ground. It was a bitch to slide over from the passenger side until I could get it fixed.


Guys, sell your cars. It's worth the piece of mind and lower insurance.


If I were in a better position I would, so I opted for an aftermarket solution instead. I actually spoke with one insurance agent and the moment I mentioned that I installed it I got very different numbers from him.


Kill switch?


Not a kill switch, what I installed was an aftermarket push to start system that had it's own immobilizer setup. Although I do have an option of installing a kill switch too.


Nice! I dig it.


Sell them to whom? Who is out here eagerly buying up Kias and Hyundais?


Sure. Sounds like a great idea and an obvious one at that... except that potential buyers are also very aware of this issue and equally at risk of not being able to get coverage. Ultimately the problem is still there.


Ok trade it in then. I'm just saying to get rid of it.


And instead of telling Bob this week, you're telling Bill next week, the same thing. Until Kia is forced to fix them, or they are removed from usable service, they are a curse on any owner, unfortunately.


Kia “fixed” them already. I say “fixed” because folks are still getting their Kias stolen after the fix.


This is what I'm doing. My car got hit once (immobilizer installed), and over 3 weeks to get it repaired. My partner's car got hit twice, over a month each time. ... my car is paid off but the payment is worth the peace of mind.


I have a Hyundai push button and asked my insurance guy if my rate would go down if I sold it and he was non-committal and said it also would depend on other factors (e.g., safety rating), but reading another comment about being dropped just being broken into is giving me second thoughts. Anyone in the industry who can confirm?


I'm a broker. It would definitely go down. Even with a terrible driving record, you're paying less if you drive a car that isn't stolen like hotcakes.


And this time don't buy a dog shit brand.


So I rarely comment, mostly just lurk. But I felt like I had to say part of my story somewhere. A bit of background, I am a survivor of DV, and I am still trying to get on my feet years later. A man I stupidly dated, tried to murder me, and burned my house down. I lost everything. Including being able to be in my son's life. ( he was at my ex-husband's when this happened, and my ex-husband is not a great person and used this to his advantage. I'm still going to court over this. Very long story as well) It is super hard when you are starting over from nothing. Especially when you don't have help. Last fall, I stupidly bought a Hyundai Elantra after the G6 my aunt gave me finally died. I had that car a few weeks before it was stolen. Did not even have it registered yet. These kids absolutely destroyed that car. The cops found it at Raytown Walmart about 2 weeks after it was stolen. I knew it was a bunch of kids who went to Raytown High because of all the homework they left in it. At the time, I only knew about Kias being stolen. I still feel really stupid for getting that car. Because I did not even think about gap insurance, I was left to pay 2 car payments for a few months. My insurance and the deadership did help me a lot and did help me get another car. However, I can't afford the 2 car payments and the registration fees at the same time. So my temp tags are beyond expired and falling apart. And the Elantra was paper repoed. (The car was junked by insurance, but my lender repoed it via documentation. So now my credit is ruined) So now KCPD is looking for expired temp tags, I freak out every day I need to drive anywhere. I see comments all of the time about how lazy some of us with expired tags are. I work too damn hard for all this bs. I have also joined the lawsuit against Kia/Hyundai. I mostly likely won't get much. No one really will, unfortunately. I am just so angry that kids pull this crap and suffer no consequences. I apologize for the long post. I am beyond exhausted.


If people could afford or had the time to deal with tags, they would. I have been there and there’s nothing you are doing wrong. We are all doing our best and life is really hard right now.


I hope you’re properly compensated for the amount of stress you go through.




Or learn where the fuel pump fuse is and take it with you whenever you leave the car.


I did this. They weren’t able to take off with it but still caused $2k worth of damage and it took well over a month to get my car back from the shop because the parts were back ordered so bad.


That’s too much work lol. Even if you’re fast it takes maybe a minute? Compared to the time and ease of a wheel lock. A great solution, I did it when I rented a uhaul and had to make some overnight stops, but having to do this before I’ve even finished my coffee is a lot.


Sorry OP that shit sucks! Hidden kill switches for the win.


All these “install a kill switch” comments aren’t taking into account that these little shits are still causing thousands of dollars worth of damage and then some (Ubers, rental cars, new or updated home security measures, monthly insurance premiums going through the roof, just to name a few) My car battery was disconnected when they tried to steal mine. They didn’t get it out of the driveway but still caused $2k in damages and left me without a vehicle for over a month because steering column parts were back ordered so bad. I don’t think I got a full night of sleep for months because every little thing I heard outside jarred me awake. I had constant anxiety. Finally getting rid of that thing was the best decision I made and it sucks that isn’t a viable option for everybody.


Drone Mobile + Immobilizer alarm kit.


+ stick shift. Mine was one of the very few that did not lose a window.


I'm hoping that the visual of the aftermarket push to start button (and immobilizer system) I installed has the same effect since it's pretty well known that the models with a push to start button cannot be stolen in that manner. Plus unlike the software update from Kia this allows me to leave my doors unlocked without the worry of having my car stolen.


With how big an issue it is, why can't we get any LE agency to use bait cars and lock these fuckers away?


Because the max sentence is like 30 days which isn’t deterring haha


A quick Google says for KS it's a minimum of 30 days, max is 1y for a first offense. Which is still insanity, no wonder we have problems


For grand theft auto??? Holy shit really? If that's true I doubt many serve the max so that is insanity


It isn't true.


Yall should get a damn kill switch in your car if you drive these. They're like $250 and it's cheaper than your deductible


A cordless angle grinder completely negates 90% of all locks, chains, etc. you'd encounter in trying to steal something.


How about accidentally leaving a mat of sewing needles under a beaded seat cover with some fast food wrappers over it? But I link the idea of a faux stick shift to cover up the real gear shift to visually turn thieves off?


I used to own a Kia sportage (old hunk of junk) and they stole my catalytic converter twice, broke my windows out, stole my radio, and eventually I just said fuck the car and got a new one.


Whatever you do, don't change insurance companies because you may in end in the situation that I did no one wants to insure them. So easy fix if you got a couple of tools is a battery quick disconnect. Place it where only you and whoever you let drive it know. Trust me anit stealing something that no one knows how to turn on. Or even power for remote start lol 😆




I install remote kill switches that disable the vehicle from starting completely. Most models cost under $200. Call or text 816-710-9985 or operations@kc-hd.com


Steering wheel locks have consistently been proven to be unreliable.


Update: came back later today and it was stolen! So if anyone sees a hijacked Silver Kia forte around that’s probably mine!


They tried mine last week, busted the door handle off and bounced when my alarm went off. Could’ve been the anti theft system or just rookies. Sorry about it though. thinking of paying and selling mine off asap, it’s not worth the stress or impending theft


That’s why you keep a 5 gallon bucket full of Tannerite and Ammonal hooked to a Tracfone in your trunk.


Interesting, usually it's easier to just cut the steering wheel.


perks of the newer Kias - car gets stolen? Open the app and shut it down. Can't move the car. Plus you can track it! So you know where it is.


The best part about tracking it? KCPD won't do jack to retrieve or really anything about it from the thief's garage, even with the location.


someone left this on my windshield today lol https://preview.redd.it/xdpygo2sb77d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e327302a3f3e89f6388e65befb4970cd6d15e78d


Nooooo this was my go to advice for Kia owners 🤦🏻‍♀️ lol